1,778 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. Gugliano said, so she found Gregg competent to stand trial

      WTF? So "can remember facts" and "no concerning memory lapses", to you, equals capacity for doing rational thought? What fucking half-ass clinical protocol are you following? You're a murderer

    2. it could have been her own inner dialogue and she didn’t recognize it

      Listen to the words you just said. "Her own internal monologue....but didn't recognize it". What exactly do you think hearing voices is, as defined clinically??

    3. blackouts, she said she thought that was what had happened during the incident

      Exactly what would be expected in PD. When anxiety or anxiety triggers occur, this is when decoupling is happening. Reality processing > alogia and dissociation > full personality dissociative splitting

    1. patient can keep producing insulin naturally in the coming years, s

      DUDE...Fucking B cell depletion CAR T therapy to cure the autoimmune disease. Autologous stem cells to regenerate the organ.

    2. Two and a half months later, the woman's lifelong dependence on injected insulin came to an end – completely reversing her long-term, hard-to-control diabetes.


    1. reversal of inflammation and fibrosis

      Reversal of fibrosis. .... REVERSAL

    2. achieved complete B-cell depletion, including B cells implicated in the pathophysiology of their autoimmune disorders.

      WOW..... That's a cure to AA disease.

    1. Rarely, vigorous exercise triggers a widespread, potentially severe allergic (anaphylactic) reaction. In some people, this reaction occurs only if they eat a specific food (especially wheat or shrimp) before exercising. Breathing becomes difficult or blood pressure falls, leading to dizziness and collapse. An anaphylactic reaction can be life threatening.

      Interesting. ..... Exactly what happened to me

    1. Iron is a potential therapeutic target for IRI (Fig. 4). Clinical studies have shown that children with following severe ischemic-anoxic insult have significantly increased iron levels in multiple areas of the brain


    1. Probably the long-term health effects we see in people who are supposed to be recovered from an acute infection are actually due to persistence of virus

      Does the IFN cell metabolism/protein synthesis shut down switch actually aid in the concealment of virus, ESPECIALLY for viruses that produce a stage 1 expression Exploit to deactivate host intracellular viral sensing and antigen presenting proteins to avoid early phase detection and slip into the nucleus, vesicles, or other niches where they hide, secreting low levels of vital protein which triggers chronic IFN response, but hinders antigen presentation and does not present a strongly overt enough cell takeover, which is sided by supression by the chronic IFN expression, to allow extracellular IGs or WBCs to detect and eradicate it. In fact WBCs are continuously chemotaxis-ly signaled to infiltrate, but they only mill around unable to find the offending signal source and shut it down.

    2. Once the infected immune cells were eliminated, the signs of damage diminished


    3. Moreover, the presence of the virus changed the behavior of the infected immune cells, causing them to become more inflammatory than the uninfected immune cells

      Just like found in LC and other chronic disease monocytes etc al

    1. destroys RNA within the cells to further reduce protein synthesis of both viral and host genes.


    2. to reduce protein synthesis within the cell


    3. Monocytes and macrophages can also produce large amounts of type I interferons when stimulated by viral molecular patterns


    1. fibroblast growth factors and vascular endothelial growth factors stimulate blood vessel

      Fibrosis, VEGF... Does VEGF activate endothelial dysfunction?

    2. , epidermal growth factor (EGF)


    3. promote cell differentiation and maturation,

      CD8 T cell exhaustion?

  2. Sep 2024
    1. hypoxia also inhibits chicken ovalbumin upstream

      This mean HIF down regulates albumin? This would mean loss of glycocalyx and blood cleanup and protection by albumin

    2. Treatment with inhibitors of TGF β1 receptor and ANTXR2 significantly attenuates hypoxia-induced cell adhesio


    3. produce collagens,

      Is this why my skin stayed unwrinkled

    4. Hypoxia is common at the beginning


    5. initiation of hypoxia is one of the main causes of AKI

      ...and nobody said anything. Nobody said AKI. Nobody said microvascular risk

    6. rapid failure of kidney function, usually caused by decreased blood flow
    7. capacity of Hif-1 to downregulate fatty acid β-oxidation

      .....hence Keto's surprising efficacy.

      FURTHER, IF THAT'S TRUE, KETO IS A TREATMENT FOR "INDUCED HYPOXIC" CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASES. And also gives causative explanation to my improvement, albeit arduous, while keto dieting.

    8. overexpressing Hif-1α in adipocytes have elevated obesity and insulin resistance associated with increased inflammation and fibrosis


    9. Hypoxia alters several key metabolic processes including glucose uptake, glycolysis, oxidative metabolism, lipolysis, and lipogenesis in adipocytes.


    10. leptin, visfatin, apelin, TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, VEGF, MMP2, MMP9, angiopoietin-like protein-4, macrophage migration inhibitory factor, and PAI-1 expression


      And PAI-1

    11. show that HIF-1α and HIF-2α inhibit insulin signaling



      This may be why keto is so effective, particularly in people who have tried and failed with many prior diets, because keto is the only non drug way to overcome HIF.

      FURTHER, this very strongly explains why obese people are do dam SOB...and why (and offering a profound demonstration of causative relationship: inflammation-hypoxia (fitness/fatness)-blood flow-acidosis-(smoking/alcohol)-deatj/cancer/fibrosis/degenerative disease) they die so early

    1. pronounced circadian variation in PAI-1 plasma levels with the highest concentration present in the morning a

      Another mechanism explaining sleep inertia

    1. Rapid fluctuations in t-PA concentration can be observed in response to exercise, venous occlusion, alcohol and drugs

      Very interesting

    2. Tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) is the principal endogenous activator of plasminogen in blood. It is produced as a single-chain molecule by the vascular endothelial cells and is secreted into the plasma continuously or by an acute release reaction following stimulation of certain endothelial cell receptors

      If all the endothelium is immune activated due that mean tPA production grinds to a halt?

    3. The opposite effect is observed in the presence of anions, in particular with Cl-, which stabilizes the closed form of Glu-plasminogen rendering plasminogen poorly activatable.

      So acidosis is preventing plasminogen from activating

    1. point-of-care ultrasound can be used to measure optic nerve sheath diameter for detection of increased intracranial pressure


    1. Unless specific tests are used to detect hypoperfusion (transcranial Doppler, perfusion CT, or direct cerebral blood flow measurement) it will go unnoticed, low PbtO2 will be deemed unreliable, or no causes will be identified
    2. Awakening was in fact reported as the cause of low PbtO


      This provides mechanism explanation for SLEEP INERTIA.

    3. it must be realized that PaO2 required for a few days after brain injury to overcome a diffusion barrier is probably higher than 100 mm Hg. 20,24


    4. Diffusion of oxygen from the capillary to the neuron is actually the rate-limiting step of oxygen delivery 22


    1. switch from carbohydrate metabolism to lipid metabolism for cellular energy supply.[30][31][32] This metabolic switch limits anaerobic metabolism and the formation of lactate, a herald of poor prognosis and multi-organ failure (MOF) after I/R injury. In addition, the increase in lipid metabolism generates ketone bodies and activates peroxisome proliferating-activated receptors (PPARs), both of which have been shown to be protective against I/R injury


    2. Superoxide dismutase edit Superoxide dismutase is an effective anti-oxidant enzyme which converts superoxide anions to water and hydrogen peroxide. Recent researches have shown significant therapeutic effects on pre-clinical models of reperfusion injury after ischemic stroke


    3. resulting in mitochondrial dysfunction and collapse. Upon collapse, the calcium is then released to overwhelm the next mitochondria in a cascading series of events that cause mitochondrial energy production supporting the cell to be reduced or stopped completely

      Wow.. Widespread mitochondrial death. This explains the need for necessary recovery period for mitochondria to be reproduced. Also makes clear an obvious mechanism why aerobic training, which increases mitochondria numbers, substantially increases aerobic endurance & speed, reduction in both ROS and Lactic Acidosis, thus pain, disease, and early death.

    4. Hypothermia has been shown to help moderate intracranial pressure and therefore to minimize the harmful effect of a patient's inflammatory immune responses


    5. hypothermia


      A reoccurring theme. The importance of temperature effect and control..

    6. FMN loss by complex I and I/R injury can be alleviated by the administration of FMN precursor, riboflavin

      RIBOFLAVIN TREATMENT for cerebral hypoxia

    7. brain ischemia/reperfusion injury is mediated via complex I redox-dependent inactivation.[5] It was found that lack of oxygen leads to conditions in which mitochondrial complex I loses its natural cofactor, flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and become inactive.[6] When oxygen is present the enzyme catalyzes a physiological reaction of NADH oxidation by ubiquinone, supplying electrons downstream of the respiratory chain (complexes III and IV). Ischemia leads to dramatic increase of succinate level.[7] In the presence of succinate mitochondria catalyze reverse electron transfer so that fraction of electrons from succinate is directed upstream to FMN of complex I.[8] Reverse electron transfer results in a reduction of complex I FMN, increased generation of ROS, followed by a loss of the reduced cofactor (FMNH2) and impairment of mitochondria energy production.[8]

      There's the observed metabolic "mitochondrial" disorder seen in LC

    8. Repeated bouts of ischemia and reperfusion injury also are thought to be a factor leading to the formation and failure to heal
    9. major part in the biochemistry of hypoxic brain injury in stroke


    10. White blood cells may also bind to the endothelium of small capillaries, obstructing them and leading to more ischemia.[2]


    11. oxygen within cells that damages cellular proteins, DNA, and the plasma membrane.

      High ANA

    12. . White blood cells, carried to the area by the newly returning blood, release a host of inflammatory factors such as interleukins as well as free radicals in response to tissue damage.[2
    13. often associated with microvascular injury, particularly due to increased permeability of capillaries and arterioles that lead to an increase of diffusion and fluid filtration across the tissues


      Be thinking also then: * Cerebral edema * Joint swelling * DOMS

    1. showing a possible reduction in the overall systemic inflammatory process

      Not surprising many LC patients are reporting relief using this.

    2. but antioxidant drugs, control of blood glucose levels, and hemodilution (thinning of the blood) coupled with drug-induced hypertension are some treatment techniques currently under investigation

      Exactly what I'm trying to do. Appears many others understand its logic too

    1. excitotoxicity

      Likely contributing cause to post stimulant malaise.

    2. promotes calcium influx through N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Calcium influx exacerbates neuronal injury by activating lytic enzymes, precipitating free radical formation, and interfering with mitochondrial function.

      Why NMDA antagonists are standard of care treatment option for acidosis.

    3. contributes to intracellular sodium accumulation and cytotoxic edema

      Acidosis would both exacerbate this or mimic this.. Accumulation of Na+ causes overly sustained membrane voltage switch (depolarization) and excitotoxic high pulse rate firing off action potential. Acidosis [e.g. Lactic] is accumulation of H+ resulting in the same depolarization effect.

      Said another way, cerebral acidosis results in the same pathology as starving the brain of oxygen.

    1. reductions in motivational deficits were associated with heightened responses in a brain network
    2. improved motivation was mediated by the observed changes in TNF signaling
    3. alterations in brain activity
    4. greater willingness to exert effort in pursuit of rewards
    5. effort-based decision-making task,
    6. Over two weeks,
    7. potent anti-inflammatory medication used to treat rheumatoid arthritis
    8. persistent inflammation, which suppresses activity
    9. circuits in the brain.
    10. improved motivation in depressed
    11. Brain activity in motivation-related areas increased
    12. Anti-inflammatory Drug Boosts Motivation in Depression
    13. correlating with changes in brain activity in key motivation regions.
    14. infliximab

      TNF a monoclonal antibody

    15. This research highlights the potential of targeting inflammation as a treatment for depression-related motivation issues.
    16. The study links TNF-mediated inflammation to motivation deficits in depression
    17. Motivational impairments are a core component of depression and have long been linked with poor treatment outcomes, diminished quality of life and heightened suicide risk
    1. such as aminocaproic acid (ε-aminocaproic acid) and tranexamic acid are used as inhibitors of fibrinolysis

      Is acidosis in general directly anti fibrinolytic and enzymatically inhibitive?

    1. Angiotensin II increases the synthesis of plasminogen activator inhibitor-

      IMPORTANT TREATMENT So just as ACE2 Inhibitors are cute treatment for Acidosis, they are compoundingly critical for PAI reduction.

    2. PAI-1 can also be a component of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP).[8]

      VERY IMPORTANT. ....See the linked Wikipedia SASP article

    1. inhibiting mTORC1, rapamycin reduces SASP production by senescent cells.[67]


    2. For this reason, senolytic therapy has been proposed as a generalized treatment for these and many other diseases.[2] The flavonoid apigenin has been shown to strongly inhibit SASP production.[5

      Senolytic therapy. .... Make it a priority

    3. In fact, SASP from senescent cells is associated with many aging-associated diseases

      Like I said

    4. Despite the fact that cellular senescence likely evolved as a means of protecting against cancer early in life, SASP promotes the development of late-life

      ... Late life death acceleration

    5. SASP cytokines can result in an inflamed stem cell niche, leading to stem cell exhaustion and impaired stem cell function.[36]

      JESUS.... So now it also shuts down repair and rescue. Racing to aging

    6. accumulation of unfolded proteins, resulting in proteotoxic impairment of cell function
    7. SASP factors from senescent cells reduce nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) in non-senescent cells,[

      We'll, bring the hypoxia, there's the explanation for your "metabolic disorder" you think COVID is.

    8. Transforming growth factor beta family members secreted by senescent cells impede differentiation

      Like my station....which is a TGF!

    9. SASP disrupts normal tissue function by producing chronic inflammation, induction of fibrosis and inhibition of stem cells.[4


    10. SASP factors induce insulin resistance.[


    11. which is why senescent cells consisting of only 2% or 3% of tissue cells can be a major cause of aging-associated diseases.

      Jesus Christ

    12. cGAS is essential for induction of cellular senescence
    13. upregulating SASP by induction of interferon type I.[

      IFN inactivates cells. Therefore viruses inactivate cells. CD4 T (helper) cells therefore love to inactivate cells. Cytokines therefore inactivate cells. Immune response cells thus inactivate cells. ROS, inflammation, hypoxia, therefore inactivate cells.

    14. Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator surface receptor is part of SASP, and has been used to identify senescent cells for senolytic therapy.[5] In

      Consider.... profound link between senescence and aging

    1. inhibits M-CDKs which are a key component of progression into mitosis.

      Is this kind of mechanism the cause behind the high levels of exhausted T cells?

    2. the process of reconsolidation, in contrast, is DSB-dependent.


      Pay attention

    3. Stimulation of neuronal activity, as previously mentioned in IEG expression, is another mechanism through which DSBs are generated.

      So.... Brain nerve stimulation increases learning and memory ability, memory formation and retrieval, and adaptive cognitive plasticity

    4. can change gene function or regulation of gene expression and possibly contribute to progression to cancer.

      Read all of this. Above and below. Monumentally important.

    1. The hallmarks of mitochondrial disease are almost always multisystem involvement and unambiguous lactate acidemia or acidosis.

      Yup. Um, like Long COVID (CFS, fm, pvs, etc)

    2. Any inborn error of metabolism that involves the tightly coupled and regulated process of mitochondrial energy metabolism may have profound effects on health and disease, because oxidative phosphorylation is the process by which we convert nutrients into energy

      therefore, anyone with a perfusion hypoxia disorder

    3. by administration of inotropic agents.

      This is a benefit of dextroamphetamine sulfate and stimulants. .... And no wonder why body chronically elevates HR/stroke force/BP as the most fundamental response to a hypoxic inducing condition....no shit that patients display so called "POTS" with elevated HR on either exertion or standing (aka exertion).

      FURTHER, clinicians should AUTOMATICALLY AS DIAGNOSTICS 101, if HR and BP are elevated, especially if no history of CVD, the body is SCREAMING TO YOU THE PROBLEM....I HAVE A BLOOD OXYGEN DELIVERY PROBLEM.

      And treating with long term superficial "symptom management" treatment that shuts down the bodies adaptive compensating mechanisms are deadly and unacceptably foolish, and QOL destroying.

      Adding: Additionally, if a sleepiness patient has high glucose, or more importantly, is getting really sleepy every time they eat, you must IMMEDIATELY PRESUME lactic acidosis causing disorder. .... Is this why going keto is initially so hard for me? Because I'm piling on acid, have high gluconeogenesis, and have to wait to adaptability turn on ketone metabolism and turn off gluconeogenesis. And why going keto causes noticable improvement to sleepiness?

    4. type A lactic acidosis can become self-perpetuating unless vigorous measures are undertaken to reverse the disturbance and treat the underlying cause.


    5. prompt diagnosis and correction of the underlying disease state are crucial.


    6. tissue perfusion

      Therefore, if PERFUSION is bad, blood BLOOD tests are muted and inconclusive. Further, and CRITICALLY DANGEROUS, in perfusion disorder, any noticeable changes in blood tests mean the problem in the tissues and organs are MUCH MORE SEVERE.

    1. When the blood flow decreases so does the destruction of aldosterone by liver enzymes

      Micro thrombosis would cause aldosterone buildup....and liver dysfunction, eg ammonia buildup, blood toxins buildup, brain swelling and neurotoxic dysfunction

    1. jaundice, pruritus, gastrointestinal bleeding, coagulopathy, increased abdominal girth, renal failure, and changes in mental status


    1. teens need to hear messages about how people experiencing suicidal ideation may not always make the best decisions for themselves.

      OR BE (ESPECIALLY, since suicidality is almost defined as cognitive distortion disorder) reliable narrators of facts, interpretation, analysis, opinion.

      ** Important- they ARE NOT however unreliable narrators of their feelings, pain, belief in their conclusions, intentions, needs, and NEED FOR FULL COMPETENT HELP/PREVENTION

    2. They take their responsibility as a friend very, very seriously,” she said.

      Degree of care as the ;MOA and; cause; and severity of harm determinator

    1. The hurt will never go away, but we all deserve to live and be happy — with or without our adult children in our lives.

      You fucking moronic pussy

    2. I've given up on trying to have a relationship with them. It's not going to happen. No matter what I do,


    3. was able to identify one overarching theme in family estrangement: a severe, and sometimes total, breakdown in communication

      Ding ding. ....eg criminal forced separation by a judge and abusing adult

    4. We also found that rifts can result from family members' strong, and sometimes unrealistic, expectations for one another,"


    5. The second factor is when an adult child has differences in values and expectations.


    6. The first reason, which Pillermer calls "the long arm of the past," is when an adult child feels that childhood experiences in the family were "very adverse, including harsh discipline, parental favoritism, or even verbal or physical abuse


    1. One of the things

      "one of the things"????? "can be helpful"????? "try to understand what happened"????? ......fucking criminally negligent moron

  3. Aug 2024
  4. Jul 2024
  5. Jun 2024
    1. no two long COVID patients are alike."

      Completely fucking false. Lazy avoidant pussy rhetoric from an ignorant coward

    2. Perry Wilson

      Whiny, lazy, arrogant, bitching, ignorant, dipshit

    1. are linked
    2. mental health services,
    3. some individuals have extensive behavioral health needs. In these cases, we partner with local mental health agencies on a referral basis to ensure all the medical and emotional needs of our patients are met.
    4. also has a case manager
    5. side-by-side with your primary care
    6. family-related issues
    7. behavioral health care as part of any medical appointment.
    8. behavioral health professional,
    9. dental care
    10. full-service
  6. May 2024
    1. but their confidence level is still below that of high performers


    2. Nor does it claim that people lacking a given skill are as confident as high performers


    3. which people with limited competence


    4. positive prior beliefs about one's skills are the source of false self-assessment


    5. inhibit people from addressing their shortcomings


    6. engaging in dangerous behavior


    7. systematic tendency to engage in erroneous forms of thinking and judging


    8. the tendency of highly skilled people to underestimate their abilities relative to the abilities of others


    9. incompetence often includes being unable to tell the difference between competence and incompetence


    10. people with low intelligence


  7. Feb 2024
    1. key role in causing the various pathologies; it can activate clotting factors [13], it is itself amyloidogenic [14], and it may have direct protein-protein interactions with the main plasma clotting protein, fibrinogen [2,15].
    2. presence of clotting pathology in the form of fibrinaloid microclots, hyperactivated platelets and endothelial dysfunction represents a key target for both the diagnosis and the treatment of the condition [1,8,11,12].
    3. signals indicating the presence of microclots should be easily detectable using a conventional flow cytometer
    4. combining cell imaging and the high-event-rate and full-sample analysis nature of a conventional flow cytometer, imaging flow cytometry can eliminate erroneous results and increase accuracy in gating and analysis beyond what pure quantitative measurements from conventional flow cytometry can provide.
    5. we have used imaging flow cytometry for the first time to show a significantly increased concentration and size of these microclots
    6. demonstrated a significant amyloid microclot load in Long COVID patients
    7. One of the major pathophysiological factors contributing to Long COVID is the presence of hypercoagulability; this results in insoluble amyloid microclots that are resistant to fibrinolysis
    1. This suggests that there may be a replicating viral reservoir remaining long term, in some cases.
    2. Various adjuvant medications may also assist
    3. clinicians have embarked upon clinician-initiated treatment regimens that include such treatments
    4. Oral anticoagulants
    5. treatments will be to prevent microclots from forming and to prevent platelet hyperactivation
    6. easy place to break it is the microclots because they’re really the chief bad guys
    7. got to break the cycle somewhere
    8. due directly to hypoxia, but also ischemia reperfusion injury, which causes so-called post-exertional malaise
    9. a lot of sequelae is caused by microclots that lead to a variety of problems
    10. The microclots account for all the obvious symptoms like fatigue, where patients are gasping for oxygen
    11. If you’ve got these microclots, they block up the microcapillaries, preventing red blood cells from going through so oxygen doesn’t get to the tissues. The tissues that have been blocked from getting oxygen are the ones that are going to manifest disease
    12. hese microclots are the central element to everything,
    13. The general principle is that if you acquire a scientific understanding of what’s gone wrong with a disease, you can use that knowledge to fix it
    14. P-selectin on CD40L-activated platelet surfaces can form complexes with monocytes and neutrophils.
    15. platelets express P-selectin
    16. form a platelet-T cell complex
    17. found that microclots and platelet pathologies were present in all 80 patients
    18. All patients were experiencing lingering symptoms of shortness of breath, low oxygen levels, heart palpitations, constant fatigue, joint and muscle pain, brain fog, sleep disturbances, digestive problems, or kidney problems.
    19. samples from 80 patients
    20. Long COVID, they found that no thrombin was needed to start the fibrinogen amyloid microclot process because the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein was capable of starting the microclot process.
    21. when we added thrombin to a blood sample from someone with asthma, it induced clotting into the amyloid form
    22. We found that this was happening in a variety of chronic inflammatory diseases, such as Alzheimer disease or Parkinson disease
    23. these deposits could be induced by things like unliganded iron, and later, we discovered, also by very low concentrations of bacterial cell wall components.
    24. University of Liverpool
    25. Stellenbosch Universit
    26. dense matted deposits resulting from fibrin polymerization
    27. had been looking at clots with an electron microscope
    28. Over 10 years ago now
    29. help to explain why some patients experience long-term symptoms and why COVID-19 affects so many tissues and organ systems
    30. vascular4,8 disease
    31. However, it is now accepted that COVID-19 is primarily an endothelial4,
    32. was thought to be a typical viral pneumonia with acute disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
    33. known as Long COVID
    34. persistent sequelae, typically manifesting as fatigue, shortness of beath, sleep difficulties, and central nervous system symptoms.
    35. respiratory failure and hypoxia
    36. multi-organ failure
    37. Thrombotic Disorders Are Amyloid Fibrin Microclots Central to Long COVID? Jessica Nye, PhD | July 8, 2022

      Hematology Advisor

    1. understanding and treatment of Long COVID
    2. it has been shown that suitable and closely monitored ‘triple’ anticoagulant therapy that leads to the removal of the microclots also removes the other symptoms
    3. Consistent with
    4. Although the symptoms of Long COVID are multifarious, we here argue that the ability of these fibrin amyloid microclots (fibrinaloids) to block up capillaries, and thus to limit the passage of red blood cells and hence O2 exchange, can actually underpin the majority of these symptoms
    5. microclots are more-or-less easily measured in PPP with the stain thioflavin T and a simple fluorescence microscope
    6. extensive fibrin amyloid microclots that can persist, can entrap other proteins, and that may lead to the production of various autoantibodies.
    7. result, as is strongly manifested
    8. A few years ago, we discovered that fibrinogen in blood can clot into an anomalous ‘amyloid’ form of fibrin
    9. bears similarities to other post-viral syndromes, and to myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
    10. symptoms such as breathlessness, fatigue, ‘brain fog’, tissue damage, inflammation, and coagulopathies (dysfunctions of the blood coagulation system) persist long after the initial infection
    11. Biochem J. 2022 Feb 25; 479(4): 537–559. Published online 2022 Feb 23. doi: 10.1042/BCJ20220016PMCID: PMC8883497PMID: 35195253A central role for amyloid fibrin microclots in long COVID/PASC: origins and therapeutic implications
    12. A central role for amyloid fibrin microclots in long COVID/PASC: origins and therapeutic implications
    1. Prevalence of symptoms, comorbidities, fibrin amyloid microclots and platelet pathology in individuals with Long COVID/Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) Etheresia Pretorius  ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-9108-23841,5, Chantelle Venter1, Gert Jacobus Laubscher2, Maritha J Kotze3, Sunday O. Oladejo4, Liam R. Watson  ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-7016-92294, Kanshu Rajaratnam4, Bruce W. Watson  ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-0511-18374 & …Douglas B. Kell  ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-5838-79631,5,6 Show authors Cardiovascular Diabetology volume 21, Article number: 148 (2022) Cite this article
    1. Research Article| August 20 2021 SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 induces fibrin(ogen) resistant to fibrinolysis: implications for microclot formation in COVID-19 In Collection Coronavirus Lize M. Grobbelaar; Lize M. Grobbelaar Sample analysis, Visualization, Writing—original draft 1Department of Physiological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Chantelle Venter; Chantelle Venter Data curation, Project administration 1Department of Physiological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Mare Vlok; Mare Vlok Software, Formal analysis, Investigation 2Central Analytical Facility: Mass Spectrometry Stellenbosch University, Tygerberg Campus, Room 6054, Clinical Building, Francie van Zijl Drive, Tygerberg, Cape Town 7505, South Africa Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Malebogo Ngoepe 0000-0002-3639-9063 ; Malebogo Ngoepe Methodology 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa4Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study, Wallenberg Research Centre, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Gert Jacobus Laubscher; Gert Jacobus Laubscher Writing—review and editing 5Private practice clinician, Mediclinic Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch 7600, South Africa Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Petrus Johannes Lourens; Petrus Johannes Lourens Writing—review and editing 5Private practice clinician, Mediclinic Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch 7600, South Africa Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Janami Steenkamp; Janami Steenkamp Project administration, Writing—review and editing 1Department of Physiological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa6PathCare Laboratories, PathCare Business Centre, PathCare Park, Neels Bothma Street, N1 City 7460, South Africa Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Douglas B. Kell 0000-0001-5838-7963 ; Douglas B. Kell Writing—review and editing 1Department of Physiological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa7Department of Biochemistry and Systems Biology, Institute of Systems, Molecular and Integrative Biology, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZB, U.K.8The Novo Nordisk Foundation Centre for Biosustainability, Technical University of Denmark, Kemitorvet 200, Kgs Lyngby 2800, Denmark Correspondence: Etheresia Pretorius (resiap@sun.ac.za) or Douglas B. Kell (dbk@liv.ac.uk) Search for other works by this author on: This Site PubMed Google Scholar Etheresia Pretorius
    2. However, there was a complete failure to dislodge or disturb COVID-19 PPP clots from the channels.

      Complete failure. Could not even get it off. …. The first suspect is that the COVID plasma is richer in various coagulation factors. Raising the question of a need for anticoagulant therapy.

    3. COVID-19 clots, on the contrary, could not be displaced or dislodged and remained intact, even with the force of high-speed water flow in a small flow channel.

      WTF. Something is critically different about post COVID plasma beyond just spike clothing that makes these clots super sticky. And to naked plastic. What are these tubes made of? Is it polyethylene? See polyalanine tract fibrin amyloid pathology studies