- Dec 2024
www.psychologytoday.com www.psychologytoday.com
I answered Dr. Sacks’s question casually, saying that I believed that I knew what it was like to see in 3D. After all, I was a neurobiology professor and had read plenty of scientific papers on stereopsis.
for - association - person with 2D vision - trying to imagine what it's like to see in 3D - What's it like to be a bat? - from Psychology Today website - article - What Oliver Sacks Taught Me - Susan R. Barry - 2024 - Jan. 23 - adjacency - seeing in 2D - then in 3D - Deep Humanity BEing journey - from Psychology Today website - article - What Oliver Sacks Taught Me - Susan R. Barry - 2024 - Jan. 23
- association - person with 2D vision - trying to imagine what it's like to see in 3D - What's it like to be a bat? - from Psychology Today website - article - What Oliver Sacks Taught Me - Susan R. Barry - 2024 - Jan. 23
- adjacency - seeing in 2D - then in 3D - Deep Humanity BEing journey - from Psychology Today website - article - What Oliver Sacks Taught Me - Susan R. Barry - 2024 - Jan. 23
www.lapresse.ca www.lapresse.ca
Der Weltbiodiversitätsrat IPBES fordert in zwei unmittelbar hintereinander publizierten Berichten, dem „Nexus Report“ und dem „Transformative Change Report“, ein radikale Transformation des bestehenden Wirtschaftssystems, um Kipppunkte nicht zu überschreiten und die miteinander zusammenhängenden ökologisch-sozialen Krisen zu bekämpfen https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/environnement/2024-12-18/crise-de-la-biodiversite/un-rapport-choc-propose-de-reformer-le-capitalisme.php
Zum Transformative Change Report: https://www.ipbes.net/transformative-change/media-release
Zum Nexus Report: https://www.ipbes.net/nexus/media-release
- IPBES Transformative Change Report
- Nature Québec
- Arun Agrawal
- Assessment Report on the Interlinkages Among Biodiversity, Water, Food and Health
- Alice-Anne Simard
- biodiversity loss
- Assessment Report on the Underlying Causes of Biodiversity Loss and the Determinants of Transformative Change and Options for Achieving the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity – also known as the Transformative Change Report
- IPBES Nexus Report
- Lucas Garibaldi
- Société pour la nature et les parcs, section Québec
- Karen O’Brien
- Paula Harrison
apnews.com apnews.com
“I would be happy to help look for the shooter but vision isn’t covered under my healthcare plan,” one comment read on Instagram.
- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
we impute three-dimensionality onto the world as we walk around we use things like Parallax and assumptions about what thing is bigger than what other thing and so on
for - constructed reality - 3d vision - David Eagleman
medium.com medium.com
for - article - Medium - Translating vision into sound - A deep learning perspectiive - Viktor Toth - 21 April, 2019 - from - search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal - https://hyp.is/OJKKmJ1MEe-TAp_w_0SK_Q/www.google.com/search?q=android+app+%22The+Voice%22+translates+images+into+audio+signal&sca_esv=6fa4053b1bfce2fa&sxsrf=ADLYWIK_UqZZZ9OCRCwH4D6FoSaykbMTpQ:1731013461104&ei=VSstZ4eCBqi8xc8P5KP_kAU&ved=0ahUKEwjHgM3Tj8uJAxUoXvEDHeTRH1IQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=android+app+%22The+Voice%22+translates+images+into+audio+signal&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiO2FuZHJvaWQgYXBwICJUaGUgVm9pY2UiIHRyYW5zbGF0ZXMgaW1hZ2VzIGludG8gYXVkaW8gc2lnbmFsMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogRI2xdQpglYjRJwAXgCkAEAmAGZA6ABmQOqAQM0LTG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgOgAqADwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICBBAAGEeYAwDiAwUSATEgQIgGAZAGCJIHBTIuNC0xoAewBA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
www.google.com www.google.com
for - search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal - from - webcast - Michael Levin - Can we create new senses for humans? - interview - David Eagleman - https://hyp.is/BHS6up09Ee-1qefERFpeQg/www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCvFgrpfNGM - to - Medium - article Translating vision into sound. A deep learning perspective - Viktor Toth - April 2019 - https://hyp.is/lQL4Yp1MEe-66-dpgenOBA/medium.com/mindsoft/translating-vision-into-sound-443b7e01eced
- from - webcast - Michael Levin - Can we create new senses for humans? - interview - David Eagleman
- to - Medium - article Translating vision into sound. A deep learning perspective - Viktor Toth - April 2019
- search - Google - android app "The Voice" translates images into audio signal
- Oct 2024
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Beautiful vision.
(Having a human voice read the words would be even more compelling.)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:24:34 Money is not the scare resource. Money is the organising tool that mobilises people and tangible resources to manifest a vision
- Aug 2024
www.phoronix.com www.phoronix.com
For approximate reference, sRGB/Rec709 cover roughly 35% of visible colour. DCI-P3/Display-P3/AdobeRGB cover roughly 50%, and Rec2020/2100 covers roughly 75%. So even "HDR" standards don't cover everything a human being is capable of seeing.
- Jun 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Apr 2024
www.annualreviews.org www.annualreviews.org
www.science.org www.science.org
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
- Mar 2024
mstdn.social mstdn.social
- Feb 2024
www.annualreviews.org www.annualreviews.org
books.google.com books.google.com
www.annualreviews.org www.annualreviews.org
La ecología visual consiste en la descripción y el análisis del ambiente óptico natural
- Jan 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
my visual cortex loves the point-symmetric "tunnel visions" from 1:50<br /> aka: visual cortex form constants, resonance between external and internal patterns<br /> this is also why kids in school are forced to write on "lined paper" aka "ruled paper"...
- Dec 2023
arxiv.org arxiv.org
- Nov 2023
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
twitter.com twitter.com
- Oct 2023
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
(Weight W1) (Rope Rp) (Rope Rq) (Pulley Pa) (hangs W1 from Rp) (pulley-system Rp Pa Rq) (Weight W2) (hangs W2 from Rq) (Rope Rx) (Pulley Pb) (Rope Ry) (Pulley Pc) (Rope Rz) (Rope Rt) (Rope Rs) (Ceiling c) (hangs Pa from Rx) (pulley-system Rx Pb Ry) (pulley-system Ry Pc Rz) (hangs Pb from Rt) (hangs Rt from c) (hangs Rx from c) (hangs Rs from Pc) (hangs W2 from Rs) (value W1 1) (b) P1. P2. P3. P4. .. Single-string support. (weight < Wx>) (rope <Ry >) (value <Wx> <n>) (hangs <Wx> <Ry>) -(hangs <Wx> <Rx>) - (value <Ry> <W-number>) Ropes over pulley. (pulley <P>) (rope <R1>) (rope <R2>) (pulley-system <R1 > <P> <R2>) (value <R1> <nl>) - (value <R2> <nl>) Rope hangs from or supports pulley. (pulley <R1>) (rope <R1>) (rope R2>) (pulley-system <R1> <P> <R2>) { (hangs <R3> from <P>) or (hangs <P> from <R3>) } (value <R1> <nl>) (value <R2> <n2>) - (value <R3> <nl + <n2>) Weight and multiple supporting ropes. (weight <W1 >) (rope <R1 >) (rope R2>) (hangs <W1> <Rl>) (hangs <W1> <R2>) -(hangs <W1> <R3>) (value <R1> <nl>) (value <R2> <n2>) - (value <W1> <nl> + <n2>) P2. Ropes over pulley. If a pulley system < P> has two ropes < RI > and < R2> over it, and the value (tension) associated with < RZ > is < nl > , then < nl > is also the value associated with rope < RZ > . P3. Rope hangs from or supports pulley. If there is a pulley system with ropes < RZ > and < R2> over it, and the pulley system hangs from a rope < R3 > , and c R1> and < R2 > have the values (tensions) < nl > and < n2 > associated with them, then the value (tension) associated with < R3 > is the sum of < nl > plus <n2>.
Please explain to me how it is not evident to programmers that this is how we program.. we cannot hold more than seven items at a time. We cannot fracture. As Miller mentioned, 2 3 digit numbers are outside t capacity, but if you multiply them by paper w, if we free your memory, we can let the brain focus on the v
If you assign the memory function to a diagram, you can let your brain concentrate on the manipulation function.
Once we codify, we no longer have to keep the information in memory, for example : This hurts my brain
There are five roads in Brown County. One runs from Abbeville to Brownsville by way of Clinton. One runs from Clinton to Derbyshire by way of Fremont. One runs from Fremont to Brownsville by way of Abbieville. That's all the roads in Brown County, and all the roads in and out of those towns.
Which towns have roads connecting them directly to three other towns? Which towns have roads connecting them directly to only two other towns? How many towns must you pass through to get from Brownsville to Derbyshire?
But if we diagram it to a map, all of this makes sense.
"The learning of numbers and language must be subordinated ... Visual understanding is the essential and only valid means of teaching how to judge things correctly." ~ Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
Pestalozzi was the guy who designed the educational system in which Einstein, the most extraordinary visualization of his time, was born q
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
tinlizzie.org tinlizzie.org
to the bottom of the next image, about a fifth of a second later, like that. And they're getting faster and faster each time, and if I stack these guys up, then we see the differences; the increase in the speed is constant. And they say, "Oh, yeah. Constant acceleration. And how shall we
For anyone interested in this I would also recommend anything regarding etoys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prIwpKL57dMhttp://www.squeakland.org/
- Jul 2023
illuminem.com illuminem.com
- Title
- Is carbon tunnel vision real?
author Martin Daniel
This article introduces the concept of Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) as a way to validate if carbon tunnel vision is real
- Title
- Jun 2023
www.idownloadblog.com www.idownloadblog.com
price, specs, release date and more
The article doesn't mention the price. Clickbait.
- May 2023
www.crossref.org www.crossref.org
It also includes some advice that might be obvious to professional programmers, but that might not be obvious to researchers or others who are just starting out
- Mar 2023
scienceplusplus.org scienceplusplus.org
www.cobdc.net www.cobdc.netNHL3.vp1
él también viene al mundo equipadocon la capacidad de reconocer a sus congé-neres. La cara de la madre jugará un rolfundamental
La visión se alimenta de luz y hace posible reconocer a nuestros congéneres y semejantes mediante el rostro y captar las innumerables formas producidas por la naturaleza y las creaciones culturales.
La visión permite a los bebés interpretar los movimientos del rostro para crear significado, y los niños sordos la utilizan de una manera muy particular para aprender la lengua signada. (p. 32) lengua oral by Cabrejo
- Sep 2022
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
When a person uses a tool to achieve some goal, they quickly learn how towork around the short-comings of the tool in order to get their job done. As a result, the personbecomes desensitized to problems in the tool.
- Jun 2022
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
park a crucial question that any leader who has to make a difficult, often unpopular, decision must ask themself: What must I do in this situation, given my position?
Meaningful change, in contrast, supports a culture of integrity that is driven by formative institutional principles and that provides a structure for future growth and change.
When we speak, we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak …”
- May 2022
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Building and sharing an app should be as easy as creating and sharing a video.
This is where I think Glitch goes wrong. Why such a focus on apps (and esp. pushing the same practices and overcomplicated architecture as people on GitHub trying to emulate the trendiest devops shovelware)?
"Web" is a red herring here. Make the Web more accessible for app creation, sure, but what about making it more accessible (and therefore simpler) for sharing simple stuff (like documents comprising the written word), too? Glitch doesn't do well at this at all. It feels less like a place for the uninitiated and more like a place for the cool kids who are already slinging/pushing Modern Best Practices hang out—not unlike societal elites who feign to tether themself to the mast of helping the downtrodden but really use the whole charade as machine for converting attention into prestige and personal wealth. Their prices, for example, reflect that. Where's the "give us, like 20 bucks a year and we'll give you better alternative to emailing Microsoft Office documents around (that isn't Google Sheets)" plan?
- Mar 2022
- Feb 2022
spin.atomicobject.com spin.atomicobject.com
No longer does anyone simply type in a few HTML tags into edit.com and FTP it onto the internet.
Good example of developer tunnel vision and something akin to the consultant effect or Pournelle's Iron Law—the opposite of disintermediation.
blog.wesleyac.com blog.wesleyac.com
and if you want software that's any more niche than that
That's the problem—thinking about this in terms of "wanting software". It's wanting to publish. Tech workers have an especially hard time understanding this.
You're probably not under the impression that when the last person you heard of who got their book published finally pulled it off, they did it as a matter of wanting, say, an InDesign workflow versus something else. Because they weren't, and it didn't factor into their motivations at all—not even a little bit.
utcc.utoronto.ca utcc.utoronto.ca
The problem almost certainly starts with the conception of what we're doing as "building websites".
When we do so, we mindset of working on systems
If your systems work compromises the artifacts then it's not good work
This is part of a broader phenomenon, which is that when computers are involved with absolutely anything people seem to lose their minds good sensibilities just go out the window
low expectations from everyone everyone is so used to excusing bad work
sui generis medium
violates the principle of least power
what we should be doing when grappling with the online publishing problem—which is what this is; that's all it is—is, instead of thinking in terms of working on systems, thinking about this stuff in such a way that we never lose sight of the basics; the thing that we aspire to do when we want to put together a website is to deal in
documents and their issuing authority
That is, a piece of content and its name (the name is a qualified name that we recognize as valid only when the publisher has the relevant authority for that name, determined by its prefix; URLs)
that's it that's all a Web site is
anything else is auxiliary
really not a lot different from what goes on when you publish a book take a manuscript through final revisions for publication and then get an ISBN issued for it
so the problem comes from the industry
people "building websites" like politicians doing bad work and then their constituents not holding them accountable because that's not how politics works you don't get held accountable for doing bad work
so the thing to do is to recognize that if we're thinking about "websites" from any other position things that technical people try to steer us in the direction of like selecting a particular system and then propping it up and how to interact with a given system to convince it to do the thing we want it to do— then we're doing it wrong
we're creating content and then giving it a name
- Dec 2021
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
Dreams or vision quests: among Iroquoian-speaking peoplesin the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries it was consideredextremely important literally to realize one’s dreams. ManyEuropean observers marvelled at how Indians would be willingto travel for days to bring back some object, trophy, crystal oreven an animal like a dog that they had dreamed of acquiring.Anyone who dreamed about a neighbour or relative’spossession (a kettle, ornament, mask and so on) couldnormally demand it; as a result, such objects would oftengradually travel some way from town to town. On the GreatPlains, decisions to travel long distances in search of rare orexotic items could form part of vision quests.34
- On ‘dream economies’ among the Iroquois see Graeber 2001: 145–9. David Graeber. 2001. Toward an Anthropological Theory of Value: The False Coin of Our Own Dreams. New York: Palgrave.
These dreams and vision quests sound suspiciously familiar to Australian indigenous peoples' "dreaming" and could be incredibly similar to much larger and longer songlines in North American cultures.
- Nov 2021
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
This is the cybercrud problem: advice and creation of systems, supposedlybased on technical requirements, whose categories and rigidities are unnecessary.In the worst cases they are not only unnecessary but wrong.
Still a problem.
After the conference dinner, Theodor Nelson of The Nelson Organization, Inc.,described a vision of what the computer's use in instruction might become, if onlywe could see beyond the "trivial horizons" of most computer peop:.e
Still a problem.
- Oct 2021
www.annualreviews.org www.annualreviews.org
Cada aspecto de la visión, desde las proteínas de opsina hasta los ojos y las formas en que sirven al comportamiento animal, es increíblemente diverso. Solo con una perspectiva evolutiva se puede comprender y apreciar plenamente esta diversidad. En esta revisión, describo y explico la diversidad en cada nivel y trato de transmitir una comprensión de cómo el origen de la primera ops en hace unos 800 millones de años pudo iniciar la avalancha que produjo la asombrosa diversidad de ojos y visiones que vemos hoy. A pesar de la diversidad, muchos tipos de fotorreceptores, ojos y roles visuales han evolucionado varias veces de forma independiente en diferentes animales, revelando un patrón de evolución ocular estrictamente guiado por limitaciones funcionales e impulsado por la evolución de comportamientos gradualmente más exigentes.
www.annualreviews.org www.annualreviews.org
Este es el contenido el volumen anterior
www.annualreviews.org www.annualreviews.org
Este documento es interesante Debo agregarlo a la bibliografía de visión del color Este es un volumen especial dedicado el tema
- Sep 2021
futureofcoding.org futureofcoding.org
Around 1:45:50
"Code is open source, but who cares? Nobody can understand it."
Yeah, and it's useful. Like: people do stuff with it, but as soon as you run into problems with a library, it's just like... looking into the code is a mess... There's just a huge number of problems with it.
punctumbooks.com punctumbooks.com
Vision Statement
What a fantastic vision statement for a publishing company!
- Jun 2021
rosano.hmm.garden rosano.hmm.garden
Avoid 'global magic' or things that are defined outside of scope where they are not visible.
From the commentary in the video "Workflow: Universal project folder structure"
"I can intuit that this has something to do with[...]"
"I look at this folder[...] and I get some sense[...]"
"It's got this package dot bin thing, oh okay, so that means there's also a special command that I can run with this[...] you understand there is a command here"
- May 2021
www.bbc.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk
Se puede ver el color de las flores y la percepción de los insectos de esas flores, los insectos pueden ver UV
Aparecen un abeja y una araña, la araña presenta cripsis del tipo coincidencia de fondo con la flor, el color de la araña de pende de pigmentos obtenidos por alimento.
- Apr 2021
web.stanford.edu web.stanford.edu
OpenCV Android Application Programming with OpenCV Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects Practical OpenCV Learning OpenCV
sách hay vọc OpenCV trên C++ và Java (Nhúng và di động)
- Mar 2021
interconnected.org interconnected.org
What I’d like more of is a social web that sits between these two extremes, something with a small town feel. So you can see people are around, and you can give directions and a friendly nod, but there’s no need to stop and chat, and it’s not in your face. It’s what I’ve talked about before as social peripheral vision (that post is about why it should be build into the OS).
I love the idea of social peripheral vision online.
- Feb 2021
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- Oct 2020
It was clear no one was interested in what I was working towards.
- Sep 2020
macwright.com macwright.com
The idea of a web browser being something we can comprehend, of a web page being something that more people can make, feels exciting to me.
my personal hope is that we can build a more sensible coherent web, that exudes the machines inside of it, by better harkening towards custom elements ("webcomponents"). move the page from being a bunch of machines in javascript, to a bunch of machines in hypertext.
and then build pages that start to expose & let the user play with the dom. start to build experiences that bridge the gap into the machine/page.
and keep going. keep going. build wilder web experiences. build more machines. and keep building battlesuits for the user, out of more componenets, out of more web, to let them wrestle & tangle with & manipulate & experiment & hack on & see & observe & learn about the truthful, honest, direct hypertext that we all navigate.
- Jul 2020
github.com github.com
This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium.
lejournal.cnrs.fr lejournal.cnrs.fr
À l’inverse, ces artefacts, en privant la mémoire interne d’informations à synthétiser, ne risquent-ils pas de l’affaiblir et, à terme, de porter atteinte à notre façon de penser et à notre libre arbitre ?
La question est centrale de l'article. L'auteur met l'accent sur l'importance de co-réflexion sur le theme avec cette question ce qui renforce qu'il s'agit plutôt d'une vision alarmiste.
Réfléchir aux conséquences de l’externalisation de la mémoire humaine ne date pas d’hier.
Retour à l'aspect historique. C'est plutôt un élément rhétorique pour souligner l'importance d'une réflexion commune sur la problématique. Ce qui nous renforce que c'est tout d'abord un article alarmiste.
- May 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Mathias Bynens en Twitter: “New accessibility feature in @ChromeDevTools: simulate vision deficiencies, including blurred vision & various types of color blindness. 🔥 Find out how people with vision deficiencies experience your web app, and resolve contrast issues you didn’t even know you had! https://t.co/QKLQmEhhMM” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved April 28, 2020, from https://twitter.com/mathias/status/1237393102635012101
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Pearson, H., & Balas, B. (2020, May 5). Can naive observers detect suicidality in face images? A replication and extension of Kleiman and Rule (2013). https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/prfm3
- Apr 2020
docs.opencv.org docs.opencv.org
Installation in Windows Compatibility: > OpenCV 2.0 Author: Bernát Gábor You will learn how to setup OpenCV in your Windows Operating System!
Here you can read tutorials about how to set up your computer to work with the OpenCV library. Additionally you can find very basic sample source code to introduce you to the world of the OpenCV. Installation in Linux Compatibility: > OpenCV 2.0
opencv.org opencv.orgAbout1
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library. OpenCV was built to provide a common infrastructure for computer vision applications and to accelerate the use of machine perception in the commercial products. Being a BSD-licensed product, OpenCV makes it easy for businesses to utilize and modify the code. The library has more than 2500 optimized algorithms, which includes a comprehensive set of both classic and state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning algorithms. These algorithms can be used to detect and recognize faces, identify objects, classify human actions in videos, track camera movements, track moving objects, extract 3D models of objects, produce 3D point clouds from stereo cameras, stitch images together to produce a high resolution image of an entire scene, find similar images from an image database, remove red eyes from images taken using flash, follow eye movements, recognize scenery and establish markers to overlay it with augmented reality, etc. OpenCV has more than 47 thousand people of user community and estimated number of downloads exceeding 18 million. The library is used extensively in companies, research groups and by governmental bodies. Along with well-established companies like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Intel, IBM, Sony, Honda, Toyota that employ the library, there are many startups such as Applied Minds, VideoSurf, and Zeitera, that make extensive use of OpenCV. OpenCV’s deployed uses span the range from stitching streetview images together, detecting intrusions in surveillance video in Israel, monitoring mine equipment in China, helping robots navigate and pick up objects at Willow Garage, detection of swimming pool drowning accidents in Europe, running interactive art in Spain and New York, checking runways for debris in Turkey, inspecting labels on products in factories around the world on to rapid face detection in Japan. It has C++, Python, Java and MATLAB interfaces and supports Windows, Linux, Android and Mac OS. OpenCV leans mostly towards real-time vision applications and takes advantage of MMX and SSE instructions when available. A full-featured CUDAand OpenCL interfaces are being actively developed right now. There are over 500 algorithms and about 10 times as many functions that compose or support those algorithms. OpenCV is written natively in C++ and has a templated interface that works seamlessly with STL containers.
- Oct 2019
mikecosgrave.com mikecosgrave.com
Franchise products are governed too much by economic logic and not enough by artistic vision
Frankly this is because of the licensing issue as we know it. A company buys out a license to use Marvel characters in their films or games; in order to make the most money out of the license, maintain ownership of their license, and to avoid paying a ludicrous sum for it again, the company in question has to make media featuring marvel characters - hence the flow of sequels. Instead of artistic vision, address the licensing issue and the artistic vision will actually have room to flower.
- Apr 2019
www.martinweigel.org www.martinweigel.org
strategy - good article
www.crossref.org www.crossref.org
useful for ajah/pbd scholarly comms vision
also org may be a good model
- Mar 2019
www.go-fair.org www.go-fair.org
The main purpose of the Discovery IN is to provide interfaces and other user-facing services for data discovery across disciplines. We explore new and innovative ways of enabling discovery, including visualizations, recommender systems, semantics, content mining, annotation, and responsible metrics. We apply user involvement and participatory design to increase usability and usefulness of the solutions. We go beyond academia, involving users from all stakeholders of research data. We create FAIR and open infrastructures, following the FAIR principles complemented by the principles of open source, open data, and open content, thus enabling reuse of interfaces and user-facing services and continued innovation. Our main objectives are:
- Oct 2018
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, YOLO — Object Detection Algorithms
harlemshadows.org harlemshadows.org
malignant eye,
Birds of prey have excellent eyesight. Scientists estimate that they can see two to eight times better than humans. They also have a third eyelid for protection.
mikecosgrave.com mikecosgrave.com
I saw the movement of content across media as an enhancement of the creative process. He saw it as a distraction or corruption.
Points to a short-sightedness and tunnel vision in sections of media. Taking a focussed view on a very narrow area of a field, as opposed to a "world view" as advocated by the author.
www.mnemotext.com www.mnemotext.com
When irrationalism, as the counterplay of rationalism, talks about the things to which rationalism is blind, it does so only with a squint.
Heidegger: "When irrationalism, as the counterplay of rationalism, talks about the things to which rationalism is blind, it does so only with a squint" || c.f. the narrowing / dimming of the optical field implied by the squint with the optics of disclosure and the rhetoric of blindness (de Man)
- Sep 2018
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Considero que este fragmento es importante ya que demuestra la visión de algunas de las empresas mexicanas, que es no abrirse a personas ajenas a la familia. Es una idea compartida en nuestro contexto y por lo que he checado en otros artículos también de los demás países de américa latina, es un dato interesante.
- Aug 2018
smartcitylab.eu smartcitylab.eu
By the year 2020 Estonian Smart City Cluster is internationally known as the leading developer and exporter of smart city solutions that are based on ICT and other technologies.
- Jun 2018
avisingh599.github.io avisingh599.github.io
Remember, the author made a more technical report on this topic. PDF here
if we ever find the translation is dominant in a direction other than forward, we simply ignore that motion.
Remember, this is just a heuristic
Most Computer Vision algorithms are not complete without a few heuristics thrown in
RANSAC. It is an iterative algorithm. At every iteration, it randomly samples five points from out set of correspondences, estimates the Essential Matrix, and then checks if the other points are inliers when using this essential matrix.
T his step compensates for this lens distortion.
For every pair of images, we need to find the rotation matrix RRR and the translation vector ttt, which describes the motion of the vehicle between the two frames.
An efficient solution to the five-point relative pose problem
avisingh599.github.io avisingh599.github.io
our job is to construct a 6-DOF trajectory
This is "forwards/backwards" in every major axis, and rotations in the same axis.
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
Instead, we define the goal of the growth team as accelerating the realization of LinkedIn’s vision, which is to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce. Keeping this vision top of mind led us to set the right growth objectives and priorities.
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
“Rap Genius is going be the fabric of the internet,” co-founder Mahbod Moghadam said in 2014 “Rap Genius is going be the fabric of the internet,” co-founder Mahbod Moghadam said in 2014. “We’re going to have annotations on other sites, so every other site in the world like the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times are going be Genius-powered and they’re going to have our annotations on them. And then the Genius platform will take over the internet; everyone’s most important statistic that they have in life is their Genius IQ.”
www.ifla.org www.ifla.org
Esto puede verse muy claramente en la charla de Rafael Ramírez en el evento, sobre los futuros.
- Apr 2018
www.scpr.org www.scpr.org
Vision Zero
Vision Zero website: www.blah.com
www.ifla.org www.ifla.org
Estamos comprometidos con el acceso libre y equitativo a la información y al conocimiento
La primera reflexión destacada es el acceso libre y equitativo a la información y el conocimiento.
- Mar 2018
acberg.com acberg.com
Alex Berg
homes.cs.washington.edu homes.cs.washington.edu
Steven Seitz, homepage at washington
homes.cs.washington.edu homes.cs.washington.edu
Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman
szeliski.org szeliski.org
Richard Szeliski
www.cjig.cn www.cjig.cn
www.cad.zju.edu.cn www.cad.zju.edu.cn计算摄影学1
www.cad.zju.edu.cn www.cad.zju.edu.cn
平面场景和相机旋转拍摄时, 两张图片间存在一个 Homography
- Dec 2017
engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu
Of another parcel of 153 acres near the former, and including a considerable eminence very favorable for the erection of a future observatory.
This excerpt is very interesting as the reservation of land for the specific purpose of constructing an observatory seems to be very peculiar when considering the primary plans for the University. However, its inclusion is very relevant, as such reservations lead to the construction of the Leander McCormick Observatory, which currently sits on the summit of Mount Jefferson, commonly referred to as Observatory Hill. Though it took nearly 70 years for such plans to be carried out, the implementation of the McCormick Observatory has proved to be a prominent addition to the University, as it has helped enhance the education and has also served as a platform for astronomical research within the Astronomy Department.
Link: http://astronomy.as.virginia.edu/research/observatories/mccormick
- Nov 2017
engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu
As well might it be urged that the wild & uncultivated tree, hitherto yielding sour & bitter fruit only, can never be made to yield better: yet we know that the grafting art implants a new tree on the savage stock, producing what is most estimable both in kind & degree.
I believe this metaphor to be very profound, as it challenges the statement within the previous sentences that, "man is fixed." The excerpt vividly depicts how a tree that yields sour and bitter fruit can be changed, through artistic processes, to produce a rather sweet fruit. These artistic processes serve to represent how man can be improved and changed through the role of education. Consequently, the Rockfish Gap Report discusses how education is crucial to the positive development of man, further illustrating Jefferson’s vision of the University of Virginia, where individuals will not only continue to grow as students, but also as cordial and honorable members of society. I believe that Jefferson’s vision has been fulfilled, as the University’s academic programs have enhanced the minds of those who have been, and are currently, students, while also providing them with a foundation of integrity and honor which will stay with them throughout their lives.
www.extension.iastate.edu www.extension.iastate.edu
Vision and Mission Statements -- a Roadmap of Where You Want to Go and How to Get There
- Sep 2017
engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu engagements2017-18.as.virginia.edu
he admission of enlargement to any degree to which the institution may extend in future times.
The Commissioners founded UVa with a vision and the confidence that the university will prosper and expand. They looked forward to the future and determine to make an impact--a core value still upheld by the university as of today.
- Aug 2017
blog.athelas.com blog.athelas.com
Excellent overview. I found the papers a little hard to grasp, and this cleared a lot of that up.
- Jun 2017
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Who is Mistaken?Benjamin EysenbachMITbce@mit.eduCarl VondrickMITvondrick@mit.eduAntonio TorralbaMITtorralba@csail.mit.eduFigure 1: Can you determine who has a false belief about this scene? In this paper, we study how to recognize when a person in a short sequence is mistaken. Above, the woman is mistaken about the chair being pulled away from her.TimeFigure 1:Can you determine who believes something incorrectly in this scene?In this paper, we study how to recognizewhen a person in a scene is mistaken. Above, the woman is mistaken about the chair being pulled away from her in the thirdframe, causing her to fall down. Thered arrowindicates false belief. We introduce a new dataset of abstract scenes to studywhen people have false beliefs. We propose approaches to learn to recognizewhois mistaken andwhenthey are mistaken.AbstractRecognizing when people have false beliefs is crucial forunderstanding their actions. We introduce the novel prob-lem of identifying when people in abstract scenes have in-correct beliefs. We present a dataset of scenes, each visuallydepicting an 8-frame story in which a character has a mis-taken belief. We then create a representation of characters’beliefs for two tasks in human action understanding: pre-dicting who is mistaken, and when they are mistaken. Ex-periments suggest that our method for identifying mistakencharacters performs better on these tasks than simple base-lines. Diagnostics on our model suggest it learns importantcues for recognizing mistaken beliefs, such as gaze. We be-lieve models of people’s beliefs will have many
- Sep 2016
The Tesla accident in May, researchers say, was not a failure of computer vision. But it underscored the limitations of the science in applications like driverless cars despite remarkable progress in recent years, fueled by digital data, computer firepower and software inspired by the human brain.
Testing annotations. Interesting statement.
- Jul 2016
Bird eyes have had eons longer to optimize. Along with their higher cone count, they achieve a far more regular spacing of the cells.
www.quantamagazine.org www.quantamagazine.org
Bird eyes have had eons longer to optimize. Along with their higher cone count, they achieve a far more regular spacing of the cells.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Visual Dynamics: Probabilistic Future Frame Synthesis via Cross Convolutional Networks
Unsupervised Learning of 3D Structure from Images Authors: Danilo Jimenez Rezende, S. M. Ali Eslami, Shakir Mohamed, Peter Battaglia, Max Jaderberg, Nicolas Heess (Submitted on 3 Jul 2016) Abstract: A key goal of computer vision is to recover the underlying 3D structure from 2D observations of the world. In this paper we learn strong deep generative models of 3D structures, and recover these structures from 3D and 2D images via probabilistic inference. We demonstrate high-quality samples and report log-likelihoods on several datasets, including ShapeNet [2], and establish the first benchmarks in the literature. We also show how these models and their inference networks can be trained end-to-end from 2D images. This demonstrates for the first time the feasibility of learning to infer 3D representations of the world in a purely unsupervised manner.
The 3D representation of a 2D image is ambiguous and multi-modal. We achieve such reasoning by learning a generative model of 3D structures, and recover this structure from 2D images via probabilistic inference.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
When building a unified vision system or gradually adding new capabilities to a system, the usual assumption is that training data for all tasks is always available. However, as the number of tasks grows, storing and retraining on such data becomes infeasible. A new problem arises where we add new capabilities to a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), but the training data for its existing capabilities are unavailable. We propose our Learning without Forgetting method, which uses only new task data to train the network while preserving the original capabilities. Our method performs favorably compared to commonly used feature extraction and fine-tuning adaption techniques and performs similarly to multitask learning that uses original task data we assume unavailable. A more surprising observation is that Learning without Forgetting may be able to replace fine-tuning as standard practice for improved new task performance.
Learning w/o Forgetting: distilled transfer learning
- Jun 2016
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Low-shot visual object recognition
sketchy.eye.gatech.edu sketchy.eye.gatech.edu
The Sketchy Database: Learning to Retrieve Badly Drawn Bunnies
Beyond Sharing Weights for Deep Domain Adaptation
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Deep Convolutional Inverse Graphics Network
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Dynamic Filter Networks
"... filters are generated dynamically conditioned on an input" Nice video frame prediction experiments.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Atl=xtifl= 0MAXPOOL(RELU(CONV(Etl1)))l >0(1)^Atl=RELU(CONV(Rtl))(2)Etl= [RELU(Atl^Atl);RELU(^AtlAtl)](3)Rtl=CONVLSTM(Et1l;Rt1l;Rtl+1)(4)
Very unique network structure. Prediction results look promising.
Unsupervised convolutional neural networks for motion estimation
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Adversarial Feature Learning
Pairwise Decomposition of Image Sequences for Active Multi-View Recognition
Using pairs so ordering is no longer important.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Synthesizing the preferred inputs for neurons in neural networks via deep generator networks
Optimize code in reversed network.
- May 2016
www.cse.wustl.edu www.cse.wustl.edu
CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor)
CCD (charge coupled device)
- Dec 2015
verde.com.br verde.com.br
The best computer vision company in Brazil
- May 2015
fkaplan.wordpress.com fkaplan.wordpress.com
il fait peur non pas parce qu’il commence à ressembler à l’humain, mais parce qu’au contraire, il se montre inflexible, aveugle au contexte, et, qu’il ait raison ou qu’il ait tort, capable de soumettre les hommes aux lois qu’ils ont eux-mêmes créés.
- Mar 2015
www.image-net.org www.image-net.orgImageNet1
ImageNet is an image database organized according to the WordNet hierarchy (currently only the nouns), in which each node of the hierarchy is depicted by hundreds and thousands of images. Currently we have an average of over five hundred images per node. We hope ImageNet will become a useful resource for researchers, educators, students and all of you who share our passion for pictures.
- Jan 2014
www.dataone.org www.dataone.org
An effective data management program would enable a user 20 years or longer in the future to discover , access , understand, and use particular data [ 3 ]. This primer summarizes the elements of a data management program that would satisfy this 20-year rule and are necessary to prevent data entropy .
Who cares most about the 20-year rule? This is an ideal that appeals to some, but in practice even the most zealous adherents can't picture what this looks like in some concrete way-- except in the most traditional ways: physical paper journals in libraries are tangible examples of the 20-year rule.
Until we have a digital equivalent for data I don't blame people looking for tenure or jobs for not caring about this ideal if we can't provide a clear picture of how to achieve this widely at an institutional level. For digital materials I think the picture people have in their minds is of tape backup. Maybe this is generational? New generations not exposed widely to cassette tapes, DVDs, and other physical media that "old people" remember, only then will it be possible to have a new ideal that people can see in their minds-eye.