81 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
  2. Aug 2024
    1. Hoe ziet jouw eerste les eruit?Ben jij klaar om de cyclus van last-minute leren te doorbreken en leerlingen te ondersteunen in effectief leren?De eerste les van het schooljaar... start ik natuurlijk minimaal met een cognitieve inspanner!Wat mij scherp houdt, is het formuleren van de kernwaarden van mijn onderwijs in duidelijke uitgangspunten.In mijn lessen is (minimaal) aandacht voor:📘 Effectief leren🧠 Effectieve leerstrategieën🏅 Effectief leergedrag💡 Cognitieve inspanners📝 TaalDit probeer ik elke les na te streven.Ik deel hier mijn uitgewerkte voorbeeld.Vind je het iets of helemaal niets? Laat het gerust weten!Ik heb de infographic over effectief leren in een eerdere bijdrage gedeeld, maar ik ben deze aan het finetunen en aanvullen met een set reflectieve vragen. Dat komt in de loop van de tijd (geen vaste planning), net als de door mij aangehaalde methodiek.Wil je de infographic met reflectieve vragen ontvangen nog voordat ik het op LinkedIn plaats? Laat maar weten in het commentaar, afhankelijk van de reacties zal ik dat proces al dan niet versnellen!🖊 Ik ben Gertina en ik heb een passie voor effectief en duurzaam leren!

      Nice focus on learning strategies, this is rare in formal education.

  3. Jul 2024
    1. Interesting. I suspect it depends on how you use it. Students with a high level of metacognitive capacity could use this to their advantage. Teaching (particularly the Whole-Part-Whole Reteaching technique) is a very useful technique for active recall (don't forget expanding gap spacing and interleaving); it forces you to use all aspects of your cognitive schemas to provide a clear and understandable explanation of what you know to have others understand it. When you struggle to explain it to others or they ask questions and you cannot answer it (or explain it in different ways) you have identified knowledge gaps.These recall techniques serve not only to strengthen the neural connections between concepts in the cognitive schemata (Hebbian plasticity; re-encoding benefits) but, perhaps more importantly, also to identify knowledge gaps making you know what to focus on when improving your knowledge mastery (maybe even what information to drill, depending on the information type).
    2. To flip or not to flip?Answer isn't that simple. This is what the research says:HIGHLIGHTS:->The flipped learning literature suffers from methodological irregularities, confounds, and inconsistencies across studies.->Kapur et al. (2022) conducted a detailed review of the flipped learning literature. They discovered that flipping offers few benefits for teachers who already incorporate a lot of active learning in their instruction.->Equity issues may arise in flipped classrooms if some students can’t do, or don’t do, the assigned pre-class activities.->It’s not clear that “flipping” offers significant benefits for K-12 teachers. Better student outcomes may be obtained by introducing new material in manageable chunks and tightly interweaving the presentation of new content with structured, active learning.
    1. Dr. Sönke AhrensOn page 117 of "How to Take Smart Notes" you write the following: "The slip-box not only confronts us with dis-confirming information, butalso helps with what is known as the feature-positive effect (Allison andMessick 1988; Newman, Wolff, and Hearst 1980; Sainsbury 1971). This isthe phenomenon in which we tend to overstate the importance of informationthat is (mentally) easily available to us and tilts our thinking towards the mostrecently acquired facts, not necessarily the most relevant ones. Withoutexternal help, we would not only take exclusively into account what weknow, but what is on top of our heads.[35] The slip-box constantly remindsus of information we have long forgotten and wouldn’t remember otherwise –so much so, we wouldn’t even look for it."My question for you: Why have you chosen to use the Feature-Positive Effect as the phenomenon to make your point and not the recency bias?The recency bias seems more aligned with your point of our minds favoring recently learned information/knowledge over already existing, perhaps more relevant, cognitive schemata.To my mind, the FPE states that it is easier to detect patterns when the unique stimuli indicating the pattern is present rather than absent... In the following example:Pattern in this sequence: 1235 8593 0591 2531 8532 (all numbers have a 5; the unique feature is present) Pattern in this sequence: 1236 8193 0291 2931 8472 (no numbers contain a 5; the unique feature is absent)The pattern in the first sequence is more easily spotted than the pattern in the second sequence, this is the feature-positive effect. This has not much to do with your point.I do get what you are coming from, namely that we are biased towards what is more readily in mind; however, the extension of this argument with the comparison of relevance vs. time makes the recency bias or availability heuristic more applicable; and also easier to explain in my opinion.Once again, I am simply curious what made you choose the FPE as the phenomenon to explain.I hope you take the time to read this and respond to it. Thanks in advance.Sources in the comments
    2. Hey Matthew, it's a fair point. Without having the whole passage or a previous draft in front of me, it could be simply the outcome of the editing process. It does read like you said: as if I had recency bias in mind (next to other fitting ones), which then got lost after having shortened it for readability. That's my best guess. Even though it is tempting in these cases to come up with some post-hoc, smart sounding reason...

      Response by Ahrens to my question/criticism

  4. Jun 2024
    1. www.linkedin.com/in/andy-bedy-ph-d-student-008881188



    1. www.linkedin.com/in/aayam-p-34887122b/



    1. linkedin.com/in/aruna-isukapatla-524a72239



    1. www.linkedin.com/in/arun-bakkera-35a40026b



    1. www.linkedin.com/in/arul-sampath-3ba7b07



    1. http://www.linkedin.com/in/aabrahamian



    1. www.linkedin.com/in/armaghanstabar



    1. https://www.linkedin.com/in/eduardocasco



    1. https://www.linkedin.com/in/qpollard/



    1. : https://www.linkedin.com/in/sanjoybose






    1. linkedin.com/in/matthewgarcher



    1. inkedin.com/in/christopher-boyo-fashola-b3761712b



    1. www.linkedin.com/in/cagwillis



    1. https://www.linkedin.com/in/shubroto-shuvo-62776b238/



    1. www.linkedin.com/in/markleonwinter/



    1. www.linkedin.com/in/gjoseph0v



    1. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaimebenitez



    1. WWW.Linkedin.com/in/Tim-Wiegert



    1. www.linkedin.com/in/arena-hernandez



    1. www.linkedin.com/in/architpandya/



    1. https://www.linkedin.com/in/archana-lead-devops-engineer-h4-ead-14b435b1/



  5. Local file Local file
    1. https://www.linkedin.com/in/drfrankfaroughian/



    1. https://www.linkedin.com/in/aravindreddy986



    1. https://www.linkedin.com/in/aravindraineni/



    1. linkedin.com/in/william-wu-yaohsien/



    1. https://www.linkedin.com/in/snigdha-designer-6b5895288/



  6. May 2024
    1. Well said. But then why are so many prominent voices, business interests, and documentaries about Regenerative Ag pitching wildly unrealistic levels of carbon removal as the primary benefit?

      for post comment - LinkedIn - carbon sequestration - Jonathan Foley - Regenerative Agriculture

    1. Global, deep synchronization is the hashtag#philosophersStone and hashtag#HolyGrail that we are all after, in our silo'd, fragmented attempts at unity

      for - post comment - LinkedIn - global synchronization and unity - holy grail

    1. How long will we ignore the urgency of adopting responsible, sustainable policies worldwide? How long will the victims of such tragedies keep being ignored?

      for - post comment - LinkedIn - Brazil floods

    1. Minou, Michel Bauwens often uses the term "predatory capitalism."

      for - post comment - LinkedIn - regenerative inner world

    1. this dualism probably isn’t right given today’s complexities

      for - progress trap - post comment - LinkedIn - Ralph Thurn article - progress trap - adjacency - progress trap - maladaptive - attention - focus of attention - cultural evolution - duality - dualism - dualistic

      adjacency - between - progress - progress trap - maladaptive - cultural evolution - attention - focus of attention - Exploring this statement further, it isn't just that it is our dualistic thinking applied here is a problem - but that it is the very nature of human analytic reasoning coupled with our innate ability to focus our attention which requires a deep unpacking - For to focus on an object of attention - is something we can only accomplish by defocusing on everything else - Indeed, it is the very act of attention on the one, that is inextricably accompanied by the act of inattention of the many - Our body, and that of many other organisms is evolutionarily designed - to focus our attention in our field of view on emergent phenomena that is salient to our survival - The nature of reductionist-type research - which is to say, most research - is that we continue applying this evolved adaptive behavior, even though cultural evolution (ie. progress) has accelerated exponentially to such an extent - that this same biologically evolved behavior has become maladaptive in the context of modernity

    2. Solutions to avoid Collapse‘ - that’s why it’s failing!
  7. Apr 2024
  8. Feb 2024
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [01:02:27][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo est un webinaire organisé par Solidatech, un programme de solidarité numérique pour les associations. Il présente les conseils et les bonnes pratiques pour utiliser LinkedIn, le réseau social professionnel, au service de son association. Le webinaire est animé par Lorraine, une formatrice de Solidatech, et Elodie, une chargée de communication.

      Points clés: + [00:04:23][^3^][3] Introduction à LinkedIn et à ses ressources pour les associations * Présentation de LinkedIn, ses chiffres, ses objectifs et ses opportunités pour le secteur associatif * Présentation de LinkedIn for Nonprofits, un site qui propose des ressources gratuites et des produits à prix réduit pour les associations * Présentation du centre de ressources LinkedIn for Nonprofits, qui contient des guides, des articles, des webinaires et des événements + [00:14:06][^4^][4] Création et gestion de la page LinkedIn de son association * Les avantages de créer une page LinkedIn pour son association, qui permet de présenter son histoire, sa mission, son impact et ses actualités * Les étapes pour créer une page LinkedIn, en choisissant un nom, un logo, une bannière, un slogan et une description * Les différents rôles administratifs possibles pour gérer la page, et les conseils pour attribuer les accès et les responsabilités + [00:26:01][^5^][5] Optimisation du contenu et de la visibilité de sa page LinkedIn * Les types de contenu à publier sur sa page, en fonction de ses objectifs, de son public et de sa fréquence * Les bonnes pratiques pour rédiger des publications efficaces, en utilisant des visuels, des hashtags, des mentions, des appels à l'action et des liens * Les astuces pour augmenter la portée et l'engagement de ses publications, en interagissant avec sa communauté, en partageant son contenu sur d'autres réseaux et en utilisant les outils analytiques + [00:39:48][^6^][6] Développement de son réseau et de ses partenariats sur LinkedIn * L'importance de créer et de mettre à jour son profil personnel sur LinkedIn, en choisissant une photo, une bannière, un titre et une description adaptés * Les conseils pour se connecter avec des personnes pertinentes pour son association, en utilisant la recherche, les invitations, les groupes et les messages * Les stratégies pour nouer des relations avec des donateurs, des bénévoles, des partenaires et des influenceurs, en partageant des témoignages, des remerciements, des demandes et des opportunités

  9. Nov 2023
  10. Feb 2023
  11. Nov 2022
    1. You can’t ask everybody about everything, all of the time. This seemingly simple and straightforward statement was one of our most important learnings. It seems obvious when you say it out loud, but implementing this insight is more complicated!To implement the approach of asking developers different questions at different times, you use some math and observation. We needed to get statistically significant data over a certain period of time, for a certain population of developers. However, we set ourselves the constraint to only ask a developer one question, about one thing, every X number of days. So, we couldn’t ask about 300 different tools at once; we needed to narrow our questions down to larger workflows. Even with this narrowing, we could not get enough data unless we asked everybody about all of them, all of the time.Despite our efforts, we still needed to keep a developer survey in place. Developers are happier answering 30 questions in ten minutes, once a quarter, than getting a daily email with one question – even if it only takes 30 seconds to answer.’Note from Gergely: For its own reasons, Amazon does get employees to answer one question per day via the Connections app, as covered in Inside Amazon’s Engineering Culture.

      This an interesting insight, contrasted by seemingly by Amazon's practice. I'll need to explore it because I might find some interesting practices that can be applied to KDA

  12. Oct 2022
    1. What’s clear is that LinkedIn’s cachet as being the social network for serious professionals makes it the perfect platform for lulling members into a false sense of security

      Indeed, and why I think the timeline is a likely the target. The cachet has been severely eroded already though, with Q Anon and covid conspiracy fantasies running rampant in the timeline despite those who do the spreading doing that in the context of their professional reputations.

    2. suggested LinkedIn could take one simple step that would make it far easier for people to make informed decisions about whether to trust a given profile: Add a “created on” date for every profile. Twitter does this, and it’s enormously helpful for filtering out a great deal of noise and unwanted communications.

      This may indeed help somewhat. A long time account is more likely to be legit. It does provoke its own wave of online abuse, as also seen on Twitter where people are pressed to hand over long time Twitter accounts.

    3. It remains unclear why LinkedIn has been flooded with so many fake profiles lately, or how the phony profile photos are sourced. Random testing of the profile photos shows they resemble but do not match other photos posted online. Several readers pointed out one likely source — the website thispersondoesnotexist.com, which makes using artificial intelligence to create unique headshots a point-and-click exercise.

      Reason for fake accounts is unclear as yet. Headshots seem AI generated.

  13. Jun 2022
    1. Ps) I am trying to post daily content like this on LinkedIn using my Slip-Box as the content generator (the same is posted on Twitter, but LinkedIn is easier to read), so if you want to see more like this, feel free to look me up on LinkedIn or Twitter.

      Explicit example of someone using a zettelkasten to develop ideas and create content for distribution online and within social media.


  14. Nov 2021
    1. Quando è consigliato postare su linkedin?

      • Il consiglio è di postare in questi giorni:
        • Martedì;
        • Giovedì;
        • Sabato; Gli orari in cui è consigliato pubblicare sono compresi tra le 8 e le 10 Una volta pubblicato il contenuto, linkedin lo mostrerà ad un gruppo di utenti in test A seconda dell'engagement di questo gruppo di test nel corso delle 2 ore successive alla pubblicazione allora la copertura del post aumenterà o diminuirà.

      In termini di metriche è più importante portare le persone a cliccare sul tasto "Visualizza altro" invece che sul "consiglia" o qualche altra reazione. Per questo è necessario scrivere post della lunghezza di 1200-2000 caratteri. La metrica più importante è quindi quella del "dwell time", quella che indica quanto tempo le persone passano sul proprio post e che deve essere il più alto possibile (per questo è necessario aumentare questa metrica utilizzando formati adatti come il carosello, i video, i post lunghi ecc)

      Altra metrica molto più importante della reazione è il commento. Il commento è 4 volte più forte di una delle reazioni più semplici ed è 7 volte più potente se tale commento è dato nelle prime due ore.

      L'impatto di lasciare un commento di più di 5 parole risulterà in un +8% per chi ha creato il post e del +6% per la persona che ha commentato. Se la prima persona che lascia il primo commento è quella che ha scritto il post allora la copertura decresce di un ammontare tra il -45% ed il -20%.

      Riguardo la modalità creatore, questa aiuta e non aiuta a fare cose: non aumenta la copertura dei tuoi post; sposta la copertura dai tuoi collegamenti ai tuoi follower; aumenta la copertura dei tuoi contenuti se i tuoi contenuti contengono gli hashtag che hai definito nel tuo profilo. riduce il numero di richieste di collegamento verso di te del triplo

      Se contribuisci in maniera coinvolta coi contenuti dei tuoi collegamenti allora anche i tuoi post avranno più engagement.

      Il numero ideale di hashtag da utilizzare nei tuoi post è tra i 3 ed i 5 Inoltre è consigliato utilizzare un personal hashtag

  15. Sep 2021
    1. In one SEMrush study, articles with at least 3,000 words generated 3X more traffic, 4X more shares, and 3.5X more backlinks than short-form articles.

      SEO hack

      find new topics to write

  16. Aug 2021
    1. Using Boolean Search on LinkedInLast updated: July 6, 2018You can run a Boolean search on LinkedIn by combining keywords with operators like AND, NOT, and OR during your search.Here are some ways to use Boolean logic and construct your searches: Quoted searches: For an exact phrase, enclose the phrase in quotation marks. For example, type "product manager". You can also use quotation marks if you want to find someone with a multi-word title. LinkedIn search only supports standard, straight quotation marks ("). Other software or websites may use special symbols that our system does not recognize. Curly quotation marks (“), also known as smart quotes or typographer's quotes, aren't supported. In order to optimize overall site performance, stop words such as "by", "in", "with", etc. aren't used. NOT searches: Type the word NOT (capital letters) immediately before a search term to exclude it from your search results. This typically limits your search results. For example, "programmer NOT manager". OR searches: Type the word OR (capital letters) to see results that include one or more items in a list. This typically broadens your search results. For example, "sales OR marketing OR advertising”. AND searches: AND searches: Type the word AND (capital letters) to see results that include all items in a list. This typically limits your search results. For example, "accountant AND finance AND CPA".. Note: You don't need to use AND. If your search has two or more terms, you'll automatically see results that include all of them. Parenthetical searches - To do a complex search, you can combine terms using parentheses. For example, to find people who have "VP" in their profiles, but exclude "assistant to VP" or SVPs, type VP NOT (assistant OR SVP). When handling searches, the overall order to precedence is: Quotes [""] Parentheses [()] NOT AND OR Important: The + and - operators are not officially supported by LinkedIn. Using AND in place of + and NOT in place of - makes a query much easier to read and guarantees that we'll handle the search correctly. When using NOT, AND, or OR operators, you must type them in uppercase letters. We don't support wildcard "*" searches. Boolean search will work in the keyword field in Recruiter and Linkedin.com, and will work in the Company, title, and keyword field in Sales Navigator.

      Search operators on LinkedIn

  17. May 2021
  18. Dec 2020
    1. Yes, we’ll have a vaccine. No, it won’t let us out of social distancing


      1. Do you find reason to believe it will so happen in 2021?
      2. What consequences would it foist upon the world?
      3. What impact would that have on your own future today?

      Are we ready for 2021?


      • when ready here, get back to your social to do it


      MORE | ABOUT | SOURCE: bisyness.world/BigIdeas2021_1


  19. Jun 2020
  20. Sep 2018
    1. That they can download their data, access via APIs

      Interesting concept, should you have full ownership of your data? If yes, how can we enforce this?

  21. Jun 2018
    1. Awan: Our growth has been a  journey of constant learning, but if I were to pinpoint the principles our growth team lives by today, which I hope would help others building and growing products, they would be: Define one "North Star" metric for success that is aligned with how your users get value as well as with the success of your business, then measure everything and how it contributes to the North Star metric. Good examples of true-north metrics for growth are measures like how many users are truly engaged with your product Growth is a team sport so hire wisely and invest in your team Good product, measured by long-term retention, comes first; growth comes second Invest in multiple growth channels and identify potential channels by looking at existing user behavior, especially how they are currently discovering your product. At LinkedIn, our biggest channels are viral growth, search-engine optimization of profiles and other member-generated content and partnerships. Understand that growth requires continuous prioritization and feedback so always be testing
    2. Awan: Our growth has been a  journey of constant learning, but if I were to pinpoint the principles our growth team lives by today, which I hope would help others building and growing products, they would be: Define one "North Star" metric for success that is aligned with how your users get value as well as with the success of your business, then measure everything and how it contributes to the North Star metric. Good examples of true-north metrics for growth are measures like how many users are truly engaged with your product Growth is a team sport so hire wisely and invest in your team Good product, measured by long-term retention, comes first; growth comes second Invest in multiple growth channels and identify potential channels by looking at existing user behavior, especially how they are currently discovering your product. At LinkedIn, our biggest channels are viral growth, search-engine optimization of profiles and other member-generated content and partnerships. Understand that growth requires continuous prioritization and feedback so always be testing
    3. Awan: Here’s some advice to others as they focus on growing their own company: Make sure you have product-market fit before you invest in growth. What that means is you have validated that your product is in a market with large demand and your product is satisfying the need for users who try the product. You can measure this by retention rate which is essentially the percentage of your users who keep coming back. If your retention is not stable, you’d want to improve the product first rather than wasting resources on growth. Prioritize growth from the very beginning and build it right into the product. It’s much better for your users to bring other users to the product as they create and share photos or other content or, invite others in the course of normally using the app than to try growing through marketing that feels bolted onto the product. This is critically important if your product has network effects because the product value is limited for early users if the network doesn’t grow fast enough. As your company starts to scale, it’s important to create a dedicated multi-disciplinary growth team covering product, design, marketing, engineering, data science, and business operations. In a startup, a single person may be playing multiple of those roles (an engineer who’s also the data scientist) but as you scale, you can create dedicated functional roles.
    4. Instead, we define the goal of the growth team as accelerating the realization of LinkedIn’s vision, which is to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce. Keeping this vision top of mind led us to set the right growth objectives and priorities.
    1. With over 65% contribution to the total revenue, talent solutions are the most important services and tools included in the LinkedIn business model. Talent solutions include premium recruiting tools for the companies and recruiters to help them find the most suitable employees/partners for their business.
    2. LinkedIn apart from being the best recruitment platform is also a sought-after social networking website by marketers to execute their marketing campaigns. This service contributes to over 18% of the total revenue of the company and offers features which let companies to not only create a company page but also enhance their marketing efforts by creating sponsored content, sponsored InMails and text advertisements.
    3. LinkedIn not only connects you with other professionals but also with companies and recruiters. The company has uniquely positioned itself as the only platform worthy of professional networking.
    4. The Linkedin business model is a freemium model which works as a community to connect professionals globally.
    5. The platform currently has over 500 Million users in over 200 countries and territories, 80% of which consider professional networking important to their career success.
    6. The mobile version of the website was launched in February 2008 and the company was bought by Microsoft in February 2016 for $26.2 billion.
  22. Sep 2017
    1. job depends more on people to who we are weakly tied rather than strongly tied.

      This is the entire premise of LinkedIn. I wonder if Granovetter gets a cut of the LinkedIn profits?

  23. Feb 2017
    1. Some investors will let you email them a business plan, but you can tell from the way their sites are organized that they don't really want startups to approach them directly.

      What about LinkedIn? Hasn't this changed things?

  24. Jul 2016
  25. Apr 2016
  26. Jun 2015
    1. In the below example from LinkedIn, combining a wizard form with a progress bar is a great tactic for improving the pace of the experience. The long process of creating a professional profile is divided into 4 manageable steps

      I don't think it's a good idea to take #linkedin as an example of any good #ux