4 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2021
blog.decipher.dev blog.decipher.dev
Determine if the string's length is greater than num. Return the string truncated to the desired length, with '...' appended to the end of the original string. Copyconst ellipsis = (str: string, num: number = str.length, ellipsisStr = "...") => str.length >= num ? str.slice(0, num >= ellipsisStr.length ? num - ellipsisStr.length : num) + ellipsisStr : str;
Check whether a value is defined (non-nullable), meaning it is neither `null` or `undefined`. This can be useful as a type guard, as for example, `[1, null].filter(Boolean)` does not always type-guard correctly.
import {isDefined} from 'ts-extras'; [1, null, 2, undefined].filter(isDefined); //=> [1, 2]