92 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. student-faculty contact in and out of classes is the most important factor in student motivation and involvement.  Faculty concern helps students get through rough times and keep on working.  Knowing a few faculty members well enhances students’ intellectual commitment and encourages them to think about their own values and future plans

      Contact outside of the classroom is difficult for both commuters in on-ground courses and online environments. Also it's becoming an issue for traditional students who are working more and more hours to reduce overall costs of education.

    2. More importantly, transactional distance is not a static measurement, but variable with dynamics based on the interaction or gap between any one instructor and any one student—including face-to-face environments—and includes both psychological and communications space where there is potential for misunderstandings.  The space and time gap can be closed with deliberate elements of interaction by the instructor

      transactional distance can be an issue in on-ground classes

    1. . Moore (2013) found thatTD was the single biggest predictor of student satisfaction in online classes, a finding confirmed by morerecent research as well (Weidlich & Bastiaens, 2018). Low online retention rates are explained, in part, bythe potentially high barrier to contact and relationship-building between faculty and students in onlinecourses.

      importance of transactional distance and instructor presence

    1. found that facultyperceived themselves as more accessibleto students than the students did. Studentsreported that because they were paying fortheir instructors’ time, they expected timelyresponses to their emails. Additionally,Foral et al. were surprised to learn that thestudents in the campus courses expected aquicker response from an email than did theonline students

      faculty perceive themselves more available than students

    2. Transactional distance is “...a psychological and communications gap, aspace of potential misunderstanding betweenthe inputs of instructor and those of thelearner” (Moore, 1991, p. 2) created by thephysical distance separating online instructorsfrom their learners

      transactional distance

    1. robust theme in the reasons given for preferringface-to-face delivery formats is the perceived lack of interactionwith an instructor in online courses.This was evident in statementsthat suggested that students believe they would have to “teachthemselves”, or that they would prefer a course taught by a “hu-man” or a “real teacher”.

      need for instructor interaction

  2. Apr 2024
  3. Oct 2022
    1. the reason is that a perception 00:10:38 is kind of perceptual in structure and the buddhist world encodes this by arguing that the internal um sense the the manus venana is a sense faculty just like external faculties 00:10:52 and so just as our external faculties present us with a world that just seems to us even though we know it's not to be just as it is that we see it just as it is 00:11:03 it's tempting to think that we've got this apparent object distinct from our sensory apprehension of it but is but an object that's presented by a completely veritable process 00:11:15 because as i say perception just feels like it presents the world to us as it is i look at a red apple and i think damn i know exactly what that apple smells like looks like tastes like and 00:11:27 feels like forgetting that all i have is the apple as it's mediated by the peculiar perceptual system that i have and by all of the conceptual resources through which i filtered my perception 00:11:41 so in the same way a perception or introspective awareness just feels like it presents our own cognitive affective and perceptual states to us just as they are 00:11:53 independent of that appreceptive system and those conceptual categories so just as external perception gives us the illusion that we're just detectors of the world as it is inner perception can give us the illusion that we are just 00:12:06 detectors of our inner um our inner world just as it is so even when we remind ourselves as i'm reminding you right now of this 00:12:18 extremely complex mediation of our perceptual encounter with external objects we find ourselves in constantly experiencing our own experience as though 00:12:31 we've got the world just as it is and then we sometimes say okay maybe we're not getting the world just as it is but at least i'm getting my sensory experiences just as they are the apple might not be red but the redness i 00:12:42 experience is exactly the redness that i think i experience the sweetness that i introspect must be the sweetness just as it is and so forth so even if we give up for a moment and it's hard to give it up 00:12:54 for more than that the notion of immediacy with regard to external perception we often retreat to thinking that that's mediated but my awareness of my own inner episodes is the immediate 00:13:06 awareness that mediates my knowledge of the external world and i think that in the sense of that perception that sense of immediacy is even greater it's really hard for us to be convinced that our inner experience 00:13:20 could possibly be deceptive we seem to think that if i think that i believe something i must believe it if i think that i'm feeling something i must be feeling it and that feeling and that believing grab my inner 00:13:33 reality just as it is and so part of the problem that arises is that the mediation of our introspective awareness by our introspective faculty becomes 00:13:46 cognitively invisible to us just as what i'm seeing the world my visual faculty is invisible and it just delivers a visible world to me and i have to really think to to understand 00:13:58 what my own visual faculty visual organ and visual consciousness are contributing i think i experience my introspective faculty as just giving me inner objects and i have to think and remind myself 00:14:11 that actually my inner sense faculty is also a fallible instrument and that i may be misusing that instrument or that instrument might be intrinsically deceptive and that's a hard thing to get one's mind around 00:14:25 as a consequence we've become seduced by this idea that even if our knowledge of some things is mediated that mediation can't go all the way down we get seduced by the idea that there's got to be a 00:14:38 basic foundational level of experience to which we can have some kind of immediate access and to which when we know it we know it absolutely veritically in the theory of knowledge that leads us to foundationalism in the 00:14:51 philosophy of mind it leads us to sense datum theory um and i find that in a lot of buddhist situations a lot of buddhist practitioners take it to be this idea of an infallibility of an immediate kind of 00:15:03 experience if i'm sitting on the cushion just right so with all of that in play um i want to move to exercising that myth of the given that i've been characterizing 00:15:16 and to show that buddhist philosophy offers us powerful ways of doing that and i'm going to begin by talking about first person knowledge through the lens of the madhyamaka tradition

      Jay emphasizes the compelling sense of this allure of immediacy. We believe that our perceptual and our introspective faculties give us an infallible representation of reality, and never question that it could be fallible.

      This is very much aligned with the research on Umwelt by Jakob Von Uexkull.

      Aperception, the introspection and awareness of our inner space is just as alluring.

      So in summary: perception gives us the feeling that we are sensing the way the external world actually is and aperception gives us the feeling that we are aware of the inner world as it is. However, both are relative, the first to our peculiar sense faculties and the second to our linguistic and conceptual modeling of reality. Both are specific filters that create the specific situated interpretation of reality as a human being.

  4. Sep 2022
    1. I have a long list of ideas I want to pursue in cosmology, quantum mechanics, complexity, statistical mechanics, emergence, information, democracy, origin of life, and elsewhere. Maybe we’ll start up a seminar series in Complexity and Emergence that brings different people together. Maybe it will grow into a Center of some kind.


      Somehow I missed that Sean Carroll had moved to Johns Hopkins? Realized today when his next book showed up on my doorstep with his new affiliation.

  5. Jul 2022
    1. Dilemma: should/ can the CTL be neutral territory (and can it be?)

      Fascinating to see what "neutral" means here. There's the "non-evaluative"/"non-supervisory" sense, where "neutrality" is essentially with respect to office politics, and the "not advancing an argument" sense, which in the strictest sense seems almost impossible to reconcile with any kind of developmental work.

  6. Jun 2022
    1. https://alanjreidphd.wixsite.com/reid

      I am an Associate Professor of First-Year Writing & Instructional Technologies at Coastal Carolina University where I teach courses in composition, new media, digital culture and design, and graduate writing and research. I also have created and taught a variety of graduate courses in the Instructional Design & Technology doctoral programs at Johns Hopkins University, Old Dominion University, and Northcentral University.

      In addition, I am an Evaluation Analyst at the Center for Research and Reform in Education (CRRE) and Adjunct Teaching Faculty in the School of Education at Johns Hopkins University. I also serve as a board member for the non-profit, STEM Mentorship Academy of NC.

      I live in Kure Beach, NC with my wife and our four children. I enjoy surfing, skateboarding, and home renovation projects.

  7. Feb 2022
    1. When I hear people in a variety of contexts talking about “building community” for students or colleagues (or, customers), I worry about that, too.  Is the motivation an additive one?  “Let’s give them more people to connect with and rely on?”  Or is it intended to be a kind of capture?

      What an enormous challenge for those of us in faculty development and other "community-building" businesses. Are we actually serving when we help people acculturate? We might be. We also might be trying to capture peoples' time and attention and loyalty.

  8. Jan 2022
    1. What if we designed faculty learning experiences that took less time, were more consistent, and were packed with meaning that compelled us to share and connect with our colleagues and students? What would that look like? I’d think I’d like to explore that question with all of you in 2022.

      Fascinating challenge... how do we design education to maximize "viral" reach?

    2. Why is the 60-minute workshop the gold-standard in faculty development/learning?

      Excellent question. How do we communicate "this is worthy of more time" as well as "this really shouldn't take that long"?

    3. Over the past several weeks, I’ve seen more faculty declining learning opportunities and expressing a need to protect their time than ever before in fifteen years of doing this work.

      Protect their time for what, I wonder?

    1. Men need to turn up to the teacher courses I attend on empathy and restorative practice. Men are consistently in the minority at these events and whilst the men who do attend are inspiring, the empty seats are a reminder that change is not happening quickly enough.

      The issue of who does and doesn't show up to faculty development has enormous impacts. Connecting it to violence in society is a chilling insight.

  9. Aug 2021
    1. Pedagogy is not ideologically neutral

      I like the honesty in this statement. It's a good starting point for a conversation on education and ideology. ideology word cloud

    1. All topics were framed as specific but open questions

      When meetings are framed around reading titles, they suggest a level of certainty. Framing around questions starts with what is unknown instead of known - more open to novices? (See next paragraph - "facilitators located expertise in readings and research ... not themselves")

    2. we first thought about starting a reading group, as many other institutions and departments have done. But we wanted to make the barrier to joining the conversation as low as possible

      This is an interesting point. Faculty members take reading assignments seriously; some folks will skip events rather than show up unprepared. Starting with a facilitator's presentation is an interesting way over that barrier.

  10. Apr 2021
    1. Regardless of an explicit requirement, it is an implication of membership in the academic community that its members have a responsibility, and a right, to contribute to the intellectual corpus of their time.

      So who then is, or isn't, a "member" of the "academic community?" And is it incumbent that members "produce ideas" within their defined fields, or does their membership entitle (require?) them to speak more broadly than that?

  11. Feb 2021
  12. Oct 2020

      This article uses educational theory to examine why educators feel anxiety in association with learning and using new technologies and how best to teach new technologies without triggering anxiety. 7/10, good discussion of theories and methods along with reasoning.

  13. Jun 2020
    1. Here are a few recommendations for designing a Faculty Learning Community centered around new technologies: Evolving Outcomes: Begin with clear outcomes for the community, and ask faculty to articulate their own project objectives in their applications for participation. However, keep in mind that there is an inherent openness to this process. Rework project outcomes as needed and provide progress updates at the beginning of each meeting. Multi-channel Communication: Include multiple types of interactions throughout the term to meet the many needs of participating faculty. Allow the participants to design the format of their face-to-face group meetings. Then supplement these scheduled sessions with one-on-one design meetings, online communications, self-help resources, and triage sessions. Campus Partners: Use the participant applications to imagine what types of support the faculty might need, and identify the people on campus best able to offer this support. Reach out to these campus partners in advance of the FLC, gauging their interest and availability to offer demonstrations, create online learning tools, purchase technologies, or meet with faculty one-on-one. Community Building: Remember that this is a community, and build it as such: work to develop a good rapport among participants; listen deeply to each participants’ goals; learn about disciplines outside of one’s own; require a certain level of participation; and bring drinks and food. Good learning environments tend to blend the formal and informal, supplementing expectations and plans with the free flowing nature of discussion and discovery.

      I am especially interested in the "Evolving Outcomes" mentioned. How do we go about articulating initial outcomes for an FLC at my organization?

    2. FLCs are extended gatherings (typically a semester or more) in which participants organize around a clear objective but in an informal structure. Perhaps most importantly, the FLC itself is a process that develops as the group proceeds. The community members work together to direct the shape of the experience. This design engenders ownership (Cox & Richlin, 2011; Moore & Hicks 2014) in the project without requiring the faculty to become technical experts—ownership that promotes sustainable success.

      Very brief definition of faculty learning community.

    3. Building Faculty Learning Communities: New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 97, edited by Milton D. Cox, and Laurie Richlin, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2011.

      Check LSU Libraries for this resource?

  14. Feb 2020
    1. Preparing Faculty to Work with Multilingual Writers

      work with faculty development department & WPA to train faculty on course/assignment design for multilingual writers

  15. Oct 2019
    1. I launched the open textbook project over a summer, and because I teach at a public university where I had no easy access to graduate assistants or funding,

      I think that this is one of the biggest barrier for changing course materials; if our institutions are not supplying incentives to faculty, what are creative ways to effectively promote OER to faculty?

    1. Currently, untenured librarians get 30 days ( 6 weeks) of research leave in an academic year for five years. Can someone explain how this will change in the new contract. I am so sorry to ask this question. It is very confusing to me. Thank you.

  16. Sep 2019
    1. There is a growing need to establish literacies around open education, copyright, social media and networked learning as a foundational skill.

      Among both students AND instructors. Instructors teach what they know, and if they do not feel comfortable themselves working in these environments b/c they lack digital skills, then they will not encourage students to work openly.

  17. Apr 2019
    1. The  Use  of  Mobile  Devices  for  Academic  Purposes  at  the  University  of  Washington:  Current  State  and  Future  Prospects

      Professional development opportunities and incentives for faculty to integrate mobile devices and as a teaching and learning tool.

    1. Can Tablet Computers Enhance Faculty Teaching?

      Studies faculty provided with tablet computers and peer mentoring workshops to help increase understanding and use of mobile devices in pedogogical approaches

    1. Faculty Alert: You Can't Put the Mobile Genie Back in the Bottle

      Use of mobile devices in academic environments remains low despite the fact students demand it. However laptops are relatively common and accepted. There is growth in acceptance that mobile devices can contribute to student learning, however faculty adoption is slow.

    1. Author Catherine C. Schifter has had a long background in Educational Psychology and this article from 1999 shows her dedication to the field and provides an analysis of educators in distance learning and the evaluation that Dr. Schifter did of these programs and the motivation of faculty members who were teaching these courses at the time.

      Rating: 6/10

  18. Feb 2019
  19. Jan 2019
    1. That’s true not just within the classroom environment, but in the web of interactions students experience

      Subtle call for more cross-campus collaborations between faculty and administration. A productive form of shared governance.

    2. More specifically

      Inclusive pedagogy as an element of things faculty are probably already doing.

  20. Aug 2018
    1. Like a phantom limb, you remember who you were as a reader but cannot summon that “attentive ghost” with the joy you once felt in being transported somewhere outside the self.

      I know this feeling. This summer I made it a point to rediscover analog reading. I really had a handle on this for awhile, lost it, then re-engaged with my new tablet hardware, ReMarkable.

  21. Jul 2018
    1. In a strong culture, there are many, overlapping, and cohesive interactions among all members of the organization.

      Important for faculty development centers - being a site where interactions can happen. But how to ensure they're "cohesive" interactions?

  22. May 2018
    1. Indeed, the only published report that investigated perceptions of OER quality in the Canadian context is a survey of post-secondary faculty in British Columbia, a majority of whom perceived OER to be comparable or superior to traditional, proprietary materials (Jhangiani, Pitt, Hendricks, Key, & Lalonde, 2016).
  23. Mar 2018
  24. Feb 2018
    1. "Clear the deck," said Cheryl Rock, 40, an assistant professor of human nutrition at the University of Michigan, who opposes the elimination of mandatory retirement. "The old professors are holding back the university."
  25. Jan 2018
    1. Faculty development.

      Physical spaces for technology-based learning do not have to be student-only spaces, and actually giving faculty the choice to use these spaces as well may keep the curriculum fresh, the faculty updated on what works best for the students and students interested and feeling like their learning needs and styles are being met.

  26. Oct 2017
  27. Aug 2017
  28. Jul 2017
    1. The Board of Regents and University will not assert an interest in faculty produced textbooks, scholarly writing, art works, musical compositions and dramatic and non-dramatic literary works that are related to the faculty member's professional field unless such work is commissioned by the University or is a work for hire pursuant to Paragraph F below.
  29. www.webpages.uidaho.edu www.webpages.uidaho.edu
    1. works prepared by faculty as part of the general obligation to produce scholarly or other creative works, such as, but not limited to, articles, books, musical compositions, and works of art
    2. UI employees and students retain all rights in the copyrightable materials they create except in the cases of “UI-Sponsored Materials” as defined in Subsection B-2-b below, materials subject to grant of a non-exclusive license to UI for public access as described in Subsection B-2-c below, materials covered by a Grant or Contract as discussed in Subsection E below, and materials covered by a valid written agreement between the natural person or persons and the UI as discussed in Subsection B-5 below.
    1. In cases where a copyrightable work has been produced with support to Northwestern University from a government agency or other external source whose grant specifies that the copyright for any work created under the grant is the property of the University (as grantee), then, if permitted under the applicable grant terms, the University assigns the copyright ownership to the work to the creator(s), subject to the following conditions:
    2. ). In the case of Computer Software created by members of the Northwestern University Academic Community in the course of their employment the Creators shall grant to the University a perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free right and license to use, perform, display, copy, reproduce, modify and create derivatives of such works for all traditional, customary or reasonable academic or research purposes of the University.
    3. In the case of Traditional Works that are instructional materials integral to the administration of an academic program (such as laboratory manuals, placement tests, internship handbooks, etc.), the University shall also have a perpetual, royalty-free right and license to use, reproduce, modify and create derivatives of such works, for all traditional, customary or reasonable academic purposes of the University. When it proposes to exercise this right and license for instructional materials, the University shall make reasonable efforts to consult with the Creator(s)
    1. If a faculty member’s work is subject to a contractual obligation of the University, such as a sponsored research agreement, then the ownership of the copyrights with respect to such work shall be governed by the terms of the contractual obligation of the University
    2. A faculty member (an academic appointment in the professorial ranks, research ranks, or non-professorial ranks under Policy 201 “Faculty Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure,” or other policies referenced therein) owns the copyrights to scholarly works, literary works, art works, architectural works, musical works, syllabi and textbooks that such faculty member produces regardless of the form of expression
    3. this policy provides that faculty members, staff researchers, and graduate and undergraduate students own the copyrights to works they produce during their academic careers at the University, subject to limited contractual exceptions and, in certain circumstances, limited use rights
    1. Use of any materials or services paid for out of an external grant to the faculty member does not count toward substantial use.
    2. If a substantial use of Florida Tech resources is involved in the creation of the product, the university and the faculty member should plan together to recover its investment over time. A separate contact must be developed at the start of the project to cover the concerns and interests of the creator(s) and the university. This includes intellectual property rights as well as such matters as initial investments, protections, editorial control, marketing, royalties, extended use and eventual disposition. Substantial use is defined as a threshold for the investment of institutional resources that requires additional planning and preparation to recover this investment over some period of time. If use is substantial, the university is acting with the faculty member as a partner in the development of stored materials and will have rights to those materials.
    3. If the stored course material is created by full-time faculty in the context of the normal duties and does not involve substantial use of Florida Tech resources, the ownership of the intellectual property remain with the creator.
    4. Copyrightable material resulting from a project assigned to faculty as a part of their regular duties shall inure to the university only if so specified in writing and signed by the faculty member, their department head and the dean.
    5. In accordance with other institutions of higher learning and except as provided for in Paragraph 2 below, the right of first publication and of statutory copyright in any book, manuscript, television or motion picture script or film, educational material or other copyrightable work, whose author is a faculty member, shall be the property of the author.
    1. Intellectual Property that is created by Covered Individuals and that relates to their clinical, instructional, or research work is considered ABOR-Owned IP, except if it constitutes Excluded IP as set forth in Section B.1 above. This includes tangible research property, such as lab notebooks, data, research tools, prototypes, records, or written results.
    2. All Intellectual Property that is created by Covered Individuals in the course of performing research projects that are supported partially or fully by the University or any external agency (usually either a private company or a federal agency, in either case referred to as a “sponsor”) is ABOR-Owned IP, regardless of the form or type of Intellectual Property. Sometimes ABOR agrees to grant the sponsor certain ownership and/or license rights in such ABOR-Owned IP. If that is the case, that agreement governs Intellectual Property ownership. The University works with the principal investigator of such a research project when negotiating these agreements with sponsors.
    3. ABOR does claim ownership of, and Covered Individuals assign to ABOR, all right, title, and interest to all other Intellectual Property not specifically excluded under paragraph B.1.a that is created in the course and scope of employment at the University or with significant use of ABOR or University resources.
    4. ABOR does not claim ownership of the copyright (i.e., the tangible expression) in "Scholarly Works,” “Fine Art,” or “Student Works” created by Covered Individuals. All of these terms (Scholarly Works, Fine Art, and Student Works) are specifically defined in the ABOR IP Policy. Excluded IP includes, without limitation, scholarly publications, textbooks, journal articles, syllabi, course materials and notes, research bulletins, monographs, books, play scripts, theatrical productions, poems, music, movies, art, and instructional materials that are created by a Covered Individual, usually a faculty member or a student, at his or her own direction and with only incidental use of University resources.
    1. the provision of office facilities, limited secretarial assistance, library facilities for which special charges are not normally made or other resources which are made available to the public without charge, shall not be considered substantial use of University resources.
    2. Upon request by the University, the creator(s) will grant the University a nonexclusive, free of cost, world wide right and license to exercise all copyright rights in and to the work, except the right to commercially display, use, perform, or distribute copies of the work, unless to do so would impair the ability of the creator to have the work published or distributed.
    3. In keeping with traditional academic practice and policy, ownership of copyrights to works of artistry or scholarship in the creator’s professional field such as textbooks, course materials, scholarly papers and articles, software and other computer materials when they are works of artistry or scholarship, novels, poems, paintings, musical compositions or other such works of artistic imagination produced by University employees who have a general obligation to produce such works where the specific choice, content, course, and direction of the effort is determined by the employee without direct assignment or supervision by the University shall reside in the creators
    4. It is the policy of the Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma that all rights in copyright shall remain with the creator of the work unless the work is created with substantial use of University resources, is specifically assigned or commissioned by the University, is subject to non-University contractual or legal obligations, or is a “work made for hire” as that term is defined by U.S. Copyright Law.
    1. For purposes of this policy, “work made for hire” should be as defined by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Statement on Copyright.1 “Substantial use” means that the creator receives more than normal support for the project or receives time and/or resources specifically dedicated to the project.

      Footnote: The University of Kansas, Lawrence, will be guided specifically by that portion of the AAUP 1999 Statement on Copyright (AAUP Policy Documents & Reports, Tenth Edition, p.215, lines 15-21), that states, “Works created as a specific requirement of employment or as an assigned institutional duty that may, for example, be included in a written job description or an employment agreement, may be fairly deemed works made for hire. Even absent such prior written specification, ownership will vest in the college or university in those cases in which it provides the specific authorization or supervision for the preparation of the work. Examples are reports prepared by a dean or by the chair or members of a faculty committee, or college promotional brochures prepared by a director of admissions.”

    2. The rights to copyrightable software with an actual or projected market value in excess of $10,000 annually, except software included in computer-mediated courseware, shall be determined pursuant to the Board's Patent and Copyrightable Software12 Policy (II.A.8.b).
    3. When the University specifically directs the creation of mediated courseware by assigning one or more employees to develop the mediated courseware and supplies them with materials and time to develop the mediated courseware, the resulting mediated courseware belongs to the University and the University shall have the right to revise it and decide who will utilize the mediated courseware in instruction. The University may specifically agree to share revenues and control rights with the employee.
    4. When employees develop mediated courseware without specific direction by the University, unless otherwise agreed, the ownership of the courseware shall remain with the employee.
    5. The mediated courseware shall not be sold, leased, rented or otherwise used in a manner that competes in a substantial way with the for-credit offering of the University unless that transaction has received the approval of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
    6. Notwithstanding any use of institutional resources or “work made for hire,” the ownership of textbooks, scholarly monographs, trade publications, maps, charts, articles in popular magazines and newspapers, novels, nonfiction works, supporting materials, artistic works, and like works shall reside with the creator(s) and any revenue derived from their work shall belong to the creator(s).
  30. Mar 2017
  31. Feb 2017
    1. How do I take Attendance using the Moodle Attendance activity? PageHow can I use the Attendance activity to track student participation or assess repeating assignments? Page
  32. Nov 2016
  33. Oct 2016