7 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. Changing the second line to: foo.txt text !diff would restore the default unset-ness for diff, while: foo.txt text diff will force diff to be set (both will presumably result in a diff, since Git has presumably not previously been detecting foo.txt as binary).

      comments for tag: undefined vs. null: Technically this is undefined (unset, !diff) vs. true (diff), but it's similar enough that don't need a separate tag just for that.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: undefined/unset vs. null/set

    1. Unspecified No pattern matches the path, and nothing says if the path has or does not have the attribute, the attribute for the path is said to be Unspecified.
    2. Unset The path has the attribute with special value "false"; this is specified by listing the name of the attribute prefixed with a dash - in the attribute list.
  2. Apr 2022
    1. 4.3.9 undefined value primitive value used when a variable has not been assigned a value 4.3.11 null value primitive value that represents the intentional absence of any object value
  3. Nov 2021
  4. Mar 2021
  5. Feb 2021
    1. There are times where it is useful to know whether a value was passed to run or the result of a filter default. In particular, it is useful when nil is an acceptable value.

      Yes! An illustration in ruby:

      main > h = {key_with_nil_value: nil}
      => {:key_with_nil_value=>nil}
      main > h[:key_with_nil_value]
      => nil
      main > h[:missing_key]  # this would be undefined in JavaScript (a useful distinction) rather than null, but in Ruby it's indistinguishable from the case where a nil value was actually explicitly _supplied_ by the caller/user
      => nil
      # so we have to check for "missingness" ("undefinedness"?) differently in Ruby
      main > h.key?(:key_with_nil_value)
      => true
      main > h.key?(:missing_key)
      => false

      This is one unfortunate side effect of Ruby having only nil and no built-in way to distinguish between null and undefined like in JavaScript.