1,925 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Jun 2024
  3. May 2024
    1. for - Brehon Laws - of early Ireland - etymology - glossary - reading between the lines - adjacency - Brehon Laws - Indyweb - reading between the lines - glossary

      adjacency - between - Brehon Laws - Indyweb - reading between the lines - etymology - glossary - adjacency relationship - Brehon Laws of early Ireland emerged from the people themselves over many generations - and were not imposed by some authority - For a long time, these laws were orally transmitted and memorized - When writing emerged, the style of writing used by the early Irish was to write with many gaps in between written verses of text - for the purpose of readers to be able to be writers and contribute to the text with their own perspectives - In other words, they were early annotators! - The etymology of the world glossary comes from "gloss" from the practice of writing meaning between the lines - "Glosses were common in the Middle Ages, usually rendering Hebrew, Greek, or Latin words into vernacular Germanic, Celtic, or Romanic. Originally written between the lines, later in the margins." ( https://www.etymonline.com/word/glossary)

      source - Zoom meeting this evening with Paul and Trace, as Paul introduced from his understanding of his Irish roots

  4. Mar 2024
  5. Feb 2024
    1. The purported reason seems to be the claim that some people find "master" offensive. (FWIW I'd give that explanation more credence if the people giving it seem to be offended themselves rather than be offended on behalf of someone else. But whatever, it's their repo.)
    1. summer of 2019.

      Hard to believe this was so long ago--pre-pandemic...

    2. Because, scholars are annotators.

      Recently saw some original Copernicus books "annotated" (read censored) by the church.

    3. Reflecting on how new digital tools have re-invigorated annotation and contributed to the creation of their recent book, they suggest annotation presents a vital means by which academics can re-engage with each other and the wider world.

      Returning to this after several years reflection...

    1. Different people can read the world differently just as they can readdifferent types of texts differently

      the fact of reading the world differently is conditioned by people's background, education, and experiences.

  6. Jan 2024
    1. Drag and drop a document to annotate it. Works with .pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .ppt, .pptx, .odp, .rtf, .epub and .csv files. .doc, .docx, .odt, .ppt, .pptx, .odp and .rtf are converted to .pdf. .xls and .xlsx and .ods are converted to .csv. You can also annotate PDFs inside Google Drive by authorizing Hypothes.is within your Google account. Hypothes.is PDF Annotator will be listed under the "Open with" option for PDF files upon authorization. (Uninstall). Privacy Policy. To easily open YouTube videos for annotation, use the bookmarklet. Drag this link to the bookmarks bar, or right-click/control-click to bookmark the link: DropDoc Bookmarklet The annotation functionality is enabled by Hypothes.is. The code for this site is open source. This is a personal project to explore different ideas and is maintained by Dan Whaley. I’d be delighted to hear any feedback at @dwhly. The intention is to keep the site up and running, but no guarantee around the preservation of documents is made. As an aside, annotations against PDFs or EPUBs with your Hypothes.is account, are discoverable on that PDF or EPUB regardless of its location (Background). As long as you have the original PDF somewhere, you'll always be able to see your annotations on it with Hypothes.is.


      Drag and drop a document to annotate it,

      or paste a YouTube video URL.

      Works with .pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .ppt, .pptx, .odp, .rtf, .epub and .csv files. .doc, .docx, .odt, .ppt, .pptx, .odp and .rtf are converted to .pdf. .xls and .xlsx and .ods are converted to .csv.

      You can also annotate PDFs inside Google Drive by authorizing Hypothes.is within your Google account.

      Hypothes.is PDF Annotator will be listed under the "Open with" option for PDF files upon authorization.

      To easily open YouTube videos for annotation, use the bookmarklet.

      The annotation functionality is enabled by Hypothes.is. The code for this site is open source.

      This is a personal project to explore different ideas and is maintained by Dan Whaley. I’d be delighted to hear any feedback at @dwhly.

    1. [With Zeplin] we started to engage both UX and engineering teams in the same conversations and suddenly that opened our eyes to what was going on, and overall streamlined our build process.

      may need new tag: combining/bringing different audiences together in the same conversation/context/tool

    1. The third is the brain of the observer. This is also a strong element in film criticism where the camera is the third eye, the eye of the artificial narrator. The most intelligent film about the third eye spying on the action is `Snake Eyes,' where we last saw Gugino. (You may want to check my comments on that film to see what I mean.)
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240106090941/https://web.hypothes.is/blog/ebook-partnership/

      Hypothes.is announced a partnership to bring annotation to epub e-books in 2017, but after 2018 no mention of it on their blog. Mailed them to ask about any progress since. Read someone's msg on Masto that they have trouble keeping epub annotations connected to the book (unlike e.g. my kindle annotations that reside in the book, but also are linked back to the location by my obsidian kindle plugin, maintaining the connection and reference. epub is xhtml so it should be doable.

      epub is part of w3c standards (cause xhtml)

  7. Dec 2023
    1. s this: Adnan stolemoney from the mosque

      Totally different perspective with the previous one. But does this implies that he is a bad guy?

    2. urban legend t

      Adman’s event becomes a warning story for the community

    3. Information and gossip travels swiftly, and you don’t want to be the one that goes againstthe grain, or says something that could hurt Adnan or his parents

      This is what rumors always do to us, even influences our family

    4. On the other end of the scale was a story so incriminating that we thought, well if this one is truethen we’re done, our story is over and we can all go home

      Because of knowing the ending of the story( Hae being killed), we will have a kind of power to think the details in the ways which can consist to the event. However, being hurry wanted to find the truth is not a good way because we might ignore some evidence

    5. rdly. Nobody is saying, “Isaw him do it” or “I have proof

      Nobody really knows the truth but still spreading the things the think is right

    1. One of the advantages of this media extended plugin is that it can handle more than just YouTube videos. It can handle videos and also some audio notes as well. And I don't think I've tried it with anything else but really I just need YouTube videos.

      Video Title: Taking notes from YouTube videos in Obsidian

      Various ways and plugins to annotate or take notes on videos (e.g. YouTube) in Obsidian

      Audio notes? How?

    1. 你們從來就不是我們--從《費城Philadelphia》談職場歧視心理學 《法客心法影劇組》Eye on Forensic Psych: TV Drama & Films


    1. Apart from this kind of sharing, you can also export a single highlight as a beautiful image to share on social media or other places. The image design is very elegant, much better than simply copying text.


    1. Supported document types 📃 You can save documents of all kinds to Reader including web articles, RSS feeds, email newsletters, PDFs, EPUBs, Twitter threads, Twitter Lists, and YouTube videos

      Great. YouTube is officially supported. Good to see Twitter/X. How about Facebook and LinkedIn posts?

    1. ne way that I can capture this is by using the readwise reader extension which you can see in the upper right hand corner of my screen it's the yellow r I'm going to click on this and now you can see that there's a bar at the top one thing I love about the read-wise highlighter extension is that it allows you to read and highlight and still capture all of that information into reader and the read wise app ecosystem overall without breaking context

      in-place annotation so you don't break focus on the current view, whatever it is.

    2. there are more media types that the team is working on it's heavily text oriented right now but I wouldn't be surprised if they came out with more audio or video related features because I know in the PKM space those are high in demand

      Yes! Video and audio for me!

    1. Readwise Reader

      A great article on the history of reading online that might just nudge me into trying out and eventually becoming a Reader paid subscriber.

    1. I disagree. What is expressed is an attempt to solve X by making something that should maybe be agnostic of time asynchronous. The problem is related to design: time taints code. You have a choice: either you make the surface area of async code grow and grow or you treat it as impure code and you lift pure synchronous logic in an async context. Without more information on the surrounding algorithm, we don't know if the design decision to make SymbolTable async was the best decision and we can't propose an alternative. This question was handled superficially and carelessly by the community.

      superficially and carelessly?

    2. The problem with this pile of questions is that, instead of helping the OP get out of the X Y problem, people stay focussed on Y, mark the question as a duplicate of Y in a matter of minutes and X is never properly addressed.

      sticking too much to policy/habit instead of addressing the specific needs of individuals? too much eagerness to close / mark as duplicate?

  8. Nov 2023
    1. It would have been fantastic to eschew this ridiculousness, because we all make fun of branded vulnerabilities too, but this was not the right time to make that stand.
    1. dass für das Element <head> in der TEI das Attribut @placenicht zur Verfügung steht, mit dem diese Positionierung (analog zu der Position von Randbemerkungen,siehe dazu die entsprechenden Beispiele unten) angegeben werden könnte. Um nicht den Rahmen derTEI-Vorgaben verlassen zu müssen, das Phänomen aber dennoch kodieren zu können, wurde innerhalbdes DTABf-M festgelegt, dass die ggf. abweichende Position von Überschriften anstatt mit @place durchdas im Element <head> verfügbare Attribut @type festgelegt wird. Somit konnte an dieser Stelleein Kompromiss zwischen genereller TEI-Konformität und individueller Expressivität gefunden werden.Vgl. dazu auch Haaf/Thomas 2017, Abs. 49 und Anm. 39.

      Dieser Fallback ist jetzt (bzw. seit 2017 mit Release TEI P5 version 3.2.0, Date: 2017-07-10) nicht mehr notwendig, siehe dazu auch https://github.com/cthomasdta/diss-avhkv/issues/5.

    1. It might be not obvious for most of you, but behind the scenes I'm neurodivegent, specifically #ActuallyAutistic2 3, so I'm mostly in limited availability, not only for my mental health.

      TODO Update FAQ

  9. Oct 2023
    1. a small dog.


    2. Poe's source for his detective is the philosophic protagonist of Voltaire's Zadig

      Poe's source of inspiration

    3. I do not mean to say they are not ingenious — but people think they are more ingenious than they are — on account of their method and air of method

      Characteristic of the reader in writer's mind

    4. It is the ancestor of a vast number of works which have given much harmless pleasure to all sorts and conditions of men

      It has a profound effect

  10. Sep 2023
    1. “If now, in addition to all these things, you have properly reflected upon the odd disorder of the chamber, we have gone so far as to combine the ideas of {dd}an agility astounding, a strength superhuman,{dd} a ferocity brutal, a butchery without motive, a grotesquerie{e} in horror absolutely alien from humanity, and a voice foreign in tone to the ears of men{f} of many nations, and devoid of all distinct or intelligible syllabification. What result, then, has ensued? What impression have I made upon your fancy?”

      I love how Dupin uses "Fancy" at the end of the sentence. Since it emphasize again the case is not normal, so you have to fancy it and see it with your imagination.

    2. In a word, why did he abandon four thousand francs in gold to encumber himself with a bundle of linen? The gold was abandoned. Nearly the whole sum mentioned by Monsieur Mignaud, the banker, was discovered, in bags, upon the floor. I wish you, therefore, to discard from your thoughts the blundering idea of motive{m} engendered in the brains of the police by that portion of the evidence which speaks of money delivered at the door of the house.

      The motivation is not out of money but something peculiar.

    3. This relieves us of all doubt upon [page 549:] the question whether the old lady{c} could have first destroyed the daughter, and afterward{d} have committed suicide. I speak of this point chiefly for the sake of method; for the strength of Madame L’Espanaye would have been utterly unequal to the task of thrusting her daughter's corpse up the chimney as it was found; and the nature of the wounds upon her own person entirely preclude the idea of self-destruction. Murder, then, has been committed by some third party; and the voices of this third party were those heard in contention. Let me now advert — not to the whole testimony respecting these voices — but to what was peculiar{e} in that testimony. Did you observe any thing peculiar about it?” I remarked that, while all the witnesses agreed in supposing the gruff voice to be that of a Frenchman, there was much disagreement in regard to the shrill, or, as one individual termed it, the harsh voice.

      They know that the testimonies might already lead the observation in the wrong way, which is earlier to be accepted. However, it limits the imagination of thinking out of the box.

    4. There was something in his manner of emphasizing the word “peculiar,” which caused me to shudder, without knowing why. “No, nothing peculiar,” I said; “nothing more, at least, than we both saw stated in the paper.”

      We see that the attitudes of the narrator and Dupin toward the case are so different. And the narrator's perspective is more like usual but this case is obviously strange and peculiar as it is mentioned. Therefore, this two sentences highlight again and alert the reader - the case should be thought the other sad around.

    5. Upon reaching the first landing, heard two voices in loud and angry contention — the one a gruff voice, the other much shriller — a very strange voice. Could distinguish some words of the former, which was that of a Frenchman. Was positive that it was not a woman's voice. Could distinguish the words ‘sacré’{s} and ‘diable.’ The shrill voice was that of a foreigner. Could not be sure whether it was the voice of a man or of a woman. Could not make out what was said, but believed the language to be Spanish.{t}

      This is the first testimony mentioned the voices of the murderer, which to the point of the core characteristics of the murderer. Thus, the readers might be easily misled that the murderer is human.

    6. Did not see any person in the street at the time. It is a bye-street{f} — very lonely.

      From this testimony, we can see that it implies that no other people know the old lady had huge amount of money at home.

    7. “Several witnesses, recalled, here testified that the chimneys of all the rooms on the fourth story were too narrow to admit the passage of a human being.

      This is the first hint to ask reader think out of the box, maybe the murderer is not a regular murderer, maybe the murderer is not even a human being.

    8. You will say that it might have been the voice of an Asiatic — of an African. Neither Asiatics nor Africans abound in Paris; but, without{l} denying the inference, I will{m} now merely call your attention to three points.{n} The voice is termed by one witness ‘harsh rather than shrill.’ It is represented by two others to have been ‘quick and unequal.’ No words — no sounds{o} resembling words — were{p} by any witness mentioned as distinguishable.

      From this point, we can see that Dupin see this case from the other side. He did not take all the testimonies as the proof or observation but try to link them together to see the whole picture of the murderer.

    9. whisker

      Whisker is any of the long, stiff hairs growing on the face of a cat, mouse, or other mammal.


    10. agility

      Agility is the ability to move your body quickly and easily.


    11. Jardin des Plantes

      Jardin des Plantes is French for "Garden of the Plants."

    1. “I am now awaiting,” continued he, looking toward{z} the door of our apartment — “I am now awaiting a person who, although perhaps not the perpetrator of these butcheries, must have been{a} in some measure implicated in their perpetration. Of the worst portion of the crimes committed, it is probable that he is innocent.

      Dupin is speculating about who the person he might be and arguing that he is innocent. Dupin is right.

    2. “The Purloined Letter,”

      It is another detective short story written by Allan Poe.

    3. I do not mean to say they are not ingenious — but people think they are more ingenious than they are — on account of their method and air of method

      The author was slightly annoyed at the attention which was paid to the Dupin stories.

    1. I think it is absolutely absurd that Apple still(?) chooses to publish "complete" ""feature lists"" in Portable Document Format, of all motherfucking things, but - as always - thank fucking God for mr Hypo Thesis over here!

    1. But I’m increasingly inclined to the view that the genius of ZK is the simple fact that it forces its user to continually interact with, and create connections among their thoughts and the thoughts of others.To the extent that’s correct, the work that ZK demands is not a drawback at all. It is in fact ZKs primary benefit; it’s a serious feature and not at all a bug.

      reply to u/TeeMcBee and u/taurusnoises at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/16njtfx/comment/k1ic0ot/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

      And two more big yeses.

      There is a growing amount of literature in the educational social annotation space in which teachers/professors are using it specifically to encourage their students to interact with class material and readings. The mechanics on the front end are exactly the same as in most ZK set ups, the difference is what happens with the annotations one makes.

      An entry point into some of this research:

    1. SRI Summary Report AFOSR-3223 • Prepared for: Director of Information Sciences, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Washington DC, Contract AF 49(638)-1024 • SRI Project No. 3578 (AUGMENT,3906,). Click here for scan of the original printed report [ PDF/Print | eReader ] See also About Doug's 1962 Report for more resources.


      If you're here annotating it means you care about this document there's a project sponsored by the Institute that has historically annotated this document

      Annotated version

      I'd encourage everyone to follow this version

  11. Aug 2023
  12. Jul 2023
    1. XMI describes solutions to the above issues by specifying EBNF production rules to create XML documents and Schemas that share objects consistently.
    1. Hypothesis was launched in 2011 and lets individuals and groups of people annotate a wide array of digital content, including academic articles and books.

      In fact, you can use Hypothesis to annotate on this very article about annotation. Very meta (not to be confused, of course, with Meta)!

    1. The movement might be gaining steam now, but its roots date back to 1998, when Mark Bernstein introduced the idea of the “hypertext garden,” arguing for spaces on the internet that let a person wade into the unknown. “Gardens … lie between farmland and wilderness,” he wrote. “The garden is farmland that delights the senses, designed for delight rather than commodity.” (His digital garden includes a recent review of a Bay Area carbonara dish and reflections on his favorite essays.) The new wave of digital gardens discuss books and movies, with introspective journal entries; others offer thoughts on philosophy and politics. Some are works of art in themselves, visual masterpieces that invite the viewer to explore; others are simpler and more utilitarian, using Google Docs or Wordpress templates to share intensely personal lists. Avid readers in particular have embraced the concept, sharing creative, beautiful digital bookshelves that illustrate their reading journey. Nerding hard on digital gardens, personal wikis, and experimental knowledge systems with @_jonesian today.
  13. Jun 2023
    1. One of my favorite ways that creative people communicate is by “working with their garage door up,” to riff on a passage from Robin Sloan (below). This is the opposite of the Twitter account which mostly posts announcements of finished work: it’s Screenshot Saturday; it’s giving a lecture about the problems you’re pondering in the shower; it’s thinking out loud about the ways in which your project doesn’t work at all. It’s so much of Twitch. I want to see the process. I want to see you trim the artichoke. I want to see you choose the color palette. Anti-marketing.

      other things that came to mind:

      • social/collective annotation like Hypothesis
      • publishing notes online through digital gardens, etc
      • online journaling
    1. Have you ever: Been disappointed, surprised or hurt by a library etc. that had a bug that could have been fixed with inheritance and few lines of code, but due to private / final methods and classes were forced to wait for an official patch that might never come? I have. Wanted to use a library for a slightly different use case than was imagined by the authors but were unable to do so because of private / final methods and classes? I have.
    2. Been disappointed, surprised or hurt by a library etc. that was overly permissive in it's extensibility? I have not.
  14. May 2023
    1. assessment practices play a key role; the graded elements were cited by most students as a deciding factor in participation.
    1. It's way too sophisticated for its own good. Maybe. Right. It's trying to be AI ish in the sense like it's trying to detect. If a particular comment is worthy of two points or three points, and a lot of that system is based on that. So if student makes a comment, it marks it as one. Instead of two. And you get a lot of emails about why was this Mark. And that's not the point. I Jeremy D.think Viranga P.the point of social. Is you're getting them to just have conversations. Encouraging conversations. Not necessarily to judge if that comment was good or Jeremy D.bad. Viranga P.It's just get it done. And we expect the fact that you're in the room having a conversation will help you realize, oh, this is useful. When I have a question, I can ask it here, and somebody else may have the same question. And we can have a discussion around it. And that social part. It's Social constructivism. Is helpful. Right. So people realize that they learn from other people.

      Critique of Perusall as about right or wrong versus the social construction of knowledge.

    1. Coleridge was such a renowned marginaliac that his friends would actually lend their books to him so that he could scribble in the margins.  Studs Turkel expected the books he loaned to friends to come back with additional marks made by friendly fingers.
  15. Apr 2023
    1. Google Docs is a free tool built for collaborative work that allows you to write and edit documents. Your students can work on a document simultaneously (collaborative note-taking, group projects), leave comments on each other’s work (peer-editing) and hold conversations in the margins of a document (social annotation).

      Very useful and simple tool for group work.

    1. reinventing Google Sidewiki or similar systems in which replies exist outside of the network itself.

      I'm ashamed/bewildered to confess that I have zero recollection of Google Sidewiki... Given the medium in which I'm typing this right now - and a whole bunch of other anecdotes from my online life - I think I would have been very engaged with such a thing.

      What a Wiki page though! Thank you. Bless. Through it, I discovered the Google Toolbar Help YouTube Channel.

    1. The nonchalance of boys who are sure of a dinner, and would disdain as much as a lord to do or say aught to conciliate one, is the healthy attitude of human nature.

      The healthy attitude to is to rest assured in the unfolding of potential, with a sort of nonchalance and naive attitude paired with the confidence of one who does nothing to placate, or conciliate, the feelings of others in the way

    2. A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages.

      He is saying to follow your inner voice, your inner star, and to speak as a soul inhabiting an individual body - that should be one's focus rather than seeking truth from the sphere of truth-speakers (ie. sages and bards)

    1. Anno, the leading open web annotation provider, and Atlassian, the leading provider of team collaboration and productivity software, announced plans to integrate Hypothesis with Confluence Cloud to make team collaboration possible everywhere on the internet.

      Well, this is super cool news!

    1. Genre is a conversation

      Ha. Annotation Kalir/Garcia positions annotation as genre, and as (distributed) conversation. [[Annotatie als genre of als middel 20220515112227]], [[Annotation by Remi Kalir Antero Garcia]] and [[Gedistribueerde conversatie 20180418144327]]

      The human condition in its entirety is an infinite conversation I suspect.

    1. will fail to give them credit for brilliant talents and excellent dispositions.

      I am confused on who Frederick Douglas referred to as the people who will fail to give these women credit for brilliant talents and excelent dispositons. Was he talking about the audience at the convention or was he talking about people in the general population?

    2. Among these was a declaration of sentiments, to be regarded as the basis of a grand movement for attaining all the civil, social, political and religious rights of woman.

      What were these sentiments? I am curious about how they constructed and pushed forth with their views and points. Fedrick Douglas mentioned that some of these women read their greivances; I have a question for these women. Were any of the sentiments more important than the others, and why?

    3. Many who have at last made the discovery that negroes have some rights as well as other members of the human family, have yet to be convinced that woman is entitled to any.

      So basically a black woman had to fight for her rights because she is black AND because she is a woman? A black woman had two barriers that held them from being treated like a decent human being, and not one or the other. Of course there were other circumstances and disadvantages but race and gender were big at this time.

  16. Mar 2023
    1. By asking students to share their annotations openly, we help students to see a wide range of annotation practices, thus demystifying what has often been a private, individual practice.

      Of course, some of the private, individual practice can be terribly formed and generally useless for many, so it becomes imperative that students have some strong modeling here from the rhetorical side. What exactly do "good" and "useful" practices look like? How are these annotations used after-the-fact? What purposes do they serve? Can they be reused? Even with open annotations, there is still a lot of additional practice and use which happens beyond the visible annotation which is hidden.

      How can we leverage the open annotation and the following process (for example that of Ahrens2017 or Eco2015, 1977) to show more of the workflows of not only learning/understanding/sensemaking, but then taking that material to apply, analyze, evaluate, and then subsequently create new material?

      I see a lot of this sort of community sensemaking in the fora for digital note taking tools like Roam Research, Obsidian, Tana, etc. People there may sometimes be more focused on workflows for productivity sake, but there's a lot of subtle learning about note taking practice which is also going on between the lines.

    1. Presence

      Still really the operative term. The teacher needs to be...there. In the discussion. In the case of social annotation, in the text.

    2. Be easily accessible to your students. Provide multiple regular opportunities for connectionand support via email, virtual office hours, prompt feedback, and virtual study sessions orstudent conferences

      I think it's interesting to think about social annotation as a vehicle for this availability/accessibility of the instructor.n What's more isolating than the reading? What's more power than having your instructor present IN the reading?

    1. First, dictionaries are not arbiters of highly literate writing; they merely document usage. For example, irregardless has an entry in many dictionaries, even though any self-respecting writer will avoid using it—except, perhaps, in dialogue to signal that a speaker uses nonstandard language, because that is exactly how some dictionaries characterize the word. Yes, it has a place in dictionaries; regardless of that fact, its superfluous prefix renders it an improper term.

      what to call these words? illiterate words?

  17. Feb 2023
    1. When reading “Yo Soy Joaquín” by Rodolfo Gonzales, I could not help but feel a sense of helplessness. The line “Yes, I have come a long way to nowhere,” is one of many that brought the feeling of helplessness to light. This line makes me visualize a lifetime of struggle and hard work, only to realize you are in the exact same place, the place you have been struggling to get out of, seeing now that this whole time has been spent on a “hamster wheel”. As you read the poem, you may think it is written in first person, the first being “Cuauhtémoc”. I looked up who this was before reading on, finding out that he was the ruler of “Tenochtitlan” he ruled from 1520-1521, he was the last Aztec emperor. He explains that though he was ruler of his people and “the ground” he had a “Spanish master”. One quote from him that really took me back was, “I was both tyrant and slave”. How strange to be a strong ruler, only to be a slave to someone else. I cannot help but wonder what pain this must have caused him, another sense of hopelessness I get from this writing. He fought against those who tried to rule over his people and died alongside them in hopes to be able to see Mexico free. “Mexico was free?” he later asks before explaining that though there is no longer a crown, the people who influenced the divide still remained. You later realize that when the line “I am” is not to say that he is the Aztec ruler, or the man who felt as though he was working hard toward nothing, “I am” is showing that Joaquín is in everyone who has fought for their freedom in any way. He is basically saying he is the people who came before him. This makes me think that while yes I can feel the hopelessness in the words and the loop of wins followed by defeats, I can also feel the immense strength in each of these people. I absolutely love the ending of this piece as well, it brings the whole story back to strength.
    1. I’ve also begun adopting a style loosely based on the approach to introductory signals used in legal writing, where things like See: [[something]] and See also: [[something]] and But see: [[something]] each have slightly different meanings. This gives me a set of supporting, comparison, and contradictory signals I can use when placing links as well.

      Shorthand notations or symbols in one's notes can be used to provide help in structuring arguments. Small indicators like "see: x", "see also: y", or "but see: z" can be used for adding supporting, comparison, or contradictory material respectively.

    1. synthesizes reading with writing (e.g.Wolfe, 2002)

      Yes, I would like to read more on this topic.



    1. I agree.After thinking about it for a bit, a common symbol for "the present card/note" is the one I'm most wanting.For the other stuff, I'm thinking:The squigly arrow symbol in latex is probably enough to do fuzziness. Then it could be squigly arrow to the current card or squigly arrow to not symbol current card. And for pen and paper, just use the biochem flat arrow with a squigly body for "somewhat contradicts" or is in tension with.

      reply to stjeromeslibido at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/10qw4l5/comment/j6x52ce/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

      Luhmann often used the shorthand of red numbers to indicate a link to nearby card in the current branch/stem, which Scott Scheper calls "stemlinks" in Antinet Zettelkasten (2022) p234. So, for example, on card ZKII 9/8 there is a red "1" which indicates the branching card ZKII 9/8,1. Scott uses a more computer science oriented notation of "/1" to indicate this as if he were traversing up or down a folder structure. Since there isn't really a (useful) idea of a root or home folder, and one wouldn't often want to refer to their zettelkasten itself, one might consider using the solidus "/" to indicate the current card? I personally do this, but not very frequently, though I might do it more often with respect to indicating argumentation within and among other cards.

      Some languages have location/proximity identifiers or markers (similar to here/there/over there). I'll sometimes use the Japanese markers (ko-so-a-do) as shorthand to provide rough approximation of idea relationships particularly when I have open questions. (example: kore, sore, are, dore -> this one, that one, that one over there, which one?) Many ideas are marked あ to indicate "just out of reach" or "needs additional thought". When ideas are adjacent or nearby, but by happenstance are relatively far away within my ZK (with respect to physical card distance in the box) they'll be pre-pended like こ/510/4b/3 (aka "ko"/510/4b/3).

    2. Are there symbols for 'supported by' or 'contradicted by' etc. to show not quite formal logical relations in a short hand?

      reply to u/stjeromeslibido at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/10qw4l5/are_there_symbols_for_supported_by_or/

      In addition to the other excellent suggestions, I don't think you'll find anything specific that that was used historically for these, but there are certainly lots of old annotation symbols you might be able to co-opt for your personal use.

      Evina Steinova has a great free cheat sheet list of annotation symbols: The Most Common Annotation Symbols in Early Medieval Western Manuscripts (a cheat sheet).

      More of this rabbit hole:

      (Nota bene: most of my brief research here only extends to Western traditions, primarily in Latin and Greek. Obviously other languages and eras will have potential ideas as well.)

      Tironian shorthand may have something you could repurpose as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tironian_notes

      Some may find the auxiliary signs of the Universal Decimal Classification useful for some of these sorts of notations for conjoining ideas.

      Given the past history of these sorts of symbols and their uses, perhaps it might be useful for us all to aggregate a list of common ones we all use as a means of re-standardizing some of them in modern contexts? Which ones does everyone use?

      Here are some I commonly use:

      Often for quotations, citations, and provenance of ideas, I'll use Maria Popova and Tina Roth Eisenberg's Curator's Code:

      • ᔥ for "via" to denote a direct quotation/source— something found elsewhere and written with little or no modification or elaboration (reformulation notes)
      • ↬ for "hat tip" to stand for indirect discovery — something for which you got the idea at a source, but modified or elaborated on significantly (inspiration by a source, but which needn't be cited)

      Occasionally I'll use a few nanoformats, from the microblogging space, particularly

      • L: to indicate location

      For mathematical proofs, in addition to their usual meanings, I'll use two symbols to separate biconditionals (necessary/sufficient conditions)

      • (⇒) as a heading for the "if" portion of the proof
      • (⇐) for the "only if" portion

      Some historians may write 19c to indicate 19th Century, often I'll abbreviate using Roman numerals instead, so "XIX".

      Occasionally, I'll also throw drolleries or other symbols into my margins to indicate idiosyncratic things that may only mean something specifically to me. This follows in the medieval traditions of the ars memoria, some of which are suggested in Cornwell, Hilarie, and James Cornwell. Saints, Signs, and Symbols: The Symbolic Language of Christian Art 3rd Edition. Church Publishing, Inc., 2009. The modern day equivalent of this might be the use of emoji with slang meanings or 1337 (leet) speak.

  18. Jan 2023
    1. There's a fundamental error in your question: commits are not diffs; commits are snapshots. This might seem like a distinction without a difference—and for some commits, it is. But for merge commits, it's not.
    1. There are several “types” of Hypothesis annotations: Annotations

      It is not consistent to distinguish different types of annotations (e.g., using "Annotation" as the general term) and at the same time to call a specific type with the same name. It mixes the general with the specific use.

      I propose to use the term "Annotation" as the general term for all different kind of annotations. For the digital equivalent of a marginal note I would use "Marginal Note" as another name. (Just "Note" is not enough as it can't be differentiated from "Page Note".)

    1. I don't presently have plans to expand this into an annotation extension, as I believe that purpose is served by Hypothesis. For now, I see this extension as a useful way for me to save highlights, share specific pieces of information on my website, and enable other people to do the same.

      I wonder if it uses the W3C recommendation for highlighting and annotation though? Which would allow it to interact with other highlighting/annotation results.

      To me highlighting is annotation, though a leightweight form, as the decision to highlight is interacting with the text in a meaningful way. And the pop up box actually says Annotation right there in the screenshot, so I don't fully grasp what distinction James is making here.

  19. Dec 2022
    1. While this offers flexibility to address many operator use cases, it makes simple use cases, like the developer use case, more complicated to express than they need to be.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: - developer use case - more complicated to express than they need to be.

    1. I have yet to see a Snapd or Flatpak build of Audacity that I'm happy with. Those builds are beyond our control as they are made by 3rd parties. I do find it mildly annoying that Flatpak direct users that have problems with their builds to us.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: the runaround?

  20. Nov 2022
    1. Our annotators achieve thehighest precision with OntoNotes, suggesting thatmost of the entities identified by crowdworkers arecorrect for this dataset.

      interesting that the mention detection algorithm gives poor precision on OntoNotes and the annotators get high precision. Does this imply that there are a lot of invalid mentions in this data and the guidelines for ontonotes are correct to ignore generic pronouns without pronominals?

    2. an algorithm with high precision on LitBank orOntoNotes would miss a huge percentage of rele-vant mentions and entities on other datasets (con-straining our analysis)

      these datasets have the most limited/constrained definitions for co-reference and what should be marked up so it makes sense that precision is poor in these datasets

    3. Procedure: We first launch an annotation tutorial(paid $4.50) and recruit the annotators on the AMTplatform.9 At the end of the tutorial, each annotatoris asked to annotate a short passage (around 150words). Only annotators with a B3 score (Bagga

      Annotators are asked to complete a quality control exercise and only annotators who achieve a B3 score of 0.9 or higher are invited to do more annotation

    4. Annotation structure: Two annotation ap-proaches are prominent in the literature: (1) a localpairwise approach, annotators are shown a pairof mentions and asked whether they refer to thesame entity (Hladká et al., 2009; Chamberlain et al.,2016a; Li et al., 2020; Ravenscroft et al., 2021),which is time-consuming; or (2) a cluster-basedapproach (Reiter, 2018; Oberle, 2018; Bornsteinet al., 2020), in which annotators group all men-tions of the same entity into a single cluster. InezCoref we use the latter approach, which can befaster but requires the UI to support more complexactions for creating and editing cluster structures.

      ezCoref presents clusters of coreferences all at the same time - this is a nice efficient way to do annotation versus pairwise annotation (like we did for CD^2CR)

    5. owever, these datasets vary widelyin their definitions of coreference (expressed viaannotation guidelines), resulting in inconsistent an-notations both within and across domains and lan-guages. For instance, as shown in Figure 1, whileARRAU (Uryupina et al., 2019) treats generic pro-nouns as non-referring, OntoNotes chooses not tomark them at all

      One of the big issues is that different co-reference datasets have significant differences in annotation guidelines even within the coreference family of tasks - I found this quite shocking as one might expect coreference to be fairly well defined as a task.

    6. Specifically, our work investigates the quality ofcrowdsourced coreference annotations when anno-tators are taught only simple coreference cases thatare treated uniformly across existing datasets (e.g.,pronouns). By providing only these simple cases,we are able to teach the annotators the concept ofcoreference, while allowing them to freely interpretcases treated differently across the existing datasets.This setup allows us to identify cases where ourannotators disagree among each other, but moreimportantly cases where they unanimously agreewith each other but disagree with the expert, thussuggesting cases that should be revisited by theresearch community when curating future unifiedannotation guidelines

      The aim of the work is to examine a simplified subset of co-reference phenomena which are generally treated the same across different existing datasets.

      This makes spotting inter-annotator disagreement easier - presumably because for simpler cases there are fewer modes of failure?

    7. this work, we developa crowdsourcing-friendly coreference annota-tion methodology, ezCoref, consisting of anannotation tool and an interactive tutorial. Weuse ezCoref to re-annotate 240 passages fromseven existing English coreference datasets(spanning fiction, news, and multiple other do-mains) while teaching annotators only casesthat are treated similarly across these datasets

      this paper describes a new efficient coreference annotation tool which simplifies co-reference annotation. They use their tool to re-annotate passages from widely used coreference datasets.

  21. learn-ap-southeast-2-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-ap-southeast-2-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
    1. Kalir, Jeremiah H. “The Value of Social Annotation for Teaching and Learning: Promoting Comprehension, Collaboration and Critical Thinking with Hypothesis.” White paper. San Francisco: Hypothes.is, October 21, 2022. https://web.hypothes.is/research-white-paper/

    2. onversation among groups ofreaders over time.

      An intriguing story of influential annotations in the history of science can be seen in Gingerich's The Book Nobody Read in which he traces annotations by teachers and students of Copernicus' De revolutionibus to show spread of knowledge in early modern astronomy.

      Gingerich, Owen. The Book Nobody Read: Chasing the Revolutions of Nicolaus Copernicus. William Heinemann, 2004.

    1. It’s interesting to divide the internet into Word People and Image People because the Internet is a modern evolution of oral culture — and technological/bandwidth limitations have enabled text to serve as the leading means to transfer information online up till now, when more direct oral presentations (podcasts, video streaming, video) become a feasible way to distribute more of the pool of information.

      Tracy Durnell comments on a quote that divides internet users in 'word people' and 'image people' by by position the entire internet as a modern form of oral culture. The only reason in that perspective for the abundance of text is early bandwidth and technology limitations. Nowadays presentations, streaming, videos and podcasts make a much direct version of distributing oral expressions. When Durnell talks about oral culture is that because of the style more than the format? Blogs, IRC chats, microblogging and messaging are more oral in tone. Whereas ;'serious' texts are still in document shape. Reminds me of annotation as conversation and as social interaction.

    1. Testing frameworks often introduce their own abstractions for e.g. evaluation order, data validation, reporting, scope, code reuse, state, and lifecycle. In my experience, these abstractions are always needlessly different from (and inferior to) related abstractions provided by the language itself.
    1. Changing the second line to: foo.txt text !diff would restore the default unset-ness for diff, while: foo.txt text diff will force diff to be set (both will presumably result in a diff, since Git has presumably not previously been detecting foo.txt as binary).

      comments for tag: undefined vs. null: Technically this is undefined (unset, !diff) vs. true (diff), but it's similar enough that don't need a separate tag just for that.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: undefined/unset vs. null/set

    1. "This is a job market that just won't quit. It's challenging the rules of economics," said Becky Frankiewicz,  chief commercial officer of hiring company ManpowerGroup in an email after the data was released. "The economic indicators are signaling caution, yet American employers are signaling confidence."

      This article explains the economic market. Creating 528,000 jobs is an outstanding aspect for the American people. But It also needs to explain the bad parts of creating jobs in this situation. Because challenging the rules of economics should not make a better situation, There are also high risks.

    1. That could create even more burdens for businesses because hiking interest rates tends to create higher rates on consumer and business loans, which slows the economy by forcing employers to cut back on spending.

      This article describes the disadvantages of high-interest rates. Although there are facts and parts that we need to be concerned about, high-interest rates also have advantages. There are more information about advantages about high-interest.

  22. Oct 2022
    1. a little flaw (Google translation can not find the translation of the word "瑕疵", so can only use the word "flaw" instead)

      annotation meta: may need new tag: no exact translation in other language

    1. so this means that there are no documentation telling you that this is the way you have to do it anywhere so naturally a lot of devs do not know about this, unless they ask about it by luck or of curiousity.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: how could they know / how would one find out?

    1. This is an attempt to contextualize and reveal abstract ideas by bringing in references and annotations in order to add relevance for our current time.
    1. First and foremost, we need to acknowledge that even though the funding goal has been met–it does not meet the realistic costs of the project. Bluntly speaking, we did not have the confidence to showcase the real goal of ~1.5 million euros (which would be around 10k backers) in a crowdfunding world where “Funded in XY minutes!” is a regular highlight.

      new tag: pressure to understate the real cost/estimate

    1. As Glasp stands for Greatest Legacy Accumulated as Share Proof, we want to visualize your contribution to human (knowledge) history.
    2. Our mission is to democratize access to other people’s learning and experiences that they have collected throughout their lives as a utilitarian legacy.
    1. https://glasp.co/home

      Glasp is a startup competitor in the annotations space that appears to be a subsidiary web-based tool and response to a large portion of the recent spate of note taking applications.

      Some of the first users and suggested users are names I recognize from this tools for thought space.

      On first blush it looks like it's got a lot of the same features and functionality as Hypothes.is, but it also appears to have some slicker surfaces and user interface as well as a much larger emphasis on the social aspects (followers/following) and gamification (graphs for how many annotations you make, how often you annotate, streaks, etc.).

      It could be an interesting experiment to watch the space and see how quickly it both scales as well as potentially reverts to the mean in terms of content and conversation given these differences. Does it become a toxic space via curation of the social features or does it become a toxic intellectual wasteland when it reaches larger scales?

      What will happen to one's data (it does appear to be a silo) when the company eventually closes/shuts down/acquihired/other?

      The team behind it is obviously aware of Hypothes.is as one of the first annotations presented to me is an annotation by Kei, a cofounder and PM at the company, on the Hypothes.is blog at: https://web.hypothes.is/blog/a-letter-to-marc-andreessen-and-rap-genius/

      But this is true for Glasp. Science researchers/writers use it a lot on our service, too.—Kei

      cc: @dwhly @jeremydean @remikalir

    1. Machines understand languages, that are formal and rigid, with unique and unambiguous instructions that are interpreted in precisely one way. Those formal, abstract languages, and programming languages in general, are hard to understand for humans like ourselves. Primarily, they are tailored towards the requirements of the machine. The user is therefore forced to adapt to the complexity of the formal language.


  23. Sep 2022
    1. Brown relies on personal testimony to set up his main idea \Smith develops an appeal to need with several paragraphs.Brown directly addresses opposing assumptions about transportation. !Johnson immediately appeals to emotion by connecting the topic, telemarketers, to apredatory economic climate—to the fear and quiet anger associated with corporatepower,

      use instead

    2. Evaluation (ClaimsofValue)Browndoesagoodjobofsupportinghismainidea.Smith'sideasarerightontarget.Browneffectivelyconvincesmethatwearereliantonautomobileculture.Idon’tacceptSmith'sclaimsLamsuspiciousofJohnson’ideasbecausetheyseemungrounded.


    3. irst,some writers get lured inside the points of the argument they are analyzing, andrather than remain outside of that argument, on solid analytical ground, they beginmaking a case for the argument.

      Don't make a case: analyze

    4. bothidentifytheargumentativemove(suchasanappealtovalue)andthenexplainhowitworks.

      Identify and explain

    5. Tobeananalyticalreader,wehavetoaskhowthepassageworks.

      Ask how passage works

    6. such questions must be put aside.

      Reflex needs to be put aside for analysis

    1. One of the reasons I initially pushed back on the creation of a JSON Schema for V3 is because I feared that people would try to use it as a document validator. However, I was convinced by other TSC members that there were valid uses of a schema beyond validation.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: fear would be used for ... valid uses for it beyond ...

    2. without a schema, you do not have a spec, you have an aspiration.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: you don't have a _; you have a _

    3. When we do release a final version of JSON Schema, please do not use JSON Schema to guarantee an OpenAPI document is valid. It cannot do that. There are numerous constraints in the written specification that cannot be expressed in JSON Schema.
    1. JSONPath contains verbiage that allows for an empty array to be returned in the case that nothing was found, but the primary return in these cases is false.

      annotation meta: may need new tag:

      distinction between nothing, false, and empty array

      verbiage that allows for ...

    1. We do not want to change or remove additionalProperties. Providing a clear solution for the above use case will dramatically reduce or eliminate the misunderstandings around additionalProperties.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: - don't want to change or remove existing feature [because...] - solving problem B will reduce misunderstandings around feature A

    1. Bjorn, Genevive A., Laura Quaynor, and Adam J. Burgasser. “Reading Research for Writing: Co-Constructing Core Skills Using Primary Literature.” Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice 7, no. 1 (January 14, 2022): 47–58. https://doi.org/10.5195/ie.2022.237

      Found via:

      #AcademicTwitter I survived crushing reading loads in grad school by creating a straightforward method for analyzing primary literature, called #CERIC. Saved my sanity and improved my focus. @PhDVoice. Here’s the free paper - https://t.co/YehbLQNEqJ

      — Genevive Bjorn (@GeneviveBjorn) September 11, 2022
      <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

      I'm curious how this is similar to the traditions of commonplace books and zettelkasten from a historical perspective.

    2. Traditionally, doctoral students are expected to implicitly absorb thisargument structure through repeated reading or casual discussion.

      The social annotation being discussed here is geared toward classroom work involving reading and absorbing basic literature in an area of the sort relating to lower level literature reviews done for a particular set of classes.

      It is not geared toward the sort of more hard targeted curated reading one might do on their particular thesis topic, though this might work in concert with a faculty advisor on a 1-1 basis.

      My initial thought on approaching the paper was for the latter and not the former.

    3. A review of the early scholarship on social annotationconcluded that the benefits to learners are positive overall (Cohn,2018). A more recent comprehensive review of social collaborativeannotation in the published literature included 249 studies, of whichthe authors analyzed 39 studies with empirical designs. Most ofthese studies focused on undergraduate or K-12 classrooms, andonly two studies focused on graduate students (Chen, 2019; Hollett& Kalir, 2017). Interestingly, both studies with graduate studentscompared, in different ways, two social app tools, Slack (SanFrancisco, CA) and Hypothes.is (San Francisco, CA), for annotationgeneration and management. Both studies found increasedengagement with academic texts and high quality discussionsrelated to use of the social app tools.

      Research on social annotation

    4. with socialcollaborative annotation (SCA).

      I super curious about how one does social collaborative annotation at the doctoral level? Doesn't the reading at this level get very sparce for these sorts of techniques?

    1. Any curious person, I would think, at some point would say, "Well, wait a minute. 55 people. How could they draft this thing? How do they..." Well, you see it right there. The answer is that every night the annotated stuff was typeset. Remember, it was Philadelphia, which is the city of printers. So, it was typeset overnight. It was printed before breakfast. When they came into their meeting, everybody had a fresh copy that looked like the thing there, but without any handwriting on it. They debated about that. They each had their own copy. They wrote their own notes. Then, towards the end of the day, they'd assemble what was going to happen on the next draft. Isn't that great?

      !- example : annotation - work by 55 authors of the US Constitution demonstrate the power of annotation on the margins

    1. But do ESG ratings really deliver on the promise? Are highly-ranked ESG businesses really more caring of the environment, more selective of the societies in which they operate, and more focused on countries with good corporate governance? In short, is ESG really good? The answer is no.

      black box

      opaque score

  24. Aug 2022

      Annotation documents redacted documents. </br>Stamped, signed, and labeled “Notice of Filing of Redacted Documents,” with a search warrant and Property Receipt, for investigation of potential crimes associated with violations of the Espionage Act. #Annotate22 224/365

    1. A graphic by the National Park Service depicts the off-limits area of the North Beach Swimming area. 

      Annotation documents bomb on beach. </br>“Attention | Unexpected Ordinances (Bombs) from WWII target practice on Assateague Island are washing up on the beach. DO NOT touch or move these. Notify a Park Ranger immediately.” Notice added to doorway welcome signs. #Annotate22 222/365 Original photograph.

    1. They found a way for the radio guidance transmitter and the torpedo’s receiver to jump simultaneously from frequency to frequency, making it impossible for the enemy to locate and block a message before it had moved to another frequency. This approach became known as “frequency hopping.”

      Annotation documents invention. “Patent #2,292,387 for a 'Secret Communication System,' granted to actress Hedy Kiesler Markey. At the time it was filed, in 1941, Lamarr was married to Gene Markey, a Hollywood screenwriter. She felt that having her married name on the patent would give it more credibility.” Lamarr's patent was granted on this day, August 11th, 1942. #Annotate22 223/365 Image credit: National Archives and Records Administration.

    1. The letter became effective when Secretary of State Henry Kissinger initialed it at 11:35 a.m.

      Annotation documents resignation. </br>“The letter became effective when Secretary of State Henry Kissinger initialed it at 11:35 a.m.” Nixon resigned the Office of the President on this day, August 9th, in 1974. #Annotate22 221/365

    1. This is the Dream Team

      Annotation documents Olympic Gold. </br>On this day, August 8th, the US “Dream Team” defeated Croatia to win the gold medal at the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games. A Spalding basketball autographed by co-captains Larry Bird and Earvin "Magic" Johnson, plus the note "Barcelona '92" added to the ball. #Annotate22 220/365 Image credit: National Museum of African American History and Culture.

    1. "We work in the dark—we do what we can—we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art."

      Annotation documents alteration. </br>“We work with our lacks–we do what we can–we give what we have.” An “altered,” and annotated, quote from Henry James’ “The Middle Years” as the Chapter III epigraph in Margo Jefferson’s recently published book Constructing a Nervous System (which I recommend). #Annotate22 219/365

    1. Historical Hypermedia: An Alternative History of the Semantic Web and Web 2.0 and Implications for e-Research. .mp3. Berkeley School of Information Regents’ Lecture. UC Berkeley School of Information, 2010. https://archive.org/details/podcast_uc-berkeley-school-informat_historical-hypermedia-an-alte_1000088371512. archive.org.



      headshot of Charles van den Heuvel

      Interface as Thing - book on Paul Otlet (not released, though he said he was working on it)

      • W. Boyd Rayward 1994 expert on Otlet
      • Otlet on annotation, visualization, of text
      • TBL married internet and hypertext (ideas have sex)
      • V. Bush As We May Think - crosslinks between microfilms, not in a computer context
      • Ted Nelson 1965, hypermedia


      • Michael Buckland book about machine developed by Emanuel Goldberg antecedent to memex
      • Emanuel Goldberg and His Knowledge Machine: Information, Invention, and Political Forces (New Directions in Information Management) by Michael Buckland (Libraries Unlimited, (March 31, 2006)
      • Otlet and Goldsmith were precursors as well

      four figures in his research: - Patrick Gattis - biologist, architect, diagrams of knowledge, metaphorical use of architecture; classification - Paul Otlet, Brussels born - Wilhelm Ostwalt - nobel prize in chemistry - Otto Neurath, philosophher, designer of isotype

      Paul Otlet

      Otlet was interested in both the physical as well as the intangible aspects of the Mundaneum including as an idea, an institution, method, body of work, building, and as a network.<br /> (#t=1020)

      Early iPhone diagram?!?

      (roughly) armchair to do the things in the web of life (Nelson quote) (get full quote and source for use) (circa 19:30)

      compares Otlet to TBL

      Michael Buckland 1991 <s>internet of things</s> coinage - did I hear this correctly? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_things lists different coinages

      Turns out it was "information as thing"<br /> See: https://hypothes.is/a/kXIjaBaOEe2MEi8Fav6QsA

      sugane brierre and otlet<br /> "everything can be in a document"<br /> importance of evidence

      The idea of evidence implies a passiveness. For evidence to be useful then, one has to actively do something with it, use it for comparison or analysis with other facts, knowledge, or evidence for it to become useful.

      transformation of sound into writing<br /> movement of pieces at will to create a new combination of facts - combinatorial creativity idea here. (circa 27:30 and again at 29:00)<br /> not just efficiency but improvement and purification of humanity

      put things on system cards and put them into new orders<br /> breaking things down into smaller pieces, whether books or index cards....

      Otlet doesn't use the word interfaces, but makes these with language and annotations that existed at the time. (32:00)

      Otlet created diagrams and images to expand his ideas

      Otlet used octagonal index cards to create extra edges to connect them together by topic. This created more complex trees of knowledge beyond the four sides of standard index cards. (diagram referenced, but not contained in the lecture)

      Otlet is interested in the "materialization of knowledge": how to transfer idea into an object. (How does this related to mnemonic devices for daily use? How does it relate to broader material culture?)

      Otlet inspired by work of Herbert Spencer

      space an time are forms of thought, I hold myself that they are forms of things. (get full quote and source) from spencer influence of Plato's forms here?

      Otlet visualization of information (38:20)

      S. R. Ranganathan may have had these ideas about visualization too

      atomization of knowledge; atomist approach 19th century examples:S. R. Ranganathan, Wilson, Otlet, Richardson, (atomic notes are NOT new either...) (39:40)

      Otlet creates interfaces to the world - time with cyclic representation - space - moving cube along time and space axes as well as levels of detail - comparison to Ted Nelson and zoomable screens even though Ted Nelson didn't have screens, but simulated them in paper - globes

      Katie Berner - semantic web; claims that reporting a scholarly result won't be a paper, but a nugget of information that links to other portions of the network of knowledge.<br /> (so not just one's own system, but the global commons system)

      Mention of Open Annotation (Consortium) Collaboration:<br /> - Jane Hunter, University of Australia Brisbane & Queensland<br /> - Tim Cole, University of Urbana Champaign<br /> - Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory annotations of various media<br /> see:<br /> - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311366469_The_Open_Annotation_Collaboration_A_Data_Model_to_Support_Sharing_and_Interoperability_of_Scholarly_Annotations - http://www.openannotation.org/spec/core/20130205/index.html - http://www.openannotation.org/PhaseIII_Team.html

      trust must be put into the system for it to work

      coloration of the provenance of links goes back to Otlet (~52:00)

      Creativity is the friction of the attention space at the moments when the structural blocks are grinding against one another the hardest. —Randall Collins (1998) The sociology of philosophers. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (p.76)

    1. “This Advisory Notice shall serve to inform you that this book has been identified by some community members as unsuitable for students,” the label states.

      Annotation documents "Advisory Notice." </br>“This Advisory Notice shall serve to inform you that this book has been identified by some community members as unsuitable for students." A Florida school district adds labels to 100+ books, "many of which touch on issues related to race or the LGBTQ community." #FReadom #Annotate22 218/365

    1. Dover Police Department Seeks Public Feedback From Community Satisfaction Survey

      Annotation documents subtle resistance. </br>“FTP” </br>Added to a DPD sticker, seen while walking around Dover, Delaware, earlier this afternoon. #Annotate22 217/365

    1. Louis Armstrong recorded his own cover of this song

      Annotation documents Satchmo's cover and creativity. </br>Annotated version of “Nobody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen,” from a collection of Louis Armstrong music manuscripts, archived in the National Museum of American History. Louis Armstrong was born on this day, August 4th, in 1901. #Annotate22 216/365 Image credit: Louis Armstrong Music Manuscripts, Archives Center, National Museum of American History.

    1. 100 meters

      Annotation documents achievement. </br>A note–“Vierfacher Olympiasieger in Berlin 1936”–added to the Jesse-Owens-Allee street sign at Olympiastadion Berlin. On this day, August 3rd, Jesse Owens won the men's 100 metres sprint event at the 1936 Olympic Games in 10.3 seconds. #Annotate22 215/365 Image credit: Flying Puffin.

    1. with a handwritten note at the bottom asking Paula to check with American Express in reference to a money order that never arrived.

      Annotation documents annoyance. </br>“I’d just like to know what’s happening–they are really impossible.” </br>James Baldwin, annotating a 1961 letter to his sister, asking about a money order that never arrived. Baldwin was born on this day, August 2nd, in 1924. #Annotate22 214/365

    1. a handwritten note in the margins of a book in 1637: “I have a truly marvellous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain,” he wrote (in Latin).

      Annotation documents theorem. </br>In 1637 French mathematician Pierre de Fermat annotated Diophantus' Arithmetica: “I have a truly marvellous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain.” A 1670 edition of Arithmetica subsequently included Fermat’s "Scholium," which today is know as his “last theorem.” #Annotate22 213/365 Image credit: Wikimedia Commons.

    1. describes the author's experiences from the liberation of Auschwitz (Monowitz), which was a concentration camp, until he reaches home in Turin, Italy, after a long journey.

      Annotation marks “The Author’s Route Home.” </br>A map of Primo Levi's journey from Auschwitz to Turin–indicating the direction and location–and added to translated versions of his book La Tregua (“The Truce”/"The Reawakening" in US). Levi was born on this day, July 31st, in 1919. #Annotate22 212/365 Image credit: Screenshot via Internet Archive.

  25. Jul 2022
    1. we want to shift our gaze to the simple beauty of the designs, known as backmarks,  featured on the backs of the card mounts that conveyed information about the photographer.

      Annotation marks backmark. </br>“Paul Pitman” and “Anna Heberling’s husband” added to a cartes-de-visite backmark. Read this lovely Smithsonian Archives post about “shift[ing] our gaze to the simple beauty of the designs, known as backmarks.” #Annotate22 211/365 Original photographs.

    1. Project 23

      Annotation marks bone. </br>Two labels–one for a Harlan’s Ground Sloth's “Elbow,” and a second for a Saber-Toothed Cat’s “Molar tooth”–added to photographs of Box 9 at La Brea Tar Pits Project 23. A lovely visit with the toddler yesterday. #Annotate22 210/365

    1. So it’s just me being indulgent. If I’ll have something that I have in a folder and I can’t find a way to fit it in that isn’t distracting or annoying for the reader, I’ll put it in a footnote.

      Annotation marks “being indulgent.” </br> "If I’ll have something that I have in a folder and I can’t find a way to fit it in that isn’t distracting or annoying for the reader, I’ll put it in a footnote.” From a lovely 2014 Mental Floss interview with author Mary Roach. #Annotate22 209/365

    1. Created by the renowned scribe, the Benedictine monk, Matthew Paris of St Albans Abbey in England, the manuscript chronicles the life of St Alban, the first Christian martyr in England.

      Annotation marks St Alban. </br> “Created by the renowned scribe, the Benedictine monk, Matthew Paris of St Albans Abbey in England, the manuscript chronicles the life of St Alban.” With lovely annotation and now digitized by The Library of Trinity College Dublin. #Annotate22 208/365

    1. The final version of the bill was signed into law on July 26, 1990, by President George H. W. Bush.

      Annotation marks #ADA32. </br> The #ADA was signed into law 32 years ago. The act was signed by Tom Harkin, “Acting President of the Senate, pro tempore.” When Harkin introduced the ADA in the Senate, part of his speech was signed so his brother could understand. #Annotate22 207/365

    1. Annotation marks Marceau. </br>“Julie,” written alongside a drawing of Marceau, added to “The Marcel Marceau Alphabet Book” (1970). It begins: “Marcel Marceau is a sea of faces… his body bends an alphabet of spaces…” Thanks, Julie, for bending your book, too. #Annotate22 206/365 Original photograph.

    1. Overdue notice postcard from the Wausau Public Library 1932

      Annotation marks overdue notice. </br>“and life goes on” </br>Added to an overdue notice postcard sent on May 26, 1932 to Louis Jalen asking that the book be returned or renewed. I'm featuring this overdue notice today after not sharing a post yesterday–and life goes on. #Annotate22 205/365

    1. Henry Charles Bukowski

      Annotation marks “having none of this shit.” </br>“go to therapy dummy” </br>Happy one-year anniversary to @Leftovers_Movie for sharing one of the best threads ever about reader marginalia, found books, and serendipity. Revisit all the glory. #Annotate22 204/365

    1. Born on July 22, 1849

      Annotation marks “A mighty woman with a torch.” </br>"Give me your tired, your poor, </br>Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” </br>From Emma Lazarus’ poem “The New Colossus,” added as a plaque to the Statue of Liberty pedestal. Lazarus was born on this day, July 22nd, in 1849. #Annotate22 203/365

    1. "School" by Ernest Hemingway.

      Annotation marks “a civic conscience.” </br>A short piece titled “School" written by Ernest Hemingway, as a high school student circa 1910s, annotated and graded by his teacher. He received an A. Hemingway was born July 21st in 1899. #Annotate22 202/365

    1. Eagle landed at 20:17:40 UTC on Sunday July 20

      Annotation marks a footprint. </br>"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." </br>Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed the lunar module Eagle on the moon on this day, July 20th, in 1969. #Annotate22 201/365 Image credit: WBAP-TV via The Portal to Texas History, UNT Libraries Special Collections.

    1. The Seneca Falls Convention was the first women's rights convention.

      Annotation marks Declaration. </br>A name–“Janet Cowing”–added to “Report of the Woman's Rights Convention." This is the earliest known reproduction of the convention's Declaration of Sentiments. Seneca Falls Convention began on this day, July 19th, in 1848. #Annotate22 200/365 Image credit: Seneca Falls Historical Society/New York Heritage Digital Collections.

    1. USS Magoffin (APA/LPA-199)

      Annotation marks APA-199. </br>As the 199th entry in my year-long project, I'm sharing an annotated photograph of the USS Magoffin (APA-199) with handwritten labels, abbreviations and arrows of “RADIO/RADAR ANTENNA ARRANGEMENT & RIGGING.” #Annotate22 199/365 Image credit: National Archives.

    1. The Little Red Fish, (Dial Books, 2007)

      Annotation marks library loan. </br>“MAY 31 2007” “DATE DUE,” with fifteen stamped dates, and ending with “OCT 23 2014,” added to “The Little Red Fish” by Taeeun Yoo. Tonight’s bedtime read with the toddler, greatly enjoyed, and thanks to the Altadena Libraries. #Annotate22 198/365