- Jun 2023
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Eine neue Studie zeigt, wie das italisnische Energiesystem bis 2035 komplett auf erneuerbare Energien umgestellt werden kann, ohne die Energiesicherheit zu gefährden. Dazu müssen u.a. Anlagen zur erneuerbare Energieerzeugung achtmal schneller installiert werden als zur Zeit. Investitionen in das Energiesystem müssen strikt im Sinne der eines Plans zur Dekarbonisierung erfolgen. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2023/06/12/news/wwf_energie_rinnovabili_decarbonizzazione_sistema_elettrico_al_2035-404187203/
Studie (englisch): https://eccoclimate.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Development-of-a-transition-pathway-towards-a-close-to-net-zero-electricity-sector-in-Italy-by-2035_9_giugno.pdf
- Aug 2022
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Doing this, we can confidentlyconclude that by the year 2035 it is more likelythan not that quantum technology will have ad-vanced sufficiently to be able to break RSA2048efficiently. This conclusion is shared by well es-tablished researchers (see, e.g.[2, 3])
Here, author uses other researcher's conclusions and states that by the year 2035 it is a fact that quantum technology will have advance sufficiently to be able to break RSA2048 efficiently.