5 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. Mike's bow tie stuff

      for - definition - bowtie - Micheal Levin - adjacency - bowtie - indyweb - symmathesetic fingerprint - symmathesetic folding

      definition - bowtie - Micheal Levin - In the conscious experience of a living organism, - All that a living organism they possesses memory has access to are earlier memory engrams - The details of these are not saved, only the general pattern - Further, these engrams are recalled in the present and the general pattern must always be contextualised for is saliency to the present context - The caterpillar-to-butterfly transformation is a radical example of this - The specific details of it's life as a caterpillar is irrelevant to the butterfly - Yet the butterfly still has memories saved during its earlier morphological form as a caterpillar - The butterfly must re-interpret those earlier memories in a radically different new morphological form so that they are relevant - When humans recall memories, we do the same thing - The context has changed - We've learned more things about reality - Concepts are constantly being redefined in realtime - The goalpost is constantly changing - The bowtie is this cone of memory engrams from the past that must constantly be re-interpret in the present

      adjacency - between - bowtie - Indyweb symmathesetic fingerprint - Indyweb symmathesetic folding - adjacency relationship - The bowtie framework is a key design feature of the Indyweb - Symmathesetic fingerprint and symmathesetic fingerprint, - derived from Cortical.io's concepts of - semantic fingerprint - semantic folding

      epiphany - between - adjacency - bowtie - indyweb symmathesetic folding - Indyweb symmathesetic fingerprint - synchronicity - adjacency relationship - After making the above annotation, I was doing something else when this epiphany suddenly sprung up out of nowhere, as they usually do - Could it be that this the lower level (or higher level) system is the source of our epiphanies? Could this be the synchronicity that Michael Levin alludes to in another one of my annotations here? - Indeed, adjacencies - novel connections between already existent ideas in our associative network of ideas may be the human expression of Levin's - Bowtie AND - synchronicity - ideas - When we discover a new relationship between old (existing) ideas (engrams), that is a kind of reinvention or reinterpretation of an existing (old) idea in a new (salient) context. - This is what Levin is alluding to in the Bowtie and the radical caterpillar-to-butterfly example - We only make note of a new relationship because we implicitly recognize its saliency - Hence, the human being is - NOT a human being, - a name that implies a static thing, but rather, according to Deep Humanity terminology, - IS a human INTERbeCOMing, - a verb, a process that is in constant evolution - As we learn new relationships between existing engram ideas, - our symmathesetic fingerprint changes, - our meaningverse changes - and a new "human butterfly" is being born every moment

  2. Aug 2024
    1. the caterpillar learned all this stuff it gets squeezed down into some sort of sort of molecular substrate and then re-expanded or remapped onto the onto the butterfly that that squeezing is so so so two just two quick things about that one is that this this squeezing and expanding thing is everywhere

      for - adjacency - squeezing and expanding is everywhere - Michael Levin - John Vervaeke - Indyweb - salience mismatch - symmathesetic fingerprint - multi-meaningverse - lebenswelt

      adjacency - between - sqeezing and expanding - Michael Levin - John Vervaeke - Indyweb - lebenswelt - multi-meaningverse - coding / decoding - salience mismatch - symmathesetic fingerprint - adjacency relationship - In the Indyweb epistemology, we have identified an intrinsic limitation of symbolic communication due to - encoding of the transmitter from the transmitter's unique - lebenswelt and - meaningverse and - decoding of the transmitter's message from the receiver's unique - lebenswelt and - meaningverse - The same symbols are referenced to two different lebenswelt / meaningverse's - The semantic (symmathesetic) fingerprints of the transmitter and receivers vocabulary are all different - This can result in misinterpretation, what we term as salience mismatch

    1. for - semantic folding - semantic fingerprint - cortical.io - numenta - sparse coding - Francisco Webber - symmathesetic fingerprint

      summary - In this informative interview, Francisco Webber, a principal cofounder of Cortical.io, discusses how the company's core technology, semantic folding and semantic fingerprints of words is unique and differs from the usual AI large language models. - Cortical I/O's approach is a biomimicry approach that is based on representing words in the way that brain operates. - It employs a word-to-geometry mapping implemented using Numenta's sparse coding technique. - This approach allows Cortical to train using very small training data sets of 100 gigabytes of data, which takes a few hours to train - many orders of magnitudes smaller than normal AI training data sets.

    2. if you have bitmaps let's say 100 times 100 in in square and you now throw in let's say 200 dots in this bitmap the rest is white you should what you need is a function that renders any given word in a bitmap such that words that are similar render in two similar bitmaps

      for - example - semantic fingerprint bitmap - adjacency - semantic fingerprint bitmap - semantic folding - symmathesetic fingerprint - symmathesetic folding - Indyweb - adjacency - indranet - salience mismatch

      example - semantic fingerprint bitmap - 100 x 100 square - 200 dots in the bitmap - sparse coding - function that renders words in the bitmap such that - words that are similar render in two similar bitmaps

      adjacency - between - semantic fingerprint - semantic folding - symmathesetic fingerprint - symmathesetic folding - Indyweb - Indranet - adjacency - salience mismatch - adjacency relationship - This word-to-geometry mapping is the key idea and can also be employed within Indyweb to represent the concept of word/idea adjacency unique to the meaningverse of each language user - While Cortical develops dictionaries for specific domains, within Indyweb, we can go even more granular, and develop dictionaries for each indyvidual!

      definition - indyvidual dictionary - In Indyweb, an indyvidual's dicitionary can be calculated by employing a word meaning-to-geometry bitmap to determine the adjacencies salient to any word - This can be used to reduce salience mismatch (misunderstanding) that is inherent in any human symbolic communication

    1. speak with an awareness that our words "land in multiple contexts" determined by various discourses that other people live in.

      for - indyweb / Indranet symmathesetic fingerprint