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  1. Last 7 days
  2. Sep 2023
    1. In a sense, there is already a parallel polis in many countries, including The Netherlands. It’s just that the people living in this parallel culture haven’t yet discovered each other.
      • for: cosmolocal, cosmolocal parallel polis
      • comments
        • apply cosmolocalism to nework
    2. A parallel polis is not an escapist fantasy of retreating to communes and gated communities. It’s about building horizontal, convivial relationships with one another, which over time can give rise to a prefigurative new order. In a parallel polis, people can start where they are – with their local circumstances and personal talents and shared needs – and begin do what needs to be done.
      • for: TPF
      • comment
        • TPF has same goal
        • can use the language of parallel polis
    3. I draw inspiration and guidance from Václav Havel, the Czech playwright.  When he and other cultural dissidents in the 1970s faced a totalizing, repressive system impervious to change – in his case, the totalitarian Czech government – Havel had a counter-intuitive response.  He called for the development of a "parallel polis." A parallel polis is a community-created safe space in which people can mutually support each other, directly produce what they need, and build a kind of shadow society – outside of the machinery of the dominant political system.

      -for: parallel polis, parallel alternative society, Vaclev Havel, definition, definition - parallel polis

      • definition: parallel polis
        • a community-created safe space in which people can mutually support each other, directly produce what they need, and build a kind of shadow society – outside of the machinery of the dominant political system.
  3. Nov 2022
  4. Aug 2022
  5. Sep 2021
    1. re had evolved, which the propagandists of discipline regarded with dismay. Josiah Tucker, the dean of Gloucester, declared in 1745 that "the lower class of people" were utterly degenerated. Foreigners (he sermonized) found "the common people of our populous cities to be the most abandoned, and licentious wretches on earth

      Such brutality and insolence, such debauchery and extravagance, such idleness, irreligion, cursing and swearing, and contempt of all rule and authority ... Our people are drunk with the cup of liberty.

      This sounds eerily like some of the same sorts of fears, uncertainties, and doubt that middle America has about our bigger cities. Though I'll note that broadly they feel like they're the party of "liberty" now.

      This is an interesting data point in the long-running contention between the city and the countryside that seems to dominate large swaths of human history.

  6. Mar 2020
    1. Enligt Polismyndighetens riktlinjer ska en konsekvensbedömning göras innan nya polisiära verktyg införs, om de innebär en känslig personuppgiftbehandling. Någon sådan har inte gjorts för det aktuella verktyget.

      Swedish police have used Clearview AI without any 'consequence judgement' having been performed.

      In other words, Swedish police have used a facial-recognition system without being allowed to do so.

      This is a clear breach of human rights.

      Swedish police has lied about this, as reported by Dagens Nyheter.

  7. Sep 2013
    1. Indeed no one may rely on the honesty of his life as a guarantee that he will be able to live securely in Athens; for the men who have chosen to neglect what is their own and to plot against what belongs to others do not keep their hands off citizens who live soberly and bring before you only those who do evil; on the contrary, they advertise their powers in their attacks upon men who are entirely innocent, and so get more money from those who are clearly guilty.24

      This might seem very far from what we'd consider as civic engagement, but is it?