- Nov 2024
www.vulture.com www.vulture.com
I found this really hard to read on archive.is (https://archive.is/YkIyW).
I used this snippet to reformat the article to manually float the "annotations" (pull-outs) to the margins:
```` javascript document.getElementById("CONTENT").style.width = "1720px";
([ ...document.querySelectorAll("[id^=annotation]") ]).forEach((x, i) => { if (i % 2) { x.style.left = ""; x.style.right = "-44ch"; } else { x.style.left = "-44ch"; x.style.right = ""; } }); ````
- Sep 2024
That right there almost works. It'd be incredible if it did because I love the way that reads.
- Apr 2024
www.rauljimenez.info www.rauljimenez.info
Make more virtual meetings (if you are not doing it yet).
You already suggest several online tools above so I would change this to avoid confusion. Change it to something like: 'Increase the frequency of your virtual meetings if they are not already a major component of your strategy.'
Add a comma here (opportunity, )
- Jan 2024
i i can't understand the original sources apart from science and the modern world so i always have to ask whitehead 00:10:35 experts
for - Whitehead - readability
Readability - Whitehead seems to be a writer who is difficult to understand
- Sep 2023
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
I'd even go as far as saying each_with_object is often less readable than using a captured variable.
elaborate? what is a captured variable? I assume he means the val = 0 from outside the scope of the block, which was "captured" in the closure.
rubyreferences.github.io rubyreferences.github.io
string ones are those most of the Rubyists remember.
- May 2023
www.postgresql.org www.postgresql.org
ISO 8601 specifies the use of uppercase letter T to separate the date and time. PostgreSQL accepts that format on input, but on output it uses a space rather than T, as shown above. This is for readability and for consistency with RFC 3339 as well as some other database systems.
- Mar 2023
thoughtfulatlas.substack.com thoughtfulatlas.substack.com
It was easier said than done to know when to add punctuation like / or .
Example of someone who doesn't seem to understand that the / or . are primarily for readability.
- Jan 2023
unclutter.lindylearn.io unclutter.lindylearn.io
A tool similar to Readability (now Mercury). Also has read it later and highlighting functionality built in.
Sadly it doesn't seem to dovetail well with Hypothes.is' overlay. :(
www.mediawiki.org www.mediawiki.org
The popular recommendation is that there should be between 40 and 75 characters per line. The findings of multiple studies conclude that "short line lengths are easier to read". Regarding learning and information retention: "Subjects reading the narrow paragraphs had better retention than those reading the wide paragraphs"
cdn.tc-library.org cdn.tc-library.org
wikimediafoundation.org wikimediafoundation.org
Research has shown that limiting the width of longform text leads to a more comfortable reading experience, and better retention of the content itself.
- Nov 2022
github.com github.com
Try to make the Dockerfile easy to understand/read.
- Oct 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Luhmann zettelkasten origin myth at 165 second mark
A short outline of several numbering schemes (essentially all decimal in nature) for zettelkasten including: - Luhmann's numbering - Bob Doto - Scott Scheper - Dan Allosso - Forrest Perry
A little light on the "why", though it does get location as a primary focus. Misses the idea of density and branching. Touches on but broadly misses the arbitrariness of using the comma, period, or slash which functions primarily for readability.
- Sep 2022
www.syndicatetheory.com www.syndicatetheory.com
Do yourself and your peers a favor, write code with them in mind.
medium.com medium.com
When I ask people about any part of their code, they usually say it's easy to understand. But when I open the code, it takes me a couple hours slapping to my face to keep myself alive to understand just a little part of their code.
But how much readability are enough?
they’re just too familiar with the code to think it's complicated
metalblueberry.github.io metalblueberry.github.io
This code is much easier to understand as it do not add levels of indentation and follows the principle where the 0 indentation level is the principal path of the application where other paths are exceptions or rare cases.
Local file Local file
use logos wellthroughout, provided with credible ethos, they fail to have strong pathos within their writing.
Aristotle's rhetorical appeals are essence to any convincing paper but ideally I would like to see you elucidate on each of these three by possibly spreading them throughout. For instance, you could use the next annotated paragraph to display Ethos.
Satisfying sex life hasbeen found to be important for health and well-being, regardless of age.
Consider A satisfying sex life is important for health and well-being, regardless of age for the diminution of verbiage and the missing determiner.
“The positive relationship between sexual quality of life and aging wasstrongest in the context of good-quality romantic relationships, where sexual exploration anda focus on partners’ pleasure is more likely to take place” (Forbes, Eaton, Kruger 2022pg.186). And “This is great news, as a satisfying sex life has been found to be important forhealth and well-being, regardless of age (Forbes, Eaton, Kruger 2022 pg.187). The key wordsthat draw you to the reading withing these two sentences are “positive” and “this is greatnews”
I feel like there are four paragraph long quotes relatively close together. I thought this analysis was internalizing the work and putting the rhetoric into your own words, if not I need some quotes lol.
Forbes, Eaton, Kruger 2022 pg.186). Miri, Nicholas, and Robert stated
Great job sourcing the material you're referencing but I believe in redundancy: the audience knows what you're analyzing so you should be able to just state the page numbers without repeating the author's names.
- Feb 2022
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
Using callcc this feature got blazingly fast and very nicely readable.
- Sep 2021
Code that is needed to create the output and the output itself is hard to read because of all the workarounds we have to use, especially around shadowed variables and control flow
- Jun 2021
www.econometrics-with-r.org www.econometrics-with-r.org
Note that every call of sample(1:6, 3, replace = T) gives a different outcome since we draw with replacement at random. To allow you to reproduce the results of computations that involve random numbers, we will used set.seed() to set R’s random number generator to a specific state. You should check
In general I really like the online approach etc! really appreciated. I am now actively using and studying through this book. I think what would be super useful is to show some kind of equivalent of page numbers. Going back and forth between sections and scrolling up and down really makes me lose track of where i was.
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
Jest provides useful matchers like toHaveLength or toBeUndefined to make your tests more readable and to produce more understandable error messages.
- May 2021
enos.itcollege.ee enos.itcollege.ee
Those thoughts should beseparated from each other with blank lines.
Only use blank lines to separate different thoughts. Don't use it everywhere arbitrarily. Especially, don't use it for every line code.
- Apr 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I also added --return and used long options, to make this command a little less inscrutable:
first sighting: "inscrutable" Nice word!
medium.com medium.com
“Who cares? Let’s just go with the style-guide” — to which my response is that caring about the details is in the heart of much of our doings. Yes, this is not a major issue; def self.method is not even a code smell. Actually, that whole debate is on the verge of being incidental. Yet the learning process and the gained knowledge involved in understanding each choice is alone worth the discussion. Furthermore, I believe that the class << self notation echoes a better, more stable understanding of Ruby and Object Orientation in Ruby. Lastly, remember that style-guides may change or be altered (carefully, though!).
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
It's a matter of readability I guess.
On the other hand, you state that a certain thing behaves_like a shared example group.
- Mar 2021
github.com github.comd3/d32
has better readability
The non-minified default bundle is no longer mangled, making it more readable and preserving inline comments.
- Feb 2021
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
The fact we’re using ActiveRecord (or something looking like it) doesn’t mean Trailblazer only works with Rails! Most people are familiar with its API, so we chose to use “ActiveRecord” in this tutorial.
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
You may use keyword arguments in your filters for type safety and better readable code.
blog.logrocket.com blog.logrocket.com
One thing I really like about this style is the elegance and readability it provides to your codebase.
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
Slots can already be pretty confusing to comprehend, I think it is better to stick to what people (may) already know.
- Nov 2020
blog.hubspot.com blog.hubspot.com
One last bonus: CSS variables can be written in a way that makes it easier for human programmers to understand. If you just see hex code #93e9be, you won’t know what color it produces, while --brand-green makes clear the purpose of the variable.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Similarly problematic is the “cancel culture,” where people attempt to expunge anyone with whom they do not perfectly agree, rather than remain focused on those who profit from discrimination and injustice.
This is very important and easy to understand
- Oct 2020
I have a few colleagues that converted to hyperscript, and while they were adverse at first, they were satisfied with having switched once they had become comfortable with the way it looks/reads.
The only "issue" it has is that its unfamiliar. People have been working with HTML for years and are comfortable with it. That's basically the only reason that people find it more readable. If you make an effort to spend sometime with hyperscript, it becomes as familiar and readable as jsx.
www.python.org www.python.org
code is read much more often than it is written.
medium.com medium.com
I know that it is the matter of taste and a debatable thing, I find JSX and regular javascript flow operators a lot more readable than any sort of {#blocks} and directives.
github.com github.com
Tables are not yet supported. If you love impossible to read regular expressions, submit a PR!
A reasonably clean alternative would be to map a function over the array and use destructuring in the each loop: {#each [1, 2, 3, 4].map(n => ({ n, sqr_n: n * n })) as { n, sqr_n }} {sqr_n} {sqr_n / 2}<br> {/each}
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
remaining: 0, callbacks: [] r: 0, // remaining outros c: [], // callbacks p: outros // parent group
Ugh. Why did he change this?
Similar question here: https://hyp.is/kayb_AN1EeuCb5OkL5-Yqg/github.com/sveltejs/svelte/pull/3209
Answer here: https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte/pull/3209
github.com github.com
Why the obfuscation of remaining to r and callbacks to c? This is fine for function-local variables but in this instance makes the code significantly harder to reason about? There is no notion of what c and r mean.
svelte.dev svelte.dev
I'm certainly not claiming that we should use clever tricks to scrunch our code into the most compact form possible at the expense of readability. Nor am I claiming that reducing lines of code is necessarily a worthwhile goal, since it encourages turning readable code like this...
medium.com medium.com
Personally for me, this is incredibly hard to read. Regex everywhere, nested objects with different rules and configurations that are very intuitive, multiple loaders that resolve backwards, built in loaders having obscure issues that require using third party loaders in between, separation of plugins and loaders, and so on.
medium.com medium.com
and making the code more beautiful and compact and human readable
- Aug 2020
jamanetwork.com jamanetwork.com
Mishra, V., & Dexter, J. P. (2020). Comparison of Readability of Official Public Health Information About COVID-19 on Websites of International Agencies and the Governments of 15 Countries. JAMA Network Open, 3(8), e2018033–e2018033. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.18033
- Jun 2020
github.com github.com
a technique that enable a test suite to perform as well as using fixtures (or better if you're running just a few tests from the suite) and read as good as you are used to when using factories
- Feb 2020
blog.loadimpact.com blog.loadimpact.com
The lack of a dynamic scripting language is annoying, though Tsung XML scenarios (again, just like JMeter) can include things like loops and if-statements, so it is actually possible to write all sorts of complicated user scenario “code.” The functionality is there, but the usability is not: few developers like “programming” in XML.
github.com github.com
Tired of using the JMeter GUI or looking at hairy XML files?
loadimpact.com loadimpact.com
We believe load test scripts should be plain code to get all the benefits of version control, as opposed to say unreadable and tool generated XML.
Saw another comment lamenting the use of ugly/unreasonable XML files:
Tired of using the JMeter GUI or looking at hairy XML files?
- Jan 2020
learning.oreilly.com learning.oreilly.com
An online tool for calculating readability Some word processing software has the Flesch-Kincaid formula built in. Or you can use this online tool to calculate the reading level of a particular passage:
- May 2019
www.aclweb.org www.aclweb.org
Text Readability Assessment for Second Language Learners
- Oct 2017
www.learnnc.org www.learnnc.org
The transformation of a page by Readability is pretty dramatic, and its use can lead to a focused conversation in the classroom about what has been removed, and why, and what has remained, and why. This forced awareness of the construction of a web page is valuable knowledge for young users of the web.
This is an important thing to think about because if a student is always using "readability" then are they really learning how to read online. This sounds like a really helpful tool for students with OCD or ADHD.
- Nov 2016
stg.us.truenth.org stg.us.truenth.org
When you agree to the Terms of Use, you can continue with the registration process.
The text edit for this Terms of Use is testing at a Grade Level of 10, as a whole. However, individual sentences test lower 6-8). The multi-syllabic words and unrecognized words (eg-Movember, TrueNTH) add to the increase in reading level. But all in all, I think the edit may read a little clearer.
stg.us.truenth.org stg.us.truenth.org
Grade Level: 8
Good, but think it could read a little more simply.