5 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2021
meta.stackexchange.com meta.stackexchange.com
We also know people need a good sized group and time to see the impact and value of a platform like Stack Overflow for Teams. Our previous 30 day free trial of our Basic tier wasn’t long enough. Now, Stack Overflow for Teams has a free tier for up to 50 users, forever.
- Feb 2021
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
The new 2.1 version comes with a few necessary but reasonable changes in method signatures. As painful as that might sound to your Rails-spoiled ears, we preferred to fix design mistakes now before dragging them on forever.
- learn from your mistakes
- do it right/well the first time because it may be too hard to clean up/fix later if you don't
- pointing out gaps/downsides/cons in competition/alternatives
- fix design/API mistakes as early as you can (since it will be more difficult to correct it and make a breaking change later)
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
There are a few intentional behavioral differences between Dart Sass and Ruby Sass. These are generally places where Ruby Sass has an undesired behavior, and it's substantially easier to implement the correct behavior than it would be to implement compatible behavior. These should all have tracking bugs against Ruby Sass to update the reference behavior.
- reference implementation
- learn from your mistakes
- don't let previous decisions/work constrain you
- intentional/well-considered decisions
- reversible decisions
- reverting a previous decision/change/commit
- intentional
- intentionally doing it differently / _not_ emulating/copying the way someone else did it
- get back on course
- Jul 2020
lwn.net lwn.net
And on the topic of this particular article you need to own bigger mistakes too. It doesn't matter if the Apache board genuinely believed in 2014 that this was a good idea, it should now be obvious to everyone that it wasn't. Board members allowing it to continue can't fall back to "Well we didn't know...", because they do now. Every day that they have the evidence in front of them that the project is failing and do nothing they're _culpable_ for that as members of the board.