115 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:25:44][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente une discussion sur la réforme des lycées professionnels en France, en mettant l'accent sur l'accompagnement accru pour les élèves et l'importance de l'entreprise dans les parcours professionnels. La réforme vise à réduire le décrochage scolaire, améliorer l'insertion professionnelle et soutenir la poursuite d'études après l'obtention du diplôme.

      Points forts: + [00:01:18][^3^][3] Objectifs de la réforme * Réussite de tous les élèves * Lutte contre le décrochage scolaire * Amélioration de l'insertion professionnelle + [00:03:54][^4^][4] Renforcement de l'année de seconde * Maîtrise des savoirs fondamentaux * Groupes à effectif réduit * Tests d'évaluation pour personnaliser le soutien + [00:04:39][^5^][5] Accompagnement en première et terminale * Définition et suivi du projet de l'élève * Préparation à la poursuite d'études ou à l'insertion professionnelle + [00:10:18][^6^][6] Dispositifs contre le décrochage * Ambition emploi, Droit ouvert, Parcours de consolidation * Soutien aux élèves sans solution d'emploi ou de poursuite d'études + [00:14:02][^7^][7] Partenariats école-entreprise * Découverte des métiers dès le collège * Bureau des entreprises dans chaque lycée professionnel * Sécurisation du parcours de l'élève jusqu'à l'insertion professionnelle ou la poursuite d'études Résumé de la vidéo [00:25:46][^1^][1] - [00:41:14][^2^][2]:

      Cette partie de la vidéo aborde l'orientation professionnelle et l'importance de l'accompagnement pour un parcours réussi. Elle met en lumière le plan de financement par l'État, l'utilisation des outils en entreprise, et l'importance des équipements de pointe dans les lycées professionnels. La vidéo souligne également le rôle des partenariats école-entreprise, les actions menées sur une année scolaire, et les trois axes du bureau des entreprises.

      Points forts: + [00:25:46][^3^][3] Plan de financement et formation action * Importance de l'équipement de pointe * Utilisation réelle des outils en entreprise * Financement par l'État + [00:27:08][^4^][4] Actions écoles-entreprise * Semaines nationales définies par le ministère * Valorisation des actions dans les lycées professionnels * Concours et événements pour renforcer les liens + [00:28:02][^5^][5] Rôle du bureau des entreprises * Développement de partenariats avec les acteurs économiques * Organisation des temps de formation en entreprise * Recrutement de personnel dédié aux missions du bureau

  2. Apr 2024
    1. Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis

      CAMERA, was founded in 1982 in response to what it claims was anti-Israel bias in the Washington Post’s reporting on the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Since its inception, CAMERA has successfully lobbied for hundreds of corrections in major media outlets, seeking to streamline a pro-Israel line in news reports and editorials. It has smeared journalists whose work it disagrees with and launched boycott campaigns against news organizations it believes are not responding with enough deference to its requests.

  3. Feb 2024
    1. mike, its cute how you voice your "pro life" idealism. but this is the depopulation agenda in full force, and you will do shit to stop it, because this comes from the elite (military, secret service, corporations, banks), and this has been overdue for at least 200 years. just look at the data. look at the population curve. its exponential growth since about 10K years, aka "explosion". so now matter how you put it, there is no good end to exponential growth: either we keep letting it grow until we collapse and 99% would starve. or we get active, ignore such cute "pro life" idealism voices, and kill the 95% useless eaters. this is just another intelligence test, and most people are failing, again.

    1. Intervenante : Prisca Kergoat, Professeure des universités en sociologie à l’université Jean-Jaurès (Toulouse) et directrice du CERTOP, centre d’étude et de recherche Travail Organisation, Pouvoir (CNRS, Universités Toulouse 2 et 3).

      Ce webinaire se focalise sur les coulisses entre l’école et l’entrée en formation. Il s’agira d’abord de dévoiler la manière dont la sphère éducative et la sphère productive, dans le contexte spécifique de la valorisation de l’entreprise formatrice, maintiennent et renforcent les inégalités sociales. Ensuite, nous caractériserons la façon dont filles et garçons vivent et se confrontent :

      à l’orientation ;
      à la recherche d’une place en entreprise ;
      aux premiers mois de formation.

      Cela nous permettra d’appréhender, dans un troisième temps, la fabrication d’un sentiment d’injustice et la genèse des pratiques indociles.

  4. Jan 2024
  5. Dec 2023
    1. Témoignage d’Andrea, élève en bac pro technicien du bâtiment, organisation etréalisation du gros œuvre, à propos du métier qu’il aimerait exercer« Le métier qui me plaît le plus dans le milieu des TP, c’est le métier de travauxacrobatiques et, plus exactement, de cordiste. Les travaux en hauteur, en fait :descendre le long des façades d’immeuble, sécuriser les routes. L’escalade,j’en ai fait 3 ans en club, ça me plaisait assez. C’est une passion qui colle assezavec le métier de cordiste, logiquement, puisqu’on fait des travaux en hauteur.Ça, ça me plaît et je pense que je me trouverais bien dans ce métier. »
    2. Témoignage de Magaly, élève en CAP électricité« C’est en faisant des rénovations d’appartement avec mon copain que j’ai vouluêtre électricienne, parce que ça m’a beaucoup plu. Dans ma classe, on est 14et je suis la seule fille dans mon CFA à faire un CAP électricité. Plus tard, aprèsmon BP, j’aimerais bien travailler, histoire d’avoir de l’expérience et, une fois monexpérience acquise, j’aimerais bien ouvrir une boîte d’électricité ou tout corpsd’état où il n’y aurait que des filles, ce serait original et je pense que ça pourraitplaire aux gens. Pour entrer dans le secteur du bâtiment, il ne faut pas forcémentêtre un garçon manqué, avoir des bras qui font la taille de vos tibias, c’estun métier où il faut aimer travailler avec les mains, mais aussi avec la tête. »
    3. Témoignage d’Andréa, élève en bac pro technicien du bâtiment, organisationet réalisation du gros œuvre, à propos de son parcours de réorientation« Lors de mon parcours scolaire, j’ai fait une première 2 de généraleet technologique au lycée des Eucalyptus à Nice-Ouest, mais je n’avais pasle niveau nécessaire, du coup j’ai redoublé. Lors de ma deuxième 2 de , j’ai eul’occasion de travailler sur un chantier. En fait, ça a été une découverte complète,un déclic, et, à la fin de mon travail, je me suis renseigné un peu sur les étudesqu’il y avait en rapport avec le bâtiment et les travaux publics. Je suis tombésur le lycée Vauban, qui proposait cette filière-là. Je suis allé voir ma conseillèred’orientation et elle m’a conseillé le dossier passerelle, qui permet en fait depasser d’une filière à l’autre sans redoubler forcément, ça évite de perdre uneannée et de passer son bac à 18 ans. Grâce à ça, j’ai pu intégrer le lycée Vauban ;ma conseillère d’orientation m’a toujours soutenu. »
  6. Nov 2023
    1. Splitting a “transaction” into a mul-tistage pipeline of stream processors allows each stage to make progress based only on local data; it ensures that one partition is never blocked waiting for communication or coordination with another partition.

      Event logs allow for gradual processing of events.



    1. Partially ordered event-based systems are well placed to supportsuch branching-and-merging workflows, since they already makedata changes explicit in the form of events, and their support forconcurrent updates allows several versions of a dataset to coexistside-by-side.

      Event-based systems allow for divergent views as first-class citizens.

    2. in Git terms, one user can create a branch (a setof commits that are not yet part of the main document version),and another user can choose whether to merge it

      Users are empowered to create composed views out of events of their choice.

      I.e., collaboration as composition.

      I.e., divergent views as first-class citizens.

    3. compute the differencesbetween versions of the document to visualise the change history
    4. we can reconstruct the state of thedocument at any past moment in time
    5. it is easy to maintain severaldifferent views onto the same underlying event log if needed
    6. If the applicationdevelopers wish to change the logic for processing an event, forexample to change the resulting database schema or to fix a bug,they can set up a new replica, replay the existing event log usingthe new processing function, switch clients to reading from thenew replica instead of the old one, and then decommission theold replica [34].
    7. well-designed events oftencapture the intent and meaning of operations better than eventsthat are a mere side-effect of a state mutation [68].
  7. Oct 2023
    1. The idea that islands in the world’s oceans, their ecosystems, their inhabitants and their livelihoods are highly vulnerable compared to most other situations in which people live explains the long history of external interventions for climate change on oceanic islands

      Outside aid Intervention for climate in the pacific has been on the rise due to the perception that pacific island communities lack any form of resilience to environment changes. External interventions with global solutions have failed to recognize the cultural adaptive attributes of the pacific peoples and such interventions are not sustainable and are often effective.

    1. a) Fixent un âge minimum ou des âges minimums d'admission à l'emploi; b) Prévoient une réglementation appropriée des horaires de travail et des conditions d'emploi; c) Prévoient des peines ou autres sanctions appropriées pour assurer l'application effective du présent article.

      Article 32

  8. Jun 2023
  9. May 2023
  10. Mar 2023
    1. // - This article provides an intersectional study of: - climate change, - collective action research - terror management theory / mortality salience - it explains the beneficial impacts of non-rational relational ontology and recommends the use of ritual practices based on this as a way to promote pro-environmental behavior


    2. Abstract

      // abstract - summary - Rationalist approaches to environmental problems such as climate change - apply an information deficit model, - assuming that if people understand what needs to be done they will act rationally. - However, applying a knowledge deficit hypothesis often fails to recognize unconscious motivations revealed by: - social psychology, - cognitive science, - behavioral economics.

      • Applying ecosystems science, data collection, economic incentives, and public education are necessary for solving problems such as climate change, but they are not sufficient.
      • Climate change discourse makes us aware of our mortality
      • This prompts consumerism as a social psychological defensive strategy,
      • which is counterproductive to pro-environmental behavior.
      • Studies in terror management theory, applied to the study of ritual and ecological conscience formation,
      • suggest that ritual expressions of giving thanks can have significant social psychological effects in relation to overconsumption driving climate change.
      • Primary data gathering informing this work included participant observation and interviews with contemporary Heathens in Canada from 2018–2019.
  11. Feb 2023
    1. Enseignements artistiques :Organisation et financement dans le cadre du plan régional desformations professionnelles prévu à l’article L. 214-13 du code del’éducation, des cycles d’enseignement professionnel initial.
  12. Aug 2022
  13. May 2022
    1. Distribución de ítems y tipos de pregunta de la prueba

      Componentes de las Pruebas Saber Pro en el módulo de Proyectos de Ingeniería.

    2. Etapas del proyecto (pre-inversión, inversión, operación, liquidación yevaluación ex-post)

      Etapas de un Proyecto

    3. un proyecto es un “conjunto único de procesosconformados por actividades coordinadas y controladas, con fecha de inicio yterminación, que se lleva a cabo para lograr los objetivos propuestos en el proyecto”(ICONTEC, 2013, p. 4

      Definición de Proyecto en Ingeniería

    1. Planifica y concibe productos tecnológicos como artefactos,sistemas o procesos, mediante la integración de conocimientosy principios de las matemáticas, ciencias, tecnología y cienciasde la ingeniería, con el fin de satisfacer necesidades y cumplircon requerimientos y restricciones técnicas, financieras, demercado, ambientales, sociales, éticas y económicas

      Definición del Diseño en Ingeniería como Competencia.

    2. La competencia del diseño en ingeniería, resultado de aprendizaje en el perfil deegreso de profesionales de ingeniería, es: planificar y concebir productos tecnológicoscomo artefactos, sistemas o procesos, mediante la integración de conocimientos yprincipios de las matemáticas, ciencias, tecnología y ciencias de la ingeniería, conel fin de satisfacer necesidades y cumplir con requerimientos y restricciones técnicas,financieras, de mercado, ambientales, sociales, éticas y económicas.

      Definición de Diseño para la prueba Saber Pro.

  14. Apr 2022
  15. Jan 2022
    1. The other two tools more or less emerge to help us scale coordination: institutions and markets.

      Yes ... and we are wearing "structure goggles" here. We are entirely ignoring culture (and being). We scaled coordination for example through religion - which isn't a corporation or a market. Furthermore corporation and markets only work because they are embedded in trust networks and cultures.

      And the problem is once we are wearing our structure goggles we are limited to a certain kind of (mistaken/very limited) diagnosis and cure.

      the basic point is we aren't going to innovate much in governance (at least not in structural terms). Democracy, markets, hell even companies, have been around pretty much "forever". We can invent tools that help them scale in informational terms - but most of the other scaling is going to come from other areas most notably culture and being.

      cf https://lifeitself.us/2017/09/10/four-types-of-problem/

  16. Dec 2021
  17. Nov 2021
  18. Sep 2021
  19. Aug 2021
  20. Jul 2021
    1. able to survive outside the womb) or after birth, not at conception

      This is exactly what I mean when talking about the quote "Upon fertilization, a human individual is created"

    2. Roe v. Wade

      Read this case last year. My teacher told me roe didn't even wanna go to court.

  21. Jun 2021
  22. Mar 2021
  23. Dec 2020
    1. Given the current state of affairs, we’re planning to resume production of the Pinebook Pro after the Chinese New Year in late February or early March 2021.
    1. Among its many other features, Ecco Pro installed an icon (the "Shooter") into other programs so that you can add text highlighted in the other program to your Ecco Pro outline. And better yet, the information stored in Ecco Pro could be synchronized with the then nearly ubiquitous PalmPilot hardware PIMs.

      Echo had a clipper tool which allowed you to add highlighted text from other programs.

      It also synced with the PalmPilot.

    2. The demise of Ecco Pro was blamed by many (including the publishers of Ecco Pro themselves) on Microsoft's decision to bundle Outlook with Office at no extra charge. And while that was undoubtedly part of the problem, Ecco Pro also failed by marketing itself as merely a fancy PIM to lawyers and others then lacking technological sophistication sufficient to permit them to appreciate that the value and functionality of the product went so far beyond that of supposedly "free" Outlook that the two might as well have originated on different planets.

      Ecco Pro's demise was attributed to Microsoft's decision to bundle Outlook with Office at no extra charge.

      This, even though, in terms of products, they could not have been more different.

    1. Jeff Sonnabend in the Ecco Yahoo forum: "I remember first trying to learn Ecco 1.0. It was tough until the proverbial light went on. Then it all made sense. For me, it was simply understanding that Ecco is just a data base. So called folders are nothing more than fields in a flat-file table (like a spreadsheet). The rest is interface and implementation of various users' work or management systems in Ecco. That learning curve, to me, is the primary Ecco "weakness", at least as far as new users go."

      There was a steep learning curve involved with using ECCO Pro. Reminds me of Roam, which also has a steep learning curve, but then it feels like it's worth it.

    2. Chris Thompson: "If your goals in using a PIM are mostly calendaring, todos, and a phonebook, then Maximizer, Outlook, and Time and Chaos all do a reasonable job. On an enterprise-level, Lotus Notes would be another good choice. If you're more interested in keeping track of notes or research, Lotus Agenda, Zoot, or InfoHandler are better choices. For keeping track of miscellaneous files, InfoSelect is pretty good. On the other hand, if you want to do a little of everything, and do it well, Ecco really has no rivals."

      ECCO Pro was loved for its ability to do a lot of different things versus being good at one narrow thing. Reminds me of Roam Research.

    1. One fundamental issue with Ecco Pro I gleaned from the many phone calls I answered from customers was that people didn’t really know who the product was for. Sales people wanted to use it as a contact manager. Small business owners wanted to use it as a database. Home users wanted to use it to make to-do lists and track appointments. The problem was that it tried to be all those things at once. As a consequence, it did none of them very well. The product was bloated with features and extremely difficult to use. Even seasoned users did not understand its advanced functionality very well. After a year and a half as a phone rep, I still couldn’t offer a good explanation as to who the product was for.

      According to Price, ECCO Pro's problem was that it had so many features, users couldn't figure out who it was for.

  24. Oct 2020
    1. Les élèves ayant débuté leur formation en septembre pourront ainsi changer de secteur professionnel, ou de voie d'orientation en rejoignant la voie générale et technologique s'il s'avère que la formation qu'ils suivent ne leur correspond pas. Ces ajustements se limiteront à la correction des erreurs manifestes d'orientation vers la voie professionnelle, vers un niveau de diplôme ou vers une spécialité.
  25. Sep 2020
  26. Jul 2020
  27. Jun 2020
  28. May 2020
  29. Apr 2020
    1. The laboratory and radiologic findings are shown in Table 1. In the overall study population of 416 patients, median (IQR) levels of C-reactive protein (4.5 [1.4-8.5] mg/dL; to convert to milligrams per liter, multiply by 10) and procalcitonin (0.07 [0.04-0.15] ng/L) were elevated, while the median values of other laboratory indicators were within the normal range, such as counts of leukocytes, lymphocytes, platelets, erythrocytes; hemoglobin level; cardiac indicators
    2. In terms of laboratory findings, patients with cardiac injury compared with patients without cardiac injury showed higher median leukocyte count (median [IQR], 9400 [6900-13 800] cells/μL vs 5500 [4200-7400] cells/μL), and levels of C-reactive protein (median [IQR], 10.2 [6.4-17.0] mg/dL vs 3.7 [1.0-7.3] mg/dL), procalcitonin (median [IQR], 0.27 [0.10-1.22] ng/mL vs 0.06 [0.03-0.10] ng/mL), CK-MB (median [IQR], 3.2 [1.8-6.2] ng/mL vs 0.9 [0.6-1.3] ng/mL), myohemoglobin (median [IQR], 128 [68-305] μg/L vs 39 [27-65] μg/L), hs-TNI (median [IQR], 0.19 [0.08-1.12] μg/L vs <0.006 [<0.006-0.009] μg/L), N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) (median [IQR], 1689 [698-3327] pg/mL vs 139 [51-335] pg/mL),
    3. N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (median [IQR], 1689 [698-3327] vs 139 [51-335] pg/mL)
    1. Plasma TnT levels demonstrated a high and significantly positive linear correlation with plasma high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels (β = 0.530, P < .001) and N-terminal pro–brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) levels (β = 0.613, P < .001). Plasma TnT and NT-proBNP levels during hospitalization (median [interquartile range (IQR)], 0.307 [0.094-0.600]; 1902.00 [728.35-8100.00]) and impending death (median [IQR], 0.141 [0.058-0.860]; 5375 [1179.50-25695.25]) increased significantly compared with admission values (median [IQR], 0.0355 [0.015-0.102]; 796.90 [401.93-1742.25]) in patients who died (P = .001; P < .001), while no significant dynamic changes of TnT (median [IQR], 0.010 [0.007-0.019]; 0.013 [0.007-0.022]; 0.011 [0.007-0.016]) and NT-proBNP (median [IQR], 352.20 [174.70-636.70]; 433.80 [155.80-1272.60]; 145.40 [63.4-526.50]) was observed in survivors
    1. During the first days of her hospitalization, the patient remained hypotensive (systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg) and required inotropic support (dobutamine) in the first 48 hours, during which there was a further increase in levels of NT-proBNP (8465 pg/mL), high-sensitivity troponin T (0.59 ng/mL), and creatine kinase–MB (39.9 ng/mL), with a progressive stabilization and reduction during the following days (Table). Blood pressure progressively stabilized, although systolic pressure remained less than 100 mm Hg, and dobutamine treatment was weaned on day 4.
    1. Different people will have different opinions on that, according to their underlying values.

      True. That's why we should make these decisions collectively. And the best way we have to do that, as imperfect as they are, is via democratically elected goverments, and maybe referendums.

  30. Mar 2020
    1. Piwik PRO is an independent organization. We diverged from our open source cousins, focusing on serving larger organizations with a multifaceted analytics and marketing suite distinct from our roots in straightforward analytics.
    1. By choosing Matomo, you are joining an ever growing movement. You’re standing up for something that respects user-privacy, you’re fighting for a safer web and you believe your personal data should remain in your own hands, no one else’s.
    1. our values remain the same – advocating for 100% data ownership, respecting user-privacy, being reliable and encouraging people to stay secure. Complete analytics, that’s 100% yours.
    2. the privacy of your users is respected
    1. the deceptive practices it has been used to shield and enable are on borrowed time. The direction of travel — and the direction of innovation — is pro-privacy, pro-user control and therefore anti-deceptive-design.
  31. Nov 2019
    1. I’m on cloud nine. Look at this glorious keyboard! An Esc key! Inverted-T arrow keys! A millimeter of key travel! Enough spacing between the keys for our fingers to accurately orient themselves! And keystrokes will probably work, 100% of the time, for years!

      What I would give to have this!

  32. Oct 2019
    1. the ESSA no longer requires a particular sequence of escalating interventions in title I schools that are identified and continue to fail to make adequate yearly progress (AYP). Instead, it gives SEAs and local educational agencies (LEAs) discretion to determine the evidence-based interventions that are appropriate to address the needs of identified schools.

      earlier intervention

    1. States that wanted their fair share of federal funding were required to fix schools that failed to improve test scores adequately

      used quote in argument 1

    2. The law authorizes the spending of $24.9 billion in 2016, again subject to the spending bill now being finalized by Congress.


    3. The education law sets policy, and does not spend money directly — that's done through annual spending bills.


    1. olely on student academic achievement and primarily used state reading and math test scores

      NCLB only used tests at their surface level to see how schools were doing

    2. But the federal government can’t try to influence a state’s decision.

      States can choose their tests

    1. the new law drops the term “core academic subjects” and uses instead a “well-rounded education,” meaning that subjects like social studies and arts are less likely to be what one study

      less teaching to the test, more teaching for actual learning

    2. more flexibility on testing.


    1. ESSA does order underperforming schools to allow students to transfer to other public schools in the district

      More choice for if you want succeed, you can change schools

    2. instead of the one-size-fits-all standards of NCLB, ESSA allows different standards for students with “the most significant cognitive disabilities.”

      More flexability

    3. ESSA allows states to break the tests into “smaller components that can be given throughout the school year.”

      Less teaching to the test

  33. Mar 2018
    1. “Kilgore was well aware that what he was doing was illegal but his sick sexual fantasy to have sex with a little girl pushed him to having an Uber deliver her to him,” Canadian County Sheriff Chris West said.

      Biasing statement, made by a trusted official in position of power. Pro-prosecution effect.

    2. Pervert

      Emotional, not factual information. Pro-prosecution effect

    1. But she seemed like a different person on other online accounts.
    2. full-time wife and mom on Facebook but lived another life on other social media platforms. With a resemblance to Marilyn Monroe, she called herself an exhibitionist and posted risque photos with a chance for subscribers to see sexier images for $15.99 a month.

      This is not relevant to the successful prosecution of this woman's murderer. Pro-defense effect. Casts the victim in a sketchy light so as to evoke emotion from the jury pool. Attempting to separate the victim from possible jury pool (i.e., harder for jurors to imagine themselves the victim).

    3. “He was the suspect from the very beginning,” Lemley said.

      Pro-prosecution effect. Biasing towards the defendant.

  34. Oct 2017
    1. ‘I know you wouldn’t mind it, Jig. It’s really not anything. It’s just to let the air in.’

      Through a more historical lens, abortions have almost never been a subject of positive talk. In this story, the American is positioning the girl into accepting the process of abortion; in a sense, to be accepting of the procedure. Although highly invasive and potentially dangerous, the American is attempting at persuading her approval. That it is all in fact a natural undertacking.

      For the authors depiction of the American in this light, he is allying himself with the girl and thus making us readers her ally as well. In doing so, Hemingway is alluding to a pro-life centered argument against abortion.

  35. Oct 2016
    1. President Obama's plan to restrict drilling in the Arctic has hit a nerve in Alaska.

      why they are mad

    2. "Our fiscal situation is that we’re in a $3.5 billion deficit this year.

      bill walker says one economy of alaska

    3. You know, over half the conservation land in America is in Alaska, so we have more set aside in Alaska than the entire rest of the country combined, and we’re trying to make a living here, we’re trying to live here, we’re trying to have an economy here, and we’re doing it environmentally responsibly.

      bill walker

    4. "I’m not going to allow geopolitics to be resolved on the backs of Alaskans.

      bill walker

    5. It’s an area that we certainly want to protect, we will protect, but my goodness, you know, the area we want to explore is equivalent to a quarter, a 25 cent piece, on a football field.

      bill walker

    6. All the arguments that I’m hearing now are identical to arguments I heard then, it just hasn't proved out to be the case.

      Bill walker

    1. For lower-income Alaskans and those living in high-cost rural areas, the dividend can be an important source of income.


    2. “that we need to do something and we need to do something major.” What that ends up being remains unclear.

      effect on the people

    3. The major debate at this point appears to be around using earnings from the Alaska Permanent Fund, what tax bills to pass, if any, and how far to push changes to oil taxes and credits.

      what will be done

    4. Bills to reinstitute a personal state income tax for the first time since 1980 and proposals from Mr. Walker to raise taxes on motor fuels and on various industries, including oil, fishing and mining.

      what they will have to do

    5. The governor has warned that legislators could face a special session if they do not come up with a fiscal plan before the regular session ends on April 17.
    6. Gunnar Knapp, an economics professor, has told lawmakers that Alaska is probably facing a recession and that the economy will take a hit no matter what they do.


    7. state political leaders are struggling to get on the same page, with legislators split on options like taxes, the depth of budget cuts and tinkering with the annual dividend most Alaskans receive for living here.
    8. The collapse in oil prices has left oil-reliant Alaska with a multibillion-dollar budget deficit and few palatable options for digging its way out.
  36. Jan 2016
    1. Cenk Uygur

      Big fan of the Young Turks and have been since their AirAmerica days and before. Combine them with Chuck Mertz' WNUR show "This Is Hell" and podcast with the same name, I feel halfway informed about the world

    1. See, these are political questions and they are philosophical questions.

      I see her argument as an extension of Tim O'Reilly's essay "The Architecture of Participation" . And I see it as a Marxist way of viewing political and economic agency as a function of some idea substructure. Although I find it intriguing that Watters uses a mesh metaphor at the end of the post. We are enmeshed in rather than standing upon political and philosphical assumptions and axioms.

  37. Jul 2015
    1. Even though the value given to the match expression has the type Any, the data it is storing was created as an Int. The match expression was able to match based on the actual type of the value, not just on the type that it was given. Thus, the integer 12180, even when given as type Any, could be correctly recognized as an integer and formatted as such.

      This is interesting and I believe quite different from how ATS handles types, aside from the fact that it can't match against non-algebraic datatypes. I think this is probably easier to understand as well, since it appears to not rely on constraint solving in order to determine types.

    2. An alternate form of creating a 2-sized tuple is with the relation operator (->). This is a popular shortcut for representing key-value pairs in tuples:

      Also very Perl-like.