21 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2022
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
I tested it, and it indeed works, but I don't want to depend on a to-be-removed feature.
- Sep 2021
webpack.js.org webpack.js.org
Using ~ is deprecated and can be removed from your code (we recommend it)
- Jun 2021
github.com github.com
Development has been suspended on this project because QtWebKit was deprecated in favor of QtWebEngine, which is not a suitable replacement for our purposes.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
netstat (net-tools) is deprecated, perhaps you want to use other tools (ss, lsof, fuser etc.)
- May 2021
github.com github.com
Consider using this rule in place of no-untyped-public-signature which has been deprecated.
- Apr 2021
github.com github.com
Lumberjack 1.0 had a concept of a unit of work id that could be used to tie log messages together. This has been replaced by tags. There is still an implementation of Lumberjack.unit_of_work, but it is just a wrapper on the tag implementation.
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
now that I realize how easy it is to just manually include this in my app: <%= javascript_include_tag 'xray', nonce: true if Rails.env.development? %> I regret even wasting my time getting it to automatically look for and add a nonce to the auto-injected xray.js script
Wasted too much time getting it to work with old Rubies/Rails, when I think the correct path should be to just remove support for them going forward
- removing features to simplify implementation
- removing feature that is more trouble than it's worth (not worth the effort to continue to maintain / fix bugs caused by keeping it)
- wasted effort
- fix design/API mistakes as early as you can (since it will be more difficult to correct it and make a breaking change later)
- removing legacy/deprecated things
- regret
github.com github.com
This version makes the new client that was added in version 2.6+ the default client, and removes the legacy client. All previously deprecated functionality has been removed (since version 2.5, see below).
github.com github.com
Sprockets 3 was a compatibility release to bridge Sprockets 4, and many deprecated things have been removed in version 4.
softwareengineering.stackexchange.com softwareengineering.stackexchange.com
First, the frame and frameset elements are not deprecated in HTML5, they're obsolete (i.e., they've been removed entirely).
- Dec 2020
getmdl.io getmdl.io
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
@Deprecated("Use syntax instead.") bool indented
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
What is the replacement? What should one use instead?
github.com github.com
deprecated – plese see / use caly
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
In brief, @import is being replaced with more explicit @use and @forward rules. Over the next few years Sass @import will be deprecated, and then removed.
- Oct 2020
guides.rubyonrails.org guides.rubyonrails.org
It is only soft-deprecated, which means that your code will not break at the moment and no deprecation warning will be displayed, but this constant will be removed in the future.
github.com github.com
Additionally, if we ever want to standardize more of JSX we need to start moving away from some of the more esoteric legacy behaviors of React.
facebook.github.io facebook.github.io
E4X is a deprecated specification with deep reaching semantic meaning.
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.orgEvent1
using EventTarget.addEventListener(), and this generally replaces using the old HTML event handler attributes.
- Mar 2017
webpack.github.io webpack.github.io
webpack ./entry.js bundle.js --module-bind 'css=style!css'
This approach has been deprecated. Here is how it works now:
webpack ./entry.js bundle.js --module-bind 'css=style-loader!css-loader'