5 Matching Annotations
- May 2021
hyperlink.academy hyperlink.academy
The announcement of my memory course.
www.loom.com www.loom.com
- Mar 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Particularly striking in 1971 was his call for advanced technology to support "learning webs": The operation of a peer-matching network would be simple. The user would identify himself by name and address and describe the activity for which he sought a peer. A computer would send him back the names and addresses of all those who had inserted the same description. It is amazing that such a simple utility has never been used on a broad scale for publicly valued activity.
forum.hyperlink.academy forum.hyperlink.academy
I'm not 100% sure I understand where this may go, but it sounds like a fun thing with which to experiment.
forum.hyperlink.academy forum.hyperlink.academy
I want to take this just based on your map.