3 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2016
blog.enkerli.com blog.enkerli.com
true liberal democracy
A “well-informed citizenry” require journalistic assistance. Which is why US elections are such a neat context to discuss literacy, public opinion, agency, representativeness, and populism.
- Nov 2015
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
entity called “comment,”
Post, comment, annotation… All different, but can all have the same predicate.
- Oct 2015
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
a web-wide ‘Like’ feature could just be implemented as a special kind of annotation
Unlike some other approaches to development, this acknowledgment that usage can push innovation could help expand Hypothesis beyond a core base of “annotation geeks”. Document-level annotations can serve to classify or evaluate, like social bookmarking. What’s wrong with that?