204 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. I just got a 1950 version of this KMG this week in medium rough shape too. (My 7th Royal and my 2nd Standard)

      Looks like a Royal KMG with the Henry Dreyfuss glass tombstone keys in Gray Frieze paint. https://typewriterdatabase.com/Royal.KMG.72.bmys

      Mine has some minor carriage issues that I'm hoping clear up with some cleaning. Otherwise it may need some tools and internal repair work and/or parts. If yours is generally working, a good cleaning and oiling should get you going: https://boffosocko.com/2024/08/09/on-colloquial-advice-for-degreasing-cleaning-and-oiling-manual-typewriters/

      Diagram of parts: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/RoyalKMGdiagram.jpg

      Manual of the prior model KMM which preceeded it, so the functionalilty should be almost exactly the same: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/RoyalKMM.pdf (Royal Standard internals were almost exactly the same from the Ten (1909) through the FP/Empress (1966).)

      Home Study Course in Typewriter Repair and Service: ca. 1959, published by the Typewriter Repair School in Little Falls, New Jersey. Focuses on the Royal KMM among others: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/homestudycourse.pdf

      See also:<br /> - https://typewriterdatabase.com/manuals.php - https://typewriterdatabase.com/1968-Ames_Standard_SVC.royal-repair.manual - https://typewriterdatabase.com/1960-Ames_Gen_Cat_10-March.royal-parts-01.manual

      Searching on YouTube for cleaning and repair advice should help out a lot. Phoenix Typewriter has some solid videos on related models (search also the Royal X (ten), KH, KHM, KMM, KMG, HH, FP, and Empress which are all roughly the same internals with slightly different body styles.)

      If you need some basic typewriter 101, try: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJtHauPh529XYHI5QNj5w9PUdi89pOXsS

      reply to u/MajesticWear5478 https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1g1i440/tips_for_cleaning_and_fixing_a_1949_royal/#lightbox

  2. May 2024
    1. Link to academic resources, as appropriate (such as Office of Disability Services, Learnin

      linking to student resources

    2. The content needs to be grounded instated course learning goals and be organized into content segments/modules.a. Structure the course to support the learning goals.b. Arrange the course content in a linear, logical structure, and organize the content intomanageable segments/modules.c. Use consistent organizational structure, color scheme, and textual components throughoutthe course to help students navigate the course.d. Provide course materials (graphics, media, documents, etc.) in accessible formats (ADACompliance for Online Course Design).

      Course organization

    3. ate overall course learning goals clearly and measurably

      Learning objectives stated

    1. Clarity is key: Provide crystal-clear instructions for assignments and grading criteria. Avoid confusing instructions. For example, students expressed frustration with assignment details being posted in the LMS but professors requesting submissions via email. Stay in the loop: Communicate with students by offering due dates, announcements, and calendar reminders. Timely and clear feedback on grades on the LMS empower students to track their progress effectively.

      details for assignments in LMS

    2. Post everything: Make sure all relevant course materials, such as the syllabus, grading scales, study guides, lecture slides, assignment instructions, and rubrics, are readily available on the LMS.

      Post all resources

    3. Structuring course materials in a clear and consistent manner is paramount. Use folders and course menus to group related materials, ensuring that everything is easily accessible. For example, some of our instructors have folders for each week with readings and assignments, while others choose to organize by chapters or units.

      course design - organizing by content subject matter - or chronologically

    1. For completing tasks such as reading instructions, submit-ting an assignment, and posting to the discussion board,a chronological layout was more efficient. Figures 7 and 8are an example of individual participant’s gaze plot for eachgroup while completing the second task of reading the assign-ment instructions. The visualizations show that when giventhe instruction to complete a task by week or module, thechronological layout was more compelling at guiding partici-pant’s visual attention to the weekly modules on the naviga-tion menu. Not to mention, those in the Chronological groupcommitted fewer mistakes than participants in the Functionalgroup for all instructional activities, with the exception oflocating grades.What was les

      to find instructions, and assignments and discussion boards - modules was the most effective.

    2. Functional group completed the prescribed tasks fasterthan the participants in the Chronological group. In particu-lar, the completion time was faster in the Functional group forstudents to locate the syllabus, look up their grades, and findthe help link. With the precise name of the link to the coursesyllabus directly at the top of the main navigation area, it wasextremely easy for participants to find correctly without delay.Similarly, looking up grades and finding the help link wasstraight-forward in the functional layout.

      with modules you still have this

    3. Some participants alsocommented on the lack of organization with the menu items orhaving extra menu items that were not used in the course, whichled to confusion.

      issues Lack of organization in menu items extra menu items

    4. Chronological group (M= 4.51, SD = .43) reported a higherease of use overall than participants in the Functional group

      Chronological group reported higher ease of use

    5. shown in Table 5. Overall, participants in theChronological group were more successful at finding thelocation for completing the prescribed instructional activities,than those in the Functional grou

      Chronological group were more successful with fewer questions, than functional group.

      I am thinking that chronological would use modules and "functional" would not - students would simply go to assignments etc.

    6. As shown in Figure 3, participants reportedthat submitting assignments and checking their grades werethe most common activities, followed by reviewing classannouncements and completing quizzes or tests

      Most common activities of students in LMS Submitting assignments checking grades

    7. The overarching motivation behind this line of research isan interest in developing course sites that are potentially moreintuitive to navigate for students, which could potentiallyenhance student learning experiences through the reductionof extraneous cognitive load (Sweller, 2016).

      Course design should reduce cognitive load

    8. usability looks at how easy the interface is to use andconsists of five quality components: learnability, efficiency, mem-orability, errors, and satisfaction

      usability - learnability efficiency memorability errors satisfaction

    9. One area that is typically not discussed in faculty training ishow to design a course in the LMS. Without sufficient training,courses tend to suffer from a lack of attention to design (R.Oliver, 1999) and design plays a key role in how learnersinteract with the LMS

      course design plays a key role in learner success

    10. such, it is reasonable to infer that if a student cannot interactwith the LMS or find the content required, then the student’ssatisfaction would decrease (Green, Inan, & Denton, 2012;Inversini, Botturi, & Triacca, 2006) or performance wouldbe hindered (Wang, 2010). Thus, faculty learning how todesign an intuitive user interface in an LMS is necessary inorder to ease the interaction between the learner and thecontent

      good interface design impacts learning

    11. Students in the Functional group completed a set of typical instructional activities slightly faster overall than participants in the Chronological group. However, students in the Chronological group reported a higher ease of use and needed less help completing the activities.

      functional vs chronological findings

    12. The lines between the design of content and the design ofthe functionality in future learning systems is becomingmore blurred. With ambitions of providing adaptive andcustom-designed learning experiences, even in face-to-facesettings, more and more instructional activities are delivereddigitally. It seems timely for the fields of education and userexperience (UX) to be integrated for the benefit of studentsacross all levels in all disciplines.

      even face-to-face settings content design and functionality design are blurring for course resources

    13. the ideal course layout is a balance of both functional andchronological elements. The findings directly apply to instruc-tors at universities and colleges who teach using an LMS, byway of possibly helping instructors design their course sites inan informed, intuitive way for students.

      Need a balance of functional and chronological elements in course design

    1. hat an architecture of engagement has beenintentionally created for the course and that the use ofactive learning strategies is intended to assure a highquality, transformative educational experience equivalent orgreater to face-to-face learning experiences,

      I like that we are encouraged to explain purpose of course activities.

    2. How often do students need to log in to participate?• How much time should they set aside weekly to spend oncoursework?• Is the course entirely asynchronous, or are theresynchronous activities? If there are synchronousactivities, are they optional or required?• Which tools in the learning management system (LMS)will be used?• Where should students look for updates and breakingnews about the course (e.g., announcements, emailmessages, discussion forums)?• How is the course structured (e.g., by week or module, byproject milestone)?• What does a typical week’s or unit’s work entail in thecourse?• Are any external tools or digital courseware required? Ifso, how should students register?• What are the major assessments in the course, andwhen during the semester do they take place? If thereare papers or long-term projects, what are the majormilestones?• Where can students find important due dates?• If there are exams, are there proctoring requirements?• Are there any unusual requirements that require advancecoordination or travel, such as group work, field trips,observations, or interviews

      Course orientation questions

    3. the rubric also requires that certifiedcourses include an introduction for learners that explainsthe purpose and structure of the course, including “how thelearning process is structured and carried out, includingcourse schedule, delivery modalities (online or blended),modes of communication, types of learning activities, andhow learning will be assessed” (p. 8).

      Course orientation

    1. The designer of online courses needs to consider how he or she and others teachinga course will be able to leverage design features such as built-in interactions andavenues for communication

      instructor presence

    2. Clearly set expectations and how instructors see their role in class discussions (asDennen, 2005, found, there is not one right way to facilitate discussions) (Shea,Hayes, & Vickers, 2010)• Add humor when appropriate (e.g., post content-related comic strips) (seeGunawardena & Zittle, 1997; Rourke et al., 1999; Sung & Mayer, 2012; Wiseet al., 2004)

      Could you create "master courses" that allow instructors to select some things - instructor choice - to allow more instructor presence.

    3. to design courses that reflect not only your personality but also,most importantly, your own instructional values

      argument for allowing faculty to have some control over course design.

    4. investigated instructor social presence in accelerated onlinecourses which the instructors did not design and in which they did not have authoringaccess to the courses. In courses like these, the instructors could only share things aboutthemselves—and that they were “real” and “there”—through the course discussions andthe grade book. In this mixed-methods exploratory study that focused solely on analyzingonline course discussions, Lowenthal found that instructors spent some time establishingtheir own social presence (e.g., greetings and salutations, inclusive language, empathy)but that they quickly shifted their focus from social presence behaviors to teaching pres-ence behaviors (e.g., dealing with course logistics), most likely because of the lack of timein eight-week accelerated online courses

      instructor presence in courses they did not design or have the ability to modify

    5. concept of intimacy (Argyle & Dean, 1965), which in instructional terms can be thoughtof as supporting and meeting the needs of individual learners. Although an instructor’ssocial presence, and specifically this type of immediacy and intimacy, depends largelyon teacher-to-student interaction, it also depends on the design and development deci-sions that permeate all aspects of a course, including individual projects or assignments

      course design impacts instructor social presence and intimacy

    1. posit that without specialconsideration, the typical asynchronous discussion format of many onlinecourses aligns poorly with constructivist theory and the nature of learningcomplex course material, such as that which is found in most MAEdcourses.

      design of online asynchronous discussions

    1. were significantly more likely to saythat assignments were the most important factor, and they ranked course organization significantly higherthan students who chose face-to-face classes

      assignments most important to online courses

  3. Apr 2024
    1. I invite you to checkout The Odin Project (theodinproject.com). It has an identical curriculum, provides help via Discord, and it's free.

  4. Mar 2024
  5. Feb 2024
    1. Eine neue Studie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass ein Umkippen des nordatlantischen Strömungssystems Amoc in einem anderen Zustand schon sehr bald drohen könnte, wenn sich die globale Erhitzung fortsetzt. Die Studie modelliert auch die Folgen, zum Beispiel sehr schnell steigende Wasserstände an der amerikanischen Ostküste, ein Umkippen des Amazonas-Regenwaldes und wesentlich niedrigere Temperaturen in Europa. Der Studienautor stellt fest, dass wir die Erhitzung sehr viel ernster nehmen müssen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/09/atlantic-ocean-circulation-nearing-devastating-tipping-point-study-finds

      Studie: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adk1189

  6. Jan 2024
  7. Dec 2023
    1. 칸아카데미의 미션은 세계적인 수준의 교육을 전 세계 누구에게나 무료로 제공하는 것입니다.
  8. Aug 2023
  9. Jun 2023
  10. Apr 2023
    1. will fail to give them credit for brilliant talents and excellent dispositions.

      I am confused on who Frederick Douglas referred to as the people who will fail to give these women credit for brilliant talents and excelent dispositons. Was he talking about the audience at the convention or was he talking about people in the general population?

    2. Among these was a declaration of sentiments, to be regarded as the basis of a grand movement for attaining all the civil, social, political and religious rights of woman.

      What were these sentiments? I am curious about how they constructed and pushed forth with their views and points. Fedrick Douglas mentioned that some of these women read their greivances; I have a question for these women. Were any of the sentiments more important than the others, and why?

    3. Many who have at last made the discovery that negroes have some rights as well as other members of the human family, have yet to be convinced that woman is entitled to any.

      So basically a black woman had to fight for her rights because she is black AND because she is a woman? A black woman had two barriers that held them from being treated like a decent human being, and not one or the other. Of course there were other circumstances and disadvantages but race and gender were big at this time.

  11. Mar 2023
    1. We need to walk the talk, and use technology to support professional development. Increasingly, centres for teaching and learning are creating web sites with ‘on-demand’ resources for faculty and instructors, such as best practices in using video, podcast production, or designing a course with technology.

      tenere presente x diventare courses designer x INDIRE o colleges e aiutarsi con https://www.bcit.ca/learning-teaching-centre/resources/

  12. Jan 2023
    1. Course MaterialsThe assigned reading for this class is Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson.This text and other reading are available on Carmen.

      Course materials.

    2. 12:45-2:05 on Tuesdays (in person), Room 2, Arps Hall;Thursdays asynchronous or synchronous on Zoom

      Important info

  13. Dec 2022
  14. Nov 2022
  15. Oct 2022
    1. In this model, it is also necessary to create a cultural context in which students themselves see the value in such experimentation and are not penalized for it.

      And do not penalize faculty members for it!

  16. Aug 2022
  17. Jun 2022
  18. May 2022
    1. Question: What happened to Eligibility Traces in the Deep RL era? This paper highlights some of the reasons they are not used widely and proposes a way they could still be effective.

    1. Question: What happened to Eligibility Traces in the Deep RL era? This paper highlights some of the reasons they are not used widely and proposes a way they could still be effective.

  19. Apr 2022
  20. Mar 2022
    1. Learn Data Science from IIT Madras faculty & Industry experts and earn a Data Science certification from India's best Engineering College. Become a Data Scientist through multiple data Science courses covered in this 7-month data science certification program with hands-on exercises & Project work.

      This Data Science Course is offered by Intellipaat in collaboration with IIT Madras (one of the renowned institutes in India) to help you master Data Science skills like Python, programming, Data Visualization, Statistical analysis and computing, Deep Learning, etc.

      Eager to step into the field of Data Science? Explore the Page now!

  21. Feb 2022

      Return to this.

    2. Quick Reminder: A harmonic interval is one in which both notes are played at the same time. A melodic interval is one in which the notes are played consecutively.
    3. If we start on the note G, this is what the harmonics appearing above it would be:

      The harmonic series.



  22. Jan 2022
    1. In addition, students presented several scenarios in which they could imagine reporting that a teacher was highly effective even if they personally did not feel they learned very much—for instance, if they were not sufficiently prepared for a class or too tired to pay close attention.

      Interesting insight, given critiques that students aren't sufficiently metacognitive, informed, or empathetic when evaluating teaching.

  23. Nov 2021
  24. Oct 2021
  25. Jul 2021
    1. How Much Does it Cost to Create a Website Like Udemy or CourseraDmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerAlina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow Much Does it Cost to Create a Website Like Udemy or CourseraApr 27, 202016 min readUniversity education is getting more and more expensive. The College Board indicates a 3% growth of tuition and fees for private and public colleges during the past two years. Online courses have become a great alternative to traditional education. The leading eLearning websites are Coursera and Udemy, which attract millions of users wanting to gain new skills. So what makes them outstanding examples of educational platforms? How to build a Website Like Udemy or Coursera that can compete with these giants? You will find the answers in this article.

      Online courses have become a great alternative to traditional education. The leading eLearning websites are Coursera and Udemy, which attract millions of users wanting to gain new skills.

      So what makes them outstanding examples of educational platforms? How to build a Website Like Udemy or Coursera that can compete with these giants? You will find the answers in this article.

    1. Created an account. Sadly it seems to be a massive data farm that either wants subscription money or your shared, and possibly copyright infringing data.

  26. May 2021
    1. An orientation module survey

      I've included a pre-assessment quiz to help gauge what my students know. (In my graduate sats class students range from never having taken a stats class before to some that have taken 2-3 classes). I may add a question or two on course design in Canvas and general navigability.

  27. Apr 2021
    1. a keyword could get you to encyclopedia entries, travel information, weather, and even soap opera summaries of the week.

      A keyword could get you to encyclopedia entries, travel information, weather, and even soap opera summaries of the week.

  28. Mar 2021
  29. Jan 2021
  30. Dec 2020
  31. Nov 2020
    1. A trauma-informed pedagogy enables us to recognize that amid a pandemic, our students may have a difficult time completing basic tasks they normally would, including keeping track of the slightest changes in our classes, making decisions about their learning, being motivated to study or to show up, prioritizing assignments, engaging with classmates or the subject, managing their time, or simply not quitting.

      Interesting list - from the procedural to the motivational.

  32. Oct 2020
      1. The best projects start with goals and plans.
      2. The subconscious has so much to do with success.
      3. Our subconscious decides whether to accept something into our awareness based on something called "Hot Goals".
      4. From this udemy course, I will learn how to set goals with the MOMA subconscious method, by which I convert what's not working for me into a HOT GOAL.
      5. Achieving hot goals is the means of the subconscious mind to keep you safe even if it isn't necessary.
      6. If your goals have to become hot goals then, your conscious goals must translate to subconscious goals.
      • Our subconscious decide whether to accept something into our awareness based on something called "Hot Goals".
      • Subconscious has so much to do with success
    1. Handbook of Research on Student-Centered Strategies in Online Adult Learning Environments

      This article showcases a framework for course design using theory and research in the learning sciences. It defines student-centered learning and explains how it can/ should be used in the creation of the course and when establishing which theories and methods to structure the course around. 9/10, very detailed source.

    1. Doctoral programs are often highly unstructured learning and training environments, where individual autonomy and freedom are highly valued. Decisions as to what counts as a good idea, a worthwhile project, or adequate progress are often left to the discretion of professors, and criteria for success can be opaque for students. This is even more so for those who are not already “in the know.”
  33. Sep 2020
  34. Jul 2020
    1. And on the topic of this particular article you need to own bigger mistakes too. It doesn't matter if the Apache board genuinely believed in 2014 that this was a good idea, it should now be obvious to everyone that it wasn't. Board members allowing it to continue can't fall back to "Well we didn't know...", because they do now. Every day that they have the evidence in front of them that the project is failing and do nothing they're _culpable_ for that as members of the board.
  35. Jun 2020
  36. May 2020
  37. Apr 2020
  38. Mar 2020
  39. Feb 2020
    1. Specifically, instructors should seek to minimize extraneous cognitive load and should consider the intrinsic cognitive load of the subject when constructing learn-ing experiences, carefully structuring them when the material has high intrinsic load.

      Break those chapters into smaller 3 to 5 day assignments. Tie the video presentations to each assignment.

  40. Nov 2019
    1. As educational technologies, instructional design and online learning/content delivery platforms keep evolving, more learners with more needs and motives will be drawn to taking online courses – a growing demand that in turn will spur further improvements in technology and delivery.

      Educational Technology offers free articles with sources.

      Rating: 5/10

    1. From Peg Cheechi, an instructional designer at Rush University: informing faculty members about the advantages of working with experts in course design.

      The Chronicle of Higher Education is a website and newspaper informing students and faculty of college affairs and news.

      Rating: 9/10

    1. New technologies make it possible for students to tailor their course schedules, online classes, and brick-and- mortar learning venues to attain targeted degrees.

      With society and technology always changing. Learning new technology is key to getting ahead in higher education. Rate: 3/5

  41. Oct 2019
    1. traditionally copyrighted and “free”

      If we expand our view just a bit to concern ourselves with student cost, these are obviously not free, because they come at a cost assessed in student fees and/or tuition. Similarly, course-packs and fair-use content inserted in LMSs by instructors reduce student expenses and should probably be considered.

  42. Aug 2019
    1. HTM and SDR's - part of how the brain implements intelligence.

      "In this first introductory episode of HTM School, Matt Taylor, Numenta's Open Source Flag-Bearer, walks you through the high-level theory of Hierarchical Temporal Memory in less than 15 minutes."

  43. Jul 2019
  44. Jun 2019
  45. May 2019
  46. dhibeirut.wordpress.com dhibeirut.wordpress.com
    1. clear plans to integrate digital projects and/or methodologies into their course.

      Rather than "clear plans": multiple plans! So much food for thought. So many possibilities and options.

  47. Apr 2019
  48. Mar 2019
    1. The world’s largest selection of courses

      Udemy is an online platform where experts in various fields can create paid courses. You can learn languages, web design, photography, musical instruments all in your own time. The platform also allows for extensive ranking and reviews to be put on instructors and courses to keep the quality high. Instruction is inexpensive and self-paced. it is larger aimed at teenagers and adult learners and focuses on skills. Rating 10/10

  49. Feb 2019
    1. tothevolum

      The list seems to cater to taste (cf. Hume) and to variety. After visiting the newly built agora, there will be "some time of Refreshment" before moving on to legislative matters and affairs of the court; then we "may Rest [our] Selves" before hearing charitable orations, and so on. If one cares to hear something in particular, one may do so or take alternative pleasures ("if you regard not what Women say", "if you like not their Pastime").

      The selections seem a carefully chosen buffet or perhaps a finely planned 10 (or whatever number)-course meal, with each element serving to compliment but also counter-point those that come before and after.

      In seeing these particular examples of orations, perhaps we shall take away a sense of the general?

  50. Dec 2018
  51. Jun 2018
  52. May 2018
    1. The video offers HAX as the future of online course development because it simplifies the technology requirements of users in exchange for quality content and ease of access. At a recent conference in Nashville, Ollendyke and Kaufman used Lego pieces to explain HAX as being like the gridplate of a Lego board that allow for Open Source modular content to work together to create easy, multimedia integration.

      Nice one! I wonder if this was maybe OLCInnovate 2018 in Nashville? Which I'd seen it!

  53. Apr 2018
  54. Mar 2018
  55. Dec 2017
    1. Course Materials - Though I have posted them all at once here, I would post them by lesson/lecture during the course and then leave them up so students would have access to them. I believe that using various types of media to enhance the discussion and help break my lectures into smaller chunks is helpful for keeping attention and getting the students to stop and think about what we are discussing. I would also add materials here that would be useful and relevant for online discussions and in-class activities.

  56. Nov 2017
    1. Courses are severely limited in the ability to access other courses even within the institution (so much for "connecting silos"), and when courses end, students are typically cast out, unable to refer to past activity in their ongoing studies or in their lives (so much for "promoting lifelong learning").

      Which is where a different type of unbundling can happen. “Courses” may limit our thinking.

    1. In an ideal world, every class would have its own unique mix of these capabilities based on what's appropriate for the students, teacher, and subject.

      How about systems with a different granularity from the class/course/cohort models?

    1. On this model, students are responsible for their own education, often forming communities or societies to collaborate. Professors typically worked one-on-one with students, but from time to time would be enlisted to offer a series - or 'course' - of lectures on a given topic. The lectures could be (and often were) public, and were frequently attended by other professors in the same field.

      Reminds me of @KevinCarey1 describe the original university of Bologna, in his End of College. Don’t have the quote handy (one of many cases where #OpenAccess would allow for more thoughtful discussion), but the gist of that paragraph sounds similar to what @Downes is describing here

  57. Sep 2017
  58. Aug 2017
  59. May 2017
  60. Mar 2017
  61. Feb 2017
    1. Are you looking for the right provider for CIM course? Then checkout Oakwood International! They are one of the trusted and accredited CIM provider in the UAE. Call at 971 4 359 9020 to know more.

  62. Jan 2017
  63. Oct 2016
    1. The design and the way courses are structured can be vital factors that are associated with students’ motiva-tion and positive/negative experiences of learning online.




  64. Sep 2016
  65. Aug 2016
    1. This free online managing health and safety training course from HSEI Online offers a comprehensive study of health and safety management such as Assessing risks, Controlling risks, Understanding your responsibilities, Identifying hazards, Investigating accidents and incidents, Measuring performance and environmental protection.
    2. This free online managing health and safety training course from HSEI Online offers a comprehensive study of health and safety management such as Assessing risks, Controlling risks, Understanding your responsibilities,

      This free online managing health and safety training course from HSEI Online offers a comprehensive study of health and safety management such as Assessing risks, Controlling risks, Understanding your responsibilities,

  66. May 2016
    1. report, The Hanover Research Council reviews thebest practice teaching strategies in the field of online education.

      While this article is getting a it old, it has several important pieces of information.