- Jan 2025
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
- Dec 2024
kurier.at kurier.at
Konrad Kramar im Kurier zur zerplatzenden Blase „Grüner Wasserstoff“. Von den 10 Mio. Tonnen jährlich, die die EU-Kommission bis 2030 geplant hat, sind erst 7% erreicht, von den geplanten Leitungen erst 3% im Bau. Im Vergleich zu Wärmepumpen bei Heizungen und Batterien bei LKWs ist Wasserstoff unwirtschaftlich. Die Wasserstoff-Lobbies promoten tatsächlich grauen, mit Erdgas produzierten Wasserstoff, der auf absehbare Zeit als einziger konkurrenzfähig ist, aber die fossilen Emissionen nicht verringert [via Sabine Jungwirth auf Facebook]. https://kurier.at/wirtschaft/eu-wasserstoff-klimawandel-solarzellen-pipeline-hydrogen-bank/402990372
Screenshot: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10227863164746893&set=a.2637414336971
- Nov 2024
- Jan 2024
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Anlässlich des Italien-Afrika-Gipfels in Rom warnen etwa 600 afrikanische Fachleute in einem offenen Brief davor, noch mehr in fossile Energien in Afrika zu investieren, ein überholtes Entwicklungsmodell festzuschreiben und die Emissionen weiter zu erhöhen. Italien ist bereits jetzt der wichtigste europäische Importeur fossiler Brennstoffe aus Afrika. Die Regierung Meloni will diese Schlüsselrolle ausbauen .https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2024/01/29/news/piano_mattei_vertice_gas-422000853/
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Zwei der Reports, die zum Weltwirtschaftsforum 2024 publiziert wurden, betonen die Bedeutung von Risiken, die mit der globalen Erhitzung, der Zerstörung der Biodiversität und der lebenserhaltenden Systeme des Planeten verbunden sind. Der Artikel der Repubblica zählt klimapolitisch wichtige Ereignisse des Jahres 2024 auf.https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2024/01/17/news/world_economic_forum_2024_cambiamento_climatico-421899576/
github.com github.com
CrossLine<br /> https://github.com/rochus-keller/CrossLine
ᔥSukhovskii in CrossLine who asks if anyone has used it for a ZK before
- Sep 2023
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Der revidierte Plan für Energie und Klima (NECP) , den Italien wie die anderen EU-Staaten der EU-Kommission in diesem Jahr vorlegen musste, reicht bei weitem nicht aus, um die EU-Klimaziele zu erreichen. Chiara die Mambo, die für den italienischen think Tank Ecco arbeitet, kritisiert ihn in der Repubblica.
- Jun 2023
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Eine neue Studie zeigt, wie das italisnische Energiesystem bis 2035 komplett auf erneuerbare Energien umgestellt werden kann, ohne die Energiesicherheit zu gefährden. Dazu müssen u.a. Anlagen zur erneuerbare Energieerzeugung achtmal schneller installiert werden als zur Zeit. Investitionen in das Energiesystem müssen strikt im Sinne der eines Plans zur Dekarbonisierung erfolgen. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2023/06/12/news/wwf_energie_rinnovabili_decarbonizzazione_sistema_elettrico_al_2035-404187203/
Studie (englisch): https://eccoclimate.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Development-of-a-transition-pathway-towards-a-close-to-net-zero-electricity-sector-in-Italy-by-2035_9_giugno.pdf
- Dec 2020
Among its many other features, Ecco Pro installed an icon (the "Shooter") into other programs so that you can add text highlighted in the other program to your Ecco Pro outline. And better yet, the information stored in Ecco Pro could be synchronized with the then nearly ubiquitous PalmPilot hardware PIMs.
Echo had a clipper tool which allowed you to add highlighted text from other programs.
It also synced with the PalmPilot.
The demise of Ecco Pro was blamed by many (including the publishers of Ecco Pro themselves) on Microsoft's decision to bundle Outlook with Office at no extra charge. And while that was undoubtedly part of the problem, Ecco Pro also failed by marketing itself as merely a fancy PIM to lawyers and others then lacking technological sophistication sufficient to permit them to appreciate that the value and functionality of the product went so far beyond that of supposedly "free" Outlook that the two might as well have originated on different planets.
Ecco Pro's demise was attributed to Microsoft's decision to bundle Outlook with Office at no extra charge.
This, even though, in terms of products, they could not have been more different.
www.fredshack.com www.fredshack.com
Jeff Sonnabend in the Ecco Yahoo forum: "I remember first trying to learn Ecco 1.0. It was tough until the proverbial light went on. Then it all made sense. For me, it was simply understanding that Ecco is just a data base. So called folders are nothing more than fields in a flat-file table (like a spreadsheet). The rest is interface and implementation of various users' work or management systems in Ecco. That learning curve, to me, is the primary Ecco "weakness", at least as far as new users go."
There was a steep learning curve involved with using ECCO Pro. Reminds me of Roam, which also has a steep learning curve, but then it feels like it's worth it.
Chris Thompson: "If your goals in using a PIM are mostly calendaring, todos, and a phonebook, then Maximizer, Outlook, and Time and Chaos all do a reasonable job. On an enterprise-level, Lotus Notes would be another good choice. If you're more interested in keeping track of notes or research, Lotus Agenda, Zoot, or InfoHandler are better choices. For keeping track of miscellaneous files, InfoSelect is pretty good. On the other hand, if you want to do a little of everything, and do it well, Ecco really has no rivals."
ECCO Pro was loved for its ability to do a lot of different things versus being good at one narrow thing. Reminds me of Roam Research.
medium.com medium.com
One fundamental issue with Ecco Pro I gleaned from the many phone calls I answered from customers was that people didn’t really know who the product was for. Sales people wanted to use it as a contact manager. Small business owners wanted to use it as a database. Home users wanted to use it to make to-do lists and track appointments. The problem was that it tried to be all those things at once. As a consequence, it did none of them very well. The product was bloated with features and extremely difficult to use. Even seasoned users did not understand its advanced functionality very well. After a year and a half as a phone rep, I still couldn’t offer a good explanation as to who the product was for.
According to Price, ECCO Pro's problem was that it had so many features, users couldn't figure out who it was for.
- Nov 2013
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
In a Literary Lab project on 18th-century novels, English students study a database of nearly 2,000 early books to tease out when “romances,” “tales” and “histories” first emerged as novels, and what the different terms signified.
This may be a reference to the Eighteenth Century Collection Online-Text Creation Partnership (ECCO-TCP) project, which transcribed and marked up in XML ~2,200 eighteenth-century books from the Eighteenth Century Collections Online database (ECCO). The ECCO-TCP corpus is in the public domain and available for anyone to use: http://www.textcreationpartnership.org/tcp-ecco/