- May 2024
could physiology rescue genomics
for - follow up - paper - Could physiology rescue genomics?
to - Could physiology rescue genomics? - https://hyp.is/bslQ-BVVEe-hgF-rrNmjrA/academic.oup.com/biolinnean/article/139/4/357/6604006
- Apr 2024
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Butno matter how the form may vary, the fact that an organism hasconscious experience at all means, basically, that there is somethingit is like to be that organism
for - earth species project - ESP - Earth Species Project - Aza Raskin - Ernest Becker - Book - The Birth and Death of Meaning
comment - what is it like to be that other organism? - Earth Species Project is trying to shed some light on that using machine learning processes to decode the communication signals of non-human species - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=earth++species+project - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FH9SvPs1cCds%2F&group=world
- In Ernest Becker's book, The Birth and Death of Meaning, Becker provides a summary of the ego from a Freudian perspective that is salient to Nagel's work - The ego creates time and humans, occupying a symbolosphere are timebound creatures that create the sense of time to order sensations and perceptions - The ego becomes the central reference point for the construct of time - If the anthropocene is a problem - and we wish to migrate towards an ecological civilization in which there is greater respect for other species, - a symbiocene - this means we need to empathize with other species - If our species is timebound but the majority of other species are not, - then we must bridge that large gap by somehow experiencing what it's like to be an X ( where X can be a bat or many other species)
reference - interesting adjacencies emerging from reading a review of Ernest Becker's book: The Birth and Death of Meaning - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.themortalatheist.com%2Fblog%2Fthe-birth-and-death-of-meaning-ernest-becker&group=world
- Book - The Birth and Death of Meaning
- Epoche
- ESP - Earth Species Project
- Ernest Becker
- adjacency - Thomas Nagel - Ernest Becker - Edmond Husserl - Epoche - timebind - timelessness - enlightenment - Epoche - symbiocene - anthropocene - Rescue our future
- earth species project
- Thomas Nagel
- Aza Raskin
- What is it like to be that organism?
www.themortalatheist.com www.themortalatheist.com
The social environment is the only way we derive and validate our identities. The question may be “Who am I?” but the real question is “How are others supposed to feel about me?”
for - quote - self esteem - self - adjacency - enlightenment - epoche - self-esteem - Ernest Becker
quote - The social environment is the only way we derive and validate our identities. The question may be “Who am I?” but the real question is “How are others supposed to feel about me?”
adjacency - between - Ernest Becker - epoche - self-esteem - enlightenment - Epoche - Epoche - phenomenological reduction - Symbiocene - Thomas Hagel - What's it like to be a Bat? - Deep Humanity - individual / collective gestalt - adjacency statement - It is fascinating intersection of adjacent ideas that the equivalency of these two questions brings up - These moments are as Gyuri talks about - having a dialogue with my old self - revisiting old ideas from a new perspective in which - more water has flowed under the bridge - The chain of discussions with my old selves began with a reading and physical annotation of Ernest Becker's physical book - The Birth ad Death of Meaning - It triggered a connection with Thomas Hagel's famous book - What's it like to be a bat? - But this connect-the-dot journey was kicked off by this morning's response to a Linked In discussion thread on the Anthropocene I've been having with Glenn Sankatsing of Rescue our Future: - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/glenn-sankatsing-7977711b8_anthropocentrism-paradox-or-theroot-of-activity-7185709152386654208-4E5t?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop - There the discussion focused on whether the Anthropocene is a term that is inherently biased since it is anthropomorphic. - Glenn used the example of a Rabbit's perspective of reality. This begged the question asked by Thomas Nagel. - Reading Becker's book and especially his discussion of human's cultural evolution of the ego construct being responsible for timebinding - creating a framework of time which we are all bound to, - it made me wonder about my perspective of reality vs my cat's perspective. Am I timebound and there are forever living in the present and always have a sense of timelessness? - If so, what are the implications? How do timebound organisms create an equitable symbiocene with other species that live in the eternal now? - What's also interesting is Husserl's phenomenological reductionism - the Epoche that suspends judgment - It raises these questions: - Does the Epoche also break timebinding? - Does it allow us to have a dreamlike experience during waking consciousness? - Does it allow us to enter timelessness and therefore share a similiar state to many other species?. - If we are able to enter such a timeless state, does it increase our empathy towards others fellow species?
reference - Phenomenological reduction - Epoche - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=Epoche
- Jan 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
for - rapid whole system change - Rescue the future - Glenn Sankatsing
Summary - A well written piece
- Dec 2023
Kaynağın verdiği bilgi ve önerisi: Sağladığı yemeklerin PSAKD binasından yüklenebileceğini, yakın yerlerde olursa taşımayı kendisinin yapabileceğini söylüyor. Fotoğrafını görebilirsiniz
Kaynağın verdiği bilgi ve önerisi: Sağladığı yemeklerin PSAKD binasından yüklenebileceğini, yakın yerlerde olursa taşımayı kendisinin yapabileceğini söylüyor. Fotoğrafını görebilirsiniz
Kaynağın verdiği bilgi ve önerisi: Sağladığı yemeklerin PSAKD binasından yüklenebileceğini, yakın yerlerde olursa taşımayı kendisinin yapabileceğini söylüyor. Fotoğrafını görebilirsiniz
Kaynağın verdiği bilgi ve önerisi: Sağladığı yemeklerin PSAKD binasından yüklenebileceğini, yakın yerlerde olursa taşımayı kendisinin yapabileceğini söylüyor. Fotoğrafını görebilirsiniz
Comment textimizdir.<br> Ve bu da Hanzala arkadaşın bir resmidir.
indieweb.org indieweb.org
Comment textimizdir.<br> Ve bu da Hanzala arkadaşın bir resmidir.
Comment textimizdir.<br> Ve bu da Hanzala arkadaşınbir resmidir.
Comment textimizdir. Ve bu da Hanzala arkadaşınbir resmidir.
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Comment textimizdir
Comment textimizdir
- Aug 2022
www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
I wish you would make use of it, if you are determined to walk; though I think it would be more prudent to let me get you a chair
He's attempting to "rescue" her again (this would make it 3 if he succeeded) how terrible for him that she is instead "rescued" but her cousin, the very man who's attention awakened him to his own feelings
- Jul 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Throw it's a more elegant way to use an exception-like system as a control flow.
- Feb 2021
sobolevn.me sobolevn.me
Literally, everything in this example can go wrong. Here’s an incomplete list of all possible errors that might occur: Your network might be down, so request won’t happen at all The server might be down The server might be too busy and you will face a timeout The server might require an authentication API endpoint might not exist The user might not exist You might not have enough permissions to view it The server might fail with an internal error while processing your request The server might return an invalid or corrupted response The server might return invalid json, so the parsing will fail And the list goes on and on! There are so maybe potential problems with these three lines of code, that it is easier to say that it only accidentally works. And normally it fails with the exception.
Exceptions are just like notorious goto statements that torn the fabric of our programs.
jrsinclair.com jrsinclair.com
As you can see, we end up with a lot of boilerplate if-statements. The code is more verbose. And it’s difficult to follow the main logic.
In JavaScript, we have a built-in language feature for dealing with exceptions. We wrap problematic code in a try…catch statement. This lets us write the ‘happy path’ in the try section, and then deal with any exceptions in the catch section. And this is not a bad thing. It allows us to focus on the task at hand, without having to think about every possible error that might occur.
And they are not the only way to handle errors.
In this article, we’ll take a look at using the ‘Either monad’ as an alternative to try...catch.
- Jul 2020
www.heraldtribune.com www.heraldtribune.com
“Up north you’d collect lightning bugs and you’d watch them and then you’d let them go again,” Gail said. “I thought it was really cool. I mean, you are looking and trying to figure out how they fly and how that little light works.”
Isn't curiosity how you fall in love with something or someone ?
Ed says rescuing people is easier because they can tell you what’s wrong with them.
How interesting that rescuing animals is harder than rescuing people
- Mar 2017
rhetcompnow.com rhetcompnow.com
I am an outsider who thought that perhaps I could lay a set of parallel sidetracks next to the well-worn ones of System B, an underground railway designed to lift up, carry forward, and sustain those fleeing the plight of System B.
- Jun 2016
starredpaper.com starredpaper.com
There are so many narratives that could have happened here. The obvious story is that there is this savage attacking a defenseless woman and child until a strong and powerful spaniard came to the rescue. On one hand, this is right and just and must happen to keep the savages at bay. But there are two sides to every story. Here could be a man driven from his home by the spanish. He could have watched his family murdered before his eyes and is out for vengeance. Without first hand account for this, who knows what the guidelines could be.