- Nov 2023
twu-fhss.github.io twu-fhss.github.io
discussion of friendsh
This is an annotation
- Nov 2022
www.psychologytoday.com www.psychologytoday.com
How many times have you heard someone say that?
at least 4
- Jan 2022
cmadland.github.io cmadland.github.io
A Wow is anything from the week that caught your interest from the readings, videos, tasks, your PLN, or one of your fellow learners’ posts. It should be something that you haven’t thought of before or maybe that you have changed your thinking about. A Wonder is something that you have a question about from the same sources. It might be something you thought wasn’t explained clearly, something that is counter-intuitive, doesn’t make sense, is muddy, or simply something you want to investigate further.
These notes are the prompts for each week. You can also use the questions on the syllabus as inspiration. The intent of the Wow and Wonder posts is to get you thinking about the content, and if you want to respond to your own prompt, that is fine too.
demo.greenbay.bc.ca demo.greenbay.bc.cademo2
Bible Camp
background image on this page needs to change
Green Bay
This is ridiculous
- May 2020
edtechbooks.org edtechbooks.org
How to Revise Existing Instruction
EDCI335, use this section to ensure that your blueprint and subsequent learning resource are designed with these first principles in mind.
This is accomplished best when the problem to be solved or the task to be completed is identified and demonstrated to learners early in the instructional sequence.
You should be able to see this in the syllabus for EDCI335 and in the schedule. Since this course is a course on Learning Design, the problem and the skills required to solve the problem should be clear in a well-designed outline.
Learning is promoted when learners share, reflect on, and defend their work by peer-collaboration and peer-critique.
Learning Pods in EDCI335 are where this happens! How will you ensure that there is some sort of peer interaction in your learning resource?
Learners need to apply their newly acquired skills to actually doing a task or actually solving a problem.
Always ensure that learners are doing something, like solving a new problem with ideas they have encountered.
Learning is promoted when learners observe a demonstration of the skills to be learned.
As you plan your learning design blueprint, how will you demonstrate the skills you want your learners to learn?
Learning is promoted when learners activate a mental model of their prior knowledge as a foundation for new skills.
In what ways does EDCI335 activate prior mental models?
Even though Tell and Ask are the most frequently used instructional events, if they are the only instructional events used then the Tell–Ask instructional sequence is the least effective instructional strategy.
Think about what students are 'doing' in Tell-Ask instructional sequences.
All of us have heard the saying that “students didn’t learn because they just weren’t motivated.”
Biggs would call this approach to instructional effectiveness 'blame the student'. If something goes wrong, it's the student's fault for not being motivated enough to perform well.
- Oct 2019
digitalstorytelling.opened.ca digitalstorytelling.opened.ca
his is some text.
I can annotate the text here
- Aug 2019
myronniesite.opened.ca myronniesite.opened.ca
Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal in 2018 has shown laws are falling behind
laws have never been in alignment...
- May 2019
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
annotation ability on top of PDFs you host online using our PDF.js + Hypothesis project to add a viewer to your site or
this is my comment
- Apr 2019
methods-sagepub-com.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca methods-sagepub-com.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca
It equips them with the tools to resist oppression, and it moves them to struggle, to search for justice (Collins, 1998, pp. 198–199).
therefore, online learning platforms must promote and respect Indigenous sovereignty over indigenous knowledge by being open source
- Mar 2019
First, when teachers get access to new technologies, they typically use them to extend existing practices.
This is deeply problematic given the fact that even if Ts use SAMR recommendations, the platforms themselves (at least proprietary ones like GAFAM - Google/Alphabet, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft) are specifically designed for surveillance and monetizing 'engagement'. See Kwet, Michael, Digital Colonialism: US Empire and the New Imperialism in the Global South (August 15, 2018). For final version, see: Race & Class Volume 60, No. 4 (April 2019) ; DOI: 10.1177/0306396818823172. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3232297 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3232297
www.keepeek.com www.keepeek.com
Re: Technology use on the Rise at https://read.oecd-ilibrary.org/education/teaching-for-the-future_9789264293243-en#page79
Please repeat after me, "PowerPoint is not an effective teaching tool!"
- Feb 2019
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
The current study investigates the school experiences of children seeking outpatient treatment for anxiety with the goal of identifying academic and social impairment, as well as related supports and services provided to students.
Testing hypothes.is
- May 2018
www.irrodl.org www.irrodl.org
The literature on open textbooks so far suggests that: (1) students are spending a significant amount of money on commercial textbooks; (2) it is likely they could achieve the same or better learning outcomes if their courses assigned open textbooks (keeping in mind the caveats above noted by Hilton, 2016); (3) students appear to be using open textbooks at the same rate as they use traditional textbooks; and (4) students overwhelmingly rate the quality of open textbooks to be just as high or higher than that of traditional textbooks. Overall, then, the picture emerging from the research suggests that assigning open textbooks in post-secondary courses is likely to provide the same benefits as commercial textbooks at no cost (or a fraction of the cost, for print versions).
The literature shows that the vast majority of students report open textbooks to be of the same or better quality than the commercial textbooks they have used.
Neither study, however, focuses on how faculty are revising OER, and overall there is little research in the extant literature on the degree to which faculty or students are revising OER, how they are doing so, and what impact this may have on student learning outcomes.
Allen et al. (2015) studied students in a chemistry course at the University of California, Davis who were assigned a traditional textbook (448 students) and students in another section of the same course taught by the same instructor (478 students) that used Chemwiki (https://chem.libretexts.org/) as a primary course resource (an openly licensed wiki site that can be used as a textbook). They found no significant differences in outcomes between these students, as measured through pre-and post-tests on content covered in the course, the same midterm and final exams, and the administration of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science chemistry survey (Barbera, Perkins, Adams, & Wieman, 2008), which asks about students' "beliefs on learning chemistry, content of chemistry, structure of chemistry, and connection of chemistry to the outside world" (p. 942).
Fischer, Hilton, Robinson, & Wiley (2015) studied a large sample of students from six colleges and four community colleges in the US. Students in the treatment group (N=1087) used an open textbook or other OER in their courses, and students in the control group (N=9264) were asked to purchase traditional textbooks for different sections of the same courses. The authors found that the students using OER did just as well or better in most of the courses studied in terms of course grades and completion rates.
So & Doering (2016) reports that 75% of 1500 students at the University of British Columbia said they had gone without purchasing a textbook for at least one course. The research on cost reveals that the price of commercial textbooks is affecting students not just financially, but also in terms of their learning.
Jhangiani & Jhangiani (2017) report that of over 300 students in British Columbia, 54% said they had not bought a textbook for a course at least once due to cost, 27% said they had taken fewer courses, 26% said they did not register for a particular course because of the cost of the book(s), and 17% said they had dropped or withdrawn from a course.
In the Canadian context, Jhangiani & Jhangiani (2017) surveyed 320 undergraduates in various postsecondary institutions in British Columbia in 2015 and asked how much they had spent on textbooks in the last 12 months; the mean was about C$700 (median was $500). In a 2016 survey of about 1500 students from the University of British Columbia, nearly half of respondents (49%) said they spend at least C$500 on textbooks each year, and the mean reported cost per year for textbooks was $620 (So & Doering, 2016).
Much of this research can be analyzed under what Bliss, Robinson, Hilton, & Wiley (2013b) call the COUP framework: measuring factors related to cost, outcomes, use, and perceptions of open textbooks.
According to the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (n.d.), OER are "teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others" (para. 2). OER can be texts (including open textbooks), videos, assessments, lecture notes, slides, or other learning materials.
The high cost of textbooks is not just a financial concern, but a pedagogical one as well.
Thus, as textbook prices go up, students seem to be responding by trying to get by in at least some of their courses without the required textbooks, which could negatively impact their learning.
The high cost of textbooks has a measurable and negative impact on the educational choices and outcomes of post-secondary students in British Columbia. Students assigned open textbooks perceive these resources to be of generally high quality and value the cost savings, immediate access, portability, and other benefits they confer.
In other words, low digital literacy (among both students and faculty) likely shapes preferences for textbook format.
Immediate access and cost savings ranked at the top of respondents' list; however, it is worth noting that these two features are intertwined, as the principal reasons why students might delay obtaining their required textbooks are financial in nature (e.g., waiting for a student loan or determine whether the textbook is truly required). The tension between textbook costs and access is thrown into even sharper relief when one compares the features that respondents reported liking about open textbooks with their usual textbook purchasing behaviours. For instance, although a majority of respondents reported selling their used textbooks at the end of their courses, the majority also indicated that the ability to permanently retain their open textbook was desirable.
Nearly half of respondents obtained a print copy of their open textbook.
However, although these sub-optimal choices are less prevalent among our sample, once again, they are disproportionately made by those who hold student loans and work the most. Indeed, one can easily conceive of a negative cycle wherein the need to work more hours in order to pay for tuition and textbooks necessitates taking fewer courses, an outcome that delays graduation and requires taking on more student loan debt. Alternatively, cash-strapped students might elect to do without one or more required textbooks. However, in this scenario it would not be surprising for them to perform more poorly (as was reported by nearly a third of respondents in the present study), an outcome that might necessitate repeating a course, once again resulting in a delayed graduation and the accumulation of more student loan debt.
A likely possible explanation for these differences is the greater financial pressure placed on U.S. post-secondary students, who face significantly higher tuition costs (US$11,487 vs. C$5,998 during the 2014-15 academic year; National Center for Education Statistics, 2015, Table 330.10; Statistics Canada, 2014).
On the other hand, one noticeable difference from the U.S. context is in the lower proportion of respondents electing to rent textbooks. This trend has been previously anecdotally reported (e.g., Brownell, 2015) and may be traced to the relatively later introduction of textbook rental programs on Canadian campuses (Jerema, 2010).
With a majority of respondents electing to purchase their textbooks from somewhere other than their campus store, nearly a third downloading their textbooks from the internet, and just over a quarter sharing a purchased textbook, it is also evident that revenue at campus stores from the sales of textbooks is in a (possibly irrevocable) state of decline.
If cost were not a factor 44% of respondents would have preferred using their textbook in only print format, 41% would have preferred using both print and digital formats, and only 16% would have preferred using only digital format(s).
When asked to rate how important different features of their open textbook were to them, 70% of respondents rated "immediate access" as either "very important" or "absolutely essential." This was followed closely by "cost savings" (68%), and then convenience and portability of the digital format (54%), ability to print pages (41%), ability to keep it forever (37%), and ability to share it with others (34%; see Table 2).
Sixty-three percent of respondents judged the overall quality of their open textbook to be above average or excellent, with an additional 33% rating it as average. Only 3.5% of the sample rated their open textbook below average in quality (see Figure 4).
Thirty percent of respondents reported earning a poorer grade in a course because of textbook costs. These individuals were more likely to self-identify as a member of a visible minority group [rpb(252) = .14, p = .03], hold a student loan [rpb(305) = .14, p = .02], and be working more hours per week [r(253) = .15, p = .02].
Over half of the respondents (54%) reported not purchasing a required textbook at least once (see Figure 2). Bivariate correlations revealed that these individuals were more likely to hold a student loan [r(307) = .16, p =.01] and be working more hours per week [r(254) = .13, p = .05].
Indeed, the only published report that investigated perceptions of OER quality in the Canadian context is a survey of post-secondary faculty in British Columbia, a majority of whom perceived OER to be comparable or superior to traditional, proprietary materials (Jhangiani, Pitt, Hendricks, Key, & Lalonde, 2016).
thirteen studies (with an aggregated sample of 119,720 students) that have investigated the impact of OER adoption on course performance found that 95% of these students have achieved the same or better outcomes when using OER (Hilton, 2016; Hilton et al., 2016; Wiley et al., 2016). Taken together, the OER efficacy literature suggests the significant cost savings to students that result from the adoption of open textbooks do not come at the cost of academic outcomes.
These findings echo those of other studies that have discovered lower withdrawal rates, higher completion rates, and greater enrolment intensity following OER adoption (Hilton & Laman, 2012; Hilton, Fischer, Wiley, & William, 2016).
Beyond individual faculty adoptions, a growing number of post-secondary institutions are building entire degree programs (so-called "Z degrees") in which all courses utilize open educational resources (OER), displacing the cost to students of traditional textbooks.
Two-thirds of the respondents in the 2016 Florida student survey had not purchased at least one of their required course textbooks (Florida Virtual Campus, 2016), with 38% indicating they earned a poor grade as a result. What is more, 48% of respondents had taken fewer courses, 26% had dropped a course, and 21% had withdrawn from a course, all reportedly due to cost.
0-15% tariff imposed on imported books (Justice Laws Website, 2008), a piece of legislation that costs students an estimated $30 million per year (Hall, 2013).
- store
- student loans
- same or better
- digital literacy
- early access
- zedcred
- reducing costs
- use
- quality
- canada
- pedagogy
- rationale
- conclusion
- tuition
- hospitality
- faculty
- rental
- outcomes
- retain
- features
- 5r
- revenue
- OER Definition
- format
- rising cost
- analysis
- learning
- otb
- nsd
- perception
www.openaccesstextbooks.org www.openaccesstextbooks.org
Florida students are reducing costs by a variety of means.
Chart 4: Textbooks Purchased But Not Used (University and College)
Chart 1: Impact of Textbook Costs on Students
Key Finding 6 Florida students are reducing costs by a variety of means.
Key Finding 3 Required textbooks are purchased but not always used in course instruction.
Florida Virtual Campus |Distance Learning & Student Services |www.dlss.flvc.org5Summary of Key FindingsKey Finding 1 The high cost of textbooks is negatively impacting student access, success, and completion.
Florida Virtual Campus |Distance Learning & Student Services |www.dlss.flvc.org3During March and April 2016, more than 22,000 students participated in a Student Textbook and Course Materials Survey conducted by the Florida Virtual Campus’s (FLVC) Office of Distance Learning and Student Services. The survey examined textbook affordability and acquisition at Florida’s public higher education institutions. Previous surveys were conducted in 2010 and 2012. In this survey, students were asked to use their recent personal experiences to provide insight on how the cost of textbooks and course materials impact their education, purchasing behaviors, academic completion and success, the study aids they find most beneficial to their learning, and their use of financial aid to address these costs.The purpose of the 2016 Student Textbook and Course Materials Survey was to identify:1. The amount of money that Florida's public college and university students spent on textbooks and course materials during the spring 2016 semester,2. The frequency with which students buy textbooks that are not used,3. How students are affected by the cost of textbooks,4. Which study aids students perceive to be the most beneficial to their learning,5. Changes in student responses from previous surveys.The results of the survey are sobering, as the findings suggest the high cost of textbook and instructional materials are forcing many Florida higher education students to make decisions that compromise their academic success.
students are willing to take a hit on their grades to save some money.
higheredstrategy.com higheredstrategy.com
Overall, two-thirds of students said that they bought all of their required textbooks. But the proportion who said they did fell fairly dramatically as the overall cost of buying textbooks increased.
www.carillonregina.com www.carillonregina.com
The cost of textbooks is also influenced by Canadian book importation regulations, which can inflate costs by as much as 15%. In 1999, the federal government created book importation regulations in the Copyright Act in an attempt to help protect the Canadian publishing industry. These regulations allow distributors, if they hold exclusive distribution rights for the authored material in Canada, to charge Canadian booksellers an additional 10% (if it is imported from the United States) or 15% (if it is imported overseas) based off the domestic price of the book in the country of origin and the difference in exchange rates. Campus Stores Canada estimates that these book importation regulations cost students around $30 million annually.
- Apr 2018
create.twu.ca create.twu.ca
It’s entitled “LDRS 620 – My Introduction.” You can also access this audiotape by clicking the widget “My Introduction” in the footer of my website.
Ray, Thanks for sharing this recording! Your voice comes through the recording very nicely and is really quite soothing.
It is a great idea to put a link to your welcome recording into a widget in your footer so that it is accessible from any page. There may be other things that are suitable for this strategy as well.
Also, you may be interested to know that if you paste the URL of your SoundCloud recording all by itself on its own line, WordPress will display an embedded player connected directly to SoundCloud. You can see an example on Christian's post.
create.twu.ca create.twu.ca
The moral of the story. Search multiple databases before settling on any one source.
This does bring up the question of whether the images you found in Google were licensed for reuse. I find that many business-focused images are not.
Good reminder for the importance of poorfreading...;)
lessons4leaders.wordpress.com lessons4leaders.wordpress.com
Next time, I will read the full assignment, reflect on what needs to be accomplished, and then complete all the pre-planning before starting the assignment. Pre-planning requires a completed story board.
This is a very good point, Christian. Planning ahead of time can make the process run much more smoothly. Good lesson for our students too!
There were times I thought I was recording a specific sound but then, upon listening to the playback, I realized that I had not captured the sound I wanted as other sounds were louder at the time.
This can be frustrating with the limitations of consumer grade hardware that comes built into our devices. If you are thinking about recording audio more regularly and not wanting to do so much post-production, it may be worth spending a few bucks for a higher quality mic.
- Mar 2018
create.twu.ca create.twu.ca
Next, select the “media” link from your dashboard menu, upload the file, and then you can insert the file into your post.
Just a note that if you activate the 'PDF Embedder' plugin, you can display the actual file in a little reader frame right on your page.
Thanks for putting this together, Heather!
create.twu.ca create.twu.ca
If in coming days I find out how to add a free-standing page of resources to my website, I’ll include a link to this document in pdf format.
You should be able to activate a plugin on your site called 'TablePress' which will allow you to build quite nice tables on a WordPress page.
To activate a plugin, go to 'Plugins' in your dashboard, find the plugin you want, and click 'Activate'. Pretty simple.
onlineteachingmanifesto.wordpress.com onlineteachingmanifesto.wordpress.com
The text
Welcome to faculty from TWU who are new to annotating the web!
- Oct 2017
opencreativity.trubox.ca opencreativity.trubox.ca
Online teaching need not be complicit with the instrumentalisation of education.
Any teacher who CAN be replaced by a computer SHOULD be replaced by a computer. Interactive online learning environments are often more heavily reliant on faculty expertise, time, effort, labour.
- Sep 2016
doaj.org doaj.org
to meet physical activity recommendation
- Aug 2016
cogdogblog.com cogdogblog.com
is majorly the ones maintained, cared for by individuals, and largely in
this is a demo annotation
this is one reason I blog, so I can be wrong in public.
This has inspired the new tagline for my blog at known.merelearning.ca ...
- Jun 2016
critiquehq.com critiquehq.com
Peer Review Platform for Higher Ed
- Mar 2016
moodle.tru.ca moodle.tru.ca
The upper limb consists of the shoulder complex, arm, forearm, and hand. The only place the shoulder complex forms a bony link to the thorax is at the sternoclaviclular joint.
This is a test annotation to see how hypothes.is might work in Moodle.
- Oct 2015
drive.google.com drive.google.com
empowered to reflect, redesign, improve, localize, share
This is the heart of the issue...OER permit and encourage teacher learning, autonomy, agency...
efficacy and ability of teachers...how is this measured? Learning activity design?
see above
Contrast this with Muller who found that students reported that videos were clear, easy to understand, etc, yet they didn't improve their understanding of the concepts at all...there needs to be an improvement in outcomes!!
saving money is a necessary but not sufficient condition for promoting OER adoption. There must also be benefit to student and faculty learning
pedagogical and andragogical methods are key to maximizing the impact of open