5 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
This one gets the SEO, so I hope you're successful @raythurnevoid.
I assume this gets search traffic because people hope/assume that since there's a React "material-ui" that there might already be a "svelte-material-ui" port/adaptation available. So they search for exactly that (like I did). That and being the first to create that something (with that name).
- being the thing that people are looking for and hoping/assuming already exists
- getting/attaining wide reach/audience/popularity due to being first to market
- getting/attaining wide reach/audience/popularity due to being or having a name containing a search term that people are looking for
- web search for something brings me here
- having a name containing a search term that people are looking for
- port (adaptation/translation)
- excellent name
motion-software.com motion-software.com
Before showing the final result of the .svelte components we will also add Material-UI, using the adapted version.
github.com github.com
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
They even named the main file
so when converting/migrating components from React you could (at least some of the time, perhaps) simply leave some of the imports as-is:import {createHooks, useRef} from './react';
dylanvann.com dylanvann.com
With this we have replicated the most important behaviors of useEffect.