13 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. Beautiful video (great cinematography) presenting how it is to live in a van for a month with a group of friends.

  2. Jan 2024
    1. 2011 00:17:05 when john john cobb organized this two-day seminar about morphic resonance and whitehead

      for - Whitehead / Morphic Resonance seminar - 2011

      event - Whitehead seminar 2011 - held in Claremont theological college in California - organized by John Cobb

    1. there's always a little bit of novelty with each new drop of experience and so 00:17:17 there's a kind of uh reality at its fundamental basis is a kind of evolving relationship among all of these white heads technical term again 00:17:30 actual occasions of experience

      for - definition - actual occasion of experience - Whitehead - definition - society - Whitehead - Whitehead - process relational ontology - adjacency - Whitehead's philosophy - morphic resonance

      definition - actual occasion of experience - Whitehead question - does Whitehead mean that reality itself is intrinsically evolutionary in nature and that it is constantly metamorphosizing? Is he making a claim similiar to Rupert Sheldrake's morphic resonance? Or we might say Sheldrake follows Whitehead

      Explanation - Whitehead's Process Relational Ontology - Passage below is explanation of Whitehead's Process Relational Ontology

      • There's always a little bit of novelty with each new drop of experience and so
      • There's a kind of reality
      • At its fundamental basis is a kind of evolving relationship among all of these
      • Whitehead's technical term again actual occasions of experience and
        • as they co-evolve new habits emerge and these habits allow nature at various scales to form what Whitehead calls societies
      • An example of a society of occasions or experiential events would be hydrogen atoms
      • The first hydrogen atoms which emerge i think a few hundred thousand years after the big bang represent the growing together of what had been distinct processes
        • protons and electrons
      • to form this relationship that would be enduring which we call the hydrogen atom
      • That's a society of actual occasions of experience that has formed
      • and then hydrogen atoms continue this evolutionary process and collect together into the first stars
      • and a star would be another example of a society of actual occasions of experience
      • and as these new forms of social organization are emerging over the course of cosmic evolution
        • what physics describes in terms of laws begin to take shape
      • but again for Whitehead these are not eternally fixed laws imposed on the process of evolution that's unfolding
      • Rather what we call laws
        • emerge from out of that process itself
        • as a result of the creative relationships being formed by these actual occasions of experience
      • So rather than speaking of laws imposed from outside,
        • Whitehead understands uh physical law
        • in terms of the habits which emerge over the course of time
          • as a result of relationships
      • So for Whitehead, the task of philosophy is really
        • to situate us in our experience
      • His is a is an experiential metaphysics and
        • as we've seen in our study of Goethe
        • the idea here is not to look behind or beyond experience for something which might be the cause of experience
        • The participatory approach to science that Goethe and Whitehead were both attempting to articulate
          • requires that we stay with experience
            • so metaphysics then
              • is not an effort to explain away our common sense experience
              • it's really the effort to bring logical coherence and consistency to experience
                • to find the all-pervasive relationships among various aspects of experience
      • And so science becomes the search for those relationships within experience
        • rather than the search for some mechanical explanation which would be
          • before,
          • behind or
          • beneath experience
  3. Sep 2023
  4. Aug 2023
    1. Through living relations, the world speaks itself. The world becomes its own language for anyone who wishes to listen. [...] In perceiving we always participate in the world, which thus starts to speak. And through speaking we not only resonate to the world, but we actually transform it.
  5. Nov 2022
    1. Google Scholar is needed to access annotations in context "Listen to the noise: noise is beneficial for cognitive performance in ADHD"

    2. The most intriguing result in the present study is thepositive effect of white noise on performance for theADHD children. This noise effect was present in boththe non-medicated and medicated children. Thissupports the MBA (Moderate Brain Arousal) model(Sikstro ̈m & So ̈derlund, 2007), suggesting that theendogenous (neural) noise level in children withADHD is sub-optimal. MBA accounts for the noise-enhancing phenomenon by stochastic resonance(SR). The model suggests that noise in the environ-ment introduces internal noise into the neural sys-tem through the perceptual system. Of particularimportance, the MBA model suggests that the peakof the SR curve depends on the dopamine level, sothat participants with low dopamine levels (ADHD)require more noise for optimal cognitive performancecompared to controls.

      Author's self-described "most intriguing result"

  6. Feb 2022
    1. When you understand how words allow us to hold an unlimited number of things in our limited minds, then hopefully you can begin to see how important they are to the way you design your personal knowledge base. The labels that you choose for your folders and the notes that you put in one versus another matters, as do the tags that you create and apply to your notes.This is what working in your knowledge base is all about. It’s not just about taking notes and writing. It’s about continuously classifying and reorganizing information — nurturing and pruning, adding, removing, making connections, and moving things around.Gardening. Chewing. Thinking.

      My obsidian Philosophy resonated resurfaced

  7. Jun 2021
  8. Aug 2020
    1. Chen, Y., Yang, W.-H., Huang, L.-M., Wang, Y.-C., Yang, C.-S., Liu, Y.-L., Hou, M.-H., Tsai, C.-L., Chou, Y.-Z., Huang, B.-Y., Hung, C.-F., Hung, Y.-L., Chen, J.-S., Chiang, Y.-P., Cho, D.-Y., Jeng, L.-B., Tsai, C.-H., & Hung, M.-C. (2020). Inhibition of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 main protease by tafenoquine in vitro. BioRxiv, 2020.08.14.250258. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.08.14.250258