8 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. Every event graph has a single root event with no parent

      Weird. That means one user must start a topic. Whereas a topic like "Obama" could be started by multiple folks, not knowing about each other, later on discovering and interconnecting their reasoning, if they so wish.

  2. Apr 2023
    1. and passes the DaubertgatekeepingExpert testimony on parental alienation “aided the court by providing a counterintuitiveexplanation as to the dynamics...present in [the] situation.”Expert testimony met the threshold level of reliability ~ DaubertstandardSupreme Judicial Court of Maine(Bergin v Bergin, __ A.3d __ (2019)) (2019 WL 3788326
    2. The phenomenon of PA is “well known”...-“Thephenomenaofparentalalienationarewellrecognizedinternationallyand,s a d l y,arefrequentlyallegedorencounteredincustodyandvisitationlitigation....Thespecificterm‘parentalalienation’doesnotyetappearasa psychiatricdiagnosisintheofficialclassificationoftheAmericanPsychiatricAssociation,althoughitsfeaturescommonlymaybesubsumedunderoneormoreotherdiagnosticcategories...”McClainv. McClain, 539S. W.3d 170,182(2017)(CourtofAppealsofTennessee
  3. Aug 2022
    1. s considered the resource—or at least the authoritative description of i

      what does it mean "authoritative description" of a resource?



  4. Aug 2021
  5. Jul 2020