- Oct 2017
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Internet Reciprocal Teaching
Internet Reciprocal Teaching is a method of tech integrated education that involves direct instruction, collaboration, and inquiry.
In my classroom, we spend a lot of time talking about how to summarize a text by finding pertinent points and casting them in one’s own words.
This is a great way to teach students about ownership f words and plagiarism. If you start immediately teaching students how to synthesize information into their own words then plagiarism will be less of a worry.
The transformation of a page by Readability is pretty dramatic, and its use can lead to a focused conversation in the classroom about what has been removed, and why, and what has remained, and why. This forced awareness of the construction of a web page is valuable knowledge for young users of the web.
This is an important thing to think about because if a student is always using "readability" then are they really learning how to read online. This sounds like a really helpful tool for students with OCD or ADHD.
Reading is more individualized, often with one student at one computer.
online learning is tough because it can be very collaborative, but the reading aspect is extremely individualized. keep this in mind when lesson planning
As educators, we need to take a closer look at what online reading is all about and think about how we can help our students not only navigate with comprehension but also understand the underlying structure of this world.
When we are teaching reading skills and techniques we need to be able to students how to read online for different purposes.
Readers read for different purposes. Sometimes they read for pleasure. Sometimes they read for information. Their reason for reading impacts the way they read. They may skim or read carefully depending on why they are reading. Throughout this process, readers monitor the meaning they are constructing. When the text does not meet their purposes, they may switch to another text. Readers expect what they are reading to make sense. They use a repertoire of strategies, such as rethinking, re-reading or reading on to clarify ideas, to make sure they understand what they read in order to accomplish their purposes.1
Everything we read, we are reading with a purpose. These different purposes inform the kind of reading that we do. Especially when we are reading online, our reading will look very different then when we are reading from a text.