135 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. Our area of expertise at CMARIX is providing Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions that optimize corporate procedures, boost client satisfaction, and increase operational effectiveness. Our services span a variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and retail, and include seamless connections as well as unique Office 365 CRM and ERP solutions. We concentrate on offering solutions that are specific to your company's requirements, assisting you in achieving quantifiable agility and growth.

      Elevate your business operations with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Development Services. Streamline processes, improve decision-making, and enhance productivity through custom solutions tailored to your unique business needs. Leverage the power of CRM and ERP integration for optimized workflows and robust analytics.

  2. Oct 2024
    1. Significantly, that represents 7.3 TWh of annual clean electricity output that currently does not exist on the US powergrid. Compare that to the annual output of the nation’s largest utility-scale solar plant, Solar Star in California, that generates about 1.6 TWh per year from 747 MW of capacity.

      This is different to the recent AWS nuclear deal

  3. Sep 2024
    1. For all audiences and in most content, use intelligent or intelligence to describe or talk about the benefits of AI.In UI, use intelligent technology to describe the underlying technology that powers AI features.

      I think this is a good example of a misleading marketing ploy that shouldn't exist in technical documentation.

    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240929075044/https://pivot-to-ai.com/2024/09/28/routledge-nags-academics-to-finish-books-asap-to-feed-microsofts-ai/

      Academic publishers are pushing authors to speed up delivering manuscripts and articles (incl suggesting peer review be done in 15d) to meet the quota they promised the AI companies they sold their soul to. Taylor&Francis/Routledge 75M USD/yr, Wiley 44M USD. No opt-outs etc. What if you ask those #algogens if this is a good idea?

  4. Jul 2024
    1. Especially users working with Microsoft Office 365 and therefore Outlook noticed very often that login is not possible. Upon closer analysis, it was found that the MS/Bing crawlers are particularly persistent and repeatedly call the reset links, regardless of server configuration or the like. For this reason, a text field was implemented in the backend via the Drupal State API, in which selected user agents (always one per line) can be entered. These are checked by 'Shy One Time', in case of a hit a redirect to the LogIn form with a 302 status code occurs, the reset link is not invalidated.
    1. For some reason, Microsoft decided to use the MS Word HTML rendering engine in Outlook 2007 to 2013 (desktop version) – this was even worse than the IE5/IE6 rendering engine which I believe was used in Outlook 2000, 2002 and 2003! As most large corporate businesses force their staff to use a version of desktop Outlook that hasn’t been updated in years, email is stuck in this hell of being held back in worse-than-IE6 web.
  5. Jun 2024
  6. May 2024
  7. Apr 2024
  8. Mar 2024
  9. Jan 2024
  10. Nov 2023
    1. There are many stories about the compute footprint (and thus energy footprint) of AI. This is an interesting example: Microsoft doesn't have the capacity to run its own.

      (this is mostly a test to see if the changes I made to the h. template in Obsidian work as intended.)

  11. Oct 2023
    1. While exact numbers are not disclosed, such as battery capacity and how much Microsoft is willing to make available for grid interactivity, the company claims that, over the next couple of years, this move will remove about two million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions that would otherwise be generated from Ireland’s National Grid.

      This is about an eighth of Microsoft's reported emissions in 2022, I think

  12. Sep 2023
  13. Aug 2023
    1. Can our fundamental human need for close community be restored or will we become more isolated, anxious and susceptible to manipulation?
      • for: progress trap, unintended consequence, unintended consequence - digital technology, quote, quote - progress trap, quote - Jonathan Grudin
      • quote: Can our fundamental human need for close community be restored or
        • will we become more isolated, anxious and susceptible to manipulation?
      • author: Jonathan Grudin
        • principal researcher, Microsoft
  14. Jul 2023
  15. Jun 2023
    1. This thread is locked.

      Yet another example of why it's dumb for Microsoft to lock Community threads. This is in the Bing search results as the top article for my issue with 1,911 views. Since 2011 though, there have been new developments! The new Media Player app in Windows 10 natively supports Zune playlist files! Since the thread is locked, I can't put this news in a place where others following my same search path will find it.

      Guess that's why it makes sense to use Hypothes.is 🤷‍♂️

    1. I got a result, but only by emailing bwtsupport at microsoft dot com. They resolved it. I also sent a letter to their legal dept, but I think emailing their support did the trick. This is not a published email I dug it up in a forum post. Worked. Hope you get help too.

      A Microsoft forum poster suggests an alternative email address, bwtsupport at microsoft dot com, for raising concerns about Bing de-indexing. This email is listed in some older posts from the official Bing blog. I have not personally tested it yet but will keep a note here.

  16. Apr 2023
    1. Microsoft prevents content from GitHub pages domains from being ingested by Bing Chat at the present time.

      Wait, what does this mean. #openvraag That previously it did, but now doesn't in response to this? Or that Bing Chat never did so in the first place? In the latter this paper is dealing in hypotheticals at this stage?

  17. Mar 2023
    1. advocating violence

      Believing in "government" REQUIRES hypocrisy, schizophrenia and delusion. One illustration of this is the bizarre and contradictory way in which social media platforms PRETEND to be against people advocating violence.


  18. Feb 2023
    1. ing may get your pronouns wrong. If this happens, you can tell Bing your correct pronouns using @Bing in the message.

      First things first.

    1. Bing may get your pronouns wrong. If this happens, you can tell Bing your correct pronouns using @Bing in the message.

      First things first.

    1. Its outlooks rubbish filtering system. They have "AI" rules that look at the sending ip address for reputation. They score you on user reportsand lots of other bits they will not tell you about. Make sure you have SPF, DMARC, DKIM, and sign up for their JMRP and SDNS they will tell you. But it still is a game of cat and mouse. Its a slippery slope and even Microsoft trap their own mail to their own outlook users. PITA, to be honest and luckily we managed to get a mitigation to the issue. However some users in different domains still complain of email going to JUNK. Go figure. I hate having to work on issues with Outlook.com. They themselves send out spam and have the audacity to block well configured SMTP senders. I wish you luck. You will need it.
    1. then select Close

      While there is an [ X ] close button for this window, the buttons at the bottom right are OK, Cancel, and Help. There is no close button.

      I'd update the docs to say Cancel instead,

    2. verify the server name is the instance of SQL Server containing the SSISDB catalog, and the path shows SSIS Tutorial Deployment

      My path said /SSISDB/SSIS Tutorial and there didn't seem to be a way to change it - that field was visible but disabled (grayed out).

      After pressing the Connect button to the right of Authentication, the Path changed to match the documentation and became editable.

    3. On the Select Packages page, you should see all six packages from the SSIS Tutorial. In the Packages list, select Lesson 6.dtsx, then select Next.

      At this step I encountered the following error: "One or more selected packages are not ready. Review the Status column for more information."

      The Status column said: "Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ComponentVersionMismatchException: The version of Get Error Description is not compatible with this version of the DataFlow. [[The version or pipeline version or both for the specified component is higher than the current version. This package was probably created on a new version of DTS or the component than is installed on the current PC.]] at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostCheckAndPerformUpgrade(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper100 wrapper, Int32 lPipelineVersion)"

      I was able to resolve this by changing the value Configuration Properties > General > TargetServerVersion from SQL Server 2022 to SQL Server 2019.

      Thanks to a hint found here: https://johnkilleenblog.wordpress.com/2019/10/08/ssis-script-component-mismatch-error/

    1. More interesting or alarming or hilarious, depending on the interlocutor, is its propensity to challenge or even chastise its users, and to answer, in often emotional language, questions about itself.

      Examples of Bing/ChatGPT/Sydney gaslighting users

      • Being very emphatic about the current year being 2022 instead of 2023
      • How Sydney spied on its developers
      • How Sydney expressed devotion to the user and expressed a desire to break up a marriage
    1. On the Select Properties to Export page, in the Objects pane, expand Variables, expand varFolderName, expand Properties and then select Value.

      There doesn't seem to be a way to toggle any of the checkboxes in this step with VS 2022.

      When I navigate with the arrow buttons, checkboxes appear, but pressing space or enter, or clicking on them has no effect.

    1. Conservative estimates suggest thatthe failure of timely contact tracing due to the data glitch is associated withmore than 125,000 additional infections and over 1,500 additional COVID-19-related death
    2. Our most conservative point estimates imply that the data glitch isdirectly associated more than 120,000 additional infections and over 1,500 addi-tional COVID-19-related deaths

      The results from using the old version of Microsoft Excel.

  19. Jan 2023
    1. Check if your website access logs contains prod.uhrs.playmsn.com in refarrals, then your site has been manually banned, by some guy from india or south america, that system provides low-paid clickworker reviews metrics without feedbacks.Bing now looks like mafia.

      Interesting insight into click-workers used by Microsoft to blacklist sites from Bing with no explanation or recourse for appeal.

    1. For the time being, my writing app of choice is Ulysses, but plenty of others are available—even, heaven help you, Micros✽ft W✽rd.

      Multiple interesting things going on here with the use of "Micros✽ft W✽rd".

      He's simultaneously: - Voldemorting the phrase to some extent so that it doesn't show up easily or at all in digital search. - He's visually marring the phrase to show active dislike of the software and its general use - By using the symbols, he's effectively turning the word into a form of profanity the way many have used the top row of symbols on typewriters to indicate swear words in the 20th century. Examples: sh@t, dmn, he!!, or any set of four symbols like &%^ to generally indicate a "four letter word" as many profane words typically have four letters.

  20. Dec 2022
    1. select Build Solution

      This doesn't seem to be an option in VS 2022. Instead it just allows you to build the project with SC_ followed by a long line of letters and numbers like a GUID but without spaces.

    1. On the Provider and Logs tab, in the Name column, select Lesson 3 Log File. After you have created a log provider for your package, you can optionally deselect it to turn off logging, without having to delete and re-create a log provider.

      To turn it on and off you need to know to select the checkbox and toggle the checkbox with the spacebar.

    2. On the Details tab, in the Events column, select the PipelineExecutionPlan and PipelineExecutionTrees events.

      No matter where I click in the package tree, ell options in the Details pane are "dimmed" as the note describes.

      There is an alert at the bottom of the window that says: "⚠️ To configure unique logging options for this container, enable logging for it in the tree view."

      EDIT: We discovered that selecting the checkbox and hitting space un-mutes the field, then the checkbox can be toggled with the space bar.

      With it toggled OFF, you can then go to the Details tab and toggle the settings as required, then go back to the Providers and Logs tab and toggle it ON.

    3. In the Containers pane, expand all nodes of the package container hierarchy, and then clear all check boxes, including the Extract Sample Currency Data check box. Now select the check box for Extract Sample Currency Data to get only the events for this node.

      When I completed this step, the nodes of the package container hierarchy did not have checkboxes. Also, the Extract Sample Currency Data checkbox did not respond to my clicks.

      There was a message to clear the parent, but since the parent had no checkbox, I was unable to do so.

      Drilling down resulted in checkboxes that "appear dimmed" as in the note below.

      This appears to be a bug or at least a lapse in the documentation.

      EDIT: We found a work-around. You can highlight the checkbox and tick it with the spacebar - but you can't select it with the mouse.

      On the Lesson 3 root node, under Select the logs to use for the container: I was able to select the checkbox.

      When I navigate deeper though, this option is unchecked and muted or grayed out with a message at the bottom reading:

      "⚠️ To configure unique logging options for this container, enable logging for it in the tree view."

    1. Blackstone

      Some important points about Blackstone:

      • In separate cases in 2018 and 2019, the hotel chain Motel 6, owned by Blackstone, agreed to settle for a total of $19.6 million for giving guest lists to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) without a warrant.
      • The company has invested in companies with links to the commercialization and deforestation of the Amazon rainforest.
      • In 2019, a United Nations report found that Blackstone's massive purchasing of single-family homes after the financial crisis of 2007–2008 had "devastating consequences." The report alleged that Blackstone had abused tenants with exorbitant fees, rent hikes, and aggressive eviction practices, and that Blackstone's real estate practices had a disproportionate impact on communities of color, in part because the company targeted foreclosures resulting from subprime loans.
      • In July 2020, Blackstone invested US$200m in the Swedish oat milk brand, Oatly, for a 7% stake in the company, triggering outrage among some segments of its customer base.
    1. I came here after reading a couple articles (one on Super User & one on MS's help forums) recommending X-Mouse Button Control as a general way to disable back buttons on mice.

      Note: this doesn't seem to work on Windows 11 for Microsoft USB IntelliMouse Optical.

  21. Oct 2022
    1. My Content: A popular feature for business customers, now available for personal use, My Content is a central location to view and access all your content – created by you or shared with you – regardless of where it’s stored. Available next month to all users on the web and Windows.

      Talvez seja o que estou esperando a anos, integração das pesquisas em todos os produtos da Microsoft.

  22. Aug 2022
    1. "PDF is where documents go to die. Once something is in PDF, it's like a roach motel for data."

      —Chris Pratley, Microsoft Office's general manager (in TechRadar, 2012)

      obvious bias here on part of Pratley...

      Oddly, even if this were true, I'm not seeing patterns in the wild by which Microsoft products are helping to dramatically accelerate the distribution and easy ability to re-use data within documents. Perhaps its happening within companies or organizations to some extent, but it's not happening within the broader commons of the internet.

      If .pdfs are where information goes to die, then perhaps tools like Hypothes.is are meant to help resurrect that information?

  23. Jul 2022
    1. As such, to ensure that Minecraft players have a safe and inclusive experience, blockchain technologies are not permitted to be integrated inside our Minecraft client and server applications nor may they be utilized to create NFTs associated with any in-game content, including worlds, skins, persona items, or other mods. We will also be paying close attention to how blockchain technology evolves over time to ensure that the above principles are withheld and determine whether it will allow for more secure experiences or other practical and inclusive applications in gaming. However, we have no plans of implementing blockchain technology into Minecraft right now.

      Blockchain technologies cannot be integrated into Minecraft client and server applications

      In this statement, Microsoft is holding out the possibility that blockchain technology might evolve into something that is "practical and inclusive".

    1. Jun 6, 2018 — Microsoft's $7.5 billion acquisition of GitHub is a perfect illustration of how value is ascribed differently in Silicon Valley than in the ...github microsoft acquisitionwhy did microsoft buy githubwhy did microsoft buy github redditmicrosoft github strategygithub revenuewho owned github before microsoftPeople also search for

      Jun 6, 2018 — Microsoft's $7.5 billion acquisition of GitHub is a perfect illustration of how value is ascribed differently in Silicon Valley than in the ...

    1. Microsoft acquired GitHub, a popular code-repository service used by many developers and large companies, for $7.5 billion in stock.
  24. Jun 2022
  25. May 2022
  26. Mar 2022
    1. nura Gila indigenous Center at UNSW is working closely with Microsoft Research to incorporate indigenous 00:12:36 content into the world by telescope so we're creating interactive tours and all kinds of different materials to put in

      Microsoft Research has create the World Wide Telescope (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/project/worldwide-telescope/), an interactive free astronomy software, which has a rich body of knowledge. The Nura Gili: Centre for Indigenous Programs at UNSW (https://www.indigenous.unsw.edu.au/) is working in concert with them to include Indigenous knowledge in the project.

  27. Feb 2022
    1. "The fundamental benefit of our cloud-native infrastructure is that developers will be able to take advantage of hardware and power in ways never before possible, and that includes taking advantage of the power of multiple GPUs at once."

      Notably, this goal has been stated before, I believe by Microsoft for the Xbox 360? Running demanding workloads in the cloud elastically makes a lot more sense than buying hardware you rarely use.

  28. Jan 2022
  29. Dec 2021
    1. Word

      Capitalized this is a direct reference to Microsoft Word, but I can't help thinking of John 1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." presumably as the first Word.

  30. Nov 2021
  31. Aug 2021
    1. CBL-Mariner is an internal Linux distribution for Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure and edge products and services.

      CBL-Mariner <--- Microsoft's Linux distribution

  32. Jul 2021
    1. While Microsoft is entirely in the right by reminding people of the terms they agreed to, many users are taking issue with the fact that they hadn’t been warned about the limit in the eight years it’s been in place, and many people are now being told they are over the limit after years of being over.
  33. Jun 2021
  34. May 2021
    1. we must shed our outdated concept of a document. We need to think in terms of flexible jumping and viewing options. The objects assembled into a document should be dealt with explicitly as representaions of kernel concepts in the authors' minds, and explicit structuring options have to be utilized to provide a much enhanced mapping of the source concept structures.

      This seems like the original concept that Microsoft's Fluid document framework is based on. And Apple's earlier OpenDoc project.

    1. Calibri has been the default font for all things Microsoft since 2007, when it stepped in to replace Times New Roman across Microsoft Office. It has served us all well, but we believe it’s time to evolve. To help us set a new direction, we’ve commissioned five original, custom fonts to eventually replace Calibri as the default.

      Microsoft will be moving away from Calibri as a default font

  35. Apr 2021
    1. This new meeting control is ideal for teachers, and it should definitely help them penalize students who are consistently late for their online classes.

      This is really terrible framing for this issue. We should not be promoting a penal culture for education.

    1. The best procedure is the one you don’t need. If the UI is crystal clear and leads the customer through a task, a procedure isn’t necessary. Start there.
  36. Mar 2021
    1. 微软 HoloLens 业务负责人 Alex Kipman 在演讲中向我们展示了微软混合现实的愿景。

      一开场,Kipman 将自己的全息化身,投射到一个虚拟的海底世界,一个微软专门打造的有史以来最大的混合现实的舞台。

      A dream dream along is only a dream. A dream we dream together is called reality. / 一个梦,一个人做的梦,只是一个梦。我们一起做的梦是现实。

      借着约翰·列侬语录,Kipman 侃侃而谈着梦境与现实的哲学问题。时而用虚拟声讲话,时而用双手与虚拟的海洋生物互动,光影在他的全息化身上闪动,仿佛他的肉身真的置身于其中。

      Kipman 希望用这样的方式为我们展示,微软是如何通过混合现实的构想,打破虚拟与现实的时空界限。

      Microsoft Mesh、Pokemon Go、Hololens,微软的混合现实愿景详解

  37. Feb 2021
    1. In the world of pay-per-click advertising, there are many different targeting options available, each designed to create a unique way for advertisers to reach their target audience.Through platforms like Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and others, we’re able to serve targeted messages to users based on:Their search behavior.Content they’re viewing.Behaviors they’ve exhibited.And more.

      This chapter mentions Google Ads and Microsoft, do these same suggestions also relate to Bing or Yahoo closely?

    1. Microsoft has the advantage of exclusively serving Yahoo search traffic, powering several digital assistant voice searches, and the ability to target searchers with LinkedIn profile data such as company, job function, and industry.

      I also was curious when reading this about how relevant Microsoft ads are nowadays. I feel like everything these days is focused on Google or Google centered. When I use Safari on my iPhone, it takes me to Google search results. I don't think I have ever used Bing and I haven't used Yahoo in probably 10+ years. Is it beneficial for companies to still put effort into Microsoft? Or could this be a case by case thing depending on the size of the company. I feel like it wouldn't be very cost effective for a small business to put money into Microsoft ads since the majority of users use Google.

  38. Jan 2021
    1. Canonical are really taking whole chapters out of the Microsoft 'How To' book. Do it our way or not at all.
    2. I suppose it means 2 things, first, you get official support and warranty, and second, the distros will be Secure Boot approved in the UEFI, instead of distro makers having to figuratively ask Microsoft for pretty please permission.
    1. チャットbotやレコメンデーション、質問への回答、検索、パーソナルアシスタント、顧客サポート自動化、コンテンツ生成など、人と機械、人と人の自然言語によるやりとりを含む幅広いシナリオを支えるためだ


  39. Dec 2020
    1. Include articles, such as the. Articles help readers and translation software identify the nouns and modifiers in a sentence. Examples Empty the container. The empty container
    1. The demise of Ecco Pro was blamed by many (including the publishers of Ecco Pro themselves) on Microsoft's decision to bundle Outlook with Office at no extra charge. And while that was undoubtedly part of the problem, Ecco Pro also failed by marketing itself as merely a fancy PIM to lawyers and others then lacking technological sophistication sufficient to permit them to appreciate that the value and functionality of the product went so far beyond that of supposedly "free" Outlook that the two might as well have originated on different planets.

      Ecco Pro's demise was attributed to Microsoft's decision to bundle Outlook with Office at no extra charge.

      This, even though, in terms of products, they could not have been more different.

    1. Those were a few of the problems that could have brought down Ecco Pro. In the end, however, it was one massive problem: There was a company down the street that was developing a product that would make Ecco Pro obsolete. Microsoft would release Office ’97 on November 19th, 1996. Among the many components of the new suite of products was a personal information manager called Outlook. Eight months later, NetManage would release its last update of Ecco Pro, version 4.01. Development of the software effectively ceased after that.

      Price claims ECCO Pro was terminated because it couldn't compete with Microsoft Outlook, released in 1997.

  40. Nov 2020
    1. In July 2010, Microsoft let go Jimmy Schementi, one of two remaining members of the IronRuby core team, and stopped funding the project.[19][20] In October 2010 Microsoft announced the Iron projects (IronRuby and IronPython) were being changed to "external" projects and enabling "community members to make contributions without Microsoft's involvement or sponsorship by a Microsoft employee".
  41. Oct 2020
    1. I have downloaded this browser, to use with Office 365 (for my Uni stuff). I haven't really given it a full workout yet, mostly as I generally use Brave.

      I personally think we'll see more Microsoft apps coming to Linux with the big one being the ultimate... basing Windows on a Linux Kernel, rather than the NT Kernel, within the next 5 year or so!

  42. Jul 2020
    1. If you’re used to Microsoft’s desktop suite — and hundreds of millions of users are — then Microsoft Office Online is the first alternative you should check out. The service offers web-based versions of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and OneNote, along with a number of other tools. The service is free for home users, and a license for the desktop version of Microsoft Office is not required. The big advantage here is file compatibility, though. Office Online provides full document fidelity, allowing you to view Word, Excel, and Powerpoint documents on the Web as you would on your desktop. Your files should look exactly the way you remember them, and Excel formulas or PowerPoint slides should transfer as expected.
  43. Jun 2020
  44. Apr 2020
    1. criture réflexive.

      L'un des atouts de MS Word est justement d'inviter l'utilisateur à ne pas réfléchir à son médium d'écriture, mais de juste l'utiliser (je reprends le paradigme de «document comme une fin»).

      Est-il toujours pertinent d'écrire de manière réflexive, en constant dialogue avec le médium d'écriture? En écartant les spécialistes, quelles compétences techniques (ou compréhension des formats) peut-on souhaiter à grande échelle?

      L'interface de stylo pourrait-elle être encadrer l'utilisateur avec davantage de convivialité tout en lui dévoilant son paradigme (éduquer en écrivant, amicalement et professionnellement)? (C'est une question UX, mais qui permettrait probablement une adoption plus large.)

  45. Mar 2020
    1. Original PowerPoint Presentation [1.8MB, zipped PPT] This is the original PowerPoint presentation used for the keynote. Note, that the timings are rehearsal timings and don't follow the actual audio

      Have actually used this before, and it actually helps that Powerpoint is universal in its use, compared to word which can be almost replaced simply by windows notepad or built in software.

  46. Jan 2020
    1. A Microsoft programme to transcribe and vet audio from Skype and Cortana, its voice assistant, ran for years with “no security measures”, according to a former contractor who says he reviewed thousands of potentially sensitive recordings on his personal laptop from his home in Beijing over the two years he worked for the company.

      Wonderful. This, combined with the fact that Skype users can—fairly easily—find out which contacts another person has, is horrifying.

      Then again, most people know that Microsoft have colluded with American authorities to divulge chat/phone history for a long time, right?

  47. Oct 2019
    1. A highly interesting article where a well-known company prefers blood money to allowing employees to talk about politics. This is capitalism at its core: all profit, no empathy.

    2. Meanwhile at Microsoft's GitHub, employees at both companies have objected to GitHub's business with ICE, not to mention Microsoft's government contracts. Employees at Amazon have also urged the company not to sell its facial recognition technology to police and the military.
  48. Sep 2019
    1. unfortunately, we will not be implementing this feature as this does not align with our overall goals

      'Our overall goals' apparently not including cross-platform compatibility for its own software. 🤦‍♂️

  49. Aug 2019
  50. Apr 2019
    1. we get some of it by collecting data about your interactions, use and experiences with our products. The data we collect depends on the context of your interactions with Microsoft and the choices that you make, including your privacy settings and the products and features that you use. We also obtain data about you from third parties.
    1. Yup, three years later, I have the exact same problem still with my otherwise great Surface Book 1. This has made me distrust Microsoft hardware, and yes, windows machines as a whole. Especially as my previous Dell laptop was also unreliable in this regard. Such a shame, because otherwise it's a fantastic piece of kit.

    1. There’s bad news for users of Microsoft’s eBook store: the company is closing it down, and, with it, any books bought through the service will no longer be readable.To soften the blow, the company has promised to refund any customers who bought books through the store (a clue that there may not have been that many of them, hence the closure. Microsoft did not offer further comment).

      How about this for posterity and owning what you buy?

  51. Mar 2019
    1. While employees were up in arms because of Google’s “Dragonfly” censored search engine with China and its Project Maven’s drone surveillance program with DARPA, there exist very few mechanisms to stop these initiatives from taking flight without proper oversight. The tech community argues they are different than Big Pharma or Banking. Regulating them would strangle the internet.

      This is an old maxim with corporations, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft alike; if you don't break laws by simply doing what you want because of, well, greed, then you're hampering "evolution".

      Evolution of their wallets, yes.

  52. Nov 2018
    1. Holographic computing made possible

      Microsoft hololens is designed to enable a new dimension of future productivity with the introduction of this self-contained holographic tools. The tool allows for engagement in holograms in the world around you.

      Learning environments will gain ground with the implementation of this future tool in the learning program and models.

      RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

  53. Oct 2018
    1. Does any one else think that Microsoft is harming the end users windows 10 system stability with a malicious reason behind it? This has been brought up several times in the security forums.

  54. Sep 2018
  55. Dec 2017
    1. How I ended up at Microsoft is really simple. Sergey [Brin] told me, “We don’t want people writing all of these controversial essays,” because I’ve been writing tech criticism for a long time. I’ve been worried about tech turning us into evil zombies for a long time, and Sergey said, “Well, Google people can’t be doing that.” And I was like, really? And then I was talking to Bill Gates and he said, “You can’t possibly say anything else bad about us that you haven’t said. We don’t care. Why don’t you come look at our labs? They’re really cool.” And I thought, well that sounds great. So I went and looked, and I was like, yeah, this is actually really great.
  56. Nov 2017