125 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20250215071640/https://thathtml.blog/2025/02/we-need-to-talk-about-anti-web-coding-assistants/

      Blogger Jared White warns that LLMs coding output is as bland as its prose output and seem biased to some specific frameworks. #slop Horrifying example of people waiting on AI to catch-up with new versions of framework. That is really bad.

  2. Feb 2025
  3. Aug 2024
    1. the exporter makes different API calls

      the exporter makes different API calls

      so there is room for optimization

      I'd be happy to take a further look if I get faced with metrics supporting the high CPU usage

      yes! numbers. of course. let me put that "somewhere" on my todo list...

    1. for - semantic folding - semantic fingerprint - cortical.io - numenta - sparse coding - Francisco Webber - symmathesetic fingerprint

      summary - In this informative interview, Francisco Webber, a principal cofounder of Cortical.io, discusses how the company's core technology, semantic folding and semantic fingerprints of words is unique and differs from the usual AI large language models. - Cortical I/O's approach is a biomimicry approach that is based on representing words in the way that brain operates. - It employs a word-to-geometry mapping implemented using Numenta's sparse coding technique. - This approach allows Cortical to train using very small training data sets of 100 gigabytes of data, which takes a few hours to train - many orders of magnitudes smaller than normal AI training data sets.

  4. May 2024
    1. we've spent 20 years now sequencing as many genomes as we can the output as 00:08:46 promised simply hasn't appeared

      for - key insight - failure of the gene coding uni-causal model - key insight - failure of genetic determinism

    1. if you look for those in the genome you will not find them 00:05:26 anywhere in the genome

      for - comparison - genome coding to computer program

  5. Feb 2024
    1. Elegant suggestion: write comments in code that are clearly outdated when the surrounding code changes.

  6. Oct 2023
    1. to the bottom of the next image, about a fifth of a second later, like that. And they're getting faster and faster each time, and if I stack these guys up, then we see the differences; the increase in the speed is constant. And they say, "Oh, yeah. Constant acceleration. And how shall we

      For anyone interested in this I would also recommend anything regarding etoys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prIwpKL57dMhttp://www.squeakland.org/

  7. Sep 2023
    1. Write your own compiler in 24 hours

      Interesting need to look at this , It would be a good execercise.

  8. Jun 2023
  9. Mar 2023
  10. Oct 2022
    1. Within void Update(), write an If Statement: If our X movement is NOT 0, or our Y movement is NOT 0 (in other words, if we are moving), then measure the player's X and Z movement values and make that "facing." (Lines 24-28)

      ? Make it facing?

    2. Try turning your camera to an angle, your player should now move in the proper direction at all times.

      ? what is meant by proper direction?

    1. A question people often ask is, why are we setting our Rigidbody's Z velocity to be 0, while the Y is set to "rb.velocity.y?"Although we aren't moving the player by its Y axis, we still want to be able to move on this axis. What do we mean by that?When we jump, we go up. When we fall, we go down. If we set our Rigidbody's Y velocity to be 0, we won't have natural gravity.

      ^ Keeping the Rigidbody's y velocity for jumping and falling

    2. Take the player's Rigidbody and update it's velocity (another word for speed) based on our movement Vector3.

      ^ We can update a Rigidbody's velocity

    1. Now let's use Vector3's to make an object grow tall and skinny.

      Manipulating object's scale

    2. changing an object's position directly like this is not recommended for basic player movement.

      ? not recommended to use vector3 for player movement

    3. Create a public Transform variable. Any game object we plug in as this variable will have its Transform component plugged in.

      Changing the transform of one object to another's

    4. In this next example, we will change just the X position of our game object using Vector3s,

      -- Vector3 allows us to change the individual axes

    1. Rewired was today's newest tool to work with. With Rewired

      ? What is Rewired?

  11. Aug 2022
  12. Jul 2022
    1. wicked Colonel

      I think this phrase describing the Colonel will be important throughout the novel. I do we write code to trace this collocation "wicked Colonel"?

    2. superstitio

      I think that "superstition" is a keyword in The Moonstone. How do I write code to track each sentence/phrase in which "superstition" appears?

  13. Mar 2022
    1. We can use this functionality as a way to fall back on a default value. If you have a value that might be empty, you can put || after it with a replacement value. If the initial value can be converted to false, you’ll get the replacement instead. The rules for converting strings and numbers to Boolean values state that 0, NaN, and the empty string ("") count as false, while all the other values count as true. So 0 || -1 produces -1, and "" || "!?" yields "!?".
    2. When an operator is applied to the “wrong” type of value, JavaScript will quietly convert that value to the type it needs, using a set of rules that often aren’t what you want or expect. This is called type coercion. The null in the first expression becomes 0, and the "5" in the second expression becomes 5 (from string to number). Yet in the third expression, + tries string concatenation before numeric addition, so the 1 is converted to "1" (from number to string).
  14. Feb 2022
    1. compiled languages

      e.g. C++, C

    2. one danger of abstraction; in unusual situations, the simplified model may provide incorrect predictions. For this reason, computer programming practitioners should have some understanding of how computers operate as well as detailed knowledge of the programming language. Page 1 Programming for Engineers – David Johnson

      One danger of abstraction; in unusual situations, the simplified model may provide incorrect predictions. For this reason, computer programming practitioners should have some understanding of how computers operate as well as detailed knowledge of the programming language.

      Programming for Engineers – David Johnson

    1. All the popular web browsers have built-in JavaScript engines. Hence, you can run JavaScript on a browser. To run JavaScript on a browser,
    1. source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPb1bg1mVLg

      Intro: * Project-based approach * Core fundamentals * Not a tutorial

      See the companion modules in the link: https://www.engineeringwithutsav.com/roadmaps

      ...also recommendations for: * Data structure and algo books * Building good coding habits * Free resources

  15. Dec 2021
    1. What is an assembler language? https://en.itpedia.nl/2019/11/11/wat-is-een-assembler-taal/ An #assembler_language is a low-level programming_language designed for a specific processor type. We can produce Assembler by compiling #source_code from a high-level programming language (such as C / C ++). But we can also write #programs in this language ourselves. In turn, we can convert Assembler_code into machine_code using an assembler.

  16. Nov 2021
    1. What Makes Ruby on Rails Perfect for Marketplace Development?AlinaE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistMarketplaceRuby/RailsHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipWhat Makes Ruby on Rails Perfect for Marketplace Development?PublishedJul 13, 2020UpdatedJul 13, 202012 min readThe last several years have been marked with the rise of different marketplaces. Airbnb, AliExpress, Etsy, Booking.com are on everyone’s lips. That's not surprising that the idea of launching a second Amazon or eBay seems so appealing. To win the e-commerce race, entrepreneurs focus on providing excellent customer experience and build fast-loading and scalable websites. Besides, business owners take various security measures to protect their customers’ sensitive information. This way, they can gain clients’ trust and boost sales. When building a custom marketplace, what technology stack is best to achieve all these goals? Our answer is simple: Ruby on Rails. In this article, we will fill you in on the Ruby on Rails marketplace development. At Codica, we are passionate fans of this framework and have built numerous e-commerce platforms with its help. Based on our experience, we will discuss the key reasons to choose RoR for building a successful marketplace.

      The last several years have been marked with the rise of different marketplaces. Airbnb, AliExpress, Etsy, Booking.com are on everyone’s lips. That's not surprising that the idea of launching a second Amazon or eBay seems so appealing.

      To win the e-commerce race, entrepreneurs focus on providing excellent customer experience and build fast-loading and scalable websites. Besides, business owners take various security measures to protect their customers’ sensitive information. This way, they can gain clients’ trust and boost sales.

      When building a custom marketplace, what technology stack is best to achieve all these goals? Our answer is simple: Ruby on Rails.

      In this article, we will fill you in on the Ruby on Rails marketplace development. At Codica, we are passionate fans of this framework and have built numerous e-commerce platforms with its help. Based on our experience, we will discuss the key reasons to choose RoR for building a successful marketplace.

  17. Oct 2021
    1. I like minimal languages and I have dwelled in the realm of Smalltalk minimalism for a long time, and as a Smalltalker I am also accustomed to a very high level of productivity, interactivity and sophistication of development environment. Nim may be productive once you get going - in fact - many people say they indeed are. But when it comes to interactivity and development environment, its very … early in the game.
    1. Lean Canvas

      For the builders collective, I created some tools that are open source and useful for design and social architecture. Other projects are coding challenges to experiment with what is possible on the web.

      This experiment is based on the Lean Canvas, based on the Business Model Canvas from the book Business Model Generation.

      Type in the grey box at the top of the page. Click or tap in the boxes to add the text as a box in each section of the Lean Canvas. Click on the box to delete.

      There is no save functionality, so be sure to take a screenshot. Or roll your own by using the code on Codepen and GitHub.

  18. Sep 2021
    1. we write code as text but think hard about all possible effects in the running system after a series of transformations. In other words, we simulate the computer in our head, while sitting in front of a computer—a powerful simulation machine.

      Resuena con lo que hemos dicho en la comunidad de Grafoscopio, de no similar el computador en la cabeza, de ahí la importacia del live coding y los metasistemas, programados en sí mismos.

    1. The answer to the query above is that they both spend much of their time analyzing corpses. Pathologists analyze dead people; programmers analyze dead programs. A live program is dynamic; it changes over time; it is animated. A program is alive when it's running. When you work on a program in a text editor, it is dead. A live program has behavior, and that behavior is what we are interested in. It is very hard to discern the behavior of an organism on the basis of an autopsy. Did dinosaurs care for their young? If only we could look at some live dinosaurs and see.
  19. Jul 2021
    1. Coding is a problem-solving skill, and few of theproblems that beset young people today, or are likely to in thefuture, can be solved by writing scripts or programs for computersto execute. I suggest a less ambitious enterprise with broaderapplications, and I’ll begin by listing the primary elements of thatenterprise. I think every young person who regularly uses acomputer should learn the following:

      Alan Jacobs eschews the admonishment that everyone should learn to code and posits a more basic early literacy stepping-stone to coding: learning some basic preliminaries of self-hosting. This is likely much easier for most people and could build a better runway for those who would like to learn to code later on.

    1. I only allowed smaller closures in the code and refactored the rest into separate top-level functions. This is a deliberate move against the common practice of js programmers. Why? Because I noticed closures make code harder to read.
  20. May 2021
    1. The genius of the blog was not in the note-taking, it was in the publishing. The act of making your log-file public requires a rigor that keeping personal notes does not. Writing for a notional audience — particularly an audience of strangers — demands a comprehensive account that I rarely muster when I’m taking notes for myself. I am much better at kidding myself my ability to interpret my notes at a later date than I am at convincing myself that anyone else will be able to make heads or tails of them.Writing for an audience keeps me honest.

      I've seen this sentiment before as well.This is also well attested in writing code too.

      Writing for the public keeps you honest and makes one put more work into the product than they otherwise might.

  21. Feb 2021
  22. Jan 2021
  23. Dec 2020
  24. Nov 2020
    1. Thanks for posting this helpful, well written article. Learning programming, or any other thing one takes up, requires you to sit at one place have a plan of action for your study.

      I was going through my Firefox bookmarks and I found article. I had read this article two years back and had commented that I found it to be useful. I read it back in May 2018. As of now, November 2020, my programming skills are still novice-level. I haven't implemented the ideas or followed suggestions given here.

      It has been 2 years and 5 months since I found this article to be relevant and it baffles me that I haven't taken action by making use of the knowledge given in this article. Two long years flew by. I guess reviewing my bookmarks is something that I will do more often.

      The article was posted on May 23, 2018 and I had stumbled on it the next day itself, i.e., May 24, 2018. This gets me thinking that we could finds solutions for problems(latest ones in this case) once we identify it, articulate it, hit the search button and just read stuff. I could presume that what happened next was that I misunderstood "finding a solution" to "realizing the solution", and perhaps became complacent or maybe there were more problems that didn't come to my awareness to identify and further find solutions. I'm not quite sure. Should I have identified my problems and googled more so that I could have learned C and C++ sooner?

      I wonder what held me back from taking action to accomplish and master something that usually takes not more that 5-6 months maximum.

    2. On learning programming

      • Master one first programming language first, before moving to the next.
      • Learn at a slow for the first two programming languages. This is important for beginners
      • Practising coding is more important than watching tutorials or reading books. You learn more by practising than by reading or watching videos.
      • Apart from tutorials, immitating open source projects is very important
      • Read others code and immitate it. You'll be surprised at how fast you're learning.
      • Make use of StackOverflow, Quora and programming subreddits.Ask questions there. Interact more.
      • Practice more. Write code from time to time. Debugging skills imporove with more coding practice.
      • Test your skills with quizzes, challenges and competitive programming
    1. The challenges are very difficult and require great thinking ability to complete. If you are a beginner then it’s gonna be really tough for you.

      Practice programming challenges with HackerEarth and then move to TopCoder.

    2. Project Euler

      Project Euler emphasises on programming challenges that involve problem solving and critical thinking skills.

    3. It’s powered by a large set of problems to work with, and you can also gain access to the source codes that others used to solve the given coding challenges.

      You'll learn more when you read others' code and immitate it. CodeChef provides you access to learn from others' code.

  25. Sep 2020
  26. learn-2.galvanize.com learn-2.galvanize.com
    1. scalar values

      what are scalar values in JavaScript?

      It would be great to have a bi-directional link here to a reputable source.

      That brings up the questions of how you define reputation...

      I digress.

    1. Coding Scheme for Comments

      The process of coding is transparent and detailed. The explanations for the first coding dimension of observation, rewrite, rewrite with explanation, the second dimension as content versus mechanics, and the third as the length of the comment (more than or less than 10 words)

  27. Aug 2020
    1. “I came to Rust from Haskell, and I feel that Haskell is a very elegant and safe language. The biggest differentiator for me is that there is a greater difference between high-performance code and idiomatic ‘clean’ code in Haskell than in Rust. Most Rust code looks like most other Rust code, even when it performs well. Haskell can become unfamiliar real quick if someone is operating under different libraries and goals from what you are typically doing. Small differences in syntax can result in huge differences in behavior, and Rust has more uniformity on that axis.”
  28. Jun 2020
    1. X is the trials by neurons pseudopopulation matrix of firing rates

      So these pseudopopulations were random agglomerates of single neurons that were recorded, so many fits for random groups, and the best were kept?

    2. re-representing high-750 dimensional neural activity in a small number of dimensions that correspond to variables 751 of interest in the data

      Essentially this is kind of like constructing dissimilarity matrices over large groups of voxels?

  29. May 2020
  30. Apr 2020
  31. Mar 2020
  32. Nov 2019
    1. Validate Candidate’s Skills with Coding Assessment Test

      Test coding skills of candidates using Wild Noodle's online coding assessment tests. Their automated online coding challenges to assess developers' programming skills and also have an extensive pool of role based programming and objective questions. Contact now!

  33. Aug 2019
    1. [![lessondesk-code-style](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-lessondesk-ffa400.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/lessondesk/eslint-config)
  34. Jul 2019
  35. educatorinnovator.org educatorinnovator.org
    1. I, Pseudocoder

      This made me chuckle--both because I am living in a pseudocoding space myself, so I identify with the self-deprecating humor, and because of the riff on "I, Robot"

  36. Apr 2019
    1. A compiler reads the program and translates it completely before the program starts running. In this case, the high-level program is called the source code, and the translated program is called the object code or the executable. Once a program is compiled, you can execute it repeatedly without further translation.

      A compiler: source code to object code

    2. An interpreter reads a high-level program and executes it, meaning that it does what the program says. It processes the program a little at a time, alternately reading lines and performing computations.

      A high-level code processor - interpreter

    1. programming is a skill that allows a computer scientist to take an algorithm and represent it in a notation (a program) that can be followed by a computer. These programs are written in programming languages.

      The programming skill

    2. If problem solving is a central part of computer science, then the solutions that you create through the problem solving process are also important. In computer science, we refer to these solutions as algorithms. An algorithm is a step by step list of instructions that if followed exactly will solve the problem under consideration.

      The definition of an algorithm

    1. The single most important skill for a computer scientist is problem solving. Problem solving means the ability to formulate problems, think creatively about solutions, and express a solution clearly and accurately. As it turns out, the process of learning to program is an excellent opportunity to practice problem solving skills.

      The importance of problem solving for CSs

    2. Like mathematicians, computer scientists use formal languages to denote ideas (specifically computations). Like engineers, they design things, assembling components into systems and evaluating tradeoffs among alternatives. Like scientists, they observe the behavior of complex systems, form hypotheses, and test predictions.

      Computer scientists combine features of mathematicians, engineers and natural scientists

  37. Feb 2019
    1. Understanding basic principles, purpose, and applications of coding and programming languages

      The setup of a website is important to understand. It helps to make the content more approachable and understandable.

  38. Sep 2018
    1. In this singularity-free world, the future would be bleak for programmers. (Imagine having to cope with hundreds of years of legacy software!)

      I'm not really sure I agree with this. Regardless of whether Singularity eventually comes around or not, software will evolve. We have seen whole languages fall out of usage in the past, including Fortran, COBOL, ALGOL, etc. Developers will always be looking to get more efficient, and our current languages will either get abandoned or improved. New languages will come up and become the new standard. If anything, the future seems to be far more bleak for programmers/developers in the years after Singularity, rather than in the years leading upto it - after all, with the prevalence of docile, conscious machines,most of the work programmers do, everything from bug-fixing to data-analytics, would be done more quickly, cheaply and efficiently by the machines. In other words, in the world of singularity, programmers as we know them would no longer exist.

  39. May 2018
    1. one level is chosen as the “reference”, and its mean behaviour is represented by the intercept. Each column of the resulting matrix represents the difference between the mean of one level and this reference level
  40. Feb 2018
    1. Inducir a la gente a componer con instrumentos predefinidos no puede dar lugar a un modo de producción diferente del autorizado por dichos instrumentos (

      Rasberry Pi y otros sistemas de Live Coding, introducirían nuevas maneras de hacer música.

  41. Nov 2017
    1. OneaspectofhackerculturethatColemanhighlightsistheslogan‘codeisspeech’.[46]CodeisindeedthelanguageoftheInternet.Butisitspeech?FollowingAustin,wearguethatthroughspeechactswedosomethinginorbysayingsomething.Similarly,wewouldarguethatprogrammersaredoingsomethinginorbycodingsomething.Yet,toarticulatethismoreprecisely,codeisnotspeech:itisalanguageinorbywhichspeechactsareperformed.Justasinhumanlanguages,thedecisivethingsherearenotonlythelinguisticconventionsthatanimatespeechactsbutalsothesocialconventionsthattheybringabout



  42. Oct 2017
    1. Tanto Leo como Grafoscopio tienen limitaciones (y propósitos distintos). Sin embargo, en el caso de Grafoscopio, siento que puedo englobar y superar dichas limitaciones más fácilmente, no tanto porque lo hice desde el comienzo, sino por el entorno de live coding que me permite explorar y modificar el entorno en caliente.



  43. Sep 2017
    1. As an estimate, for a scoping review of 120 studies, it could take the equivalent of 2to 3 weeks for one person one person’s time for, 2 to 3 weeks to undertake the process of coding studies,including developing and testing a coding tool, although this varies between each review

      Time taken to code for scoping study

    2. On the basis of our experience of carrying out scoping reviews, we estimate that it takes between 5 and20 minutes to apply codes to one research abstract, depending on the detail of coding required. However, priorto this process, time is needed to develop a coding tool. This involves: considering what data would inform theresearch questions, and therefore deciding the facets upon which to code, and creating a coding tool that isunambiguous, and both broad and detailed enough to describe the dataset. The tool is often developed usinga sample of data, and examining pre-existing tools.

      Time taken to code records

  44. Jun 2017
    1. retrieves the JSON data

      Step 2: Grabs the data from the URL...

    2. generates a well-formed search URL

      Step 1: Creates a URL to be looked at by another fuction/method

    3. To enhance that process, you could add the appropriate path to the output file name in this script, and write a shell script that runs this script and then commits/pushes to GitHub, and then schedule that script to run at regular intervals from your computer/server. I'm going to look into adding that functionality to this script, but it's not ready yet.
    1. # search for all annotations with the tag IndieEdTech and return them in json format. s = searchurl(tag = 'IndieEdTech') l = retrievelist(s) # print the title of each article annotated. for entry in l: e = Annotation(entry) print(e.title)

      I don't get it. Is this all I need to put into a Jupyter Notebook?

    2. given the annotation's API URL

      Is this specific to an annotation? Yes, I guess.

  45. Sep 2016
    1. Programming is not a detail that can be left to ‘technicians’ under the false pretence that their choices will be ‘scientifically neutral’. Societies are too complex
    2. Insisting on the glamour and fun of coding is the wrong way to acquaint kids with computer science. It insults their intelligence and plants the pernicious notion in their heads that you don’t need discipline in order to progress. As anyone with even minimal exposure to making software knows, behind a minute of typing lies an hour of study.

      Thank you!

    1. As many universities are being queried by the federal government on how they spend their endowment money, and enrollment decreases among all institutions nationally, traditional campuses will need to look at these partnerships as a sign of where education is likely going in the future, and what the federal government may be willing to finance with its student loan programs going ahead.

      To me, the most interesting about this program is that it sounds like it’s targeting post-secondary institutions. There are multiple programs to “teach kids to code”. Compulsory education (primary and secondary) can provide a great context for these, in part because the type of learning involved is so broad and pedagogical skills are so recognized. In post-secondary contexts, however, there’s a strong tendency to limit coding to very specific contexts, including Computer Science or individual programs. We probably take for granted that people who need broad coding skills can develop them outside of their college and university programs. In a way, this isn’t that surprising if we’re to compare coding to very basic skills, like typing. Though there are probably many universities and colleges where students can get trained in typing, it’s very separate from the curriculum. It might be “college prep”, but it’s not really a college prerequisite. And there isn’t that much support in post-secondary education. Of course, there are many programs, in any discipline, giving a lot of weight to coding skills. For instance, learners in Digital Humanities probably hone in their ability to code, at some point in their career. And it’s probably hard for most digital arts programs to avoid at least some training in programming languages. It’s just that these “general” programs in coding tend to focus almost exclusively on so-called “K–12 Education”. That this program focuses on diversity is also interesting. Not surprising, as many such initiatives have to do with inequalities, real or perceived. But it might be where something so general can have an impact in Higher Education. It’s also interesting to notice that there isn’t much in terms of branding or otherwise which explicitly connects this initiative with colleges and universities. Pictures on the site show (diverse) adults, presumably registered students at universities and colleges where “education partners” are to be found. But it sounds like the idea of a “school” is purposefully left quite broad or even ambiguous. Of course, these programs might also benefit adult learners who aren’t registered at a formal institution of higher learning. Which would make it closer to “para-educational” programs. In fact, there might something of a lesson for the future of universities and colleges.

    2. As many universities are being queried by the federal government on how they spend their endowment money, and enrollment decreases among all institutions nationally, traditional campuses will need to look at these partnerships as a sign of where education is likely going in the future, and what the federal government may be willing to finance with its student loan programs going ahead.

      To me, the most interesting about this program is that it sounds like it’s targeting post-secondary institutions. There are multiple programs to “teach kids to code”. Compulsory education (primary and secondary) can provide a great context for these, in part because the type of learning involved is so broad and pedagogical skills are so recognized. In post-secondary contexts, however, there’s a strong tendency to limit coding to very specific contexts, including Computer Science or individual programs. We probably take for granted that people who need broad coding skills can develop them outside of their college and university programs. In a way, this isn’t that surprising if we’re to compare coding to very basic skills, like typing. Though there are probably many universities and colleges where students can get trained in typing, it’s very separate from the curriculum. It might be “college prep”, but it’s not really a college prerequisite. And there isn’t that much support in post-secondary education. Of course, there are many programs, in any discipline, giving a lot of weight to coding skills. For instance, learners in Digital Humanities probably hone in their ability to code, at some point in their career. And it’s probably hard for most digital arts programs to avoid at least some training in programming languages. It’s just that these “general” programs in coding tend to focus almost exclusively on so-called “K–12 Education”. That this program focuses on diversity is also interesting. Not surprising, as many such initiatives have to do with inequalities, real or perceived. But it might be where something so general can have an impact in Higher Education. It’s also interesting to notice that there isn’t much in terms of branding or otherwise which explicitly connects this initiative with colleges and universities. Pictures on the site show (diverse) adults, presumably registered students at universities and colleges where “education partners” are to be found. But it sounds like the idea of a “school” is purposefully left quite broad or even ambiguous. Of course, these programs might also benefit adult learners who aren’t registered at a formal institution of higher learning. Which would make it closer to “para-educational” programs. In fact, there might something of a lesson for the future of universities and colleges.

  46. Aug 2016
    1. Libraries like jQuery are useful because they hide the ugly details of dealing with cross-browser differences in JS engines. But these OO-helper libraries are different: they're going to great lengths to hide the true nature of JavaScript's OO mechanisms, instead masking them in a set of patterns that are more familiar to other languages.
    1. “Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.” ~ John Maeda
    2. How it’s implemented doesn’t matter at all unless it’s implemented poorly.The only thing that matters in software development is that your users love the software.
  47. Jul 2016
    1. create their own interactive learning tools
    2. a way for children could to learn computer programming but more importantly even, a way of giving them a powerful object, a powerful tool to think with

      There’s a lot of ambivalence about recent projects which seek to involve coding in a broader educational context. There’s probably a lot of backlash to come against the STEM focus of many of these programs. At the same time, though, coding has become the de facto power tool in “our world”, for better or worse. Which is part of the reason it’s so interesting to trace, as Fred Turner famously did, the roots of “cyberculture” in the 1960s “counterculture”. In both cases, the “culture” part is rooted in a certain part of the United States which links two Bays (San Francisco and Massachusetts). Even the discourse on empowerment is part neoliberal, part anti-establishment.

  48. Jun 2016
    1. Two performances did seem to transcend the present, with artists sharing music that felt like open-source software to paths unknown. The first, Sam Aaron, played an early techno set to a small crowd, performing by coding live. His computer display, splayed naked on a giant screen, showcasedSonic Pi, the free software he invented. Before he let loose by revising lines of brackets, colons and commas, he typed:#This is Sonic Pi…..#I use it to teach people how to code#everything i do tonight, i can teach a 10 year old child…..His set – which sounded like Electric Café-era Kraftwerk, a little bit of Aphex Twin skitter and some Eighties electro – was constructed through typing and deleting lines of code. The shadowy DJ sets, knob-tweaking noise and fogbank ambient of many Moogfest performers was completely demystified and turned into simple numbers and letters that you could see in action. Dubbed "the live coding synth for everyone," it truly seemed less like a performance and more like an invitation to code your own adventure.
    2. The shadowy DJ sets, knob-tweaking noise and fogbank ambient of many Moogfest performers was completely demystified and turned into simple numbers and letters that you could see in action.
  49. Feb 2016
    1. In Silicon Valley, this divide is often explicit: As Kate Losse has noted, coders get high salary, prestige, and stock options. The people who do community management—on which the success of many tech companies is based—get none of those. It’s unsurprising that coding has been folded into "making." Consider the instant gratification of seeing "hello, world" on the screen; it’s nearly the easiest possible way to "make" things, and certainly one where failure has a very low cost. Code is "making" because we've figured out how to package it up into discrete units and sell it, and because it is widely perceived to be done by men.
  50. Nov 2015
    1. Without feedback, there are three options: I can believe, without evidence, that I am an awesome programmer.  I can believe, without evidence, that I am a terrible programmer and quit to go do something else.  Or finally, I can believe, without evidence, that I am a terrible programmer somehow successfully pretending to be an awesome programmer.

      This is a thoughtful, eloquent article. My main takeaway is that perfection is delusional, but good teamwork will overcome flaws and help everyone improve continually. All of these points are forms of feedback, or prerequisites to good feedback.

      • treat coworkers with respect
      • clear, open, honest communication
      • 3 code reviews before release
      • style guidelines
      • pair programming
      • unit tests
      • manual testing
      • user experience surveys
      • user experience analytics
  51. Sep 2015
    1. In programming languages like C++, C# or Java a class usually would be defined in a source code. A class definition file (Desktop.cpp/ Desktop.cs/ Desktop.java) in these languages would be a dumb text definition file fed into a compiler to verify and translate.In an interactive and lively system like Pharo a class could be created like any other object by sending instance creation methods. The reason is simple: in a pure OO environment anything is an object, so even a class is an object. Remember: there are only objects and messages.

      Una muestra de "live coding" (vía objetos) versus "static code" (vía archivos).

      An examples of "live coding" (via objects) versus "static code" (via files).

  52. Aug 2015
  53. Jul 2015
  54. Jun 2015
  55. Apr 2015
    1. Do you need to learn code to use The Grid? No coding is required to use The Grid. Just do what you're already doing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Post images, video, and content to your site and our AI Designer will make it beautiful. If you know code, you can extend functionality using our platform tools and API.

      Coding skills are a plus but not necessary. Accessibility!...

  56. Jan 2015
    1. Edit, Compile, Execute and Share your C, C++, Java, Python, Perl, PHP, Node.js, Javascript, HTML-5 or any project in your social networks using simple links.

      Online kodlama, tutorial tüm diller var

  57. May 2014