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- Jul 2021
www.codica.com www.codica.com
How Much Does it Cost to Create a Website Like Udemy or CourseraDmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerAlina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow Much Does it Cost to Create a Website Like Udemy or CourseraApr 27, 202016 min readUniversity education is getting more and more expensive. The College Board indicates a 3% growth of tuition and fees for private and public colleges during the past two years. Online courses have become a great alternative to traditional education. The leading eLearning websites are Coursera and Udemy, which attract millions of users wanting to gain new skills. So what makes them outstanding examples of educational platforms? How to build a Website Like Udemy or Coursera that can compete with these giants? You will find the answers in this article.
Online courses have become a great alternative to traditional education. The leading eLearning websites are Coursera and Udemy, which attract millions of users wanting to gain new skills.
So what makes them outstanding examples of educational platforms? How to build a Website Like Udemy or Coursera that can compete with these giants? You will find the answers in this article.
- Oct 2020
hypothes.is hypothes.is
- The best projects start with goals and plans.
- The subconscious has so much to do with success.
- Our subconscious decides whether to accept something into our awareness based on something called "Hot Goals".
- From this udemy course, I will learn how to set goals with the MOMA subconscious method, by which I convert what's not working for me into a HOT GOAL.
- Achieving hot goals is the means of the subconscious mind to keep you safe even if it isn't necessary.
- If your goals have to become hot goals then, your conscious goals must translate to subconscious goals.
- May 2018
news.psu.edu news.psu.edu
The video offers HAX as the future of online course development because it simplifies the technology requirements of users in exchange for quality content and ease of access. At a recent conference in Nashville, Ollendyke and Kaufman used Lego pieces to explain HAX as being like the gridplate of a Lego board that allow for Open Source modular content to work together to create easy, multimedia integration.
Nice one! I wonder if this was maybe OLCInnovate 2018 in Nashville? Which I'd seen it!
- Apr 2018
courses.yorkvilleu.ca courses.yorkvilleu.ca
We are using Gmail now, please switch.