26 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. label

      با استفاده از این label می تونیم برای این checkbox بیای و label تعیین کنی

  2. Sep 2020
  3. Dec 2019
  4. Nov 2019
    1. Checked Indeterminate (checked) Unchecked Indeterminate (unchecked)

      Interesting that indeterminate is after the determinate. I would tend to think of the indeterminate state as being first, since that is the default/initial state of a form control like checkbox or radio button. Oh well...

    2. Change the cycle used to determine the next state of the checkbox when the user click the component, or when the toggle() method is called
    1. So the main thing this gives us is a way to set indeterminate property of input via an indeterminate property?

      This is misnamed. Doesn't actually give us a tri-state checkbox. Just a binary checkbox.

  5. Apr 2016
    1. true liberal democracy

      A “well-informed citizenry” require journalistic assistance. Which is why US elections are such a neat context to discuss literacy, public opinion, agency, representativeness, and populism.