- Sep 2024
dl.acm.org dl.acm.org
Therefore, similar to Ribes et al. in their study of domain [113], the epistemic positions we propose aim to provide conceptual tools for reasoning about different styles of organizing creativity-oriented research practices in HCI.
David Ribes' work explores the definition of domain in computing and data science; offers insight into how studying domains helps organize computational systems.
- Jul 2024
github.com github.com
The Computational Democracy Project
We bring data science to deliberative democracy, so that governance may better reflect the multidimensionality of the public's will.
- Jan 2024
epjdatascience.springeropen.com epjdatascience.springeropen.com
there are certain areas within CSS that are reluctant to adopt rigorous scientific practices from other fields, which can be observed through an overreliance on passively collected data (e.g., through digital traces, wearables) without questioning the validity of such data.
as Computational Social Science (CSS) grows up, it must strike a balance between its own practices and those of neighboring disciplines to achieve scientific rigor and refine its identity.
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
computational social science as an interdisciplinary scientific field in which contributions develop and test theories or provide systematic descriptions of human, organizational, and institutional behavior through the use of computational methods and practices.
- Aug 2022
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Zhao, W. J., Coady, A., & Bhatia, S. (2021). Computational mechanisms for context-based behavioral interventions: A large-scale analysis. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/8cyad
Atari, M., Reimer, N. K., Graham, J., Hoover, J., Kennedy, B., Davani, A. M., Karimi-Malekabadi, F., Birjandi, S., & Dehghani, M. (2021). Pathogens Are Linked to Human Moral Systems Across Time and Space. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/tnyh9
- social and behavioral science
- infectious diseases
- morality
- COVID-19
- pathogen
- cultural difference
- psychiatry
- lang:en
- moral behavior
- loyalty
- moral foundation theory
- US
- computational linguistics
- cross-cultural psychology
- culture
- care
- cultural psychology
- research
- social and personality psycholgy
- evolution
- moral code
- behavioral science
- adaptive moral system
- is:preprint
- Pathogen Avoidance
- linguistics
- purity
- Jul 2022
ocw.mit.edu ocw.mit.edu
This course is an introduction to computational theories of human cognition. Drawing on formal models from classic and contemporary artificial intelligence, we will explore fundamental issues in human knowledge representation, inductive learning and reasoning. What are the forms that our knowledge of the world takes?
- Jan 2022
- Jul 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Palminteri, S. (2021). Choice-confirmation bias and gradual perseveration in human reinforcement learning [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dpqj6
- Jun 2021
Burton, J. W., Cruz, N., & Hahn, U. (2021). Reconsidering evidence of moral contagion in online social networks. Nature Human Behaviour. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-021-01133-5
- Mar 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Knowles, R., Mateen, B. A., & Yehudi, Y. (2021). We need to talk about the lack of investment in digital research infrastructure. Nature Computational Science, 1(3), 169–171. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43588-021-00048-5
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Nsoesie, E. O., Oladeji, O., Abah, A. S. A., & Ndeffo-Mbah, M. L. (2021). Forecasting influenza-like illness trends in Cameroon using Google Search Data. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 6713. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-85987-9
- May 2020
www.annualreviews.org www.annualreviews.org
Edelmann, A., Wolff, T., Montagne, D., & Bail, C. A. (2020). Computational Social Science and Sociology. Annual Review of Sociology, 46(1), annurev-soc-121919-054621. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-soc-121919-054621
- Oct 2017
www.gdeltproject.org www.gdeltproject.org
A Global Database of Society
- Sep 2017
civilservant.io civilservant.io
Do you have questions about how best to moderate your online community? CivilServant, software created at the MIT Center for Civic Media, helps online communities do your own A/B tests of moderation practices.
This is an interesting SaaS system for exploring how to create good moderation systems.