42 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. More than 95% of people could be using a computer from 2008 or before without any problems. Needing a recent machine is limited to people who: Do extreme, professional, processor-intensive video-rendering. Compile massive programs and operating systems with severe time constraints. Play recent triple AAA video-games on high settings. Use many massive Electron apps and other inexcusably bad software written by soydevs and other people who shouldn't be writing software.

      Next, I need to find out how to fit this sentiment on a bumper sticker.

  2. Aug 2022
    1. limitintegerThe maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.>= 0<= 50Default value:20Example value:10

      I find it hilariously telling that Spotify's official, very-credentialed own Web API will not retrieve more than 50 fucking tracks from a playlist lmao.

      (I lied to you just then. I find it makes me want to commit systematic acts of violence on myself.) - WTF

  3. Apr 2022
  4. Mar 2022
  5. Feb 2022
    1. Tyler Black, MD. (2022, January 4). /1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thread: Mortality in 2020 and myths =-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2020, unsurprisingly, came with excess death. There was an 18% increase in overall mortality, year on year. But let’s dive in a little bit deeper. The @CDCgov has updated WONDER, its mortality database. Https://t.co/DbbvvbTAZQ [Tweet]. @tylerblack32. https://twitter.com/tylerblack32/status/1478501508132048901

    1. Adele Groyer. (2022, January 8). Friday report is now out. Https://covidactuaries.org/2022/01/07/the-friday-report-issue-58/ I am struck that perception of a “mild” Covid situation is relative. In SA natural deaths were >30% higher than predicted in Dec. The last time weekly death rates in E&W were more than 30% above 2015-19 levels was in Jan 2021. Https://t.co/S9fkn2WFVk [Tweet]. @AdeleGroyer. https://twitter.com/AdeleGroyer/status/1479760460589191170

  6. Jan 2022
    1. Ariel Karlinsky. (2022, January 2). Russia at 1.04 MILLION excess deaths since March 2020, which is about 240% higher than their reported COVID-19 deaths. This is 1st place worldwide (for countries with data) in absolute excess mortality, 2nd place on per capita terms and 9th on p-score. #poptwitter #epitwitter https://t.co/aLBRRht3z2 [Tweet]. @ArielKarlinsky. https://twitter.com/ArielKarlinsky/status/1477531141510946818

  7. Dec 2021
  8. Jun 2021
  9. Mar 2021
  10. Feb 2021
  11. Dec 2020
  12. Oct 2020
  13. Sep 2020
  14. Aug 2020
  15. Jul 2020
  16. Jun 2020
  17. May 2020