- Dec 2021
Ezra Callahan: News Feed is what Facebook fundamentally is today.Sean Parker: Originally it was called “What’s New,” and it was just a feed of all of the things that were happening in the network—really just a collection of status updates and profile changes that were occurring.
The feed as a changelog: noting, tracing and connecting evolutions
The problem was very singular. It was simply, “How do we scale?”
The problem of vertical scaling, where centralization’s limits emerge and where decentralization reigns, instead
We live under governments that are too captured by the near-term priorities of capitalism to seriously address the threat of climate change
Inability of politics to go beyond sort-term objectives
- Dec 2020
At the end of the day, small businesses are owned by people like you and me—people who themselves will benefit from improved privacy rights.
The practices of ad-targeting and engagement-tracking are precisely what make Facebook so tremendously powerful in the digital ecosystem.
Small businesses owners are, at the end of the day, individual citizens and consumers, too. They care about privacy, just like anyone should—and any increase in data privacy, marginal or otherwise, is an economic win for consumers.
This figure doesn’t necessarily indicate that small businesses benefit from advertising on Facebook, just that they have no other option.
- Nov 2020
zenhabits.net zenhabits.net
Let your path be less controlled, more random.
Leibniz's freedom of spontaneity
- Oct 2020
www.inc.com www.inc.com
there's a major problem with all of this instantaneous communication: It doesn't leave time to think.
www.tiktok.com www.tiktok.com
you are granting us the right to use your User Content without the obligation to pay royalties to any third party
You or the owner of your User Content still own the copyright in User Content sent to us, but by submitting User Content via the Services, you hereby grant us an unconditional irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully transferable, perpetual worldwide licence to use, modify, adapt, reproduce, make derivative works of, publish and/or transmit, and/or distribute and to authorise other users of the Services and other third-parties to view, access, use, download, modify, adapt, reproduce, make derivative works of, publish and/or transmit your User Content in any format and on any platform, either now known or hereinafter invented.
twitter.com twitter.com
By submitting, posting or displaying Content on or through the Services, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any and all media or distribution methods now known or later developed (for clarity, these rights include, for example, curating, transforming, and translating). This license authorizes us to make your Content available to the rest of the world and to let others do the same.
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, and worldwide license to host, use, distribute, modify, run, copy, publicly perform or display, translate, and create derivative works of your content (consistent with your privacy and application settings).
in the not-so-distant future, it will show targeted ads to users on WhatsApp
www.zettlr.com www.zettlr.com
To manage your knowledge, you have to know how you work.
people need a simple answer to a complex problem.
A simple and flexible Zettelkasten structure to accomplish diverse and complex needs.
How do you store that amount of knowledge in a way that you can access it everytime?
the more we read, the more it seems to slip through our long term memory.
The common need to secure intuitions, thoughts and data somewhere, somehow.
A Zettelkasten is a multitude of different approaches to a common problem — the problem of knowledge management.
- Sep 2020
it.wikipedia.org it.wikipedia.org
Gioia, bella scintilla divina,figlia dell'Eliseo,noi entriamo ebbri e frementi,o celeste, nel tuo tempio.Il tuo incanto rende unitociò che la moda rigidamente separò,i mendichi diventano fratelli dei principidove la tua ala soave freme. Coro Abbracciatevi, moltitudini!Questo bacio vada al mondo intero!Fratelli, sopra il cielo stellatodeve abitare un padre affettuoso.
Inno alla gioia
- Aug 2020
www.wired.com www.wired.com
WhatsApp again uses Signal’s encryption protocols for voice and video
WhatsApp uses Signal encryption code
the prevalence of dark patterns online is harmful to people—and has the potential to impact more than just their wallets.
shopping addiction
“Dark patterns are being used to undermine privacy, and to rob users of their ability to critically reflect on their actions,” he says. “Design and behavioral science have become weaponized to solely benefit online retailers and to exploit users.”
Technology which is not designed for the user, but to maximize profits: the opposite of what Humane Technology states
It can be hard to determine the line between clever marketing and outright deception.
the whole point of life
Most dark patterns are design choices, but others are arguably just fraud.
www.wired.com www.wired.com
But while the system itself was not substantially changed—as a rule, governments are less interested in reforming their own behavior than in restricting the behavior and rights of their citizens—what did change was the public consciousness.
- Jul 2020
www.ilpost.it www.ilpost.it
Ci sono altri modi per fare soldi che non richiedono necessariamente lo stesso livello di sforzi della musica
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
On Sunday, city officials promised those who had been evicted that they would receive 250,000 COP ($67) for three months, but locals are not holding their breath.
meno di 70€ al mese per tre mesi, ho scritto
graphics.reuters.com graphics.reuters.com
According to neuroscientists, there is not a single organ or system in the body responsible for timekeeping.
www.ilsole24ore.com www.ilsole24ore.com
Uccisa da un mix di sostanze radioattive
- Jun 2020
www.treccani.it www.treccani.it
l’idea della superiorità dei moderni rispetto agli antichi prevalsa in un’annosa querelle, l’ideale continuità con la rivoluzione scientifica e con la rinascenza, lasciando emergere la caratteristica immagine del trionfo della ragione contro le tenebre del fanatismo e della superstizione, che divenne corrente verso la metà del secolo.
Il valore della ragione nella filosofia illuminista
www.treccani.it www.treccani.it
Il diritto al n. è un diritto assoluto che riceve una puntuale tutela dall’ordinamento, prevista dall’art. 22 Cost. («Nessuno può essere privato, per motivi politici […], del n.») e dagli art. 6 ss. c.c., in base ai quali ogni persona ha diritto al n. che le è per legge attribuito
Diritto al nome; il valore del nome
500ish.com 500ish.com
It’s not a proxy of your seriousness that you've filled every minute in your schedule.
Exactly what I was waiting for. Thanks Bill.
500ish.com 500ish.com
there are too many newsletters that I now subscribe to and want to read, but often cannot. Because, well, time.
exactly my situation
- May 2020
it.wikipedia.org it.wikipedia.org
pensare non significa necessariamente avere delle idee chiare e oggettive
finalmente qualcuno che mi capisce
sherlockholmesquotes.com sherlockholmesquotes.com
You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear.
garthdb.com garthdb.com
being a web developer and designer is the best. We don’t need to borrow other industries’ titles; we are awesome already
- Apr 2020
it.scoutwiki.org it.scoutwiki.org
Cercate di lasciare questo mondo un po' migliore di quanto non l'avete trovato
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The microbes on the hands of the bakers mirrored the microbes within their starters. The bakers had become their bread.
this is wonderful
Starter No. 1 is from Altamura, Italy. The bread is traditionally made of semolina flour, the ground form of durum wheat, and dates at least to 37 B.C., when the Roman poet Horace praised it as the best he had ever eaten.
il primo lievito madre archiviato è italiano
The tangy taste and brightly acidic smell derive from lactobacilli, cousins of the bacteria that curdle milk into cheese and yogurt. Starters are bespoke to the environments in which they were created; no two sourdoughs taste exactly alike.
perché il pane del nonno è più acido
“You don’t tell the dough when it’s time to be shaped. The dough tells you.”
“It always works better if you start walking randomly,” Hennek says. “You go left, you go right, you keep on walking, and all of a sudden you see something.
I strongly suggest to anyone who wants to become a developer that they do it as well. I mean, it's really easy to see all the work that's out there, and all the things that are left to learn, and think that it's just way beyond you. But when you write it down, you have a place that you can go back to, and not only have I been able to help other people with my blog posts, but I help myself. I'm constantly Googling something and getting my own website in response, and like, oh yeah, I remember I did that before.
www.wired.com www.wired.com
you may be more likely to work alongside a robot in the near future than have one replace you. And even better news: You’re more likely to make friends with a robot than have one murder you. Hooray for the future!
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
The flow is essentially a set of things that are all working together and know about each other in your layout.
I can't get the point of this sentence
it.wikipedia.org it.wikipedia.org
Prese dimora prima nel 1665 a Voorburg, sobborgo dell'Aia, e quindi nel 1670 definitivamente nella stessa città dove visse sino alla sua morte mantenendosi con il suo lavoro di tornitore di lenti. Soggiornò per tutta la vita in camere d'affitto e gli si attribuisce un solo legame sentimentale con la figlia del suo insegnante di latino.
it.wikipedia.org it.wikipedia.org
Per vivere, ha svolto molti mestieri manuali, in Italia e all'estero, fu operaio qualificato, camionista, magazziniere, muratore. Fu operaio in fabbrica, muratore a Napoli dopo il terremoto, muratore in Francia, volontario in Africa, Tanzania, dove contrasse la malaria, operaio di rampa in aeroporto a Catania, muratore a Milano e a Roma, fino al 1997. Durante la guerra della ex Jugoslavia fece l'autista di convogli umanitari. Nel 1999 fu a Belgrado durante il periodo dei bombardamenti della NATO. Ha studiato da autodidatta diverse lingue, tra cui il russo, lo swahili, lo yiddish e l'ebraico antico, da questa lingua tradusse alcuni testi della Bibbia. Lo scopo di quelle che ha chiamato “traduzioni di servizio" non era quello di fornire il testo biblico in lingua facile o elegante, ma di riprodurlo nella lingua più simile e più obbediente all'originale ebraico.[3][4]
spreadprivacy.com spreadprivacy.com
Unlike Zoom, Apple’s FaceTime video conference service is truly end-to-end encrypted. Group FaceTime calls offer a privacy-conscious alternative for up to 32 participants. The main caveat is that this option only works if everyone on the call has an Apple device that currently supports this feature.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
As of 2019, Medium is not profitable.
Medium has been focusing on optimizing the time visitors spend reading the site (1.5 million hours in March 2015), as opposed to maximizing the size of its audience
www.filosofico.net www.filosofico.net
All’uomo fu concessa in tal modo la perizia tecnica necessaria per la vita, ma non la virtù politica.
www.ciwati.it www.ciwati.it
Passano le stagioni, ma solo quelle di Netflix.
eh già
- Mar 2020
polaroid.blogspot.com polaroid.blogspot.com
Quando sono cominciate queste settimane recluse, ci aspettavamo di avere tantissimo tempo a disposizione. Fioccavano i consigli di letture e film, chilometriche playlist e i link a cineteche, archivi e musei online. Non so voi, ma io invece mi trovo come sempre ad avere i minuti contati e a perdere un sacco di cose.
ecco. Idem.
www.portainer.io www.portainer.io
You'll just need to access the port 9000 of the Docker engine where portainer is running using your browser.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
the scene in which their characters wander through New York together was unscripted
Blue Valentine
[#contributor: /contributors/59327110a312645844994e4d]|||Free/libre software advocate Richard Stallman is president of the Free Software Foundation. He launched the development of the [free software](http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html) operating system [GNU](http://www.gnu.org/gnu/the-gnu-project.html) in 1984; the [GNU/Linux](http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html) system (essentially GNU with Linux added) is used on tens of millions of computers today. Stallman also founded the League for Programming Freedom, which campaigned against legal threats to programming (including patents).|||
Clear hints of Markdown syntax in a Wired Formatting error
Skype is a clear example: when one person uses the non-free Skype client software, it requires another person to use that software too – thus surrendering their freedoms along with yours. (Google Hangouts have the same problem.) We should refuse to use such programs even briefly, even on someone else's computer.
which should be an alternative solution?
Both non-free software and SaaSS can spy on the user, shackle the user, and even attack the user.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The free software movement is a social movement with the goal of obtaining and guaranteeing certain freedoms for software users, namely the freedom to run the software, to study and change the software, and to redistribute copies with or without changes.
www.wired.com www.wired.com
he wants to focus on maximizing the health of conversations, and prioritizing people spending their time learning on the site
Jack Dorsey on Twitter's future
Dorsey doesn’t have all the answers. He’s more like a captain of a ship, wondering aloud how to avoid the many icebergs in his path while continuing ahead at full steam.
www.ilpost.it www.ilpost.it
L’unico grande cantautore italiano che se la tiri più di De Gregori
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Not being interested in stereotypes, he is a direct participant in the events, and uses personal experience and emotions in order to emphasize their basic meaning.
He doesn’t want to specify the time period, the place and reasons. Through photography he wants to show eternal themes, wants people to associate his works "with their memories from reading books, music, their own life."
www.6degreesto.com www.6degreesto.com
I did not have much time to take the picture because helping those people get off the vessel was the priority for everyone. I put my camera down after a few shots, and I started to help people.
When shooting photos is your job and you put your camera aside to help people, this decision honors you in every possible way
The political situation here is also similar to America’s. We are experiencing the most amateur government in the last 50 years.
Real data shows that book sales are down some 25 percent during this lockdown. People are not actually buying books—not in physical shops (understandably), and online sales are plummeting too. So, either Italians are rereading all the volumes they have at home, or they’re just lying.
Was it a reading pandemic?
It’s a story playing out among many couples in Italy right now. Unpredicted move-ins. New families.
Will their children be called the coronaboomers?
Mi sto piegando in due
Canceled. Cancellato has became to me the most beautiful word in the Italian dictionary. Not Ti amo or pizza. Canceled.
As a freelance writer, I say to myself that the lockdown doesn’t change much from before. I stay in my pajamas all day, as before, plus there is the cancellation of all social activities. No more endless dinner parties or pointless meetings. It’s so relieving.
It's the same for University students, excluded the few hours of weekly lectures
The turning point, for me at least, came when I learned that someone real, someone on the fringe of my immediate circle, was in mortal danger. It was the 70-year-old father of a friend of a friend. He died. But the scariest and saddest thing is how he died: alone, in an intensive care unit, with no chance to say goodbye to his loved ones. For now, funerals are also prohibited. That is how one dies in the time of the coronavirus. This is the most terrible thing.When you hear stories like that, you start following the rules. You are suddenly ready to stay home. You wear your mask, and you don’t feel like making jokes about the virus. You get depressed.
The turning point of attitude and behavior related to Corona Virus
This is a very Italian kind of sport: negotiating a bureaucracy.
www.filosofico.net www.filosofico.net
E' evidente, dunque, che noi non la ricerchiamo per nessun vantaggio che sia estraneo ad essa; e, anzi, è evidente che, come diciamo uomo libero colui che è fine a se stesso e non è asservito ad altri, così questa sola, tra tutte le altre scienze, la diciamo libera: essa sola, infatti, è fine a se stessa.
se gli uomini hanno filosofato per liberarsi dall'ignoranza, è evidente che ricercano il conoscere solo al fine di sapere e non per conseguire qualche utilità pratica.
perché l'uomo filosofeggia
scarpe messe troppo volte
forse "scarpe messe troppe volte"
www.wired.com www.wired.com
Is it OK to hire someone to assume a risk you don’t want to?
Ethical question of critical importance
foundation.mozilla.org foundation.mozilla.org
We code. We host debates. We create art. And all in service of building a healthier online world.
naxxfish.net naxxfish.net
If you just want pictures, film photography is probably not for you, but if you want to be physically connected to the images you produce – then maybe it is.
www.wittgenstein.it www.wittgenstein.it
Ma niente di tutto questo è inaudito, mai visto. C’è insomma un’emergenza enorme “intorno” e non la si vede, non si riesce a vederla nelle singole cose
www.lastampa.it www.lastampa.it
È pericoloso reagire in maniera stereotipata a situazioni complesse
le nuove tecnologie sono presenti nella vita di tutti, sia lavorativa sia quotidiana. Spesso non ci rendiamo neanche conto che interagiamo con sistemi automatici o che disseminiamo sulla rete dati che riguardano la nostra identità personale. Per cui si produce una grave asimmetria tra chi li estrae (per i propri interessi) e chi li fornisce (senza saperlo). Per ottenere certi servizi, alcuni siti chiedono a noi di precisare che non siamo un robot, ma in realtà la domanda andrebbe capovolta
«È necessario che l’etica accompagni tutto il ciclo della elaborazione delle tecnologie: dalla scelta delle linee di ricerca fino alla progettazione, la produzione, la distribuzione e l’utente finale. In questo senso papa Francesco ha parlato di “algoretica”»
www.lastampa.it www.lastampa.it
non sono gli utenti a essere incapaci di resistere alle sirene di Facebook e Instagram: sono i social network e gli smartphone a essere progettati appositamente per ottenere questo risultato.
gist.github.com gist.github.com
You can just leave your website at that address (it'll give you some serious street cred in the developer world), but if you have a custom domain you would like to use, it is very simple to make GitHub redirect your page. Log in to your domain registrar and find where to change your host records. If you don't know, you can usually Google "(domain registrar) change host records", and your registrar will have an explainer telling you how to do it. Change your domain's A Record to This is GitHub's IP address, which allows GitHub to resolve your URL and serve the correct files. In your website's directory folder on your computer, create a file called "CNAME". On the first line, type your domain name. Save the file. In your GitHub application, you should see the file in the left column. Make sure it is checked and enter your commit message. Have it say something like "Adding CNAME file." Click "Sync branches." It can take as long as 48 hours for your domain to resolve to your GitHub page. However, it is usually pretty quick, so check back in an hour or so.
very useful.
coffeescript.org coffeescript.org
Underneath that awkward Java-esque patina, JavaScript has always had a gorgeous heart.
www.ilpost.it www.ilpost.it
delusional rock music
such a wonderful self-definition
www.wired.it www.wired.it
ha sniffato i vapori e le particelle emesse dai pennacchi.
trovare un predicato più comico sarebbe stato impossibile.
www.treccani.it www.treccani.it
atteggiamento ricorrente nel pensiero filosofico, comune a molte dottrine anche antiche, secondo il quale, una volta stabilita l’inesistenza di alcunché di assoluto, non ci sarebbe alcuna realtà sostanziale sottesa ai fenomeni di cui pure si è coscienti, risultando quindi l’intera esistenza priva di senso.
viaggimarilore.wordpress.com viaggimarilore.wordpress.com
Un aneddoto della vita di Jules Verne narra che lui, da ragazzino, si volesse imbarcare come mozzo su una nave diretta nelle Indie. Bloccato dal padre pronunciò le fatidiche parole “D’ora in poi viaggerò solo con la fantasia!” E così fece.
Ideally, the process is democratic: Anybody can science the shit out of anything. In reality, most people “do” science vicariously—by reading about new discoveries and having faith that the discoverers aren’t charlatans. Though it’s not quite faith: We trust them because scientists argue in public.
“La speranza è che potremo caricare la nostra auto elettrica mentre stiamo guidando su un’autostrada”
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Instagram also recently began showing users posts from people they don’t follow, a Facebook-inspired change that I’d argue is a mistake.
www.lastampa.it www.lastampa.it
In Italia è una figura professionale non riconosciuta e non esiste neppure un organismo preposto alla formazione.
I caratteri sono gli atomi dell’editoria, l’elemento base della comunicazione stampata, come i mattoni per l’architettura o le note per la musica.
www.wired.it www.wired.it
Sempre ricordando che quando si parla di sfericità, l’elettrone non deve essere pensato come una pallina: si tratta di una particella elementare, dunque non strutturata e indivisibile, e per forma si intende in realtà la simmetria delle sue interazioni con i campi esterni, con altre cariche.
If your favorites aren’t on your shelves, there’s a chance they could disappear on short notice.
www.ilsecoloxix.it www.ilsecoloxix.it
Tra le novità della 12a edizione c’è la collaborazione con Radioimmaginaria: vedrà in Sala Pino Daniele una giuria di 100 Millenials, collegati in diretta con 20 redazioni regionali: al termine decreteranno il loro vincitore.
www.ilpost.it www.ilpost.it
La mattina del 9 agosto 1918, cento anni fa, sei biplani monoposto SVA e un biposto dello stesso tipo, con a bordo otto aviatori italiani, entrarono nello spazio aereo di Vienna, la capitale dell’impero austro-ungarico.
www.treccani.it www.treccani.it
denunziato come eretico dal suo ospite, fu nel 1592 arrestato dall'Inquisizione e processato.
www.treccani.it www.treccani.it
gli scolari disertavano le sue lezioni e affollavano quelle di Hegel, allora nel pieno della sua fama.
www.treccani.it www.treccani.it
non molto fortunata nonostante la sua reale vivacità e grazia.
en.wikiquote.org en.wikiquote.org
Leave this world a little better than you found it.
doc.studenti.it doc.studenti.it
Seneca punta molto sulla sententia, sulla frase singola: condensa in una frase molto breve un concetto molto grande, importante, riassumendo lo stesso concetto sviluppato in precedenza (es.: “la morte non ci sta davanti: ci sta alle spalle”). È presente inoltre un continuo uso di ripetizioni e prevale la paratassi.
www.wired.com www.wired.com
Allowing an app to send you push notifications is like allowing a store clerk to grab you by the ear and drag you into their store.
Many changes in Android 10 highlight the tension between creating a platform to be as flexible and open as possible, while still upholding some security and privacy requirements.
These machines actually rely heavily on humans to be useful.
This is a key point. Watching those impressive astounding videos about these robots we forget how much humans are behind that
www.esa.int www.esa.int
If you’re planning on flying a robotic or even human mission in the near future to the Moon, an asteroid or even Mars, one indispensable requirement you’ll face is the need for at least one deep-space tracking dish to communicate with your craft.
linuxnewbieguide.org linuxnewbieguide.org
As all things recent in the Apple world, they do not like to share things.
True story.
propelled by a “water plasma” engine. Solar panels generate electrical power, which the vehicle then uses to generate microwaves, which superheat the water up to Sun-surface temperatures. That produces a plasma that shoots out a nozzle, propelling Vigoride forward.
Un giornalista, prima di fare questa scelta, deve sentire il suo progetto come la missione della propria esistenza, con tutti i rischi connessi. Tuttavia, è fondamentale sottolineare come in America sia sempre più difficile accedere alle informazioni di istituzioni molto potenti ed è per questo che il metodo tradizionale di fare giornalismo non funziona: se non puoi avere accesso alle informazioni non puoi scrivere e documentare e credo che, in questi casi, altri metodi di fare giornalismo siano più appropriati. Nel mio caso, la scelta che ho fatto lo è stata”.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
She studied engineering physics in college but dropped out after a year.
it.wikipedia.org it.wikipedia.org
Terminati gli studi di ragioneria ottiene un posto fisso come bancario[2] ma nel 1986 si dimette per inseguire la sua passione in radio[3] lavorando nelle prime radio private fiorentine alla fine degli anni settanta
wepresent.wetransfer.com wepresent.wetransfer.com
“more Frida Kahlo than Kim Kardashian.”
wonderful statement
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
He graduated in 1992, then attended The College of Saint Rose in Albany, New York, where he was a computer science major before switching to communications in his senior year. He was an average student. On weekends, he would perform stand-up comedy.[8] Fallon would often board buses from his aunt's house in Fort Hamilton to perform sets at Caroline's Comedy Club in Times Square.[17] He did not graduate, leaving college a semester early to pursue a comedy career.
www.libera.it www.libera.it
L’incontro con la disperazione e la speranza mi ha insegnato molte cose, due in particolare. La prima: le storie di droga ci riguardano tutti, anche chi non ne è toccato personalmente o per ragioni familiari, e chi ne fa uso non è “altro” da noi. La seconda: per affrontare il problema non ci sono vie facili e risolutive, soluzioni già pronte, “bacchette magiche” esibite da spacciatori d’illusioni.
ho toccato con mano che l’uso e abuso di droghe non sono funesti circoli viziosi ma situazioni suscettibili di cambiamento e risoluzione.
www.libera.it www.libera.it
«Tocca a noi essere più vivi. Facciamo parlare quelle foto. Sono il grido del nome dei vostri cari. Abbiamo speranza»
Ma è assurdo che ci siano dei tempi così ristretti e che ci trattino in un modo così burocratico
Anche l’equiparazione delle vittime del dovere e delle mafie a quelle del terrorismo, al fine di evitare ulteriori disparità.
www.libera.it www.libera.it
Se da un lato sentiamo il dovere di essere custodi di un patrimonio storico fatto di eventi tragici e gesti di reazione e rottura, dall'altro abbiamo la necessità di portare le nostre battaglie oltre quel periodo, per saldarle alle urgenze sociali che schiacciano e indeboliscono le nostre comunità oggi.
www.johndcook.com www.johndcook.com
The desire to get more work done in a single application leads to bloated applications
It may be less effort to learn how to do something awkwardly in a familiar application than to learn how to do it well in an unfamiliar application.
The hard part isn’t writing little programs that do one thing well. The hard part is combining little programs to solve bigger problems.
Users want to be able to do more in each program to avoid having to switch to another program to get their work done.
Standard physics theory actually does not predict how antihydrogen would behave in Earth’s gravity, and some researchers speculate that it might even fall upward. Whatever happens, it’ll be a surprise.
Bananas, which contain trace amounts of radioactive potassium, emit a positron every 75 minutes.