- Jul 2022
www.ifour.co www.ifour.co
In this high-speed PCB design guide, we will encapsulate the high-speed PCB layout techniques, high-speed layout guidelines to help designers.
Would you like to speed up the performance of your product?
With innovative and fast electric equipment, designers and engineers can speed up the product. Not only this, you need a high speed PCB run faster.
Read the blog further to understand the rules and challenges of high-speed PCB design.
- Jun 2022
assets.pubpub.org assets.pubpub.org
Discussion on
Bellinger C, Drozdyuk A, Crowley M, Tamblyn I. Balancing Information with Observation Costs in Deep Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence [Internet]. 2022 May 27; Available from: https://caiac.pubpub.org/pub/0jmy7gpd
- Oct 2021
material.io material.io
Material is a design system – backed by open-source code – that helps teams build high-quality digital experiences.
materializecss.com materializecss.com
We did most of the heavy lifting for you to provide a default stylings that incorporate our custom components.
(The English here sounds awkward.)
Gyuri Lajos, in the Stop Reset Go team, recommended using Materialize CSS.
If it is based on Google’s Material Design, there are a lot of resources available to explore the possibilities. If I was building a Progressive Web App, this might be the place to start.
The project appears to be at an early stage of development, with a 1.0.0 release.
materializecss.com materializecss.com
Created and designed by Google, Material Design is a design language that combines the classic principles of successful design along with innovation and technology.
themes.materializecss.com themes.materializecss.comGallery1
- Apr 2021
material.io material.io
medium.com medium.com
Enclosed text fields with a rectangular (box) shape performed better than those with a line affordance
- visual design
- constant evolution/improvement of software/practices/solutions
- learn from your mistakes
- component design
- Material Design
- form design
- text field
- Material Design: text field: variant: line affordance only
- answer the "why?"
- Material Design: text field
- opportunity to improve/fix something
material-ui.com material-ui.com
Note: The standard variant of the TextField is no longer documented in the Material Design guidelines (here's why), but Material-UI will continue to support it.
- Jan 2021
www.material.io www.material.io
The rail is a side navigation component that displays three to seven app destinations
framework7.io framework7.io
Open About Popover
I have to say, I like how it looks in their Apple and Desktop preview better than the Android/Material preview. I wish they had the arrow in Android Material too.
But on https://sveltematerialui.com/demo/menu-surface it doesn't bother me quite as much...
medium.com medium.com
In my opinion, it can sometimes look odd. Very interestingly, this is by design and is part of the Material design specification. This article isn’t to argue whether it should be this way or not, though; it’s just to change yours such that your MenuItem(s) show below the menu selection, like so:
pixinvent.com pixinvent.com
Material is the metaphor The metaphor of material defines the relationship between space and motion. The idea is that the technology is inspired by paper and ink and is utilized to facilitate creativity and innovation. Surfaces and edges provide familiar visual cues that allow users to quickly understand the technology beyond the physical world.
material.io material.ioMenus1
By default, menus open with an entrance animation. However, on desktop, menus can skip the animation and open instantly instead.
Why only on desktop? That delay drives me crazy. I would like to skip on web/mobile too.
A notable difference between OS dialogs and Material dialogs is that OS dialogs save the work when a user dismisses a dialog but Material dialogs don’t.
ux.stackexchange.com ux.stackexchange.com
Material Design guidelines don't specify popovers, but the specification of material properties provide a clear set of properties that can be used to create popups.
Material cannot occupy the same plane. But material can be stacked.
material.io material.ioButtons3
Outlined buttons are also a lower emphasis alternative to contained buttons, or a higher emphasis alternative to text buttons.
Dialogs use text buttons because the absence of a container helps unify the action with the dialog text. Align text buttons to the right edge for left-to-right scripts.
Text buttons are often embedded in contained components like cards and dialogs, in order to relate themselves to the component in which they appear. Because text buttons don’t have a container, they don’t distract from nearby content.
- Dec 2020
material.io material.ioDividers1
material.io material.io
medium.com medium.com
getmdl.io getmdl.io
github.com github.com
I think the main difference between the two are the way API are served. Some smelte components need you to input big chunk of json as props, while i prefer keep props as primitive types and in the other hand give you different components tags to compose.
- Nov 2020
uxdesign.cc uxdesign.cc
I love the Material Design System’s buttons just because their principles are really well thought through.
motion-software.com motion-software.com
Before showing the final result of the .svelte components we will also add Material-UI, using the adapted version.
material.io material.ioRally1
material.io material.ioReply1
material.io material.io
Material is an adaptable system of guidelines, components, and tools that support the best practices of user interface design
- Sep 2020
google.github.io google.github.io
- Jul 2020
www.excellentwebworld.com www.excellentwebworld.com
Looking for effective design solutions? We create simple, clean, and attractive mobile app designs for business.
- Nov 2019
- Sep 2019
- Aug 2019
codesandbox.io codesandbox.io
material-ui.com material-ui.com
material.angularjs.org material.angularjs.org
material-components.github.io material-components.github.io