- Sep 2022
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the development of metaverse consists of threesuccessive phases from a macro perspective [6]: (i) digital twins,(ii) digital natives, and eventually (iii) surreality,
El desarrollo del metaverso consiste de tres fases sucesivas, considerando una perspectiva macro: digital twins, digital native, surreality.
- Aug 2022
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There are two main families of quantum algo-rithms that are relevant to the current discussion:subgroup-finding algorithms, and amplitude ampli-fication
subgroup-finding alg amplitud alg
Quantum computers work by exploiting quan-tum physical effects to decrease the time required tosolve (certain) computational problems by creatingand utilizing quantum superpositions
quantum superpositions. This is the base of quatum computers.
We finish with a com-parative analysis of these blockchain technologies,in terms of their relative vulnerability to quantumattacks.
We expect a comparative analysis of various BCh technologies, in terms of their relative vulnerability to quantum attacks.
Given the strong coupling between data andcryptosystems in blockchains, the potential vulner-ability of these cryptosystems to quantum attacks,the likely introduction of capable quantum com-puters in the mid-term future—not to mention theusual high monetary value of the assets secured byblockchains—it is important to more deeply under-stand their current level of vulnerability.
Author states its motivation: - strong coupling between data and cryptosystems in BCh - the cryptosystems potential vulnerability to quantum computers - the likely introduction of quantum computers in the mid-term future - also the high monetary value of the assets secured plus momentum of BCh.
he US National Institute of Standards andTechnology (NIST) has begun the process of stan-dardizing and deploying quantum-safe public-keycryptography
This is an example of politics being biased by technology.
Doing this, we can confidentlyconclude that by the year 2035 it is more likelythan not that quantum technology will have ad-vanced sufficiently to be able to break RSA2048efficiently. This conclusion is shared by well es-tablished researchers (see, e.g.[2, 3])
Here, author uses other researcher's conclusions and states that by the year 2035 it is a fact that quantum technology will have advance sufficiently to be able to break RSA2048 efficiently.
It is infeasible to predict the progress and devel-opment of future technology with perfect accuracy.
Primero maletea y luego se echa para atrás
vulnerable toadvances in quantum technology
the major threat: quantum technology
n blockchainsthe protected resources cannot easily be decoupledfrom the encryption system being used
In BCh, data decoupling from encryption system is not easy. How much difficult it is?
If the key, or the de-vice on which it is stored is compromised, or if avulnerability can be exploited, then the data assetcan be irrevocably stolen
Another scenario, if the key or the storage-key device is compromised, or if vulnerability exploitation occurs, then data asset can be stolen.
If akey is lost, this invariably means that the secureddata asset is irrevocably lost
Counterpart, be careful! If a key is lost, the secured data asset is lost
an always onlinecryptographic system,
What does it mean "an always online cryptographic system"
s considered the resource—or at least the authoritative description of i
what does it mean "authoritative description" of a resource?
Revoking the key in a timelymanne
It suggests that the key-pair is revoked within a lapse of time. So, if the key-pair is compromised, it will still be a valid key only for a certain time.
Theowner of a resource is by definition the one hold-ing the private encryption keys.
definition of "owner of a resource"
here is nocentral authority to manage users’ access keys
echanisms∗Corresponding authorEmail addresses: jjk30@kent.ac.uk (Joseph J.Kearney ), c.perez@kent.ac.uk (Carlos A. Perez-Delgado)exist to allow the legitimate owner to recover thisaccount.
suggests the existence of mechanisms to recover ownership
associated security relies on thedifficulty of factoring, when using RSA, or of thediscrete logarithm problem with EC
This phrase suggest that RSA and EC security relies on: factoring difficulty with RSA discrete logarithm problem difficulty with EC
Notably, asymmetric encryp-tion schemes such as RSA or Elliptic Curve (EC)cryptography are used to generate private/publickey pairs that protect data assets stored onblockchains
So, a couple of those cryptographic techniques is RSA and EC, which are used to encrypt data assets (blockchains)
- blockchain-based techs vulnerable to quantum
- authoritative
- lost key
- quatum computers
- quantum technology prediction
- cryptographic system
- reasons for blockchain vulnerability research
- subgroup-finding
- RSA2048
- ownership; resource; private key
- blockchain vulnerabilities
- threats
- data stolen
- blockchain disadvantages
- 2035
- quantum cryptography
- resource
- blockchain vulnerability
- data loss
- quantum
- standarization
- online
- amplitud
- decoupling
- quatum superpositions
- blockchain threats