64 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Apr 2024
    1. when provided with identical source code, input data, software, and computing environment configurations, that an independent party can exactly reproduce the results of the original work -- especially published results. Thi

      The reproduction of the original source giving as a result the same source code, input data, software and configurations in the system might be considered as Computational reproducibility

  3. Jan 2024
    1. computational boundary of the self notion is simply a way to try to be able to think about very diverse kinds of uh beings diverse kinds 00:08:12 of intelligences all all on one scale

      for: purpose - computational boundary of self - it's utility is to have one idea that can help define intelligence non-anthropomorphically, not just of humans

    2. it's easy for us to look at us and think okay we're 30 trillion human cells give or take we're about 39 trillion bacterial cells at what point do we consider ourselves bacteria or at what point do we consider ourselves 00:07:46 human

      for - question - identity - individual cell vs multicellular organism

      question - identity - individual cell vs multicellular organism - This is a fascinating question as it looks at our evolutionarily composite nature - as a multi-scale competency architecture - Certainly our ordinary consciousness operates as the governance system for the entire population of collaborating cells and microbes - but can we actually directly identify with each individual cell or microbe in this vast integrated collection? - how does Levin's computational boundary of self help to shed light on this question?

    1. there are certain areas within CSS that are reluctant to adopt rigorous scientific practices from other fields, which can be observed through an overreliance on passively collected data (e.g., through digital traces, wearables) without questioning the validity of such data.
    2. as Computational Social Science (CSS) grows up, it must strike a balance between its own practices and those of neighboring disciplines to achieve scientific rigor and refine its identity.
    1. computational social science as an interdisciplinary scientific field in which contributions develop and test theories or provide systematic descriptions of human, organizational, and institutional behavior through the use of computational methods and practices.
  4. Sep 2023
    1. Given that the array of tokens grows with the amount of code we have in a file, that doesn't sound ideal. There are more efficient algorithms to search a value in an array that we can use rather than going through every element in the array. Replacing that line with a binary search for example cuts the time in half.
    1. an overview of the paper
      • for: paper overview, paper overview - the computational boundary of a self
      • paper overview

        • motivated by 2018 Templeton Foundation conference to present idea on unconventional and diverse intelligence
        • Levin was interested in any conceivable type of cognitive system and was interested in find a way to universally characterize them all

          • how are they detected
          • how to understand them
          • how to relate to them and
          • how to create them
        • Levin had been thinking about this for years

        • Levin adopts a cybernetic definition of intelligence proposed by William James that focuses on the competency to reach a defined goal by different paths
        • Navigation plays a critical role in this defiinition.
    2. the computational boundary of a self
  5. Oct 2022
  6. Aug 2022
  7. Jul 2022
    1. This course is an introduction to computational theories of human cognition. Drawing on formal models from classic and contemporary artificial intelligence, we will explore fundamental issues in human knowledge representation, inductive learning and reasoning. What are the forms that our knowledge of the world takes?


  8. Mar 2022
  9. Jan 2022
  10. Nov 2021
    1. Grimmer & Stewart (2013) - Text as Data: The Promise and Pitfalls of Automatic ContentAnalysis Methods for Political Texts

  11. Aug 2021
  12. Jul 2021
  13. Jun 2021
  14. Apr 2021
  15. Mar 2021
  16. Sep 2020
  17. Jul 2020
  18. Jun 2020
  19. May 2020
  20. Dec 2019
  21. May 2019
  22. Oct 2018
    1. Recent reviews on DFT may be found in Jones and Gunnarsson (1989) and Dreizler andGross (1990)

      This is before the PAW method came along (Blochl '94), so probably nothing method-specific.

  23. Aug 2018
    1. In contrast, activities of invention almost always progress towards the creation of new or better things but not necessarily through refi nement. Normally we invent by combining a set of things we already understand how to create into larger, more complex, or more capable things that did not previously exist.

      The purpose of HCI as invention:

      • "understanding can sometimes decrease" due to complexity of making things

      • "things are more capable"

    2. Activities of discovery can have a variety of aims, including generating rich, empirically based descriptions, and creating new theoretical understandings

      The purpose of HCI as discovery:

      •"form framing truths"

      • elaborate to "progress toward improved understandings"

      • refined to "explain more phenomena or to be more predictive"

      • "developing and testing competing ideas"

    3. Another way of understanding technical HCI research is by contrasting it with other types of technical work that is not research. For our purposes, research can be seen as having the creation of reusable knowledge at its core. More specifi cally technical HCI research emphasizes knowledge about how to create something (invention) but also knowledge that might be reused to assist in the creation of a whole class of similar things or even multiple types of different things.

      HCI research definition. Contrast this with the previous development-based definition.

    4. In an interdisciplinary setting such as HCI, we often shift between disciplines that have stable and functional but potentially con-tradictory world views. In doing so, we are confronted with the need to select and use (or at least appreciate, understand, and evaluate) a wide range of methods and with them a wide range of expectations and values.

      The interdiscipliinary nature of HCI provides an impetus to consider non-STEM perspectives but can also reveal frictions between approaches, practices, values, and goals.

    5. Technical HCI focuses on the technology and improvement aspects of this task—it seeks to use technology to solve human problems and improve the world. To accom-plish this, the fundamental activity of technical HCI is one of invention —we seek to use technology to expand what can be done or to fi nd how best to do things that can already be done.

      HCI definition

  24. Jul 2018
    1. How strange! She looked up at the pale sky, and all she thought was, “Yes, it was the most successful party.”

      There is no denying that Laura thinks a party with the dead is not a successful party. So I supposed that it is a verbal irony. There are also many ironies in The Moonstone. How can we track the irony through a computational method? I think this example of irony gives me an inspiration. There are some passive words which indicate the meaning that is ostensibly expressed in this paragraph, but "the most successful" are positive words. The strong contrast can be a typical symbol for the computer to recognize irony.

  25. Mar 2018
  26. Oct 2017
  27. Sep 2017
    1. Do you have questions about how best to moderate your online community? CivilServant, software created at the MIT Center for Civic Media, helps online communities do your own A/B tests of moderation practices.

      This is an interesting SaaS system for exploring how to create good moderation systems.

  28. Jul 2016
    1. I always found it incredible. He would start with some problem, and fill up pages with calculations. And at the end of it, he would actually get the right answer! But he usually wasn’t satisfied with that. Once he’d gotten the answer, he’d go back and try to figure out why it was obvious. And often he’d come up with one of those classic Feynman straightforward-sounding explanations. And he’d never tell people about all the calculations behind it. Sometimes it was kind of a game for him: having people be flabbergasted by his seemingly instant physical intuition, not knowing that really it was based on some long, hard calculation he’d done.

      Straightforward intuition isn't just intuition.

  29. Mar 2016
    1. It reminds me of the New Math of the 1960s, which fashioned mathematics in a dramatically more abstract, more analytic way than before. And if Johnny Can’t Add with the new math, maybe Jenny Won’t Code with an overly abstract presentation of computing. Papert points us in the opposite direction

      It’s a source of power to do something and figure things out, in a dance between the computer and our thoughts. The inversion, starting with computing as a formal thing to understand and then come to the application later, takes away its power.

    2. One striking comment follows a couple of pages later, where the phrase “computer-aided instruction” evokes in Papert the unappealing idea that “the computer is being used to program the child” — his vision, of course, is that the child must program the computer.
    3. In 1980, Seymour Papert published the book “Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas” [2]. Papert was co-director, under Marvin Minsky, of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory from 1967 to 1981. Previously, he had worked with Jean Piaget in Geneva. Piaget was a developmental psychologist best known for pioneering the learning theory known as constructivism: simply put, that learners construct new knowledge (in their minds) from the interaction of their experiences with previous knowledge. Papert, in turn, developed the theory of constructionism, adding the notion that learning is enhanced when the learner is engaged in “constructing a meaningful product.”