111 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
    1. comprehensive policies supporting community-agreed practices

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    2. Providing data services e.g. portal and machine interfaces, data download or server-side processing.

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    3. A TRUSTworthy repository needs to focus on serving its target user community. Each user community likely has differing expectations from their community repositories, depending in part on the community’s maturity regarding data management and sharing. A TRUSTworthy repository is embedded in its target user community’s data practices, and so can respond to evolving community requirements

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    4. TRUSTworthy repositories take responsibility for the stewardship of their data holdings and for serving their user community.

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    5. Terms of use, both for the repository and for the data holdings.

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    6. The adoption of technological capabilities should be completed in conjunction with the organizational, managerial and stewardship capabilities that facilitate the continuing use of a data repository’s holdings

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    7. Adhering to the designated community’s metadata and curation standards, along with providing stewardship of the data holdings e.g. technical validation, documentation, quality control, authenticity protection, and long-term persistence.

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    8. A repository depends on the interaction of people, processes, and technologies to support secure, persistent, and reliable services. Its activities and functions are supported by software, hardware, and technical services.

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    9. Implementing relevant and appropriate standards, tools, and technologies for data management and curation

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    10. Implementing relevant data metrics and making these available to users.

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    11. Having plans and mechanisms in place to prevent, detect, and respond to cyber or physical security threats

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    12. Providing (or contributing to) community catalogues to facilitate data discovery.

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    13. To fulfill this role, TDRs must demonstrate essential and enduring capabilities necessary to enable access and reuse of data over time for the communities they serve

      TRSP desirable Characteristics

    1. Encoding of PID Policy

    2. TRSP Desirable Characteristics PID services and PID Managers SHOULD have clear versioning policies.

    3. TRSP Desirable Characteristics The PID manager MUST provide the functionality required to maintain PID attributes.

    4. TRSP Desirable Characteristics PID Service SHOULD resolve at least p percent of PIDs in a randomised sample, where p is determined by community and dependency expectations.

    5. TRSP Desirable Characteristics PID Service Providers MUST have a clear sustainability and succession plan with an exit strategy that guarantees the continuity of the resolution of its PIDs registered with the service.

    6. TRSP Desirable Characteristics PID Service Providers SHOULD document a summary of their maintenance and availability provisions publicly.

    7. TRSP Desirable Characteristics PID Services MUST meet 999 availability and uptime.

    8. TRSP Desirable Characteristics The PID Manager MUST maintain the integrity of the relationship between entities and their PIDs, in conformance to a PID Scheme defined by a PID Authority.

    9. TRSP Desirable Characteristics PID Manager MUST ensure that the entity remains linked to the PID. In case that the entity being identified is deleted or ceases to exist, tombstone information needs to be included in the PID attribute set.

    10. TRSP Desirable Characteristics PID Services SHOULD aim for a persistence median that is acceptable to and aligns with community and dependency expectations.

    11. TRSP Desirable Characteristics The PID manager SHOULD provide policies and contractual arrangements for transfer of ownership should the owner no longer be able to assume responsibilities in compliance with the policy.

    12. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Services MUST be available to all researchers in the EU.

    13. TRSP Desirable Characteristics The basic services of PID registration and resolution SHALL have no cost to end users.

    14. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Physical and conceptual entities MUST be represented via a digital representation (e.g. landing page, metadata, attribute set, database index) to have a presence in the digital landscape.

    15. TRSP Desirable Characteristics PID Authorities and Services MUST agree to be certified with a mutually agreed frequency in respect of policy compliance.

    16. TRSP Desirable Characteristics A PID Service infrastructure MUST be at a minimum technology readiness level of 8. This applies to basic services (registration, resolution).

    17. TRSP Desirable Characteristics The PID Manager MUST maintain entity metadata as accurately as possible in collaboration with the PID Owner. This copy is the authoritative version.

    1. TRSP Desirable Characteristics It is recognised that a repository may offer different levels of curation to different digital objects.

    2. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Support to users during or after submission: does the repository have a contact point (e.g. helpdesk email or contact form) to assist data depositors and data users?

    3. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Deposit and access agreements or licenses.

    4. TRSP Desirable Characteristics The repository is managed on well-supported operating systems and other core infrastructural software and hardware appropriate to the services it provides to its Designated Community.

    5. TRSP Desirable Characteristics The repository applies documented processes to ensure data and metadata storage and integrity.

    6. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Digital object management takes place according to defined workflows from deposit to access

    7. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      The repository must obtain all necessary rights from the depositor, and demonstrate that there are sufficient controls in place to ensure they are applied and monitored.

    8. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      The repository addresses technical quality and standards compliance, and ensures that sufficient information is available for end users to make quality-related evaluations.

    9. TRSP Desirable Characteristics The repository assumes responsibility for long-term preservation and manages this function in a planned and documented way.

    10. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      The repository accepts data and metadata based on defined criteria to ensure relevance and understandability for users.

    11. TRSP Requirements and Desirable Characteristics

    12. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      The repository approach to changing and versioning data and metadata. How the approach and records of changes are communicated to data depositors and users.

    13. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      The repository has adequate funding and sufficient numbers of staff managed through ac lear system of governance to effectively carry out the mission.

    14. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      The repository enables users to discover the digital objects and refer to them in a persistent way through proper citation.

    15. TRSP Desireable Characteristics

      ... repository must identify the skills necessary to deliver the services it offers, and source and maintain those skills either as internal resources or through external engagement.

    1. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Data governance should take into account the potential future use and future harm based on ethical frameworks grounded in the values and principles of the relevant Indigenous community. Metadata should acknowledge the provenance and purpose and any limitations or obligations in secondary use inclusive of issues of consent.

    2. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Ethical processes address imbalances in power, resources, and how these affect the expression of Indigenous rights and human rights. Ethical processes must include representation from relevant Indigenous communities

    3. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Ethical data are data that do not stigmatise or portray Indigenous Peoples, cultures, or knowledges in terms of deficit. Ethical data are collected and used in ways that align with Indigenous ethical frameworks and with rights affirmed in UNDRIP. Assessing ethical benefits and harms should be done from the perspective of the Indigenous Peoples, nations, or communities to whom the data relate

    4. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Resources must be provided to generate data grounded in the languages, worldviews, and lived experiences (including values and principles) of Indigenous Peoples.

    5. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Use of Indigenous data invokes a reciprocal responsibility to enhance data literacy within Indigenous communities and to support the development of an Indigenous data workforce and digital infrastructure to enable the creation, collection, management, security, governance, and application of data

    6. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Indigenous data use is unviable unless linked to relationships built on respect, reciprocity, trust, and mutual understanding, as defined by the Indigenous Peoples to whom those data relate. Those working with Indigenous data are responsible for ensuring that the creation, interpretation, and use of those data uphold, or are respectful of, the dignity of Indigenous nations and communities.

    7. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Indigenous Peoples have the right to develop cultural governance protocols for Indigenous data and be active leaders in the stewardship of, and access to, Indigenous data especially in the context of Indigenous Knowledge

    8. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Indigenous Peoples have the right to data that are relevant to their world views and empower self-determination and effective self-governance. Indigenous data must be made available and accessible to Indigenous nations and communities in order to support Indigenous governance.

    9. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Indigenous Peoples have rights and interests in both Indigenous Knowledge and Indigenous data. Indigenous Peoples have collective and individual rights to free, prior, and informed consent in the collection and use of such data, including the development of data policies and protocols for collection.

    10. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Indigenous data are grounded in community values, which extend to society at large. Any value created from Indigenous data should benefit Indigenous communities in an equitable manner and contribute to Indigenous aspirations for wellbeing.

    11. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Data enrich the planning, implementation, and evaluation processes that support the service and policy needs of Indigenous communities. Data also enable better engagement between citizens, institutions, and governments to improve decision-making. Ethical use of open data has the capacity to improve transparency and decision-making by providing Indigenous nations and communities with a better understanding of their peoples, territories, and resources. It similarly can provide greater insight into third-party policies and programs affecting Indigenous Peoples.

    12. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Governments and institutions must actively support the use and reuse of data by Indigenous nations and communities by facilitating the establishment of the foundations for Indigenous innovation, value generation, and the promotion of local self-determined development processes

    13. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Indigenous Peoples’ rights and wellbeing should be the primary concern.

    14. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Data ecosystems shall be designed and function in ways that enable Indigenous Peoples to derive benefit from the data.

    15. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Indigenous Peoples’ rights and interests in Indigenous data must be recognised and their authority to control such data be empowered. Indigenous data governance enables Indigenous Peoples and governing bodies to determine how Indigenous Peoples, as well as Indigenous lands, territories, resources, knowledges and geographical indicators, are represented and identified within data.

    16. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Those working with Indigenous data have a responsibility to share how those data are used to support Indigenous Peoples’ self determination and collective benefit. Accountability requires meaningful and openly available evidence of these efforts and the benefits accruing to Indigenous Peoples.

    1. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Mechanism and process to make and track edits to a dataset after deposition: does the repository enable modification to the submitted dataset (e.g., to correct it or append additional information)? Is there a process to distinguish, link and access all versions of the data?

    2. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Licence or terms of use for reuse of existing data in the repository; these can be the same for every dataset in the repository, or vary from dataset to dataset: what are the conditions under which one can reuse the data?

    3. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Policy that details how the preservation of the data is ensured: does the repository have a page, or document that describes this?

    4. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Deposition of data: are there any restrictions (e.g. by location, country, organisation, etc.) or can anyone from anywhere deposit data?

    5. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Contact info (for the person, depositor, producer or owner, ideally with ORCID; or organisation) of the data: does the repository keep and show this information?

    6. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      A mechanism to enable link datasets to related articles or pre-prints: does the repository enable this at submission stage or post-submission?

    7. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Mechanism and process for sharing deposited data via a link anonymously (or otherwise depending on journal policy regarding open/closed review): does the repository allow confidential access to the data for peer-review? Does the repository also have capability for double blind peer review?

    8. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Contact (person or organisation) for the record in FAIRsharing that describes the repository: has the owner or maintainer of the repository claimed the record and vetted its descriptions? Although records in FAIRsharing are curated by its in-house team, the participation of the owner or maintainer of the repository helps verifying the information and tracking the evolution of the resource."

    9. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Plan that gives information about sustainability plans for the repository: does the repository have a webpage, or document that describes these?

    10. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      The life cycle status of the repository: is it still being developed or in production and accepting data submissions? The latter does not exclude that some (re)development, enhancement or maintenance may be ongoing, as happens in any mature system.

    11. TRSP Desirable Characteristics The higher-level subject areas/disciplines the repository covers, as well as cross-disciplinary domains, such as the types or data, technology and study.

    12. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Globally unique and Persistent IDentifiers (PIDs): does the repository assign them to the deposited data? Which type of identifier schema is used?

    13. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      The type of funding (e.g. grants, donations, memberships) and the organisation(s) that fund the repository.

    14. TRSP Desirable Characteristics Review and annotation of the data performed by the repository (e.g. via a data submission tool that enforces some curation, or by its curation team): are there a set of minimum curation steps that repository performs on the submitted data? Is there a webpage or document that describes the type of curation done? This criteria is also related to the Data and Metadata Standards criteria.

    15. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      The community-defined standards the repository implements to enable the representation of data and/or metadata in a consistent, machine readable form (e.g. via models, formats, schemas, vocabularies, ontologies). These standards facilitate the discovery and interpretation of data and/or metadata.

    16. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Data access mechanisms and terms to define access at repository and/or dataset level: what is the process through which access can be requested (and granted)? For example, is the data is freely available or subject to a request and approval process.

    17. 10.5281/zenodo.4084762

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Certification schemes and/or community badges that assess certain aspects of the repository (e.g., its fitness, trustworthiness, adoption): does the repository have any?

    1. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Policies that explain the repository’s commitment and processes that ensure the long-term preservation, fitness, and availability of datasets.

    2. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Earning a certification, typically by means of a third party audit or community endorsement process, presents evidence that a repository meets a formal standard and adheres to a set of best, professional practices.

    3. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      The terms of reuse of datasets that are provided by a repository

    4. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Policies for who can view and access a dataset and under what conditions.

    5. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Policies that explain what datasets the repository will accept for deposit, from whom, and under what conditions, including costs.

    6. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Curatorial services performed by repository functionality or personnel that enhance or otherwise add value to datasets and create purposeful collections of data.

    7. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Format/s of the metadata that describes datasets in a repository

    8. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      The repository provides or utilises persistent identifiers.

    9. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), service endpoints, and other protocol interfaces that enable machine access to a repository.

    10. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      The subject classification of datasets in a repository.

    11. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      A general description of the data repository.

    12. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      Contact information for the data repository

    13. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      The organization responsible for the data repository

    14. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      The native language of the user interface of the repository

    15. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      The country in which the repository operates

    16. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

      The uniform resource locator (URL) that serves as the homepage and primary entry point for accessing the repository on the World Wide Web.

    17. TRSP Desirable Characteristics The name that the repository provides and what users commonly call the repository.

  2. Jun 2024
    1. Managing the intellectual property rights of data producers

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    2. and the security of the system and its content

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    3. TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    4. Ensuring sustainability of a TRUSTworthy repository is necessary to ensure uninterrupted access to its valuable data holdings for current and future user communities. Continued access to data is dependent upon the ability of the repository to provide services over time, and to respond with new or improved services to meet evolving user community requirements.

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    5. Planning sufficiently for risk mitigation, business continuity, disaster recovery, and succession.

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    6. Continued access to data is dependent upon the ability of the repository to provide services over time, and to respond with new or improved services to meet evolving user community requirements

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    7. Managing the intellectual property rights of data producers, the protection of sensitive information resources, and the security of the system and its content.

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics

    8. repositories should ensure that, at a minimum, the mission statement and scope of the repository are clearly stated

      TRSP Desirable Characteristics