41 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
  2. Feb 2024
    1. The delight-inducing art piece, A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place, is featured in the two elevator cars on the north side of the building, accessible in the Tom Bradley Wing.One car has cards for the "Comprehensive" and the other for the "Complete" works of various authors and topics. When moving, the elevator cars expose cards in the shaft window that reflect books that are found on the floor the elevator is passing.Artist David Bunn was given nearly 2 million catalog cards to play with for his art installation, yet he only used a little more than 9,500 in the two elevator cars. He has, since the early 1990s, been creating art projects, found poetry, and sculptures with the remaining cards.
  3. Jan 2024
  4. Nov 2023
  5. Sep 2022
    1. Its a bit expensive and was a bit skeptical on purchasing at first but decided to try it and can honestly say its the best investment ive made it cools your seams down in a flash so no more waiting to power stretch allowing you to complete your jobs much faster than before and it also helps to fix a bowed pattern carpet allowing you to actually match your pattern also helps with peaked seams (when youre seam is flawless but then you go to stretch it and its now visible because the seam creates a little mountain) if this thing ever broke down on me i'd happily and easily buy it again and would never go to a jobsite without it, a must have for all carpet installers
  6. Aug 2022
  7. Jun 2022
  8. May 2022
  9. Sep 2021
  10. Aug 2021
  11. Jul 2021
  12. Jun 2021
    1. If you want, you can try out what the script would do first, without changing anything. $ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://r.viktoradam.net/githooks)" -- --dry-run
  13. May 2021
  14. Dec 2020
    1. curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim
  15. Sep 2020
    1. To install or update nvm, you should run the install script. To do that, you may either download and run the script manually, or use the following cURL or Wget command: curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash
  16. Jul 2020
    1. <?php esc_html_e( 'You appear to be running Spoken Word from source. You must run the following to do so:', 'spoken-word' ); ?> <code>npm install; npm run build-dist</code>
  17. May 2020
    1. when using miniconda, you can’t move the Amber install folder fromits original location

      do not move amber install folder in bundled Miniconda is chosen during installation



  18. Apr 2020
    1. Installation in Windows Compatibility: > OpenCV 2.0 Author: Bernát Gábor You will learn how to setup OpenCV in your Windows Operating System!
    2. Here you can read tutorials about how to set up your computer to work with the OpenCV library. Additionally you can find very basic sample source code to introduce you to the world of the OpenCV. Installation in Linux Compatibility: > OpenCV 2.0
    1. Once all of the pre-reqs above are taken care of, run these steps to get bootstrapped
  19. Feb 2020
  20. Dec 2019
  21. Mar 2019
    1. To attach the cabinets to each other, use a No. 8 2¼-inch-long trim-head screw with a fine thread suited for hardwood. This fastener's small-diameter head is unobtrusive, so you don't have to hide it under a cap or wood plug.

      To attach the cabinets to each other use a 2.25 inch No. 8 trim-head screw. image

    2. cabinet screw, washer-head screw, washer-head cabinet screw, or button-head screw. Its large-diameter head bears down firmly on the cabinet's hanging rail, ensuring a solid installation. Attach the cabinets to the wall using No. 8 or No. 10 screws, approximately 3½ inches long.

      Use 3.5 inch No. 8 or No. 10 button-head screws to attach kitchen cabinets to the wall studs. image

    1. To installing kitchen cabinets, utilize a long level and draw a level line around the room at the base of the upper cabinets and the top of the lower cabinets using the lowest point of the ceiling and the highest point of the floor to make the starting mark. This will ensure that the cabinets are level. Shims can be used (little pieces of wood) to make up the difference as needed.

    1. https://youtu.be/yJQbO-NSbx4?t=169

      The electrical box sits inside the cabinet. It requires a 40 amp breaker with #8 AWG wire since it can consume up to 7,800 W at 240 VAC. This means while it connects to the standard 120 V electrical supply is has two hot wires (red and black) rather than 1 (black) to achieve the 2x voltage. The double oven will typically come with flexible conduit but you must provide the rest (aka electrical box, cover, etc).

    2. https://youtu.be/yJQbO-NSbx4?t=351

      If your cabinet is too wide you need to install side wood pieces to fill in the gap and give the double oven frame something to screw in to. Screw the extra side pieces in on either side of double oven cabinet so they don't show and then screw the frame of the oven to those. You'll also probably want to add some fancy trim on the edges to cover the gap/extra piece of wood you added between the oven frame and the side of the cabinet.

    3. How to install a double wall oven.

  22. Jan 2019
    1. 2. Installation

      At the time of this writing...

      To get JUnit5 up and running, one has to install (via lib directory, Maven, Gradle etc.) at least the following:

      1. org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.3.2
      2. org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.3.2
      3. org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-params:5.3.2

      Wishing above helps!

  23. Feb 2017
  24. Jan 2014
    1. The following selection from The Yale Law Journal is not paginated and should not be used for citation purposes.

      Note that this disclaimer only says the document should not be used for citation purposes, but doesn't say we can't use it for annotation purposes like testing out the Chrome PDF.js + Hypothes.is extension! :)

      You can install the extension from the Chrome Web Store with this link:
