- Oct 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
English composition: Eight lectures given at the Lowell Institute, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1891.
evidence of a card system/zettelkasten method in this?
I found a copy and indeed there is evidence!
Eustace Miles suggested that Wendell used the card system in writing, so perhaps one of his textbooks suggests the method as well?
Local file Local file
But, the more heexamines the subject, and the more he goes by hispersonal experience, the more he will find it worthwhile to spend time on, and to practise carefully,fthisfirst department of Composition, as opposed to the mereExpression^] Indeed one might almost say that, if thisfirst department has been thoroughly well done, that isto say, if the Scheme of Headings and Sub-Headingshas been well prepared, the Expression will be a com-paratively easy matter.
Definition of the "first department of composition": <br /> The preparation (mise en place) for writing as opposed to the actual expression of the writing. By this he likely means the actions of Part II (collecting, selecting, arranging) of this book versus Part III.
I shall try to give the ChiefFaults in Composition. The reader will see that thelist is long : and that, if he merely tries to write wholeEssays all at one 'sitting', he is little likely to escapethem all.S
Attempting to escape the huge list of potential "Chief faults in composition" is a solid reason not to try to cram a paper or essay in a single night/day.
- Jun 2024
eduscol.education.fr eduscol.education.fr
arrêtée par leconseil d’administration et inscrite au règlement intérieur de l’établissement.
- May 2024
orientation.ac-creteil.fr orientation.ac-creteil.fr
Vérifier que la composition de la commission est conforme et le quorum est atteint. Elle doit rester invariable tout aulong de ses travaux. Aucune intégration d’un membre de la commission ne peut avoir lieu en cours de séance.
En l’absence de précision le quorum est atteint si la moitié des membres désignés sont présents.
www.qiagen.com www.qiagen.com
The composition of Buffer EB is: 10 mM Tris-Cl, pH 8.5
- Apr 2024
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Composing Implementations
can be composed with any other (compatible)correct
, and it is guaranteed to becorrect
fsharpforfunandprofit.com fsharpforfunandprofit.com
let map oneTrackFunction twoTrackInput = match twoTrackInput with | Success s -> Success (oneTrackFunction s) | Failure f -> Failure f And here it is in use with canonicalizeEmail: let usecase = validate1 >=> validate2 >=> validate3 >> map canonicalizeEmail // normal composition Note that normal composition is now used because map canonicalizeEmail is a fully two-track function and can be connected to the output of the validate3 switch directly. In other words, for one-track functions, >=> switch is exactly the same as >> map. Your choice.
can be defined usingbind
,let map f = bind (switch f)
but how to do this with
Found a solution, but this is quite stupid:
let map' f result = match result with // The value of `o` is irrelevant, it is only needed // because `>=>` returns a function, but we need // a value and both operands of the input `f` are // provided by the closures | Ok o -> ((fun _ -> result) >=> (switch f)) o | Error e -> Error e
NOTE<br /> Call them as:
map ((+) 2) ((Ok 27) : Result<int,string>);; map' ((+) 2) ((Ok 27) : Result<int,string>);;
- Mar 2024
www.fcpe.asso.fr www.fcpe.asso.fr
La composition du conseil de classeArt. R. 421-50 du code de l’éducation
- Feb 2024
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
We conducted surveys and focus group interviews with student participants
This is getting into methods of this study.
- Nov 2023
robertbreen.com robertbreen.com
When Jimmy Buffett has an idea for a song — sometimes just a phrase — he writes it down on any available scrap of paper and stuffs it into an old sea chest. When he’s ready to write some new music, he sits down and pulls out all those scribbles, which I imagine must be torn off bar napkins and beer coasters, and sorts through them, one by one. He says many of his most popular songs marinated in his sea chest before emerging as lyrics.
Source for this?
Sounds very similar to Eminem's "stacking ammo".
dat-ecosystem-archive.github.io dat-ecosystem-archive.github.io
Multi-writer will allow Dats to be modified by multiple devices and multiple authors at the same time. Each author will have their own secret key and publish a Dat with their data in it. Multi-writer fuses all of these separate Dats into one “meta-Dat” that is a view of everyone’s data combined
martin.kleppmann.com martin.kleppmann.com
Partially ordered event-based systems are well placed to supportsuch branching-and-merging workflows, since they already makedata changes explicit in the form of events, and their support forconcurrent updates allows several versions of a dataset to coexistside-by-side.
Event-based systems allow for divergent views as first-class citizens.
in Git terms, one user can create a branch (a setof commits that are not yet part of the main document version),and another user can choose whether to merge it
Users are empowered to create composed views out of events of their choice.
I.e., collaboration as composition.
I.e., divergent views as first-class citizens.
- Sep 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
The three main categories of tonal melodic composition for the Grade 6 examination are:Examples 45 to 54d below fall into the first of these categories. Here is the opening 12-barsentence of a Bourrée movement written by Handel:VIOLIN Handel: Organ Concerto, Op.7 No.1 (Bourrée)Allegro , : 47]Bb major: IbF major: IVb vii° I iib Ib vii°b =IBb major: I IV Ic Vv vi‘Consult AB Guide, Part II, Chapter 22, for more information on instrumental writing. There are many good bookson the subject and at this stage you could not do better than to read Gordon Jacob’s Orchestral Technique (OxfordUniversity Press, available as a paperback). You should try to listen to as much music as you can while followingthe printed score. It does not matter whether the music is ‘live’ or recorded, as long as you appreciate that reading
Melodic composition
- Aug 2023
createanyai.sharepoint.com createanyai.sharepoint.com
In conclusion, I believe that my diversity in background and experiences makes me an ideal candidate for this program
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I am also considering to pursue a PhD in “Machine Learning & Data Analytics for IoT” based on my learnings from the MSc in Analytics.
I am also considering pursuing a PhD in “Machine Learning & Data Analytics for IoT” based on my learnings from the MSc in Analytics.
After graduation, I look forward to becoming an analytics expert and take up data scientist roles and continue to research further to the field of data sciences.
After graduation, I look forward to becoming an analytics expert, taking up data scientist roles, and continuing to research further in the field of data sciences.
The UChicago’s vast and in-depth curriculum across analytics verticals acts as a true differentiator from other universities.
UChicago's vast and in-depth curriculum across analytics verticals acts as a true differentiator from other universities.
While my experiences have introduced me to various tools and methods in analytics, expanding my knowledge base through new concepts and techniques remains critical
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The research and patents of Professor Anil D. Chaturvedi continue to inspire me to further continue working on this and research in on Marketing Analytics.
The research and patents of Professor Anil D. Chaturvedi continue to inspire me to further continue working on this and conduct research in Marketing Analytics.
During my work on designing the CLTV and segmentation solution, I happened to visit Professor Anil D
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We have filed a patent5,6 on this initiative with Intellectual Property India and completing PCT filing with World Intellectual Property Organization.
We have filed a patent5,6 on this initiative with Intellectual Property India and are completing PCT filing with the World Intellectual Property Organization.
Our device encompasses advanced technologies4 to accomplish this.
Our device uses advanced technologies4 to accomplish this.
We employ IoT3 to collect various data-points from every garbage bins in an area and help save costs by optimizing collection routes between overflowing bins.
We employ IoT3 to collect various data-points from every garbage bin in an area and help save costs by optimizing collection routes between overflowing bins.
I also worked towards my passion for contributing to social initiatives
Great job following the STAR Format! Situation: The author was working on a project supporting the Government’s “Clean India Initiative” under the vision of the current Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi. The project involved using IoT to collect various data-points from every garbage bin in an area. Task: The task was to optimize collection routes between overflowing bins, devise real-time digital advertising on bins, and develop an analytical algorithm that predicts the collection patterns for any given bin and the workforce required to clear it. Action: The author and their team employed IoT to collect data, devised real-time digital advertising on bins, and are developing an analytical algorithm. They also filed a patent on this initiative with Intellectual Property India and are completing PCT filing with World Intellectual Property Organization. Result: The first pilot implementation is active in Rajasthan, the largest state in India. The initial analysis based on this pilot shows that this system can save about 35% cost by just optimization of collection routes and workforce based on analytical systems built over real-time stream of data. This could potentially save about 4.5 billion USD annually across India, when implemented.
As a graduate student at University of Chicago, I would continue learning essential management concepts and grow as a leader through capstone projects, corporate projects and aligned course as well as learn more about NLP courses from courses like “Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Cognitive”.
As a graduate student at the University of Chicago, I will continue learning essential management concepts and grow as a leader through capstone projects, corporate projects, and aligned courses. I will also learn more about NLP from courses like "Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Cognitive".
My work also involves project management and understanding and working with cross-functional technology and business teams while managing stringent timelines.
My work also involves project management, understanding, and working with cross-functional technology and business teams while managing stringent timelines.
If I had a deeper knowledge of NLP techniques, I could improve this bot extensively to even handle complex queries and also take up transactions like payments and change of subscription packages.
If I had a deeper knowledge of NLP techniques, I could improve this bot significantly to handle complex queries and manage transactions such as payments and changes to subscription packages.
I recently developed a conversational chatbot which handles FAQ based queries for one of the USA’s largest direct broadcast satellite service provider.
I recently developed a conversational chatbot that handles FAQ-based queries for one of the USA's largest direct broadcast satellite service providers.
Along with this, I am currently exploring other segments, where we focus on utilizing chatbots for conversations and hence further bring down the operation cost.
Along with this, I am currently exploring other segments where we focus on utilizing chatbots for conversations, thereby further reducing operational costs.
As a part of the Data Sciences group, we design models which identify customers who need assistance with their purchase, hence improving customer’s experience, engagement and conversions while lowering operational cost.
As a part of the Data Sciences group, we design models that identify customers who need assistance with their purchases, thereby improving customers' experiences, engagement, and conversions while lowering operational costs.
To understand the implementation of analytics in products, I moved to [24]7
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This then led our client change the way they market to customers across both e-commerce and walk-in stores.
This then led our client to change the way they market to customers across both e-commerce and walk-in stores.
A particularly edifying experience was when I was leading a team working on an important marketing analytics assignment for one of world’s largest retailer’s ecommerce business.
A particularly edifying experience was when I was leading a team working on an important marketing analytics assignment for one of the world’s largest retailers' ecommerce business.
A particularly edifying experience was when I was leading a team working on an important marketing analytics assignment for one of world’s largest retailer’s ecommerce business
Great job following the STAR Format! Situation: The situation was when the individual was leading a team working on a marketing analytics assignment for a large retailer's ecommerce business. The task was to determine customer lifetime value (CLTV) and predict future purchase trends. Task: The task was to implement a solution using Hadoop and Spark due to the retailer's large customer base and build a segmentation model to cluster customers based on various parameters. Action: The action taken was the implementation of the solution using statistical techniques and Hadoop and Spark. The team also built a segmentation model to cluster customers based on demographics, household parameters, and CLTV parameters. Result: The result was a significant increase in CTR on email and social media, a decrease in un-subscriptions rate, and a change in the client's marketing approach. However, the individual realized that a deeper understanding of the underlying algorithms could have led to an even better solution. This realization led to the decision to pursue a Masters in Analytics program at The University of Chicago.
During my engineering, I was involved in a lot of conferences and projects using data analytics
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I secured the highest score in my school for Computer Science and this lead me further to my under-graduation in Information Science engineering in 2010.
I secured the highest score in my school for Computer Science, which led me to pursue my undergraduate degree in Information Science Engineering in 2010.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions during my high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me to solve using difficult programming questions like Adaptive quiz system, library management system, and Sudoku solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions in high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me with difficult programming tasks like creating an Adaptive Quiz System, Library Management System, and Sudoku Solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions during my high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me to solve using difficult programming questions like Adaptive quiz system, library management system, and Sudoku solver
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Big data and Analytics have revolutionized industries across the world – We see it span across Insurance, Retail, Hospitality and many more sectors
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While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions during my high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me to solve using difficult programming questions like Adaptive quiz system, library management system, and Sudoku solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions in high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me with difficult programming tasks like creating an Adaptive Quiz System, Library Management System, and Sudoku Solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions during my high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me to solve using difficult programming questions like Adaptive quiz system, library management system, and Sudoku solver
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Big data and Analytics have revolutionized industries across the world – We see it span across Insurance, Retail, Hospitality and many more sectors
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While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions during my high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me to solve using difficult programming questions like Adaptive quiz system, library management system, and Sudoku solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions in high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me with difficult programming tasks like creating an Adaptive Quiz System, Library Management System, and Sudoku Solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions during my high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me to solve using difficult programming questions like Adaptive quiz system, library management system, and Sudoku solver
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Big data and Analytics have revolutionized industries across the world – We see it span across Insurance, Retail, Hospitality and many more sectors
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While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions during my high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me to solve using difficult programming questions like Adaptive quiz system, library management system, and Sudoku solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions in high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me with difficult programming tasks like creating an Adaptive Quiz System, Library Management System, and Sudoku Solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions during my high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me to solve using difficult programming questions like Adaptive quiz system, library management system, and Sudoku solver
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Big data and Analytics have revolutionized industries across the world – We see it span across Insurance, Retail, Hospitality and many more sectors
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Big data and Analytics have revolutionized industries across the world – We see it span across Insurance, Retail, Hospitality and many more sectors
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To understand the implementation of analytics in products, I moved to [24]7
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This then led our client change the way they market to customers across both e-commerce and walk-in stores.
This then led our client to change the way they market to customers across both e-commerce and walk-in stores.
A particularly edifying experience was when I was leading a team working on an important marketing analytics assignment for one of world’s largest retailer’s ecommerce business.
A particularly edifying experience was when I was leading a team working on an important marketing analytics assignment for one of the world’s largest retailers' ecommerce business.
A particularly edifying experience was when I was leading a team working on an important marketing analytics assignment for one of world’s largest retailer’s ecommerce business
Great job following the STAR Format! Situation: The situation was when the individual was leading a team working on a marketing analytics assignment for a large retailer's ecommerce business. The task was to determine customer lifetime value (CLTV) and predict future purchase trends. Task: The task was to implement a solution using Hadoop and Spark due to the retailer's large customer base and build a segmentation model to cluster customers based on various parameters. Action: The action taken was the implementation of the solution using statistical techniques and Hadoop and Spark. The team also built a segmentation model to cluster customers based on demographics, household parameters, and CLTV parameters. Result: The result was a significant increase in CTR on email and social media, a decrease in un-subscriptions rate, and a change in the client's marketing approach. However, the individual realized that a deeper understanding of the underlying algorithms could have led to an even better solution. This realization led to the decision to pursue a Masters in Analytics program at The University of Chicago.
During my engineering, I was involved in a lot of conferences and projects using data analytics
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I secured the highest score in my school for Computer Science and this lead me further to my under-graduation in Information Science engineering in 2010.
I secured the highest score in my school for Computer Science, which led me to pursue my undergraduate degree in Information Science Engineering in 2010.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions during my high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me to solve using difficult programming questions like Adaptive quiz system, library management system, and Sudoku solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions in high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me with difficult programming tasks like creating an Adaptive Quiz System, Library Management System, and Sudoku Solver.
While I always loved solving probability and statistics questions during my high school, I also developed a niche for technology when my computer science teacher used to challenge me to solve using difficult programming questions like Adaptive quiz system, library management system, and Sudoku solver
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Big data and Analytics have revolutionized industries across the world – We see it span across Insurance, Retail, Hospitality and many more sectors
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Big data and Analytics have revolutionized industries across the world – We see it span across Insurance, Retail, Hospitality and many more sectors
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- Jun 2023
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
And that is part of the larger pattern of the appeal of a new online collectivismthat is nothing less than a resurgence of the idea that the collective is all-wis
Lanier is saying that the intelligence from the collective is harmful but I feel like throughout my life I have been taught to use other people's knowledge to help me and that teamwork is very important. This made me think of the saying my elementary and middle school teachers have taught me all my life.
- May 2023
- Feb 2023
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
About this time I met with an odd volume of the Spectator.[18] It was the third. I had never before seen any of them. I bought it, read it over and over, and was much delighted with it. I thought the writing excellent, and wished, if possible, to imitate it. With this view I took some of the papers, and, making short hints of the sentiment in each sentence, laid them by a few days, and then, without looking at the book, try'd to compleat the papers again, by expressing each hinted sentiment at length, and as fully as it had been expressed before, in any suitable words that should come to hand. Then I compared my Spectator with the original, discovered some of my faults, and corrected them. But I found I wanted a stock of words, or a readiness in recollecting and using them, which I thought I should have acquired before that time if I had gone on making verses; since the continual occasion for words of the same import, but of different length, to suit the measure, or of different sound for the rhyme, would have laid me under a constant necessity of searching for variety, and also have tended to fix that variety in my mind, and make me master of it. Therefore I took some of the tales and turned them into verse; and, after a time, when I had pretty well forgotten the prose, turned them back again. I also sometimes jumbled my collections of hints into confusion, and after some weeks endeavored to reduce them into the best order, before I began to form the full sentences and compleat the paper. This was to teach me method in the arrangement of thoughts. By comparing my work afterwards with the original, I discovered many faults and amended them; but I sometimes had the pleasure of fancying that, in certain particulars of small import, I had been lucky enough to improve the method of the language, and this encouraged me to think I might possibly in time come to be a tolerable English writer, of which I was extremely ambitious. My time for these exercises and for reading was at night, after work or before it began in the morning, or on Sundays, when I contrived to be in the printing-house alone, evading as much as I could the common attendance on public worship which my father used to exact of me when I was under his care, and which indeed I still thought a duty, thought I could not, as it seemed to me, afford time to practise it.
Even the greats copied or loosely plagiarized the "masters" to learn how to write.The key is to continually work at it until you get to the point where it's yours and it is no longer plagiarism.
This was also the general premise behind the plotline of the movie Finding Forrester.
- Dec 2022
downloads.hindawi.com downloads.hindawi.com8898370.pdf15
Carotenoids are also found in high con-tents (66.33 ± 0.90 mg kg−1 oil) in the acorn oil extractedfrom Q suber L.; this oil is also rich in chlorophylls(2.03 ± 0.01 mg kg−1 oil) [21]. Acorns (Q. faginea) are rich inlycopene compound (183 ± 141 g/g dm) and β-carotene(1312 ± 890 (μg/g dm)
e level of phenolic contents (expressed in gallicacid equivalent) ranged between 195.6 and 322.06 mg GAE/kg oil while flavonoid contents (expressed in catechinequivalent) ranged between 122.99 and 131.6 mg CE/kg ofoil. *e total phenolic compound contents in different va-rieties of acorn oil ranged between 84 and 109 mg/kg [2].*ese compounds contribute to increasing the oxidativestability of the acorn oil.
Recently, Gornaset al. [13] reported that β- and c-tocopherols are pre-dominated homologues in acorn oils from Q. rubra andQ. robur. *e total concentration of tocopherols in Q. roburacorn oil was 447.7 mg/100 g oil, whereas the concentrationin Q. rubra acorn oil was 78.4 mg/100 g oil.
Acorn oils are also anexcellent source of tocopherols, since it was found thattocopherol contents in acorn oils range from 1440 to1783 mg/kg oil, which were much higher than those reportedfor other species such as olive (240 mg/kg)
Furthermore, acorn oils were reported to contain ap-preciable amounts of aliphatic alcohol (2190–2240 mg/kg)[17]. Tetracosanol was the predominant compound of thisclass (43.70%–59.48%), followed by hexacosanol(18.66–26.93%), yet, docosanol and octacosanol were the lessabundant aliphatic alcohol in acorn oils, consisting of13.17–26.24% and 1.52–9.33%, respectively
Phytosterol is present in acorn oil between4632.71 and 11576.09 mg/kg, [17] which were inclusivelyhigher than those reported for almond (1430 mg/kg), soy-bean (1600 mg/kg), olive (2210 mg/kg), pistachio (2790 mg/kg), and pine oils (4298 mg/kg), despite being in the samerange as those described for sesame and corn oils(8650–9680 mg/kg, respectively) [35–37]. *e acorn oils aregenerally characterized by a high percentage of β-sitosterol(88.3–92.5%) followed by campesterol (1.57–4.28%) andcampesterol (1.57–4.28%). However, stigmasterol, cler-osterol, 5-avenasterol, 5,24–stigmastadienol, Δ7-stigmaste-nol, and Δ7-avenasterol were present with minor amounts(lower than 2%) [17]. Moreover, [13] investigated the sterolcomposition of different varieties of acorn and foundβ-sitosterol as dominant (64.3%–68.1%) followed bycycloartenol (11.4%–15.0%), campesterol, Δ5-stigmasterol,Δ5-avenasterol, and 24 methylenecycloartanol (rang of3.0–6.7%). *e amounts of campestanol, sitostanol, and Δ7-avenasterol were below 3.0%.
Stearic acid (1%–4%), eicosenoicacid (0.37%), arachidic acid (0.38%), behenic acid (0.12%),and behenic acid (0.20%) are shown in minor compositionin the acorn oil.
Acorn oilscontain high amounts of linoleic acid (37.2%–32.6%) andc-linolenic acid (1.8% to 3.7%)
*epercentage of oleic acid in acorns is significantly higher thanin other fruits generally considered a natural source of oleicacids such as walnut (21%), peanut (38.41%), and mustardoil (36.7%) [33] with the concentration of this acid beingonly exceeded by olive oil (56%–84%)
La composition est d'environ 63% selon les études
the major saturated fatty acid ispalmitic acid ranging from 11.69% to 16.22%
Oleic and linoleic acids are the majorunsaturated fatty acids described in acorns species, rangingfrom 65.83% to 48.02% and 25.38% to 14.17% of total fattyacids
Phytosterols(mainly β-sitosterol) are also present in acorn oil between4632.71 and 11576.09 mg/kg, which are inclusively higherthan those reported for almond (1430 mg/kg), soybean(1600 mg/kg), olive (2210 mg/kg), pistachio (2790 mg/kg),and pine oils (4298 mg/kg) [17]. *ese compounds withvarious biological activities are useful for promoting thedecrease of blood serum triglycerides and cholesterol levels[19].
However, [13] reportedthat β–tocopherol was the main tocopherol in Q. rubraacorn oils (93% of the total detected tocopherols), which is aunique phenomenon within not only acorn species but alsoother plant species.
Generally, in acorn oils, the predominant homologs oftocopherol are c-T and α-T, while β-T and δ-T are present inlow amounts or absent
*e fatty acid composition and physicochemical prop-erties of acorn oil are extremely similar to those of olive oil[2, 11, 12]. Acorn oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids(75–90%), especially oleic acid (65%), and essential fattyacids such as linoleic (17–37%) and α-linolenic (1–4.58%)acid (Table 1), which is important in eicosanoid synthesis,promoting the decrease of blood serum triglycerides and theincrease of HDL-cholesterol levels.
- Nov 2022
www.assemblee-nationale.fr www.assemblee-nationale.fr
– neuf acteurs de la prévention et de l’éducation pour la santé ;
- Oct 2022
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
2 représentants des parents d'élèves
10 lycéens élus pour deux ans, par l'ensemble des élèves de l'établissement, et renouvelés par moitié tous les ans
- Sep 2022
Joseph Harris' text Rewriting: How to do things with texts (2006) sounds like a solid follow on text to the ideas found in Sönke Ahrens (2017) or Dan Allosso (2022).
github.com github.com
The latest (draft 2020-12) version of JSON Schema supports the unevaluatedProperties vocabulary (see here). This is quite a useful feature, and facilitates stricter validation while composing properties from multiple sub-schemas (using e.g. allOf) than would otherwise possible.
- Aug 2022
n composition d o not be a slave tothe notes and books: they only furnish the materials fromwhich the essay is t o be constructed.
- Jul 2022
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
I wonder if Scott P. Scheper has done any videos on his writing/composing process for getting material out of his card file for creating his book for which I've seen portions of a few chapters floating around. I've loosely followed his YouTube channel and his r/antinet community on Reddit, but I haven't seen this portion of his process in any detail.
This (export) part also seems like one of the more intense, manual, and heaving lifting pieces of the process. I've yet to see any digital tools which automate or make this portion of the work easier.
Perhaps a graph view of connected nodes with titles in which one can highlight nodes as a selection method and then export them in some process to a space where they might be potentially reordered or shuffled into a linear order for further editing and ultimately publishing, might be useful? Even saying this takes forever much less doing it easily with an inspiring user interface..
Link to: https://hyp.is/9PV1jP5OEeyPumNKyckR1A/danallosso.substack.com/p/zettelkasten-on-paper
Syndication links: - https://danallosso.substack.com/p/zettelkasten-on-paper/comment/7610486
- Jun 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Eminem's handwritten lyrics for "Lose Yourself"
High resolution versions:
- Apr 2022
One of the field’sleading textbooks was authored by literature scholar Edward P. J. Corbett, whonever relinquished the notion that emulating the work of the masters was the firststep toward developing one’s own distinctive style. “Imitate, that you may bedifferent!” Corbett thundered.
Literature scholar Edward P.J. Corbett used to command "Imitate, that you may be different!" While his rhetoric and composition textbook may have encouraged students to emulate the masters, this pattern goes back to ancient Greek rhetoricians who also admonished
Link to rhetoric examples in antiquity. Link to the Finding Forrester example.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Such radical compositional approaches arecontemporaneous with the Surrealist use of montage, but predateBurrough’s cut-up-fold-in technique, and ‘put[...] the avant-gardeclaims of hyperfiction to shame’ (Krapp, 2006: 362).
The compositional approaches mentioned here are those of Wittgenstein and Walter Benjamin.
What was Burrough's cut-up-fold-in technique?
Some florilegia focused on poetic excerpts and were used to teach prosody, others specialized in prose. Both kinds were likely used in teaching at many levels—from the young boys (pueri) mentioned in the Opus prosodiacum of Micon Centulensis in the mid- ninth century to the twenty- year- old Heiric who wrote under dictation from Lupus of Ferrières, ca. 859–62, a Col-lectanea comprising excerpts from Valerius Maximus and Suetonius, followed by philosophical and theological sententiae.104
Some florilegia were used as handbooks to teach composition. Those with poetic excerpts were used to teach prosody while others specialized in prose.
Examples of these sorts of florilegia include Micon Centulensis' Opus prosodiacum from the mid-ninth century and a Collectanea by Heiric who wrote under dictation from Lupus of Ferrières, ca. 859–62.
yalebooks.yale.edu yalebooks.yale.edu
Ann Bergin writes (in her diary with respect to [[Zoom Session 1 for The Extended Mind]]):
She [Mary Douglas] argues that ring composition is an enabling constraint, both for storytelling and interpretation. Douglas mentions a form of parallelism in divination in ancient China based upon the symmetrical markings on either side of a turtle shell.
This sounds quite similar to me to the work in Bascom's Sixteen Cowries which Lynne Kelly summarizes in The Memory Code when talking about West African divination systems (particularly the Yoruba) using seeds, nuts, and cowrie shells and songs which memorized songs are sung based on the outcomes of tossing these objects.
Is there in fact a link between these storytelling/song systems? Are they functioning roughly the same way? Is there a level of recombination or statistical chance in the ring composition systems Douglas is describing? Are they similar without the combinatorial portions?
W.R. Bascom, Sixteen Cowries: Yoruba divination from Africa to the New World, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1980.
Many famous antique texts are misunderstood and many others have been completely dismissed, all because the literary style in which they were written is unfamiliar today. So argues Mary Douglas in this controversial study of ring composition, a technique which places the meaning of a text in the middle, framed by a beginning and ending in parallel. To read a ring composition in the modern linear fashion is to misinterpret it, Douglas contends, and today’s scholars must reevaluate important antique texts from around the world.Found in the Bible and in writings from as far afield as Egypt, China, Indonesia, Greece, and Russia, ring composition is too widespread to have come from a single source. Does it perhaps derive from the way the brain works? What is its function in social contexts? The author examines ring composition, its principles and functions, in a cross-cultural way. She focuses on ring composition in Homer’s Iliad, the Bible’s book of Numbers, and, for a challenging modern example, Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy, developing a persuasive argument for reconstruing famous books and rereading neglected ones.
Mary Douglas has a fascinating looking text on ring composition, a literary style which puts the meaning of the text in the middle and frames it with the beginning and end which are in parallel.
Texts like the Bible, Homer, and even Tristram Shandy might be looked at from a different perspective with this lens.
Suggested to me by Ann Bergin within the context of The Extended Mind
- Jan 2022
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Children construct intuitive theories of the world and alter and revise those theories as the result of new evidence.
A very sophisticated way to say that kids make things up as they go along! Perhaps the authors' surprise comes from the fact that adults are not so different?
There seems to be more agreement than not with Bada & Olusegun (2015) regarding the overall value of constructivism. However, it's unclear if the Piagetian-dismissing authors of Reconstructing constructivism would agree with constructivism as explained by Bada and Olusegun.
In my experience as a First-Year Composition educator, I can say that students value the process of active learning far more than, say, formulaic, fill-in-the-blank assignments. Perhaps this is because there's more recursive inquiry and metacognition in active, process-oriented learning that reflects the theory theory?
- Jul 2021
blog.appsignal.com blog.appsignal.com
Are you more comfortable with multiple inheritances that modules provide, or do you prefer composition?
- Jun 2021
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
parents d'élèves
des parents d'élève
www.legifrance.gouv.fr www.legifrance.gouv.fr
Article 1Modifié par Décret n°2012-16 du 5 janvier 2012, v. init.La composition de la commission d'appel prévue à l'article 13 du décret du 14 juin 1990 susvisé est fixée comme suit :- le directeur académique des services de l'éducation nationale agissant sur délégation du recteur d'académie, ou son représentant choisi parmi ceux de ses collaborateurs appartenant aux corps d'inspection ou de direction, président ;- deux chefs d'établissement du type d'établissement scolaire concerné ;- trois professeurs exerçant au niveau scolaire concerné ; - un conseiller principal d'éducation ou un conseiller d'éducation ;- un directeur de centre d'information et d'orientation ; - trois représentants des parents d'élèves. La commission peut s'adjoindre un médecin de santé scolaire et une assistante sociale scolaire.Les membres de la commission d'appel sont nommés par le directeur académique des services de l'éducation nationale agissant sur délégation du recteur d'académie pour une durée d'un an renouvelable, sur proposition des associations en ce qui concerne les représentants des parents d'élèves. Dans les mêmes conditions, le directeur académique des services de l'éducation nationale agissant sur délégation du recteur d'académie désigne un nombre égal de suppléants des représentants des parents d'élèves.
- May 2021
www.legifrance.gouv.fr www.legifrance.gouv.fr
- quatre représentants des parents d'élèves.
uwaterloo.ca uwaterloo.ca
english.sfsu.edu english.sfsu.edu
www.legifrance.gouv.fr www.legifrance.gouv.fr
Article D511-51Création Décret n°2009-553 du 15 mai 2009 - art.La commission académique est présidée par le recteur ou son représentant. Elle comprend en outre cinq membres : 1° Un inspecteur d'académie, directeur des services départementaux de l'éducation nationale ; 2° Un chef d'établissement ; 3° Un professeur ; 4° Deux représentants des parents d'élèves. Les membres autres que le président sont nommés pour deux ans par le recteur ou son représentant. Un suppléant est nommé dans les mêmes conditions pour chacun des membres de la commission, à l'exception de son président. Pour la désignation des représentants des parents d'élèves, le recteur recueille les propositions des associations représentées au conseil académique de l'éducation nationale.Décret n° 2009-627 du 6 juin 2009 article 1 : Les dispositions réglementaires instituant les commissions administratives à caractère consultatif dont la liste est annexée au présent décret sont prorogées pour une durée de cinq ans (Commission académique d'appel).
- Apr 2021
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
- quatre représentants des parents d’élèves.
- Mar 2021
www.chevtek.io www.chevtek.io
Small modules are extremely versatile and easy to compose together in an app with any number of other modules that suit your needs.
Write modules that encourage composition rather than extension.
- small units/components/modules/libraries/packages/projects
- allowing developer/user to pick and choose which pieces to use (allowing use with competing libraries; not being too opinionated; not forcing recommended way on you)
- prefer composition over extension
- composability
- composition
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
Visualized, our new composed structure would look as follows.
- Feb 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
another to compose functions that output monadic values (called monadic functions)
github.com github.com
You can optionally compose the steps manually (great for reuse) and just make use of the Runner#call method.
- Jan 2021
I would love to see this features as well, since it makes component composition and reuse a lot easier.
- Oct 2020
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.comhyperx1
In contrast, Javascript-made templates can be organised into components with nicely decomposed and DRY code that is more reusable and testable.
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
Often, allowing the parents to compose elements to be passed into components can offer the flexibility needed to solve this problem. If a component wants to have direct control over every aspect of a component, then it should probably own the markup as well, not just the styles. Svelte's slot API makes this possible. You can still get the benefits of abstracting certain logic, markup, and styles into a component, but, the parent can take responsibility for some of that markup, including the styling, and pass it through. This is possible today.
osf.io osf.io
King, M. M., & Frederickson, M. (2020). The Pandemic Penalty: The gendered effects of COVID-19 on scientific productivity [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/8hp7m
- Aug 2020
osf.io osf.io
Albertini, M., Sage, L., & Scherer, S. (2020). Intergenerational contacts and Covid-19 spread: Omnipresent grannies or bowling together? [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/exym8
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Martino, C., Kellman, B. P., Sandoval, D. R., Clausen, T. M., Marotz, C. A., Song, S. J., Wandro, S., Zaramela, L. S., Benítez, R. A. S., Zhu, Q., Armingol, E., Vázquez-Baeza, Y., McDonald, D., Sorrentino, J. T., Taylor, B., Belda-Ferre, P., Liang, C., Zhang, Y., Schifanella, L., … Knight, R. (2020). Bacterial modification of the host glycosaminoglycan heparan sulfate modulates SARS-CoV-2 infectivity. BioRxiv, 2020.08.17.238444. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.08.17.238444
- Jul 2020
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
Bertocchi, G., & Dimico, A. (2020). COVID-19, Race, and Redlining. IZA Discussion Paper, 13467.
- Jun 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Okabe-Miyamoto, K., Folk, D. P., Lyubomirsky, S., & Dunn, E. W. (2020). Changes in Social Connection During COVID-19 Social Distancing: It’s Not (Household) Size That Matters, It’s Who You’re With [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zdq6y
- May 2020
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Software Composition Analysis group
- Apr 2020
hswolff.com hswolff.com
I'm always in awe at some of the things you can create with the simple primitives that d3 provides.
- Mar 2020
vincentarelbundock.github.io vincentarelbundock.github.io
HSAUR agefat Total Body Composision Data
Dataset used for KSB
- Jan 2020
buildingvts.com buildingvts.com
Arel’s ComposabilityInternally Arel functions on AST nodes and every time an Arel method is made, the nodes in the AST will be modified accordingly. This is an important nature of how Arel works — composability, so that it’s able to build queries in a flexible way. With this abstract representation, we are able to safely add different filters and operations to the same query and even combine queries regardless of its order. Arel is able to generate the correct SQL query from it.
- Dec 2019
survivejs.com survivejs.com
Neutrino utilizes webpack under the hood for building projects by augmenting it with knowledge about build middleware. Neutrino middleware are discrete pieces of webpack configuration that use a custom configuration API. You can compose many of these middleware together into custom presets, and each will modify the build accordingly.
- Nov 2019
docs.silverstripe.org docs.silverstripe.org
Instead of overriding a service with your own implementation, you enhance an existing service with your own concerns. This pattern is known as middleware.
frontarm.com frontarm.com
here’s how you’d use React.Children.toArray() with React.cloneElement() to add top and bottom classes to the List component’s children.
github.com github.com
Reactabular has been designed to be extensible. Rather than implementing a lot of functionality in its core, it provides extension points. You can, for instance, customize rendering on cell level. It is possible to implement functionality, such as search, pagination, sorting, and inline editing, through composition.
medium.com medium.com
What does composition have to do with mocking?Everything. The essence of all software development is the process of breaking a large problem down into smaller, independent pieces (decomposition) and composing the solutions together to form an application that solves the large problem (composition).
Put another way, mocking is required when our supposed atomic units of composition are not really atomic, and our decomposition strategy has failed to decompose the larger problem into smaller, independent problems.
leanpub.com leanpub.com
- Sep 2019
legacy.reactjs.org legacy.reactjs.org
They are a pattern that emerges from React’s compositional nature.
- Aug 2019
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Suspending is built on the mechanism as error boundaries. In fact, we recently (like last week) completely rewrote error handling to prepare for this feature. It's also built on the same "expiration time" model we use for CPU scheduling. I love it when features compose together!
material-ui.com material-ui.com
As Sebastian Markbage pointed out, no abstraction is superior to wrong abstractions. We are providing low-level components to maximize composition capabilities.
- Mar 2019
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
A composite process, remember, is organized from both human processes and computer processes
Human-system/Tool-system fine-grained intersections and compositionalities. There are UX and UI levels here. There are likely further levels having to do with intentionalities of (semi-) autonomous Tool Systems, how they are to be guided by Human intentionalities, and - most importantly - how humans fully ascertain and guide their own intentionalities.
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
books of rhetoric which abound in the world,
How many copies of Blair's Lectures (62 editions, 51 abridgments, and 10 translations) did he stumble across? (see Rhetorical Tradition Enlightenment intro)
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Hugh Blair and George Campbell,
Key players in shaping rhetoric and university curriculum in the 18th and 19th centuries (Cf. James Berlin's account of composition instruction in American universities)
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
omposition and hacking are alreadyclose allies
A striking statement/juxtaposition in a way -- interesting to think of these two concepts as "allies." However, sometimes things that are most unlike each other work the best together.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
first-year writing
https://secure.ncte.org/store/strategies-for-teaching-1st-year-comp This book has great articles on first-year writing courses, but I'm specifically pointing to one entitled "An Honors Course in First-Year Composition: Classical Rhetoric and Contemporary Writing" By Marvin Diogenes, Stanford University.
- Nov 2018
www.the-hospitalist.org www.the-hospitalist.org
“The day is upon us where we need to strongly consider nurse practitioners and physician assistants as equal in the field,” he says. “We’re going to find a much better continuity of care for all our patients at various institutions with hospital medicine and … a nurse practitioner who is at the top of their license.”
Hospitalists as QB should play leadership role in integrating all members of care team
Recent State of Hospital Medicine surveys showed that 83% of hospitalist groups are utilizing NPs and PAs, and SHM earlier this year added Tracy Cardin, ACNP-BC, SFHM, as its first non-physician voting board member
- Sep 2017
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
we must routinely and explicitly give them structured practice opportunities to critically examine their own thinking.
- Apr 2017
instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com
“Humans” do not simply assemble different apparatusesfor satisfying particular knowledge projects but are themselves specific localparts of the world’s ongoing reconfiguring
I'm looking at this in the context of McLuhan's argument for technology as an extension of the human being. It seems to me that Barad also sees the "human" as extended beyond the materially contiguous body, but also in terms of reverse, humans as an extension of worldly processes, extended through us. The "person" stops being a discrete, immiscible beings, but "specific local parts" operating in "mutually implicated" elements of the world.
- Mar 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Although some professors who urged a focus on public discourse and argumentation expressed opposition to the current-traditional approach, that method prevailed and, indeed. continued to be the predominant approach to composition through the first two-third~ of the twentieth century-and on some campuses much longer.
It seems as though this decision to mandate the "current-traditional" approach of rhetoric in the academic setting cut out a large personal aspect of what rhetoric originally had
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Why, we ask at once, was there no continuous writing done by women before the eighteenth century?
Point raised by Fr. Ong in The Presence of the Word "With the appearance of what we have called the sound-sight split in Latin, that stream of the language which developed into the modern romance vernaculars remained in use in the home, but the other stream known as Learned Latin, which moved only in artificially controlled channels through the male world of the schools was no longer anyone's mother tongue, in a quite literal sense." There was an active language-world for women in ancient Rome, but its one that was not recorded, and is now lost to time.
- Feb 2017
learningsuite.byu.edu learningsuite.byu.edu
For current-traditional rhetoric, reality is rational, regular and certain - a realm which when it is not static is at least in a predictable, harmonious, symmetrical balance. Meaning thus exists independent of the perceiving mind, reposing in external reality.
No way Fish believes this.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Phil9sophy is .i!1~ep¥Uble fyom Jang4age, and no self-consciousness will alter or transcend tqat circumstance.
The important thing seems to be the self-consciousness. Nietzsche (swear to God, if the quiz asks us to spell that name, I swear to God) is trying to avoid the "I identified the problem, and thus, I've solved it." The image of unmasking their pretensions has the dangerous risk of thinking that the mask is something outside the norm, and that there's something stable underneath it that's been revealed.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
women helped each other come lo public voice,
There's already a print annotation on the move forward to network theories, but what really strikes me about this is an earlier note from LoLo about collaborative and invitational rhetoric, and these co-ops seem like a laboratory for developing them. If nothing else, I'd love to know more about the dynamics of these, being something akin to the modern Writing Center but for developing a spoken voice.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
some wrilers have spoken or Rhetoric us 1he Art of Compoi.itio
This is linkage I find compelling as composition is not reducible to writing.
Composition, however, of the Argumentative II )\)fe kind, may be considered (as has been above stated) as coming under the province of Rhetoric. And this view of the subject is the less open to objection, inasmuch as it is not likely to lead to discussions that can be deemed superfluous, even by those who may chuse to consider Rhetoric in the most restricted sense, as relating only to "Per-suasive Speaking"; since it is evident that Arg11• me/II must be, in most cases at least, the basis of Persuasion.
It can generally be agreed that the composition of an argument also befalls under the general umbrella of rhetoric.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
for which university training in rhetoric prepared men
As Dr. Lynch is fond of recounting, even when women's colleges became a thing, Rhetoric was not part of the curriculum, and Composition was considered the women-appropriate substitute. Also, we're a century away, but the impact of pragmatic concerns on women's rhetoric will come back with A Room of One's Own.
- Jan 2017
enculturation.net enculturation.net
Did these become the same thing?
- Oct 2016
Local file Local file
What makes it go dead? Recognition? As "beauty"?
One of the most puzzling moments: romanticism is linked with 1914 and with a widespread linkage of sameness and difference. Is the idea that romanticism, as the first "modernism" in language, normalizes the idea of a break, of discontinuity in search of continuity?
Three principles of "composition": continuous present, beginning again and again, using everything. Unpack this for students.