- Mar 2025
mohumanities.org mohumanities.org
Missouri Humanities respectfully acknowledges that the land on which we reside has cultural significance for many Native peoples, including the Osage, Otoe, Missouria, Sauk and Fox, Ioway, Kansas, Illini, Kickapoo, Peoria, Shawnee, Delaware, Sioux, Piankashaw, and Cherokee. We are ever mindful that these peoples continue a sacred relationship with the lands we occupy, and we recognize their integral contributions to the cultural heritage of this state and to our nation’s history.
infiniteflight.com infiniteflight.com
*For the purposes of IF, "light" aircraft are defined as the C172, SR22, XCub, Spitfire Mk VIII and P38
www.buzzfeed.com www.buzzfeed.com
Each of these playlist drafts is mostly skeletal, consisting of what curators call a “hypothesis,” or basic premise and intended target audience (the more specific, the better), and a few representative songs. In developing them, Colomo will flesh out the playlists with more songs (Spotify’s magic number is 50 — generally between 3 and 3.5 hours' worth — which feels substantial but not overwhelming), a cover image that reflects the hypothesis at a glance, and a short written description, usually no more than one or two sentences. (“I don’t think people come to Spotify to read,” Colomo says.)Hypotheses, of course, are meant to be tested, and Spotify curators regularly make adjustments to playlists based on data that shows how people are actually interacting with them.
- Feb 2025
antirez.com antirez.com
We are destroying software mistaking it for a purely engineering discipline.
This is the breakthrough in this post. I'm going to pretend they also mentioned documentation since the top commenter did it for them.
Check in with me again in twenty years about lamenting over "they joy of hacking..." because right now, that's a really fucking silly thing to dwell on.
My students learned they could stand toe to toe with those who attended institutions that were far more prestigious (and cost far more). This helped with their view of themselves in the larger academic and scientific world. They became more self assured, and I learned that this community college could punch above its weight class.
www.techregister.co.uk www.techregister.co.uk
Apple may change the URL schemes and URLs for its apps at any time.
No kidding.
Astonishing to find that some of these are still working just fine.
Install shortcutshortcuts://shortcuts/ShortcutID
How in the actual fuck am I finding out about this just now? It has literally been more than ten years???
- Jan 2025
Keyboard inputs are recognized when setting the user status
When using a hardware keyboard, send a message to Copilot by pressing return, and add a new line by pressing shift + return.
How very innovative...
Fork repositories directly from your devices, making it easier than ever to collaborate and contribute.
Holy heck... How long have I personally been waiting for this? lol
docs.joinmastodon.org docs.joinmastodon.org
Audio (MP3, OGG, WAV, FLAC, OPUS, AAC, M4A, 3GP) up to 99MB. Audio will be transcoded to MP3 using V2 VBR (roughly 192kbps). Only one audio file can be attached, per post.
www.macstories.net www.macstories.net
It also showcases the inconsistent implementation of keyboard shortcuts for multitasking.
Thank you, Federico!
(Not as if this is the first time he's ever been the only person to mention iOS/iPadOS general fuckery. In fact, he is almost certainly history's greatest advocate...)
The Browse tab is now called New, but it’s just a name change.
the new Control Center is a slimmed-down, monochrome Home Screen. And I love every part of it…minus the rearranging of those controls.
I'm glad Federico likes the new Control Center. For exactly this reason, I can quite definitively say that its functionality for me as a control center has been drastically reduced. And I can't help but wonder - as I stumble through the multiple, scrolling, asymmetric pages of this new second Home Screen, with all my privilege, experience, and attention with the possible functions therein - how in the actual fuck normal, functional, this-is-my-cellular-telephone users are managing.
I still need a control center but now I have a second homescreen instead.
www.modot.org www.modot.org
Haha, Sorrells! I know how much you cost! (maybe)
- Dec 2024
help.tumblr.com help.tumblr.com
Embedding a Blog To embed a blog, use this code: https://blogname.tumblr.com/js Replace “blogname” with your username. If you’re using a custom domain, replace “blogname.tumblr.com” with your domain. For example, say you wanted to embed the Changes blog somewhere. You’d use this code: <script type='text/javascript' src='https://blogname.tumblr.com/js'></script>
Tumblr Blog (Account) Embeds
Relatively angry with myself that I somehow never made it to this page in the Tumblr docs, somehow.
To embed a blog, use this code:
Replace “blogname” with your username. If you’re using a custom domain, replace “blogname.tumblr.com” with your domain.
For example, say you wanted to embed the Changes blog somewhere. You’d use this code:
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://blogname.tumblr.com/js'></script>
<footer>Tumblr Developer<cite> https://help.tumblr.com/embed-basics/</cite></footer>
To embed a blog, use this code:
Replace “blogname” with your username. If you’re using a custom domain, replace “blogname.tumblr.com” with your domain.
For example, say you wanted to embed the Changes blog somewhere. You’d use this code:
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://blogname.tumblr.com/js'></script>```
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://asphaltapostle.tumblr.com/js'></script>
blog.bandcamp.com blog.bandcamp.com
We keep your music streaming and downloading quickly and reliably, whether it’s 3am on a Sunday, or the hour your new record drops and Pitchfork gives it a scathingly positive review. We make your tracks available in every format under the sun, so the audiophilic nerderati can have their FLAC and eat mp3 v2. We adorn your songs with all the right metadata, so they sail into iTunes with artwork, album, band and track names intact. We mutter the various incantations necessary to keep your site top-ranked in Google, so when your fans search for your hits, they find your music long before they find bonkersforlyrics.com or iMyFace. We give your fans easy ways to share your music with their friends, and we give you gorgeous tools that reveal exactly how your music is spreading, so you can fan the fire.
bilge.world bilge.world
We keep your music streaming and downloading quickly and reliably, whether it’s 3am on a Sunday, or the hour your new record drops and Pitchfork gives it a scathingly positive review. We make your tracks available in every format under the sun, so the audiophilic nerderati can have their FLAC and eat mp3 v2. We adorn your songs with all the right metadata, so they sail into iTunes with artwork, album, band and track names intact. We mutter the various incantations necessary to keep your site top-ranked in Google, so when your fans search for your hits, they find your music long before they find bonkersforlyrics.com or iMyFace. We give your fans easy ways to share your music with their friends, and we give you gorgeous tools that reveal exactly how your music is spreading, so you can fan the fire.
“You need to find a place to host it, you’ve gotta get the metadata right, it’s just hard. So we just decided we would do that hard part for musicians so that they didn’t have to be so nerdy.”
Even the current desktop version of iTunes maintains support for streaming “audio files over the internet,” though a glance at Apple’s dated support page for the process suggests it hasn’t crossed anybody’s mind for at least half of that history.
Considering that Apple is now the most valuable company in the history of the world, the current state of the desktop iTunes client is absolutely unacceptable.
Bandcamp was technically the first comprehensive library-modeled music streaming service in existence
technology journalism has definitively lost all reverence for actual innovation in favor of the emotionally-charged Innovation Myth
This isn't the most relevant quote on which to annotate a link to "Towards a Constructive Technology Criticism," but it's the first, so there ya go.
www.macrumors.com www.macrumors.com
With Voice Memos, two tracks can be layered on top of one another. There's also an option to separate layers and edit layer mixes. <img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-972408" src="https://images.macrumors.com/t/9d6p7D4hYjpmjYGLXI5O4gRZj8Q=/400x0/article-new/2024/10/ios-18-2-layered-voice-memos.jpg?lossy" srcset="https://images.macrumors.com/t/9d6p7D4hYjpmjYGLXI5O4gRZj8Q=/400x0/article-new/2024/10/ios-18-2-layered-voice-memos.jpg?lossy 400w,https://images.macrumors.com/t/6cagGW5nVOh_OnvvXFetHzIIMUQ=/800x0/article-new/2024/10/ios-18-2-layered-voice-memos.jpg?lossy 800w,https://images.macrumors.com/t/PgUNVF4TFlzwFD8gHUU7sNFlLao=/1600x0/article-new/2024/10/ios-18-2-layered-voice-memos.jpg 1600w,https://images.macrumors.com/t/hz95aPpxShoXJIV9N0O8ezn3IYg=/2500x0/filters:no_upscale()/article-new/2024/10/ios-18-2-layered-voice-memos.jpg 2500w" sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 697px" alt="ios 18 2 layered voice memos" width="5099" height="2868" /> Two-track projects can be imported directly into Logic Pro on the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max.
Why/how in God's name of the fuck would it be limited to (effectively) a single device??
...Voice Memos does not need to be a DAW.
bandcamp.com bandcamp.com
Bandcamp will not use, and will not permit others to use, any Artist’s Music to train models to generate sound recordings, videos synchronized with sound recordings or other audiovisual works, or musical works embodied within sound recordings and music videos, without that Artist’s express permission.
techpolicy.press techpolicy.press
Let users decide which features should be on or off.
www.tractordata.com www.tractordata.com
I personally read every single email.
If I may just have a moment of weakness...
This is a hero of the internet that raised me. <3
- Nov 2024
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
There's a tedious way to do it, but it worked for me: •Open the podcast using the Apple Podcast app (I used an iPhone with the latest iOS, didn’t try earlier versions or desktop app) •Play the podcast and click the circle with three dots inside it, select “View Transcript” •Now the entire transcript displays on your iPhone. Select and copy a large chunk of text. It has a limit of how much it copies, so just select a random larger amount after you get an idea how much text it copies. •Open the Notes app and make a new note. Paste the copied text into the note •Since it won’t copy everything you selected it will paste to its limit and add some characters at the end and copyright info from the podcast. Delete this text back to the actual content then go back to the podcast transcript and copy the next section and do the process again. •Tips to make it go faster: •It is easier to edit the Note on the desktop Notes app…after pasting it syncs in about 5 seconds, and you can just select and delete what you don’t want. This then syncs back to your iPhone Notes app by the time you are ready to paste the next section. •In the podcast app when looking for the next section I needed, I used the search function to find my place in the transcript. Look for a unique word near the end of the previous section to dial it in the part you need. Like I said, tedious and time consuming but it worked for me.
Having just experienced the text selection limitation myself, I am actually and absolutely offended by this.
Apple, Inc. - wealthiest company in the history of the world, often celebrated for their pro-accessibility effort in consumer technology - went through the trouble of developing and implementing an intentional limitation like this.
What the fuck do you think I'm going to do... sell your auto-generated transcription???
Apple Intelligence Reader Summary
The author compares the modern megachurch industry, specifically The Crossing in Columbia, Missouri, to Apple, Inc., highlighting their shared focus on customer experience and volume business strategies. The author notes the striking similarities in presentation style, technology usage, and even the use of Apple products in sermons. The author also points out the church’s digital presence, including live streaming and an iOS app, further emphasizing the parallels with Apple’s ecosystem.
About as fucking tame as is technically possible with the language. What an achievement.
support.substack.com support.substack.com
Streaming capabilities are available to Substack Bestsellers in the iOS and Android apps with plans to expand to all Substacks in the coming months. If you aren’t a Bestseller but would like to request early access to live video, you can do so here.
fediversereport.com fediversereport.com
Loops is currently not federating with the rest of the fediverse, and you cannot interact with Loops from another fediverse account.
bilge.world bilge.world
Apple Intelligence Reader Summary
Bandcamp, an online record store, has remained profitable and drama-free for ten years by prioritizing selling good music and providing artists with a clean, user-friendly platform. Unlike other streaming services, Bandcamp charges a lower commission and has avoided advertising and hype, relying instead on organic growth and word-of-mouth. The article explores Bandcamp’s history, its impact on independent music, and its viability as an alternative streaming service, highlighting its commitment to transparency and innovation.
lparchive.org lparchive.org
"Reminds me of a truck stop off 70 and Colombia, Missouri! "
- Oct 2024
dayoneapp.com dayoneapp.com
users can switch to specific journals once the word or phrase is searched.
...this is the literal inverse of what seems sensible to me and it's caused me (cumulatively, anyway) quite a bit of grief, actually, over the 15 years I've been using DayOne...
docs.capacities.io docs.capacities.io
Grouping content within the same object is done with collections. Grouping content from different objects is done with tags.
Ah. Genius.
support.apple.com support.apple.com
A wired connection to headphones, receivers, or powered speakers
Just fucking kill me.
Despite knowing this had to be the truth - unless God had finally answered at least one of my prayers about intervening directly with The Bluetooth Specification - I'd never actually plugged my QuietComfort 45s into any one of the devices upon which I've had Lossless audio turned on for years... until just now.
support.apple.com support.apple.com
There are several ways to tell time with your Apple Watch.
Holy shit...
blog.openstreetmap.org blog.openstreetmap.org
point-in-time recovery
According to Anthropic's Claude LLM:
Point-in-time recovery refers to the ability to restore a database or system to a specific moment in the past. This feature allows administrators to recover data to a precise point before a failure, corruption, or unintended change occurred.
Key aspects of point-in-time recovery include:
- Continuous backups: The system regularly captures changes to data.
- Granular restoration: Allows recovery to any specific time within the backup window.
- Minimal data loss: Helps reduce the amount of data lost between backups.
- Flexibility: Useful for various scenarios like correcting human errors or recovering from cyberattacks.
This capability is especially valuable in database management systems and cloud storage solutions, providing a safety net for data integrity and business continuity.
- Sep 2024
www.penguinrandomhouse.com www.penguinrandomhouse.com
“Astonishing. Kate Conger and Ryan Mac’s meticulous, comprehensive reporting turns an opaque mess brutally transparent.” —Jia Tolentino, author of Trick Mirror
Realizing in this moment how omnipotent a Jia recommendation is for me lol.
everything.curl.dev everything.curl.dev
We consider March 20 1998 to be curl's birthday.
technoblabbing in their glitterdomes
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The town was heavily garrisoned by Union troops, and though the city was pro-union the surrounding areas of Boone County and the rest of central Missouri was decidedly pro-south.
Incredible how this is still reflected in local politics, today.
- Aug 2024
www.plazatireservice.com www.plazatireservice.com
Plaza Tire Service’s Exclusive Premium Alignment starts as low as $229.99. With the Premium Alignment, you only pay one time for alignments to be performed on your vehicle for the entire time you own it. Just visit at the required intervals to keep your vehicle driving straight. One-time wheel alignments start as low as $129.99.
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
A few months ago, if you Googled, “How many rocks should I eat per day,” on Google, the answer was you should eat one to two rocks per day. And it came from an Onion article from many, many years ago that was a bit on lobbyist capture. It was like, “America’s geologists say you should eat one, two rocks per day, or a small pebble,” or something that got captured by a fracking blog. It was just aggregated. The Onion article was aggregated by a fracking blog, and that fracking blog got tossed into the AI feature at the top of Google’s search results. That’s a technological issue.
This is the point in the episode where "I'm screaming" would have been so violently true of me to remark that I pulled over.
For you see... I remember hearing very passively about the rocks thing and being amused - as someone who has eaten locally-sourced gravel every day of my life and grown so much better for it - but I not heard that it was the fucking Onion.
support.box.com support.box.com
Upload images - upload png, jpg, jpeg, and bmp images to bring your Canvas to life,
unless I'm mistaken...
Box (the cloud storage service) really did just introduce their hat-in-the-ring entry to the Digitally Whiteboard Out My Asshole hype ...
...without the ability to actually embed files from one's box storage...
.... which is literally the one and only reason I could imagine for them to have invested the time into such a thing.
- Jul 2024
tdingsun.github.io tdingsun.github.io
A publishing platform to reimagine established relationships between reader, text, and author, and to fully utilize the affordances the web offers in the presentation of text. Contributors are asked to submit texts that might lend themselves well to non-linear readings, which are then re-interpreted into their own websites.
What a brilliant idea!
- Jun 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
This whole album sounds like audio ripped from a prolonged scene of a 90s cartoon character experiencing capital punishment by electric chair.
resources.arc.net resources.arc.net
Optimized Arc Search App for iPad: We are excited to announce that the Arc Search app is now compatible with members' iPads, offering a layout that better suits your device's screen size and functionality. Major props to Julia for bringing this highly requested update to life!
Congratulations, Arc motherfuckers with iPads: they finally... pushed the maximize button or whatever.
vintageapple.org vintageapple.org
The co 111 p ut cr wa s cre dt cd 10 fr eemankind fro 111 th e drud gery or doingtireso me ch nrL'> bes t lef t 111 J n ,1utoma1on.
...I s2g.
lukesmith.xyz lukesmith.xyz
More than 95% of people could be using a computer from 2008 or before without any problems. Needing a recent machine is limited to people who: Do extreme, professional, processor-intensive video-rendering. Compile massive programs and operating systems with severe time constraints. Play recent triple AAA video-games on high settings. Use many massive Electron apps and other inexcusably bad software written by soydevs and other people who shouldn't be writing software.
Next, I need to find out how to fit this sentiment on a bumper sticker.
www.mcsweeneys.net www.mcsweeneys.net
This is the last piece of information you will have
appleinsider.com appleinsider.com
Apple's Maps application is also expected to receive an upgrade which will allow users to add notes to specific locations. With these new place notes, users can add the key information about a place that could only be relevant to them.
Rotate Photos - clockwise, counterclockwise
, clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise, clockwise, counterclockwise...
AppleInsider has received the exact details of Siri's new functionality
How very confident.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
"Reply all" redirects here. For the podcast, see Reply All (podcast).
- May 2024
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
On Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, I successfully used the following to disable suspend: sudo systemctl mask sleep.target suspend.target hibernate.target hybrid-sleep.target And this to re-enable it: sudo systemctl unmask sleep.target suspend.target hibernate.target hybrid-sleep.target
sudo systemctl unmask sleep.target suspend.target hibernate.target hybrid-sleep.target
stackoverflow.blog stackoverflow.blog
I'm sick of this recurring advice. Instead I should keep a wiki and comment my code better. Don't assume that everything applies to everyone.
Absolutely decimated.
git.herrbischoff.com git.herrbischoff.com
diskutil list
www.topgear.com www.topgear.com
it’s so good that it’s almost joyless
- Apr 2024
support.apple.com support.apple.com
Tip: To choose a default style for the first line in all new notes, go to Settings > Notes > New Notes Start With.
See underdocumented #15.
Thanks to this post on threads.
support.craft.do support.craft.do
Expand / Collapse Toggle List : ⌘ ⇧ T
As far as I can tell, it looks like version
's addition of a keyboard shortcut to reopen closed tabs (⌘⇧T
) has overwritten this.
G, P: Jump to your profile.
documents.craft.me documents.craft.me
new option to restore the last closed tab using CMD + Shift + T
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
So far, I’m sold just because I can make the search engine work the way I want it to.
- Mar 2024
gamerant.com gamerant.com
Currently the very best weapons for Warzone are the Holger and M4A1.
www.thedrive.com www.thedrive.com
The Drive's YouTube channel was launched in 2012 with funding from YouTube and became very popular, producing many successful car shows. However, YouTube ended its funding in 2014 and the channel struggled to remain profitable. It went through various ownership changes and attempts to stay afloat but was never able to regain its original success. In 2020 The Drive revived its YouTube channel with a new series profiling car enthusiasts and their vehicles, hoping to recapture the spirit of celebrating car culture, as new technologies have made cars less of a cultural force. They aim to explore the diverse ways people connect to cars and each other through their shared passion.
Key Moments
- The Drive's YouTube channel was launched in 2012 with funding from YouTube as part of their original content investment program. It grew a large audience but the funding was shut down in 2013.
- An attempt to launch a subscription model in 2014 faced major backlash from viewers who weren't used to paying for online content. This contributed to the audience drifting away.
- The channel's co-founder Emil Rensing was later arrested for fraud unrelated to The Drive, but his legal issues added instability during a difficult period.
- In 2015-2016 the channel was sold to Time Inc. but they weren't prepared to fully fund video operations, leading most original hosts and crew to leave.
- Under new ownership, budgets kept shrinking and YouTube uploads became sporadic as the focus shifted to the website.
- In 2018, Time Inc. was sold and the new owner wasn't interested in continuing automotive media, nearly leading to The Drive being shut down.
- It was saved by new private investors but efforts to relaunch on YouTube in 2020 were derailed by the pandemic.
- The author argues new cars no longer drive as much culture as enthusiast communities and modifying older vehicles.
- Two new YouTube series are announced focusing on enthusiast profiles and explainer stories of automotive history.
- The relaunch aims to rebuild the legacy of the original channel and celebrate car culture.
bilge.world bilge.world
LLM Summaries
The author writes about technology from the perspective of growing up in the 1990s and witnessing rapid changes firsthand. They had early exposure to computers in school and an interest in old machinery through their father's farm. This sparked a fascination with history and how technology changes over time. The author began blogging about gadgets and started following tech YouTubers in high school. They now write about trends in consumer technology development and how it has impacted innovation and the user experience in recent years.
Key Moments
- The author was born in 1994 and grew up exposed to new technologies like Windows 98 PCs and the internet at a pivotal time in history.
- They describe their generation, born in the early 90s, as having a unique experience growing up with technology and witnessing major world events like 9/11.
- The author had an unconventional childhood, growing up between their father's large farm and their mother's suburban home after their parents divorced.
- They developed a strong interest in mechanical engineering and historic vehicles/machinery from a young age through experiences on their father's farm.
- The author credits the History Channel show Modern Marvels with fueling their curiosity about technology and different eras.
- They shifted from being interested mainly in old technology to present/future gadgets after getting their first iPhone and MacBook in high school.
- The author feels consumer technology progress has slowed and become more fragmented in recent years since Steve Jobs' death.
- They question whether new technologies actually improve people's lives or just add more distractions.
- The passage discusses observing and reflecting on technological and societal changes from an outsider perspective.
- The author has published their thoughts online to both entertain and demonstrate different ways of reflecting on technology's role.
Craft Assistant
The author writes about technology from the perspective of growing up in the 1990s and witnessing rapid changes firsthand. They had early exposure to computers in school and an interest in old machinery through their father's farm. This sparked a fascination with history and how technology changes over time. The author began blogging about gadgets and started following tech YouTubers in high school. They now write about trends in consumer technology development and how it has impacted innovation and the user experience in recent years.
The document provides a detailed exploration of the author's personal journey, intertwining their experiences with broader observations about society and technology. It highlights the author's introspection regarding their unique position in time, from being born into a world of evolving technology to witnessing significant historical events like 9/11 and the Trump presidency.
Furthermore, the author reflects on their upbringing on a farm, emphasizing their deep connection to historic machinery and the agricultural lifestyle. This background shapes their perspective on technology and innovation, as they juxtapose their experiences with the changing landscape of consumer technology.
The author's narrative also touches on societal trends, particularly regarding the direction of technological development and its impact on everyday life. They express skepticism about the current trajectory of technology, questioning whether it genuinely serves the needs of users or merely adds to the complexity of modern life.
Overall, the document provides a thought-provoking exploration of personal experiences, societal dynamics, and technological progress, inviting readers to contemplate their own relationships with time, technology, and societal change.
LLM Summaries
The passage discusses various music apps for the iPhone, including MusicHarbor which allows users to easily track new releases. It also covers Albums, an app that focuses on album playback over individual songs or playlists. While the iPhone can't replace professional audio equipment, some apps like GarageBand allow basic music creation. Last.fm and SongShift are also mentioned as tools for tracking music listening history and transferring playlists. Overall, the passage examines different apps that enhance the music experience on iPhone beyond the built-in Apple Music app.
Key Moments
- MusicHarbor is an app that allows users to track new music releases in a chronological feed, which the author finds very useful for discovery. It also allows following artists and deleting songs from one's library with a few taps.
- Albums is another app that focuses on album playback over individual songs or playlists, providing tools for fans to deeply engage with albums they love.
- Odesli is an undercovered tool for sharing tracks across different streaming services by linking to the correct version.
- The author shares a simple Siri Shortcut they made to open a song's Odesli link from the currently playing track in Apple Music.
- SongShift allows transferring playlists between different music streaming services.
- Last.fm is still functioning for music scrobbling even after 19 years.
- Serious music production is still not practical on iPhone due to limitations of mobile DAWs and audio capture capabilities.
- The best audio quality capture on iPhone is from extracting video recorded in the Camera app.
- Apple has removed features over time that gave artists more control over their music on Apple Music.
- Third-party solutions continue to be developed to address problems not solved by Apple Music itself.
Craft Assistant
The article discusses various apps and services related to music consumption and creation on iOS devices. It highlights the features of the Soor app, Odesli/Song.Link for music sharing, Last.fm for scrobbling, and SongShift for playlist transfer. It also mentions different digital audio workstations (DAWs) available on iPhone for music creation, and the limitations of using smartphones for professional audio production. Additionally, it touches on Apple Music's history, the removal of iTunes Ping and Connect, and the launch of Apple Music on the web. The author expresses disappointment in Apple Music's lack of features for music makers and suggests that third-party solutions are necessary for a more personalized music streaming experience.
- Feb 2024
winworldpc.com winworldpc.com
is still used in many businesses.
thecreativeindependent.com thecreativeindependent.com
Kagi Universal Summarizer output:
Are.na began as a platform for online research and knowledge sharing, created by Charles Broskoski and John Michael Boling as a replacement for the bookmarking site Delicious. They developed it with friends including Dena Yago and Damon Zucconi, seeing it as a way for people to archive and revisit information over time and gain insights. After a period of uncertainty, Broskoski recommitted to Are.na in 2014 and brought others back on board. Today, Are.na aims to cultivate curiosity and sustained thinking online as an alternative to short-term, addictive social media behaviors by allowing users to freely research and assemble information. Notably, Broskoski views Are.na as a lifelong project focused on promoting life-long education and curiosity.
www.golfmk7.com www.golfmk7.com
Prepare yourself a bottle of silicon lubricant and a pencil torch. Go under the clutch and aim your lubricant towards the upper side of the clutch (near the joint). Spray it, step the clutch few times and repeat this once more. All the squeak will be gone, as simple as that.
www.macstories.net www.macstories.net
according to Kuang, there is no limit to the number of threaded posts you can create at once.
We'll see about that lol.
media.vw.com media.vw.com
The Golf GTI S includes a rearview camera, leather-wrapped multifunction steering wheel, ambient and footwell lighting with LED reading lights, LED fog lights, and Driving Mode Selection.
dieselgoth.com dieselgoth.com
As summarized by Craft Assistant... (lmao)
The writer reflects on an encounter with a woman in a large SUV and delves into the psychology of American car buyers. They discuss the Volkswagen Atlas and its features, including its VR6 engine and fuel efficiency. The writer also discusses the Atlas Cross Sport and compares it to other SUVs in the market. They conclude that while the Atlas has its strengths, it may not stand out compared to its competitors. The article includes various quotes and references related to the Volkswagen Atlas.
rhizome.org rhizome.org
Creator Philip L. Becker called the software a “bread board system” as a way to move away from the longstanding association of BBSes with analog bulletin boards and toward a more modern association with electronics breadboards that were the physical basis upon which one could attach circuits.
I still believe vehemently that the latter proceeded the former.
- Jan 2024
carnet.vw.com carnet.vw.comcar-net1
Volkswagen is working to identify a technical solution that will continue to offer some telematics services.
www.platformer.news www.platformer.news
Spark AI's "detailed summary" result:
Casey Newton, the founder of Platformer, announced in an email that the publication will be leaving Substack and migrating to the open-source publishing platform Ghost. Newton explained that while Substack had been a mostly happy home for Platformer, recent controversies over the platform's laissez-faire approach to content moderation led to the decision to leave. Newton cited Substack's promotion of its network of publications and its lack of proactive steps to remove hate speech and extremism as key concerns. After conducting an analysis, Platformer found several publications on Substack that supported Nazi ideologies, prompting them to question Substack's commitment to removing such content. While Substack removed some of the publications, Newton felt that the company did not address their larger concerns. Platformer's move to Ghost is seen as a way to ensure that their journalism is not associated with hate movements and to provide a better home for their readers.
- Dec 2023
bilge.world bilge.world
Universal Summarizer
(Summary generated with Kagi's Universal Summarizer.)
Bandcamp has operated as an online music store for over a decade, providing artists and labels with an easy-to-use platform to sell music directly to fans. While receiving little mainstream attention, Bandcamp has paid out $270 million to artists and maintained a simple, artist-focused design. The platform allows free streaming but encourages direct purchases from artists. Chance the Rapper has been a notable champion of Bandcamp, using it for early mixtapes and helping to bring attention to its role in supporting independent musicians. While other services focus on algorithms and playlists, Bandcamp prioritizes direct artist support through low fees and transparent sales data. It has changed little over the years but provides a niche alternative for direct fan-artist connections without the culture-diluting aspects of other streaming services. Bandcamp's low-key approach has helped it avoid issues faced by competitors while continuing to innovate for artists.
www.macstories.net www.macstories.net
I created a version of this Shortcut for Bear at the request of a user in the MacStories Discord.
support.apple.com support.apple.com
Choose from Menu and Choose from List now prevent your device from sleeping when run from the Action button and awaiting a response
docs.getdrafts.com docs.getdrafts.com
Actions and Action Groups have a new visibility toggle to allow hiding individual actions or entire groups from search results in the action list and command palette.
Just a heads up:
If you're as dependent on Action Search as I am, the fact that all Action Groups are apparently hidden by default from search after this update(?) might scare the living heck out of you as it did myself lol.
- Nov 2023
thebaffler.com thebaffler.com
many who joined the industry did so precisely because they thought that their work would be useful.
docs.getdrafts.com docs.getdrafts.com
Change: Complete re-write of code handling keyboard frames and avoidance. This addresses a few nagging issues with improper display around the on-screen keyboard on iPad, in particular. Fix: Keyboard layout issues in share extension on iPad.
I do believe this might be the culprit for all the problems I've had with suddenly/inconsistently unresponsive keyboard shortcuts recently...
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
I've highlighted the shit out of this because I believe it actually argues a fundamental truth: communicating electronically is, indeed, a better way of communicating.
I don't think this friendship had to die, but the illusion of romance probably did. I'm going to do my best to choose to ignore the confirmation bias within me - could it be the absence of stigma that enabled these realizations? Is the stigma, itself, then, now a virtually all-powerful (beyond any measure of reflection) force which will never allow us to progress???
Fuck hype, man.
routinehub.co routinehub.co
The processing limit for shortcut text, etc. seems to be approximately 2.6 MB.
Well shucks... This seems specific enough to emphasize because this is the first time I'm seeing that figure.
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
Google Maps will allow you to create a shared list that lets you and your friends vote on certain destinations using emoji. Lists can be shared with friends through text or other messaging apps.
Really really pushing "collaborative" out of its meaningful definition here, folks. Voting is cute, but it does not actually belong within the navigation software.
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Here is a GitHub Gist of this reference in multiple formats for your convenience.
lapcatsoftware.com lapcatsoftware.com
Here's the email I just sent Jeff:
Please add my name - David Blue - as a participant in the boycott of Feedback Assistant.
I don't want to take too much of your time right now, but after spending the past two years or so becoming truly familiar with Apple, Inc.'s negligence (my girlfriend is a third grade teacher... our district paid full retail price for each of the 15,000+ iPads assigned to elementary school children, none of which came with a power supply,) the experience of reading your statement of purpose was a tremendous, full-body release lol.
We don't know each other, but I am so proud of and excited for you... Some of the people I admire most are those who've been filing exceptionally/diligently documented favors regularly for who knows how many years only to be met with literally nothing most of the time.
This organization cannot be allowed to continue to cost so many people what it does. If it's practical/of any benefit, feel free to put my name on any future declarations critical of Apple, Inc.'s behavior. I hope we get to have a conversation some time.
Thank you so much.
they've made Apple the most profitable company in the world.
So, so incredibly glad to see this acknowledged, here. It's something I try to repeat literally every time Apple, Inc. comes up in conversation (though I usually say in the history of the world lol,) as much to remind myself.
I have been kicked out of public group chats for doing so - public group chats full of beautiful, clever, original, and heroically prolific volunteers who will have spent obtuse fractions of their lives in service to this organization by their ends.
developer.apple.com developer.apple.com
Capture spatial video with remarkable depth on iPhone 15 Pro to view in 3D in the Photos app on Apple Vision Pro. Turn on spatial video capture in Settings > Camera > Formats, then capture spatial videos in Video mode in the Camera app. (102470597)
Just a reminder... that all (stereo) audio... is spatial already...
github.blog github.blog
Just like the introduction of Git and the creation of GitHub, this next era will be built on the foundation of GitHub Copilot.
When It Comes to Big Tech, Enough Is Enough by Lindsey Graham and Elizabeth Warren via The New York Times
Here's the extracted content of this article in case you're paywalled.
- Oct 2023
knowyourmeme.com knowyourmeme.compauljac31
"do yall got laptops,"
holler.country holler.country
Enjoys long walks anywhere but the beach.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to steal this, sorry.
goodlinks.app goodlinks.app
Your reading history and articles should only be private.
www.hemmings.com www.hemmings.com
Crosley's intent for his car was well summarized by his proclamation "You wouldn't cross a river in a battleship," nor would you want to cross town in a large family car just to purchase groceries or have coffee with a friend.
I'm afraid I'm having a problem coming up with any other reference (aside from the latest Grand Tour episode) to corroborate this quote...
often abbreviated as NLP
No way lmao.
- Sep 2023
www.mosersfoods.com www.mosersfoods.comMoser's1
Moser's is locally owned and operated by Roger and Jeanie Moser of Fulton, MO.
support.apple.com support.apple.com
Find Alarm now replaces Get All Alarms, retrieving all alarms or only those which match filter criteria
Can't believe what I long called "by far and away Siri's most important function in my life" must now be intentionally configured and (non-verbally) triggered in the form of a Siri Shortcut.
Thank you.
Transcribe Audio generates text from an audio file
This technically works, yes, but - as I noticed on the very first beta build - the actual output has an absurdly low character(?) limit, after which it simply cuts off.
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
Day One for me has created journal nirvana, in the same way that Things created multi-platform to do syncing and iA Writer perfected multi-platform text editing.
www.apple.com www.apple.com
Emoji wallpaper.
Astronomy wallpapers. See the earth, moon,and other planets in the solar system with a setof dynamic astronomy-themed Lock Screensthat update with live conditions, like your livelocation on Earth, or based on the time ofday on Mars.
When I said this is all I really wanted from iPadOS 17...
www.apple.com www.apple.com
I think it is absolutely absurd that Apple still(?) chooses to publish "complete" ""feature lists"" in Portable Document Format, of all motherfucking things, but - as always - thank fucking God for mr Hypo Thesis over here!
support.apple.com support.apple.com
gently nudging the table your iPhone is on
support.apple.com support.apple.com
Passengers must have an iPhone with iOS 17 or later, but don’t need to have an Apple Music subscription.
Well, now I've confirmed the most crucial answer I needed answering about iOS 17...
...now just to figure out how I'm going to make this happen.
support.apple.com support.apple.com
500 cd/m2 max brightness (typical)
According to this not-entirely-vetted World Wide Web service, this unit ("Candela per square meter") is 1:1 equivalent to "Nits."
...no, it would seem the latter is just an incorrect name for the same unit. Cool.
- Aug 2023
bilge.world bilge.world
Blue, David. "Bandcamp: Streaming's Secret Savior." The Psalms, 21 Jul. 2018, https://bilge.world/bandcamp-streaming-music.
Please note that this was written long before Epic Game's acquisition of Bandcamp, which you can read more about in Pitchfork, The New York Times and/or Bandcamp's own blog post.
support.apple.com support.apple.com
If there’s only an asterisk: Click the style name, then move the pointer over the style name in the Paragraph Styles pop-up menu. Click the arrow that appears, then choose Redefine from Selection.
Pages is so much more impressive than you'd expect in so many ways, but damn...
The way styles are handled still perplexes the shit out of me... even after consuming this document.
erinkissane.com erinkissane.com
One of the things I loved most about Twitter was the way it could throw things in front of me that I never would have even thought to go look for on my own.
I'm afraid this is one of those sentiments that should absolutely be tossed in the because of lack of user control category
Constantly being told I was somewhat dim because I didn’t understand how to do things or what the unwritten rules were.
This, I particularly hate and hope desperately I did not contribute to.
which I pulled out of the API as a JSON file by tweaking a bash script a nice stranger wrote up on the spot when I asked about JSON export
This I would very much like to learn more details about... I've been unable to find comprehensive documentation of Bluesky's API thus far.
I posted an audio file of this essay read by Siri Simone.
bilge.world bilge.world
This text explores the concept of "Text Fucking," a form of digital text manipulation primarily focused on Apple platforms. The author discusses their interest in accessibility and their personal authority on the subject. They define "Text Fucking" as the manipulation and destruction of digital text, and they emphasize the potential positive outcomes of this practice. The article covers various applications, including text editing apps, automation tools, Siri Shortcuts, and a text formatting app called "Text Case." The author shares their experience with automation, including automating tasks through tools like IFTTT, and they showcase various Siri Shortcuts they've created for text manipulation purposes. The article also highlights the use of Drafts, a versatile app that supports the author's experimentation with Text Fucking.
- Jul 2023
ulysses.app ulysses.app
This release removes the built-in TextExpander support. If you rely on TextExpander, please use their new TextExpander keyboard for iOS.
support.apple.com support.apple.com
a custom alarm, appliance, or doorbellYou can also set up iPhone to recognize a custom alarm, appliance, or doorbell if they aren’t recognized automatically.Go to Settings > Accessibility > Sound Recognition > Sounds.Tap Custom Alarm or Custom Appliance or Doorbell, then enter a name.When your alarm, appliance, or doorbell is ready, place iPhone near the sound and minimize background noise.Tap Start Listening, then follow the onscreen instructions.
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
first, building your own search engine thus starts with a surprisingly philosophical question: what makes a webpage good?
Going forward, I would (and have) strongly make the case against rethinking this assumption...
bilge.world bilge.world
I can think of little more reductive, repugnant, reckless, or racist crusades as a model figure than indoctrinating your child with an inherent distaste for their own culture, and nothing more deeply alarming to hear from the mouth of someone born in the 21st century than shit like “Queen was better than any rapper will ever be,” or “real musicianship will die forever with Eric Clapton.” It’s unfair and unnatural: imagine if your high school classmates had consistently turned up their scrunched nose at the living whole of rock & roll, declaring Scott Joplin to be the last musician they could stand.
- Jun 2023
www.macstories.net www.macstories.net
Apple Cash will let users set up recurring payments on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis, which could be used for kids’ allowances and other periodic payments
Surprised this was not emphasized more... I hope that doesn't mean
www.platformer.news www.platformer.news
I told y'all them motherfuckers always a few inches away from a true breakdown.
www.macrumors.com www.macrumors.com
Typing two greater-than symbols (>>) into a note invokes a list containing your six most recently modified notes, and tapping one instantly adds a link to that note.
The operative information.
- May 2023
ra.co ra.co
RA supports the Black Lives Matter movement. We have made it part of our mission as a publication to re-centre artists of colour and work against racism within electronic music.
soatok.blog soatok.blog
Melon Husk
No no no...
A few more apps have arrived since this was first published - I thought I would include three I've actually used the most.
- AirScrobble delivers a particularly powerful capability for scrobbling automatically... consecutively... to Last.fm as it identifies tracks playing ambiently. I set it in front of my TV for half of 100 Gecs' recent Boiler Room set and was quite astonished at the result.
- Finale is another Last.fm client which can fundamentally serve as an updated experience from Last.fm's own iOS offering. Its included tools also make pretty collages and can really deliver for those with friends on the service.
- MusicBox is my next favorite of Marcos Tanaka's music apps (behind MusicHarbor.) I've used it in place of the Apple Music API-enabled Siri Shortcuts suite I thought I was going to have to make (and could never figure out.) See Federico Viticci's review for more details.
www.macstories.net www.macstories.net
The HoverBar Duo’s base is stable and heavy enough to support Apple’s biggest 12.9” iPad Pro.
Having spent the past two days exploring the potential of the used first-generation HoverBar Duo I somehow managed to acquire for $35, I would emphasize "enough" here as a qualifier at least once over.
Though the following is pure speculation, there were a few highly observable clues to suggest that the previous owner also had a heavy iPad Pro (perhaps a 13,9 as I have,) though - after over-tightening all the adjustment screws (all but stripping threads in the case of the one at the base,) they were ultimately not satisfied with the Duo's management of the weight, even tightened to that state.
(Again, entirely speculative but.)
Mona also makes good use of the iPad’s support for keyboard shortcuts.
See my reference Craft document for an index of said shortcuts. (I intend to publish it in more formats soon.)
daily.bandcamp.com daily.bandcamp.com
My (Entirely-Unsolicited) Thoughts on the most Casual Crue™'s 10th:
Ya know, my memory isn't so great anymore, but I remember my then best friend and most respected music authority resting pretty confidently in an argument about this sound, and those who peretuated it: that it was by nature/declaration substanceless, and therefore, those invested in it were either just superficial or.. idek anymore. Ingenuine, maybe?
I don't think I was even placating with him when I mostly went along with it - it did seem important to invest in more abrasive (read: edgy bs) pursuits. I thought I was resisting "nostalgia" and even invested most of my twenties trying to start an online culture/electronic music magazine in direct editorial opposition to regurgitation. Imo, though, any actual exposure to self-described "vaporwave" makes it very plain how utterly useless it is to cry nostalgia because - crucially - whatever form of it that may or may not be an established marker of this voice is completely devoid of the illness that has absolutely pervaded, destructively, throughout all manner of expression and exploitation in the past 10 years.
It is just not a constraining or negative force, here. I would propose, even, that it's been made, here, into the most powerful form of critique there possibly could be.
And the grief!!! and the mania!! In any sort of ... worldly-participatory context, it should not be some gargantuan leap for even the most cynical, repressed, bitter 50-something white music writer army to make the connections, here. Our tears are fucking digital, idiot.
...ANYway, sorry. I don't actually have any business talking about music, but I can express my big, soppy as hell appreciation for the nigh-inconceivable amount of quantitive life force for which this milestone is a handy opportunity to reflect.
flexibits.com flexibits.com
Enabling "Detect Clipboard Content" can no longer cause continual permission prompts
God bless.
I suspect - assuming this is accurate about solving its issue - that Flexibits' work would help other app devs figure out how the fuck to correctly appease the OS about accessing the system clipboard.
pitchfork.com pitchfork.com
“Functional” is a dirty word in dance music. No one wants to be merely functional, nor find themselves on the receiving end of utilitarianism. You don’t want to be invited to a “function,” either—you want to go to a party. Yet culture has been tacking in the direction of the functional for a while now. Music is composed to study or sleep or chill to. Algorithms anticipate our desires. Any creative act can be made into content, which computers then sell ads in front of. There are brand “activations,” which is just another word for functions. All this matters rather a lot for the state of dance music, which, at its core, is meant to serve a specific purpose. Even its name issues a command: Dance.But the best dance music knows all this and blithely ignores it. Instead, it deftly undercuts function with surprise, or pairs it with emotion in sweet harmony.
This is one of those hilariously overdone "highlights" but oh my god.
I need to make a commitment to either seek out more music criticism or figure out once and for all how to effectively communicate to all the different sorts of people in my life who act absurdly justified in demanding I express my thoughts about music ... well
www.columbia.edu www.columbia.edu
Finally found someone blogging about MediaWiki dev in a medium I can actually consume effectively hehe.
www.eff.org www.eff.org
If you subscribe to someone’s feed, you should see the things they post.
My god! I had no idea the EFF had become so radical!
erinkissane.com erinkissane.com
and that people who find Mastodon difficult don’t belong anyway
In fact, I would say the only people who "don't belong" are those who would ever argue such a thing lol.
Mastodon fans know that the network absolutely cannot compete on user friendliness and basic social functionality
friendliness definitely needs to be explicitly defined here.
Have you seen the goddamned art? lol
Incidentally, when a straightforwardly “I’m a Nazi” Nazi showed up in the beta, people used the report function, and the Bluesky team labeled the account and banned it from the Bluesky app and restricted promotion of the account of the person who invited him. This changed exactly none of the tenor of the Nazi conversation on Mastodon, but it happened.
Now just imagine the equivalent on the scale of an entire server and you've got the story of Mastodon's incredibly centralized, swift expulsion of Gab's influence. Here's The Verge's version for the moment.
daringfireball.net daringfireball.net
Just type in a username and password and off you go.
jennschiffer.com jennschiffer.com
500 years of html experience
arstechnica.com arstechnica.com
When I questioned an FCC spokesperson about the accuracy the agency's warning by pointing out that I wasn’t aware of any security experts saying juice jacking is a real threat, they asked if I had spoken to every cyber expert.
www.rfc-editor.org www.rfc-editor.org
<...the remainder of base64-encoded data...>
- Apr 2023
Transactional engagement is most easily described as customers using your product because they were prompted to do so. So, if I go to Facebook to see the photo my friend tagged me in — that is transactional engagement. Being endorsed on LinkedIn would also be an example of transactional engagement. Email and push notifications are the two most common channels of transactional engagement.
Organic engagement is most easily described as customers using your product without being prompted.
Instead of richly growing over the years, your blog becomes more difficult to manage, and ultimately less useful.
This has personally been the direct opposite of my experience on Write.as, and I think it's largely to do with the fact that I am constrained to tagging.
If more management options helps anyone else feel more cohesively published, I am down to explore.
I suppose you could extrapolate on that and say... I think adapting to the Musing Studio suite was the best CMS thing that ever happened to me and it's helped tremendously... I feel I know it so well that it's actually hard to think of requests/suggestions lol.
But I think that function for me (and perhaps others who've been drawn here for similar reasons) has been served, past tense. The perspective/skills have been acquired and you should absolutely feel enabled to get complicated.
The only request I've come up with is.. perhaps an absorption of the
into the UI as settings.
www.justice.gov www.justice.gov
“embrace, extend, extinguish”
There it is.
atproto.com atproto.com
they require the original server to provide a redirect and cannot migrate the user's previous data.
This is... an extremely strange conclusion to come to regarding Social Web account migration, to say the least.
Taking Mastodon as the handy example...
The only reason to use the (extremely competent, bizarrely fast) process of redirection is that one... would like to have the "required" redirect on the original server. If a user intends to move to a different Mastodon instance and does not want to leave a redirect, that step is just... removed from the process.
www.techdirt.com www.techdirt.com
Jay Graber wrote the definitive exploration of decentralized social media networks back in 2020
So, services like Calckey, for example, are building out some more user friendly features.
Calckey is a very near fork of Misskey if I'm not mistaken.
club.macstories.net club.macstories.net
Raindrop also has an excellent browser extension that allows you to save a webpage to any of your link collections, tag it, mark it as a favorite, access highlights, set reminders, and even save multiple tabs simultaneously.
Which can be triggered by perhaps the most reliable Safari Extension keyboard shortcut (on iOS/iPadOS) to date:
blog.erinshepherd.net blog.erinshepherd.net
reinventing Google Sidewiki or similar systems in which replies exist outside of the network itself.
I'm ashamed/bewildered to confess that I have zero recollection of Google Sidewiki... Given the medium in which I'm typing this right now - and a whole bunch of other anecdotes from my online life - I think I would have been very engaged with such a thing.
What a Wiki page though! Thank you. Bless. Through it, I discovered the Google Toolbar Help YouTube Channel.
club.macstories.net club.macstories.net
If there are any date formats you regularly use that aren’t the default for Shortcuts, those are excellent choices for creating utility shortcuts.
Hell yeah.
I guess I could be mistaken, but I'm going to choose to interpret this as sublime validation for my "invention" and absolutely comprehensive implementation of DavodTime in the past 18 months or so.
www.wired.com www.wired.com
As you're watching someone stream, you can leave comments, which the Broadcaster (in Periscope parlance) can see and respond to. This, Beykpour says, is the app’s real secret sauce. "The magic moment of Periscope is not when you see video for the first time," he says. "Because you’ve experienced that before, whether it’s YouTube or another live broadcasting tool. The magic moment for Periscope is when you as viewer say something and you end up influencing the broadcast."
Even since I highlighted this, some years ago, the actual tragedy of the Periscope story got so much worse...
(Including Bekypour reap Periscope for parts to build Twitter Spaces and then forget for some 10 straight days after the public commitment date to actually put it out of its misery.)
blog.bear.app blog.bear.app
Use custom fonts – Your notes, your typeface
chrismessina.me chrismessina.me
I often play product therapist
Boy, I think I might just have to steal this term lol.
support.apple.com support.apple.com
You can also send it to another person to share it with them.
Kindof astonished Apple acknowledged this, here.
www.iphoneblog.de www.iphoneblog.de
Der Blogpost verleitete (mich) zum Kauf von Textcraft.
This is wonderful news! <3
blog.twitter.com blog.twitter.com
Real Graph is a model which predicts the likelihood of engagement between two users. The higher the Real Graph score between you and the author of the Tweet, the more of their tweets we'll include.
...who thought this was a good idea??
I realized after fully digesting this document that it effectively outlines a mechanism of anti-discovery.
- Mar 2023
the enhanced metadata, using work and movement tags, is not visible in Apple Music on the Mac nor in the Apple Music app on the iPhone and iPad. It seems Apple is using two separate databases, which makes no sense. If the metadata is available—and work and movement tags are available on many albums in Apple Music already—why not let the other apps access them?
I suspect this is due to Apple Classical being based to some degree (entirely supposition, btw) on Primephonic, the service Apple acquired in August of 2021. What do I know, though?
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
I have an account on mastodon.social, which is the one that you run. By the way, I follow Eugen.
No really, Nilay, what is your @.
gspe21-ssl.ls.apple.com gspe21-ssl.ls.apple.com
The fact that Apple Maps would not/could not exist without OpenStreetMap, and yet Apple, Inc. has not spoken that organization's name aloud once.
When I can get people to just hear me out on that fact, they are almost always astonished and activated.
So, that's why I'm annotating here. Howdy, Timbo!
Unless specifically identified as such, Apple Maps' use of any third party trademarks does not indicate any relationship, sponsorship, or endorsement between Apple Maps and the owners of such trademarks.
Fuck you, mayne.
gutenberg.org gutenberg.org
Rich Text Format was originally a Microsoft specification
How the heck didn't I know this??
www.kopn.org www.kopn.org
You can make an antenna to better receive KOPN! FM antennas work best when they are sized for the wave length you are trying to receive. KOPN’s wave length at 89.5 MHz is 10.99 ft. A folded dipole antenna can be made from a 5 ft. 6 in. length of 300 ohm twin lead antenna cable. Strip both ends of the cable. Twist the two wires together at each end and solder the connection. Cut one of the wires in the exact middle of the cable and strip back both ends. Connect these two ends by twisting and soldering to whatever additional length of twin lead cable you need to reach the 300 ohm antenna connection into your FM receiver.
bilge.world bilge.world
I owe you an apology folks!
Somehow, I managed to miss a series of critical bad "fixes" which fucked up italics and audio embeds on this post for who knows how long! Hopefully, all should be well, now.
Chat GPT Summary
This document discusses various iOS apps for Mastodon, a federated social network. The author describes the features and design of each app, highlighting their unique qualities and contributions to the Mastodon experience. The author also reflects on the benefits of using decentralized social media and the potential for continued innovation in this space.
Michael, thanks for mentioning keyboard shortcuts! I've added the shortcut Control-Command-M, at your suggestion. Believe it or not, it's available now in version 2.1 for Mac, which cruised through app review in 45 minutes. (The iOS version with shortcut for iPad is forthcoming.)
See my post on Mastodon.
podcasters.spotify.com podcasters.spotify.com
Fuck you!
rfc-editor.org rfc-editor.org
A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a compact sequence ofcharacters that identifies an abstract or physical resource. Thisspecification defines the generic URI syntax and a process forresolving URI references that might be in relative form, along withguidelines and security considerations for the use of URIs on theInternet. The URI syntax defines a grammar that is a superset of allvalid URIs, allowing an implementation to parse the common componentsof a URI reference without knowing the scheme-specific requirementsof every possible identifier. This specification does not define agenerative grammar for URIs; that task is performed by the individualspecifications of each URI scheme.
Annotating a PDF... in the browser! And it's linkable?? Incredible.
nymag.com nymag.com
Say that A and B, both fluent speakers of English, are independently stranded on two uninhabited islands. They soon discover that previous visitors to these islands have left behind telegraphs and that they can communicate with each other via an underwater cable. A and B start happily typing messages to each other. Meanwhile, O, a hyperintelligent deep-sea octopus who is unable to visit or observe the two islands, discovers a way to tap into the underwater cable and listen in on A and B’s conversations. O knows nothing about English initially but is very good at detecting statistical patterns. Over time, O learns to predict with great accuracy how B will respond to each of A’s utterances. Soon, the octopus enters the conversation and starts impersonating B and replying to A. This ruse works for a while, and A believes that O communicates as both she and B do — with meaning and intent. Then one day A calls out: “I’m being attacked by an angry bear. Help me figure out how to defend myself. I’ve got some sticks.” The octopus, impersonating B, fails to help. How could it succeed? The octopus has no referents, no idea what bears or sticks are. No way to give relevant instructions, like to go grab some coconuts and rope and build a catapult. A is in trouble and feels duped. The octopus is exposed as a fraud.
Annotating only to ask... why an octopus? Where are the eights.
bilge.world bilge.world
Chat GPT "Continue Writing"
Our current moment is just a fraction of that. From the explosion of independent music platforms like Bandcamp, the media industry has been made much easier to participate in than it’s ever been before. We are, however, still no closer to the ideal of a utopian future, the perfect combination of egalitarianism and technology that was once so tantalizingly within our grasp.
But something has changed. We are seeing a shift in the way we access, discover and consume music and art, and an awareness among both audiences and creators as to how these tools can be leveraged to achieve something greater. Bandcamp, for instance, has acted as something of a unifying force, connecting creatives from all walks of life, from all backgrounds and across all genres. Almost any musical genre imaginable is represented on the platform and, whether a rap connoisseur or a jazz enthusiast, there is a slice of the musical pie for everyone.
What’s more, the platform doesn’t just cater to the needs of fans, but also provides a space where producers, engineers and aspiring music entrepreneurs alike can create and collaborate, allowing them to access the tools they need to build up their careers. The barrier to entry has been lowered and this gives us something to believe in--that perhaps the music industry isn’t as fractured and disconnected as it once was.
It’s not just Bandcamp that has been doing this. Services such as SoundCloud and YouTube have been hugely instrumental in changing the way we discover and consume music and, in turn, how artists are perceived and distributed. By unifying audiences, providing much needed access to resources and providing a platform for collaboration, these services have helped level the playing field for independent artists, making it possible for them to reach wider and more diverse audiences than ever before.
It may be some time before the utopian vision of a world united by music becomes a reality, but the proliferation of independent music platforms and the tools they provide have made a significant step towards this ideal. We may never know what’s around the corner, but right now, all we can do is appreciate the progress that’s been made and continue to support platforms such as Bandcamp, SoundCloud and YouTube as they endeavor to change the music industry and make it accessible to everyone.
I asked ChatGPT to summarize this piece and it did an apt job, I think:
This article discusses the impact of Bandcamp, an online music distribution and curation platform, on independent artists and the music industry. The author praises Bandcamp's commitment to independent artists and transparency, and contrasts it with the issues faced by other streaming services. The article also explores the relationship between Bandcamp and SoundCloud, and the role of both platforms in the music industry. The author argues that Bandcamp's continued obscurity in mainstream media is due to its magnanimous approach to business, which is problematic and personally infuriating. The article concludes by discussing the future of Bandcamp and its potential to transform the music industry.
As the industry endeavors once again to reconcile the cultural and financial incentives of streaming digital music, one independent platform has wavered little from its 10-year-long mission to bring the business to the unsigned artist with elegance and integrity.
I asked ChatGPT to summarize this piece and it did an apt job, I think:
This article discusses the impact of Bandcamp, an online music distribution and curation platform, on independent artists and the music industry. The author praises Bandcamp's commitment to independent artists and transparency, and contrasts it with the issues faced by other streaming services. The article also explores the relationship between Bandcamp and SoundCloud, and the role of both platforms in the music industry. The author argues that Bandcamp's continued obscurity in mainstream media is due to its magnanimous approach to business, which is problematic and personally infuriating. The article concludes by discussing the future of Bandcamp and its potential to transform the music industry.
bilge.world bilge.world
OpenAI Generated Summary
This document is an opinion piece that delves into the concerns surrounding Google's power and influence in the tech industry. It discusses recent events such as Google's involvement with the Department of Defense and the leaked video "The Selfish Ledger," which explores the idea of Google manipulating user behavior. The author suggests that Google's dominance warrants greater regulation and urges individuals to consider using alternative services to avoid dependence on the company. The article also explores the inefficiencies of Google as a company and its questionable design choices for its products. Overall, the document is a thought-provoking analysis of the current state of the tech industry and the role of Google within it.
bilge.world bilge.world
Chat GPT Summary
The document provides an in-depth analysis of Telegram and its features. The author highlights several benefits of using Telegram, including its low-quality audio recording capabilities, which may be an advantage in some situations where high-quality audio is not necessary. Additionally, Telegram's live location sharing feature is discussed, and the author believes it could be a powerful tool for communities. The feature enables users to connect with others needing rides and users providing them, free of any fees or service charges.
The document concludes with a discussion of the author's preference for Telegram and its mobile-first optimization. Telegram's software is designed for mobile users, and it is easy to use, robust, and universally simple. The author believes that Telegram's success can be attributed to its thoughtful design decisions and development investment towards mobile-first optimization. Furthermore, the author points out that Telegram has completed a gargantuan amount of projects, including Telegraph, its CMS, its embeddedable comments widgets, and its online theme creation tool. The author notes that Telegram's work is very well-documented across GitHub, and the company has comprehensively iterated, invested in trial and error, and eventually produced tools that remedy the disparate gluttony.
Overall, the document provides a comprehensive analysis of Telegram and its benefits. The author's preference for Telegram is evident throughout the document, and they provide convincing arguments to support their preference. The document is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about Telegram and its features.
- Jan 2023
bilge.world bilge.world
I noticed fairly quickly that the iOS app was a re-branded release of what used to be Mast. My first instinct upon this discovery was to DM Mast's original developer, Shihab Meboob, on Twitter, but frankly, I've already bothered him enough there over the years, so it's understandable that I didn't hear back. When I downloaded the desktop app I found on Roma's web page and noticed its similarity to Whalebird, I decided to use the site's contact form to inquire about what exactly was going on as gingerly as I could. Happily, I received a reply just *minutes- later from Leo Radvinsky, head of Leo.com, “a Florida-based boutique venture capital fund that invests in technology companies:” Hi David, In both cases we funded the original developers of both Mast and Whalebird to create a branded whitelabel app specially made for Pleroma. The idea was to make Roma a cross platform brand/app. It didn't really work out so now we're working on a new app from scratch called Fedi for iOS and Android and releasing that as open source. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fediverse.app&hl=en*US&gl=US https://apps.apple.com/in/app/fedi-for-pleroma-and-mastodon/id1478806281 I think Roma has been removed from the app stores as it's no longer supported. Let me know if you have any other questions
...coming back to this, now. ...
joinmastodon.org joinmastodon.org
Change lists to be able to include accounts with pending follow requests
- Dec 2022
- Nov 2022
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
All at once, billions of people saw themselves as celebrities, pundits, and tastemakers.
...but what if some of them...didn't.
griefbacon.substack.com griefbacon.substack.com
The mythical city of Babel. Or any one story about the mythical city of Babel, or any story about a great lost city with a single language. The actual story of Babel is an origin story, a civilization’s creation myth, the loss and fracture of a dream that leads to a rebuilding that leads to the known world. Lots of cultures have some kind of myth like this, but what has always struck me about this one in particular is the open-mouthed longing its premise instantly compels: The whole world, speaking the same language. All at once the unknown made known, the twisting roads made navigable, and every stranger made into a friend. This dream is the same one that every lonely misfit growing up without friends or supportive family clings to when they survive their childhood by imagining that one day they will move to the city—whatever specific city that constitutes—and everything will be better, and everyone there will understand. That city is always a fiction, and always an invention, even when the kid really does move to the city and everyone there really does understand. Every place we love is a fiction, and so is every story we come up with about why we love it, or why we’re there, or what the city made possible, and what it gave us. An old friend of mine was once asked how she knew a mutual friend and, awkwardly avoiding the real answer, which was that they used to have sex, said “we know each other from the city.” Of course, how they really knew each other, before the sex, was from social media. But either way “we know each other from the city” seems all too accurate a way to say it. Twitter was the city and we all knew each other from the city. All of us on here lived for a while in the city of Babel, miraculously speaking one another’s language, the previous barriers that had kept us from connection removed, building marketplaces and town squares, and dark underground bars and fancy restaurants, building palaces and gardens and amphitheaters and houses and bedrooms and lecture halls and printing presses and offices. We all lived here in the city together, running into old friends and making friends with strangers on the walk to the grocery store and the train to work, eavesdropping on heartbreaks, and getting into arguments, and dodging the wild-eyed preachers screaming about the end of the world. Before I got on Twitter, I had always felt like I somehow never learned the language by which people were able to talk to one another, and make friends, and be in social spaces together, and know one another. And then, for a few years when the whole world was text, I suddenly had those skills, and I have to tell you, for a little while it really, truly felt like I would never be lonely again. I know that’s stupid. Of course it is. Anything anyone believes in with their whole heart is stupid; the drunk girls in the bathroom don’t actually have the key to all mythologies. But Twitter allowed me to enter the world, because it rendered the world into text, and in that form I had an all-at-once fluency in things that had been previously out of reach. It was a city and I made a home in it, and now that city is gone.Perhaps the myth of Babel offers a simpler truth: Cities live for a while and then they die. The spaces we inhabit blossom and decay, much like our own bodies that we place within them. We build something and it lasts until it doesn’t; we live our lives somewhere and no part of our experience exists beyond its borders, and then one day it’s gone, and persists only in our fractured, once-shared memories. Cities rise and fall; they are as easy to lose as any other type of love. We love things, and then something else happens. We live somewhere, and then no one lives there. The sand picks up the ruins and disfigures them, and the traces left behind look like not so much a record as a joke, sweeping away whatever seemed most permanent. Again and again we get the idea of permanence wrong: We think it means whatever matters most, when in fact it means nothing of the kind. But to engage against all our better instincts in that belief is what it is to love. These spaces were always temporary and always doomed; we behaved in them as though they would last not because we had any good reason to believe they would, but because we loved them, and because love became possible within them. If Twitter was ever utopian or even good or pleasant for any of its users, it certainly isn’t now, and likely wasn’t ever any of those things. I don’t mean to imply that it is, or even that it once was. I mean that I once thought it was, which is the difference between love and reality. Once I lived in a city, and in that city everyone could miraculously talk to one another, and then we couldn’t, or maybe had to admit that we never had been able to, and then one day the city was gone.
THANK YOU and thank god there was someone far more adept at referencing this Bible story than I. Was starting to get semi-legit worried.
The JFK assassination episode of Mad Men. In one long single shot near the beginning of the episode, a character arrives late to his job and finds the office in disarray, desks empty and scattered with suddenly-abandoned papers, and every phone ringing unanswered. Down the hallway at the end of the room, where a TV is blaring just out of sight, we can make out a rising chatter of worried voices, and someone starting to cry. It is— we suddenly remember— a November morning in 1963. The bustling office has collapsed into one anxious body, huddled together around a TV, ignoring the ringing phones, to share in a collective crisis.
May I just miss the core of this bit entirely and mention coming home to Betty on the couch, letting the kids watch, unsure of what to do.
And the fucking Campbells, dressed up for a wedding in front of the TV, unsure of what to do.
Though, if I might add, comparing Twitter to the abstract of television, itself, would be unfortunate, if unfortunately accurate, considering how much more granular the consumptive controls are to the user. Use Twitter Lists, you godforsaken human beings.
www.vice.com www.vice.com
the platform’s reliability is entirely dependent on which one you sign up for.
It's been fine for years! I understand the intention behind informing readers of what the onboarding experience is like at this very moment, but if you're going to be part of this absurdly latent, dense wave of folks suddenly giving Mastodon a try, I think it's important you be very explicit about your lack of experience before the most intense influx of users in the history of the Fediverse.
Joining Mastodon is undoubtably more complicated than starting a Twitter account.
Are you sure about this argument, Janus? Are you sure you comprehensively tried all methods of onboarding?
Mastodon is extremely messy compared to its shiny, centralized predecessors.
What in the God's name of the fuck are you talking about??
Well... I can't seem to get this webpage to render with the Hypothes.is sidebar alongside, so I'm going to have a go at just including entirety of the content in markdown format, annotated and presented in this same note.
Eugen Rochko Time Interview
["Thousands Have Joined Mastodon Since Twitter Changed Hands. Its Founder Has a Vision for Democratizing Social Media."]
Mastodon, a decentralized microblogging site named after an extinct type of mammoth, {I'm sorry... what??? You didn't even fucking ask, did you?} recorded 120,000 new users in the four days following billionaire Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, its German-born founder Eugen Rochko tells TIME. Many of them were Twitter users seeking a new place to call their online home.
Those users, whether they knew it or not, were following in the footsteps of Rochko, 29, who began coding Mastodon in 2016 after becoming disillusioned with Twitter. “I was thinking that being able to express myself online to my friends through short messages was very important to me, important also to the world, and that maybe it should not be in the hands of a single corporation,” Rochko says. “It was generally related to a feeling of distrust of the top down control that Twitter exercised.”
Mastodon, which proudly proclaims it is [“not for sale”] and has around [4.5 million] user accounts, is pretty similar to Twitter, once users get past the complicated sign-up process. The main difference is that it’s not one cohesive platform, but actually a collection of different, independently-run and self-funded servers. Users on different servers can still communicate with each other, but anybody can set up their own server, and set their own rules for discussion. Mastodon is a crowdfunded nonprofit, which funds the full-time work of Rochko—its sole employee—and several popular servers.
The platform doesn’t have the power to force server owners to do anything—even comply with basic content moderation standards. That sounds like a recipe for an online haven for far-right trolls. But in practice, many of Mastodon’s servers have stricter rules than Twitter, Rochko says. When hate-speech servers do appear, other servers can band together to block them, essentially ostracizing them from the majority of the platform. “I guess you could call it the democratic process,” Rochko says.
The recent influx from Twitter, Rochko says, has been a vindication. “It is a very positive thing to find that your work is finally being appreciated and respected and more widely known,” he says. “I have been working very, very hard to push the idea that there is a better way to do social media than what the commercial companies like Twitter and Facebook allow.”
TIME spoke with Rochko on Oct. 31.
This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.
What do you think of what Elon Musk is doing at Twitter?
I don’t know. The man is not entirely comprehensible. I don’t agree with a lot of his behaviors and his decision-making. I think that buying Twitter was an impulse decision that he soon regretted. And that he basically got himself into a situation that kind of forced him to commit to the deal. And now he’s in it, and he has to deal with the fallout.
I specifically disagree with his stance on free speech, because I think that it depends on your interpretation of what free speech means. If you allow the most intolerant voices to be as loud as they want to, you’re going to shut down voices of different opinions as well. So allowing free speech by just allowing all speech is not actually leading to free speech, it just leads to a cesspit of hate.
I think that is a very uniquely American idea of creating this marketplace of ideas where you can say anything you want completely without limits. It is very foreign to the German mindset where we, in our Constitution, our number one priority is maintaining human dignity. And so, hate speech is not part of the German concept of free speech, for example. So I think that when Elon Musk says that everything’s gonna be allowed, or whatever, I generally disagree with that.
How do you ensure on Mastodon, given that it’s decentralized and you don’t have the power to ban users, that the space is welcoming and safe?
Well, this is the kind of strange dichotomy of how it’s turned out. On the one hand, the technology itself is what allows basically anyone to host their own independent social media server, and to basically be able to do anything they want with it. There is no way for Mastodon, the company, or anyone really—except the normal law enforcement procedures—to really go after anyone specifically running a Mastodon server. The way that you would shut down a normal web site is how you would shut down a Mastodon server, there’s no difference there. So on that end, it kind of turns out to be the ultimate free speech platform. But obviously that’s basically just a side effect of creating a tool that can be used by anyone. It’s kind of like cars. Cars are used by everyone, even bad people, even for bad purposes, there’s nothing you can do about it, because the tool is out there. However, I think that the differentiating factor to something like Twitter or Facebook, is that on Mastodon, when you host your own server, you can also decide what rules you want to enforce on that server, which allows communities to create safer spaces than they could otherwise have on these large platforms that are interested in serving as many people as possible, perhaps driving engagement up on purpose to increase time people spend on the web.
You can have communities that have much stricter rules than Twitter has. And in practice, a lot of them are [stricter]. And this is part of where, again, the technology intersects with guidance or leadership from Mastodon the company. I think that, through the way that we communicate publicly, we have avoided attracting a crowd of the kind of people who you would find on Parler or Gab, or whatever other internet hate forums. Instead we’ve attracted the kind of people who would moderate against hate speech when running their own servers. Additionally, we also act as a guide for anyone who wants to join. Because on our website, and our apps, we provide a default list of curated servers that people can make accounts on. And through that, we make sure that we curate the list in such a way that any server that wants to be promoted by us has to agree to a certain basic set of rules, one of which is that no hate speech is allowed, no sexism, no racism, no homophobia, or transphobia. And through that, we ensure that the association between Mastodon, the brand, and the experience that people want is that of a much safer space than something like Twitter.
But what happens if you hateful people do set up a server?
Well, obviously, they don’t get promoted on our “Join Mastodon” website or in our app. So whatever they do, they do on their own and completely separately, and the other administrators that run their own Mastodon servers, when they find out that there’s a new hate speech server, they may decide that they don’t want to receive any messages from the server and block it on their end. Through, I guess you could call it the democratic process, the hateful server can get ostracized or can get split off into basically, a little echo chamber, which is, I guess, no better or worse than them being in some other echo chamber. ::The internet is full of spam::. It’s full of abuse, of course. Mastodon provides the facilities necessary to deal with unwanted content, both on the user end and on the operator end.
What made you want to go into building a service like this back in 2016?
I remember that I was just not very happy with Twitter, and I was worried where it was going to go from there. Something very questionable was in its future. That got me thinking that, you know, being able to express myself online to my friends through short messages was actually very important to me, important also to the world, and that maybe it should not be in the hands of a single corporation that can just do whatever it wants with it. I started working on my own thing. I called it Mastodon because I’m not good at naming things. I just chose whatever came to my mind at the time.(fn) There was obviously no ambition of going big with it at the time.
It must feel pretty special to see something that you made grow from nothing to where it is now.
Indeed, it is. It is a very positive thing to find that your work is finally being appreciated and respected and more widely known. I’ve been fighting for this for a long time, I started working on Mastodon in 2016, back then I had no ambitions of it going far at all. It was very much a hobbyist project at the start, then when I launched publicly it seemed to strike a chord with at least the tech community and that’s when I got the original Patreon supporters that allowed me to take on this job full time. And from then on I have been working very, very hard to make this platform as accessible and as easy to use for everyone as possible. And to push the idea forward, that there is a better way to do social media than what the commercial companies like Twitter and Facebook allow.
- Oct 2022
Some 18,000 people signed up for Mastodon accounts between October 20 and 27, says Eugen Rochko, the platform’s CEO. As of October 28, it had 381,113 active users. Mastodon’s Twitter handle is also being used a lot across Twitter by people announcing new Mastodon accounts, Rochko says.
SO... y'all tech media folks finally willing and able to acknowledge Mastodon's existence now?
culturedcode.com culturedcode.com
You can control Things on your Mac and iPad with keyboard shortcuts.
Yes, iPhone too, folks! I intend to test the entire suite out on my phone very soon. Kick my ass if I forget.
hardcoresoftware.learningbyshipping.com hardcoresoftware.learningbyshipping.com
On January 27, 2010, at a special press event billed as "Come see our latest creation," Steve Jobs unveiled the iPad.
Fuck. I forgot the iPad and I have the same goddamned birthday.
bilge.world bilge.world
Just now got around to updating the broken image links. Sorry about that!
- Sep 2022
matthewcassinelli.com matthewcassinelli.com
“Find Notes” can now retrieve more than 26 notes at a time
Also, this is not currently working.
Create Tab Group
I can't really see any reason for this action to exist without the ability to accept input (which it can't.) Automating the creation of an empty Tab Group doesn't make much sense but it sure would to automate moving tabs around.
mignano.substack.com mignano.substack.com
Is video making podcasts obsolete?
I'm two years shy of 30 and I've been listening to "podcasts" - that is, audio programs distributed over RSS - nearly every day since Middle School. In all of that time, the word - not the medium, I'd argue - podcast has been so unnecessarily stretched to oblivion. Before making statements like this... can we please just... try out a few different words to describe what we're talking about here?
I listen to content because I be Doin Something dog. Cannot and will not look, and the extra production time required to just make a video version has continued to cause friction with the sort of content I actually want to hear.
davidblue.wtf davidblue.wtf
David Blue 0716YYYY-153953
Here's the beginning of my true falling out with the Obsidian community.
I took a sec to upload the Speech Synthesis + a whole bunch of different document export formats to a dedicated Archive.org page.
www.niemanlab.org www.niemanlab.org
The editor’s still very good.
...bro. No.
He was funny, too: when I asked what we should expect from Medium over the next few quarters, he deadpanned: “I’m hoping to pivot every three months.”
I would like to annotate: lmao.
Thank you.
- Aug 2022
docs.github.com docs.github.com
You can link to a particular row by clicking the row number, or select multiple rows by holding down the shift key. Just copy the URL and send it to a friend.
I am semi-legitimately angry I am just now finding out about this.
Here's an example that actually works!
support.apple.com support.apple.com
Import notes on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch You can import Evernote Export files (.enex files) to Notes on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Each .enex file can include one or many notes. When you import an .enex file, each note from Evernote will be converted to a new note in Notes. Before you import to your Notes app, send yourself the .enex file via email or save it to iCloud Drive from your computer. Use Mail Open Mail and tap the email with the file that you want to import to Notes. Touch and hold the file, tap Share, then tap Notes. After your file downloads, you get a confirmation message. Tap Import Notes. Use the Files app Open the Files app and go to the file that you want to import to Notes. Touch and hold the file, tap Share, then tap Notes. After your file downloads, you get a confirmation message. Tap Import Notes. When you open the Notes app and select your iCloud notes, a new folder appears called Imported Notes. If you're not using Notes with iCloud, the new folder appears in the On My Device notes.
Stumbling across obscure/obscured shit like this in these operating systems used to be legitimately fun but uh... Well, it's been a while.
It works ridiculously well though! As in, the import process can handle far too many notes far too quickly for the device's actual ability to index them lol.
www.vanityfair.com www.vanityfair.com
Third, as he explains, he actually doesn’t like driving. Not this kind, the kind the rest of us do, with traffic in two directions, and pedestrians, and junctions, and nothing clear-cut to prove. In fact, he rarely does it. “I just think that I find it stressful,” he says. “I try not to do things that don’t add to my life.” And then he adds—a statement said with sincerity—“Look, we’re on these roads, anything can happen.”
Apologies if this comes off as cruel, but it is just Plain Dumb to indulge this reaction to people in motorsports expressing disdain/anxiety regarding driving on These Got Damned Streets.
They have literally been saying it... over and over again... for more than half the history of the whole idea.
That said, what bothers me most is that we somehow manage to continue remarking car man don't like car!! haha! while managing to not reflect on what - if anything - that might indicate about this thing we do that is vaguely adjacent to what they're basically professors in.
As in, actual authorities in technique.
developer.spotify.com developer.spotify.com
limitintegerThe maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.>= 0<= 50Default value:20Example value:10
I find it hilariously telling that Spotify's official, very-credentialed own Web API will not retrieve more than 50 fucking tracks from a playlist lmao.
(I lied to you just then. I find it makes me want to commit systematic acts of violence on myself.) - WTF
- Jul 2022
fileinfo.com fileinfo.com
If you do not have an iOS device or a machine running OS X to open your IMOVIEMOBILE file, you can still access its contents. First, copy the IMOVIEMOBILE file, rename the file extension to "zip", decompress the file, and the project content will be in a folder called "Assets." You can then open the original content in a video editing program.
It's not rational, but I'd like to note how angy I am with myself in retrospect for not looking this up before. I have literally given up on old project files because I assumed the video was unretrievable and then... I just did this on my iPad in a matter of seconds lol.