21 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2024
blog.nodejitsu.com blog.nodejitsu.com
I don't expect everyone to read every single line of the code for a project they are trying to use, that isn't very reasonable. What I do see though, is that a lot developers have a mental barrier to actually opening up the source code for the project they are trying to use. They will read the documentation, run the tests, use the example code, but when they are faced with a problem that could be solved through a one or two line change in the source code, they shut down completely. The point is that you shouldn't be afraid to jump into the source code. Even if you don't fully understand the source code, in many cases you should be able to isolate your issue to a specific block. If you can reference this block ( or line numbers ) when opening up your support request, it will help the author better understand your problem.
- Nov 2023
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
@tmoschou You can find the source for Apple's pkill on opensource.apple.com/source. It's together with other utilities in the collection adv_cmds. Maybe you can spot the bug.
- Apr 2022
github.com github.com
Instead read this gems brief source code completely before use OR copy the code straight into your codebase.
- copy and paste programming
- software development: use of libraries: only use if you've read the source and understand how it works
- having a deep understanding of something
- learning by reading the source
- software development: use of libraries vs. copying code into app project
- read the source code
- Mar 2022
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
Yes they are the same command. This part of apt's cmdline/apt.cc source file proves it:
- May 2021
You can see the implementation here: https://github.com/sveltejs/sapper/blob/339c417b24e8429d3adc9c9f196bf159a5fce874/runtime/src/server/middleware/get_page_handler.ts#L137
- Apr 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
A bit of a tour through the Ruby source code seems necessary as the documentation is a bit thin.
github.com github.com
:structured - Lumberjack::Formatter::StructuredFormatter - crawls the object and applies the formatter recursively to Enumerable objects found in it (arrays, hashes, etc.).
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
If you look at the source code you'll see that they're exactly the same thing.
github.com github.com
Read the code! No, really. I wrote this code to be read.
- Mar 2021
github.com github.com
The only place I can find it is in the sprockets-rails gem. javascript_include_tag calls this: def find_debug_asset(path) if asset = find_asset(path, pipeline: :debug) raise_unless_precompiled_asset asset.logical_path.sub('.debug', '') asset end end
- Feb 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Check yourself some shell-sources.
If interested, you can check the plain old /bin/sh signal handling in the source code here.
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
Treating the web as a compile target has a lot of implications, many negative. For example “view source” is a beloved feature of the web that’s an important part of its history and especially useful for learning, but Svelte’s compiled output is much harder to follow than its source. Source maps, which Svelte uses to map its web language outputs back to its source language, have limitations.
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
they're in the svelte compiler: https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte/blob/master/src/compiler/compile/nodes/Element.ts#L668 (search for the warning text)
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
I don't read comments as I think they are dangerous
Why does he think they are dangerous?
- May 2020
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
Docker 19.03 does this automatically # by setting the DOCKER_HOST in # https://github.com/docker-library/docker/blob/d45051476babc297257df490d22cbd806f1b11e4/19.03/docker-entrypoint.sh#L23-L29
- Apr 2020
falcon.readthedocs.io falcon.readthedocs.io
“The source code for Falcon is so good, I almost prefer it to documentation. It basically can’t be wrong.”
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
- Mar 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
From error.c
- Feb 2020
loadimpact.com loadimpact.com
We believe load test scripts should be plain code to get all the benefits of version control, as opposed to say unreadable and tool generated XML.
Saw another comment lamenting the use of ugly/unreasonable XML files:
Tired of using the JMeter GUI or looking at hairy XML files?
- Jan 2020
www.rubyinside.com www.rubyinside.com
I was going through the source for Thin and noticed that instead of using require, Marc-Andre Cournoyer was using a method called autoload to load thin's constituent parts.