7 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2021
medium.com medium.com
Yet, it certainly is important to make the proper choices when picking up style. Similarly to fashion, code style reflects our credo as developers, our values and philosophy. In order to make an informed decision, it’s mandatory to understand the issue at stake well. We all have defined class methods many times, but do we really know how do they work?
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
I don't think seeing it in Rails PRs naturally means we should do it blankly. Put it another way, what's the justification in those PRs for doing it?
- why?
- rationale
- fallacy: doing something because it's popular / everyone is doing it
- justification for existence
- doing something without knowing why/how it works
- investing time to really understand something
- understand the trade-offs
- understand the ramifications/effects/consequences
- understand both sides of an issue
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
never care and try to understand design standards
- Oct 2020
Oops, I had not read your original description closely enough.
The only "issue" it has is that its unfamiliar. People have been working with HTML for years and are comfortable with it. That's basically the only reason that people find it more readable. If you make an effort to spend sometime with hyperscript, it becomes as familiar and readable as jsx.
github.com github.com
I'm not sure I understand the problem, everything you are describing is already possible.
Unfortunately people lack the the time to invest to really understand those things