- May 2024
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
Clarity is key: Provide crystal-clear instructions for assignments and grading criteria. Avoid confusing instructions. For example, students expressed frustration with assignment details being posted in the LMS but professors requesting submissions via email. Stay in the loop: Communicate with students by offering due dates, announcements, and calendar reminders. Timely and clear feedback on grades on the LMS empower students to track their progress effectively.
details for assignments in LMS
- Apr 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“My father stopped hitting me for my grades,” Mr. Lorayne told The Chicago Tribune in 1988. “He hit me for other things.”
- Mar 2023
psychclassics.yorku.ca psychclassics.yorku.ca
Instead, there are many grades of intelligence, ranging from idiocy on the one hand to genius on the other.
I think this is interesting because they had thought that under the right conditions that children would be equally, or almost equally, capable of making satisfactory school progress, but they made a discovery that not all children are equal or almost equal. There are different grades of intelligence depending on the person because everyone is different. This is important to the history of psychology because there has now been a discovery of different grades of intelligence. They used to think that children had an equal intelligence or almost equal but there are many different grades of intelligence grading from idiocy to average to genius. We still utilize the grades of intelligence today, but the grades are categorized differently such as idiocy being extremely low on the intelligence scale and genius being very superior. We have changed the name of the grades of intelligence.
- Apr 2022
www.irrodl.org www.irrodl.org
Assigning group grades without attempting to distinguish between individual members of the group is both unfair and deleterious to learning and may in some circumstances even be illegal (Kagan, 1997; Millis & Cottell, 1998).
imbalance between the individual and collective grades
- Jan 2022
eductive.ca eductive.ca
Une distribution gaussienne pour les notes des étudiants n’est pas un indicateur de rigueur.
Curving grades remains an unquestioned practice, in some contexts. Despite all the debunking which has been done since Terman's (in)famous work...
- Jun 2021
www.migrationencounters.org www.migrationencounters.org
Luisa: I wanted Northwestern. I had my eye set on Northwestern. I don't know what it was about Northwestern that called to me, but I wanted Northwestern. That's what I wanted, and it wasn't unachievable. One of my friends got into Brown University and she had worse grades than I did, so I was like, "Northwestern's going to be easy. I got this." I wanted to be an oncologist—yes, an oncologist, cancer. I don't know why [Chuckles]. I don't know. Human tragedy, I wanted to save people. That's been my thing. I want to save people. I want to make people better. So [Pause] I killed myself in school. 4.6 GPA. I had all these extracurriculars.
Time in the US, Higher Education, Dreaming About
- Aug 2019
www.alfiekohn.org www.alfiekohn.org
The issue of monitoring and its deleterious effects on students' learning and intrinsic motivation is made all the more acute with online gradebooks that allow students (and their parents) to track how every single assignment impacts their grade. I've witnessed many students feverishly refreshing their browser to see how the latest test or essay affected their grade.
- Jun 2019
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
Yes, I would eliminate grades all together. What we want is students to be engaged and thoughtful participants in their own learning. Grades are not helping us toward that.
on grading...
- Dec 2018
Years of traditional education teaches students that what really matters is their grades, not their learning. Students know that while teachers might give lipspeak to “learning,” in the end, the grade is what everyone — teachers, parents, administrators, other students, and society at large — cares about.
- Aug 2018
teachersgoinggradeless.com teachersgoinggradeless.com
Students determine their own grades through self-assessment and a conference with the teacher
- May 2018
www.openaccesstextbooks.org www.openaccesstextbooks.org
Florida Virtual Campus |Distance Learning & Student Services |www.dlss.flvc.org3During March and April 2016, more than 22,000 students participated in a Student Textbook and Course Materials Survey conducted by the Florida Virtual Campus’s (FLVC) Office of Distance Learning and Student Services. The survey examined textbook affordability and acquisition at Florida’s public higher education institutions. Previous surveys were conducted in 2010 and 2012. In this survey, students were asked to use their recent personal experiences to provide insight on how the cost of textbooks and course materials impact their education, purchasing behaviors, academic completion and success, the study aids they find most beneficial to their learning, and their use of financial aid to address these costs.The purpose of the 2016 Student Textbook and Course Materials Survey was to identify:1. The amount of money that Florida's public college and university students spent on textbooks and course materials during the spring 2016 semester,2. The frequency with which students buy textbooks that are not used,3. How students are affected by the cost of textbooks,4. Which study aids students perceive to be the most beneficial to their learning,5. Changes in student responses from previous surveys.The results of the survey are sobering, as the findings suggest the high cost of textbook and instructional materials are forcing many Florida higher education students to make decisions that compromise their academic success.
students are willing to take a hit on their grades to save some money.
- Mar 2018
www.jessestommel.com www.jessestommel.com
But I do this only very rarely, and I usually have to raise grades. The most common change I make is from an A- to an A for students who offer no good reason other than modesty for giving themselves the A- grade.
I love that this is a "problem."
- Jan 2018
teachersgoinggradeless.com teachersgoinggradeless.com
deemphasizing grades r
- Nov 2017
teachersgoinggradeless.com teachersgoinggradeless.com
Why grades are “the biggest and most insidious obstacle to education”
- Aug 2017
www.fresnostate.edu www.fresnostate.edu
Why hasn't my assignment been graded?
teachersgoinggradeless.com teachersgoinggradeless.com
Without question, there is still value in reducing learning data to symbols for ease and speed of interpretation.
- Jul 2017
www.edugeekjournal.com www.edugeekjournal.com
Of course, I realized that I am talking about upending an entire system built on “final grades” by instead focusing on “showcasing a learning process.” Can’t say this change will ever occur,
Be the change you wish to see! ;) This sounds great!
- Sep 2016
hechingerreport.org hechingerreport.org
When we reduce students to numbers and grades, they and we focus on test-taking skills and grade requirements rather than on learning
www.alfiekohn.org www.alfiekohn.org
the harmful impact of grades on creativity is no less (and possibly even more) potent when a narrative accompanies them
There is certainly value in assessing the quality of learning and teaching, but that doesn’t mean it’s always necessary, or even possible, to measurethose things — that is, to turn them into numbers. Indeed, “measurable outcomes may be the least significant results of learning”
Just because you need to measure learning get doesn't mean you can.
- Jun 2016
serval.unil.ch serval.unil.chREF1
Grades, a value-laden symbol indicating the rela-tive quality of a performance that is a regular feature of school life(Pope, 2001), are positioned firmly on the evaluative side of thistypology. The value of a grade reflects certain norms, and thegrade attributed reflects the degree to which normatively deter-mined standards have or have not been attained
Describes grades as "value laden"
- Mar 2016
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
But grade inflation, and thus grades’ diminishing importance, is real. The question is whether we can see in this trend something better.