- Jan 2022
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
follow your thoughts much as the mind follows the breath in some forms of Zen meditation.
- Dec 2021
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
Simon (@sensor63) created this video in this tweet in response to one of my tweets. Did he know he had created a poetry machine? Probably.
Simon searched for a gif and pasted it in a tweet. Then thought «I quite like that gif. » [ENDS]
- Jul 2021
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
Her mouth an “O”,
Alone Together.
The door slammed. She had left.
Alone together. Sole babe in arms.
A barmy night, Window open wide.
Gaze up at stars. Quiet now, in awe.
Owl hoots. Startled, Turns to me.
With his lips.
In my body.
The door slammed. She had left.
Alone together. Sole babe in arms. A barmy night, Window open wide.
Gaze up at stars. Quiet now, in awe.
Owl hoots. Startled, Turns to me.
With his lips.
In my body.
- May 2021
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
Like a criminal, I have accepted, routinized, and implemented them without moral revulsion or political indignation or resistance.
“Let us do something, while we have the chance! It is not every day that we are needed. Not indeed that we personally are needed. Others would meet the case equally well, if not better. To all mankind they were addressed, those cries for help still ringing in our ears! But at this place, at this moment of time, all mankind is us, whether we like it or not. Let us make the most of it, before it is too late! Let us represent worthily for one the foul brood to which a cruel fate consigned us! What do you say? It is true that when with folded arms we weigh the pros and cons we are no less a credit to our species. The tiger bounds to the help of his congeners without the least reflexion, or else he slinks away into the depths of the thickets. But that is not the question. What are we doing here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in the immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come -- ” Waiting for Godot. Samuel Beckett
“Am I committing evil in my world?”
Individuals are responsible for exploring the systems and their roles in the systems which they live. Those working in education (all people) need to share their learning, perspectives and challenge nefarious systems.
Your first thought might be denial: you can’t mean that grades are evil banalities?
but I do enjoy subversion.
- Nov 2019
www.elitedaily.com www.elitedaily.com
While research supports both morn
- Oct 2019
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
nub of the matter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXpmunmG5ss
- Jul 2018
to pitch
to present/sell idea
I don’t give up.
gain an edge
to gain an advantage
owe money
devoir de l'argent
cash flow.
a bookkeeper or lawyer
comptable avocat
dealing with
s'occuper de..
to fall into the trap
tomber dans une piège
to resort to bribery
to attempt to corrupt people by paying them a bribe (pot de vin)
actions (bourse)
f company
une société
to make a profit.
faire des bénéfices
it must be run—and run
margin for manoeuvre
concurrence/ concurrent - competitors
sway others to your side
influence other people
making an improvement
faire une amelioration.
security pledged for the payment of a loan: He gave the bank some stocks and bonds as collateral for the money he borrowed.
to put the odds for success more in your favor.
mettre toutes le chances de votre côté.
deal with
a mindset
way of think
esprit entrepreneurial
angel chasing
Bootstrapping in business means starting a business without external help or capital. Such startups fund the development of their company through internal cash flow and are cautious with their expenses.[14] Generally at the start of a venture, a small amount of money will be set aside for the bootstrap process.[15] Bootstrapping can also be a supplement for econometric models.[16] Bootstrapping was also expanded upon in the book Bootstrap Business by Richard Christiansen, the Harvard Business Review article The Art of Bootstrapping and the follow-up book The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses by Amar Bhide.
Startups can grow by reinvesting profits in its own growth if bootstrapping costs are low and return on investment is high. This financing approach allows owners to maintain control of their business and forces them to spend with discipline.[17] In addition, bootstrapping allows startups to focus on customers rather than investors, thereby increasing the likelihood of creating a profitable business. Leveraged buyouts, or highly leveraged or "bootstrap" transactions, occur when an investor acquires a controlling interest in a company's equity and where a significant percentage of the purchase price is financed through leverage, i.e., borrowing. Bootstrapping in finance refers to the method to create the spot rate curve. Operation Bootstrap (Operación Manos a la Obra) refers to the ambitious projects that industrialized Puerto Rico in the mid-20th century.
- Jun 2018
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
mattcornock.co.uk mattcornock.co.uk
If your university has Google Drive and you use Dropbox instead, you have no justification. In fact, if your institution doesn’t have any cloud based file storage agreement and you use Google Drive, Dropbox or anything else, you have no justification.
What we mean here is downloading of data onto a personal laptop?
transferring student assessments onto personal devices for that regular occurrence of ‘marking at home’. Assessments will contain personal data (even just exam numbers) and mark sheets tend to hold more personal data.
What of paper carried around in bags?
educators may be under pressure to conform to institutional services that provide equivalent learning processes, deeming third-party sites to not meet the criteria of ‘necessary’ for performance of contract.
This is the grey area who judges what services provide "equivalent learning processes."?
Indeed, being conscious of your students’ perceptions about using third-party online services is important to avoid divided cohorts and false assumptions about willingness to engage with a learning activity (Wenham and Cornock, 2012).
Transparence of teachers towards students.
The University of Cambridge’s working group for GDPR produced a very useful document which looks at linking legisliation to actual practices taking place in the organisation, with actions to amend these practices based on GDPR.
Very Useful.
By ensuring an institutional approach, educators can get on with teaching and supporting learning without trying to come up with processes themselves that are compliant with legislation
Yes..but...who decides the "institutional approach"?
reuse of captures in subsequent years, which does sometime occur due to staff absence, shouldn’t be permitted if student contributions are captured
cans of worms - then we need to identify what is framed within the lecture capture.
then including this within the university regulations as to how that data will be stored and managed should be something to celebrate, rather than shy away from.
Therefore (and this is what I believe Glynn suggested), lecture recordings must be part of the contract an institution has with the student in the delivery of education
Well yes... And the purpose of lecture capture?
it is precisely the imprecision in understanding about all these legal and policy contexts that lead to defensive and protectionist approaches that appear too risky for educators to even consider.
So we establish fear as the key factor in relationships online...
If a student contributes to an online space under a creative commons license, their moral rights of attribution may be in conflict with how those contributions are stored anonymously if anonymity is the approach used to conform to GDPR.
Exactly! How does this fly with IP addresses?
If a student says something in a lecture that is recorded, do they have rights under GDPR if that contribution is interpreted as data about them as an individual, does that depend on the content of the contribution, or does the fact they have made a contribution act itself as data about their engagement with the course
How we navigate between personal data (“any information relating to an identifiable person”), intellectual property and associated rights that may be transferred and exploited in some way, and moral rights is resulting in a rather complex web of ifs, buts and maybes
This is a really interesting bit. How do we personally navigate the complexity of this?
“any information relating to an identifiable person”
So if I tell a story about a student to another teacher is that "information relating to an identifiable person"?
What about more complex data, such as contributions in class?
This is a crucial question - to what extent are we able to have trust in a classroom?
If an individual student shares something in a class that is personal and (and is the important bit here) is personally identifiable, then immediately we’re into GDPR territory. How is that recording controlled? How can the individual student enact their eight rights? Do we need to enlist an army of lecture recording editors? Oh no!
Does an interaction in class only become data when it is recorded?
Does data only become data when it is shared?
- Mar 2018
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
Where do they speak about the ups and downs of human existence in academic publications?
teresa-nextsteps.blogspot.com teresa-nextsteps.blogspot.com
Clavier has been part of that unexpected sequence of events and the network which has stretched around the world has seen me working with colleagues in Egypt, Poland, Sweden, Australia, the USA, Spain, Finland, Canada and the UK!
global network connected
Having found my voice in the academic community and a means to engage in the meaningful deployment of my abilities across institutional and national boundaries thanks to the open internet, I have made yet another career "modification" - one where I can pass on a new perspective to students considering teaching languages.
agency, voice research community
. This internal event about teaching excellence at Warwick saw staff exploring physical and virtual spaces, connecting virtually with Marcin Klébin @makle1 in Poland; the doors to the EuroCALL conference were opened this year thanks to collaboration with Maha Bali +Maha Bali and Virtually Connecting, my students have created open educational resources and even contributed to online conferences, the WIHEA #knowhow project (see https://storify.com/WarwickLanguage/warwick-window-on-teaching) produced resources and connections to help others decide on a path to opening up their work.
Connected events
The Clavier experience had ignited a spark which fed an intellectual curiosity. Central to this was a realisation of my own agency in progressing educational opportunity for all. I decided to be an open educational practitioner and again my network - an international collection of educators in many different contexts - were reliable in getting involved
Agency and leadership
The serendipity of networked practice together with a heightened attention to the importance of protecting the place of human interaction in education resulted in many conference presentations and publications
Reflective practice, research, publication
However, taking a more critical stance we need to challenge that underlying assumption - what do we value about education that needs to remain in place?
When you look at the literature around the use of technology in education you will soon come across references to disruption. Having been an early adopter of technology in language teaching I have experienced this and my Master's research (on the user perceptions of voice over the internet) also identified that embedding technology in learning design does require a return to first principles if it is to be embedded successfully. As such it is a useful mechanism if you need to focus teacher attention on why we do what we do. This perspective from IMS Global on disruption clearly assumes that there is something inherent in the existing status quo in education which needs a shake up and gives an industry insight into learning technology in the business of education
Disruption, technology
More stories of connection
stories, connection, cogdog
teresa-nextsteps.blogspot.com teresa-nextsteps.blogspot.com
The learning was further extended through becoming part of the Association for Learning Technology where I have increased my technical and theoretical perspectives in learning technology.
EDTECH community
this inspired me to research through my teaching and this community
research, reflective practice
I reconnected with the EuroCALL community finding Graham Davies online (sadly now passed away but not before he agreed to deliver some staff training through his Second Life presence, a real highlight for me) and this inspired
Connection with Eurocall
I had been an early adopter of learning technologies and when I returned to Warwick I was able to complete further learning including an e-learning award and a Masters in Post Compulsory Education which had provided lots of opportunities to reflect through blogging
EDTECH connection
Language teaching has been my career since I left university, I completed my Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) back in the 1980s at Warwick and I had worked for 15 years in secondary education rising to a leadership role before joining the Language Centre as a part-time tutor when my children were still young
Language teaching career
My background coming to this project was quite different from that of Simon.
Diversity of background
the connected approach to learning and teaching has been overwhelmingly positive for me
connection connected learning
negative physical effects of all the time spent sitting working on a screen (which I should have counter balanced more actively through resistance and greater emphasis on physical wellbeing
physical costs to online work
This serendipitous meeting on Steve Wheeler's blog back then was the spark that led to the creation of connected network at a point when I had recently developed an online space using moodle for supporting the teaching of languages at Warwick's Language Centre. The opportunity therefore to connect our student cohorts meant that we could set about creating a shared, large scale virtual exchange.
Connection, Unpredictability, Serendiptity, EDTECH developer MOODLE
At that time I was working with this umbrella group for languages to support communications using social media and to raise awareness of the need for better government support for languages in the UK. I have always been a passionate advocate of language learning,
Advocacy, leadership, social media
CLAVIER is more difficult to define than the acronym may appear, as I recall Simon and I discussed the choice of letters as I traveled back from a trip to London for a UCML meeting
CLAVIER Difficulty to define.
The paths we take as we travel through life are sometimes the result of conscious decision making, sometimes the inevitable result of our behaviours, sometimes directed by others, often a complex weaving of all of these and more.
Paths Conscious decision making. Inevitable result of behaviours Sometimes directed by others.
Complex weaving of all of these and more.
- Oct 2017
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
None of my students made the leap of understanding that connected this concept with an earlier one from the article, “concept creep”.
KRAMSCH 2012 Language learners are not just communicators and problem solvers, but whole persons with hearts, bodies, and minds, with memories, fantasies, loyalties, identities. Symbolic forms are not just items of vocabulary or communication strategies, but embodied experiences, emotional resonances, and moral imaginings. (Kramsch, 2006: 251)
for whatever reason my students didn’t get it.
KRAMSCH 2012 Context is not a backdrop to learning the language, it is the very object of learning. Thus we need to study context itself and its relation to the texts that both structure and are structured by it.
The little discovery about how students ignore what they don’t understand is a small opening into that black box of learning.
Ignore or choose to ignore?
Unless you have a good understanding of how the technique
Technique or art?
the car won’t start, or the driving conditions become dangerous
It’s like being told how to drive a car without being given any understanding of how the car and its engine work.
Or raising children with Doctor Spock.
Children are just so illogical.
The result is that teachers are constantly being encouraged to try out new ideas or new methods without understand how they might be affecting student learning
Because they are not asked to reflect on the reality of being in a space with twenty or thirty possible allies (students) in their learning of how to teach.
here is no explanation of the underlying learning principles on which the methods or resources have been constructed.
One size fits all.
why it might work.
Or why we are doing it at all.
There is a potential problem with ideas and models about how to teach. I
Yes. Because you can't build a raft if the kit is for a fighter
I know this will be imperfect, but at least I stand a better chance of knowing the ‘why’ of my students’ learning struggles.
This is where I am asking students to analyse their experiences of classes so that I can get in their heads sufficiently to understand how much I don't understand.
I need to exercise my pedagogical imagination so that I can be active in unearthing the blindspots in my teaching practice.
I have been working on this through my anthropological research of the context in which I am working.
It is extraordinary how much I am learning at how ineffective I have been.
perhaps an expert’s failure to be aware of who his audience is
Hmm. I find "expert" is interesting here. There is such a gap between our own perceptions our own imaginations and those of others.
“culture of victimhood”.
More and more I feel like an anthropologist in my classroom.
KRAMSCH 2012 “The body of the learner replicates previous ways of learning that get reactivated somatically.”
Tudor 2003
“An ecological perspective involves exploring language teaching and learning within the totality of the lives of the various participants involved, and not as one sub-part of their lives which can be examined in isolation.”
“Under-standing classroom teaching and learning therefore involves exploring the meaning these activities have for students, for teachers, and for the others who, in one way or another, influence what takes place in each classroom as a reality in its own right.”
- Sep 2017
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
Paul relates: “I had in mind a black woman, rather than a bird. Those were the days of the civil-rights movement, which all of us cared passionately about, so this was really a song from me to a black woman, experiencing these problems in the States: 'Let me encourage you to keep trying, to keep your faith, there is hope.' As is often the case with my things, a veiling took place so, rather than say 'Black woman living in Little Rock' and be very specific, she became a bird, became symbolic, so you could apply it to your particular problem."
- Aug 2017
Local file Local file
Finally, after the feedback had been incorporated, the revised version of the ques-tionnaire was pilot tested by 103 school practitioners from secondary schools, and further refined. The internal consistency reliability of the whole scale was .93
What is this?
The Questionnaire about the Use of Research-Based Information (QURBI) w
web.mit.edu web.mit.edu
With respect to organization, problems seem more likely in the surveillance of an individual by an organization (and one that is minimally accountable) and when data collection is nonreciprocal and initiated by the surveillance agent. This is related to power and resource imbalances within stratified societies and organizations.
FEAR of having to change practices. FEAR of experts positioning themselves to tell us how to work.
This involves the inherent and/or applied characteristics of the means and the competence of its practitioners. In addition, ethical assessments need to consider the conditions of data analysis (including merging with other data apart from that directly collected) and storage and uses of the data.
What happens to data in Google forms?
to be sure workers behaved in ways considered appropriate by the company
What teaching is considered appropriate by the company?
Consider the explicit merging of social control and social research in Henry Ford’s 1910 Sociology Department.
"make your voice heard.
Survey and surveil
www.aplv-languesmodernes.org www.aplv-languesmodernes.org
1 La société comme domaine de réalisation des actions.2 La classe comme domaine de réalisation des tâches.A La classe comme lieu de conception d’actionsB La classe comme lieu d’actionC La classe comme lieu de simulation d’actionsD La classe comme lieu de préparation [12] aux compétences langagières et culturelles qui devront être mises en œuvre dans les actions sociales ultérieures
Il y a action même si on fait "simulation d'action".
- Jun 2017
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
Fight the blindspot
How do you "fight a blindspot"?
Stop looking to see?
3. I think the ultimate blindspot I am finally seeing is that engagement is risky. It is a risk you choose to take or not. I am used to giving away my self and go hang the risk, but when confronted with the roadmap visualization above I have to ask whether or not to keep on down this road with this map. When you reach 60, this is not an idle question.
“Sal, we gotta go and never stop going 'till we get there.' 'Where we going, man?' 'I don't know but we gotta go.” ― Jack Kerouac, On the Road
“But why think about that when all the golden lands ahead of you and all kinds of unforseen events wait lurking to surprise you and make you glad you're alive to see?” ― Jack Kerouac, On the Road
“Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life” ― Jack Kerouac, On the Road
“I was halfway across America, at the dividing line between the East of my youth and the West of my future.” ― Jack Kerouac, On the Road
63/ A roadmap that does not evoke emotion is not a roadmap.
A road map invariably evokes e motion.
Otherwise it is not really a road map
“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.” ― Jack Kerouac, On the Road
Is reciprocation a central principle of being a good citizen online?
I have major major problems with the idea of "good citizen".
Are their degrees of citizenship?
I am a second-class French citizen if I don't know the words of the Marseillaise (yes don't answer that).
Your roadmap is simply the landscape of upcoming known-unknowns (including, crucially, around people/trust) made legible enough for your instinctive management behaviors to kick in.
This is really interesting comment.
I have been thinking about frames/maps and areas to be mapped.
I get depressed when I feel I am in a closed box/shrinking - this includes my body. cf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pyp34v6Lmcc
60/ Uncertainty shows up as felt emotions: anxiety at being late, exhilaration at beating odds, felt freedom at being early, anger at being betrayed, gratitude for being unexpectedly aided.
Throwing a curve ball.
Here is an alternative mapping (plenty of concerning data privacy issues)
it doesn’t take into account emotion.
ABSOLUTELY Both in the action of connecting and in the observation of the graph.
Is this visualization good enough to be a roadmap?
Yes, if it is used as a starting point for investigation.
A roadmap is of little use if you don't go and travel the road.
s much of what happens in a “citizenship space” hidden just like much of nature is unrevealed and often an unknown unknown? Or is lurking one of those known unknowns that we fail to account for, that is impossible to account for?
"Citizenship space" is bollocks.
Does the visualization measure reciprocation?
On a very, very simplistic level.
It is over a very short time period which is instantly problematic.
That is not to say that it has its interest.
I would say it may be used as a starting point of investigation but it ain't much use if you don't include how different people do don't perceive it/read it.
I assume that because someone doesn’t reciprocate, that they are not a good #digciz.
Dangerous assumption. Very.
this feels risky,
Well life is risky.
like I am doubling down for no good reason other than stubborness (and the few folks who are engaged).
I suppose we have to go back to our personal reasons and expectations.
Personally, I prefer to map how I see it, rather than play the connections game as a priority. However one can not be blind to the latter.
The other thing is to take into account how suddenly an object can take on new meaning for other people - they discover an old idea/an old writer/artist and it/he/she become highlighted.
The same with teaching. I know that many of the seeds I sow will provide no yield immediately but over time may sprout as a result of a conjunction of conditions.
I think this reveals a profound blindspot–if I put the food down where the goats can get to it, they will eat.
Are goats non-discriminating as to who puts the food down?
People are generally less discriminating - the food is not so much (just) a question of nourishment it is a means to reinforce ties.
We choose whose dinner party to go to....
who to accept to buy us a drink.
Knowledge has only meaning socially.
CF If I publish on a blog and then publish on Hybrid Pedagogy it has not got the same weight....
on my end,
Why "end?"
"Feeling out on a limb" as regards a tree?
the gif above shows I am engaged with people who already know me and are engaged with me. According to the gif above, I haven’t engaged with any of the principals who have organized #digciz.
This begs all sorts of questions.
The digital flattens depth of relationships and feeling making objects of us all.
It would be a an interesting question to know how the "principals" see themselves.
Do they see themselves as "Jedi" "Preachers" "Priest-caste" "Elite" or as simple participants?
What sort of hierarchical relationships exist - at what level and in which fields?
Here is a gif that shows what? Connectedness? Engagement? Frequency? All of the above or none?
A mirror which shows us what we want to see?
Grass growing?
Giving an illusion of complication reduced to simplicity?
one of the personally powerful and motivational revelations was to see I was part of a community. If you consider a medium like Twitter it can be hard for you to get a sense of where you are in a community and who else is part of it. Seeing myself exist in the graph gave me a sense of place but it also let me see who else in the community I was close to but not connected with, or even discover people on the other side, removed from me by several degrees.
Graphs can be a powerful way to represent relationships between data, but they are also a very abstract concept, which means that they run the danger of meaning something only to the creator of the graph. Often, simply showing the structure of the data says very little about what it actually means, even though it’s a perfectly accurate means of representing the data. Everything looks like a graph, but almost nothing should ever be drawn as one. Ben Fry in ‘Visualizing Data‘
- May 2017
ranacles2017.universita.corsica ranacles2017.universita.corsica
Quelles formes d’accompagnement de l’étudiant ?
Mentorship - Librarians/
People online/People offline - students/professionals
Spaces - online/offline use of video/audio/informal.
Evaluation - by portfolio.
Student created content.
Question how do we get an idea of impact of student created content?
Les utilisateurs du CL peuvent avoir des motivations différentes et venir d’horizons divers, certains désireux de s’ouvrir des perspectives à l’international, et d’autres nécessitant une formation ou une certification de leur niveau pour intégrer le tissu économique local.
Mapping of spaces of action
econproph.com econproph.com
we can describe dimensions of openness.
Indeed this could be useful as means of discussion.
already all too often talk about education as something to be acquired
To do so risks reifying both pedagogy and education as something that exists independent of the students and teachers engaged in it.
As does research.
checklist definition of open pedagogy is possible.
possible but is it desirable?
It’s about the degrees and ways in which a pedagogy is free and mutual.
pedagogy is mutual?
any pedagogy is primarily about power relations and therefore freedom.
Pedagogy is about power but certainly not necessarily about freedom.
That means that pedagogy is not just about some instructional design strategy, it’s about power relations
All human interactions are power relations.
A process, like a pedagogy, can be conducted in isolation removed from any other activities or parts of life
then what makes pedagogy open?
that it be pedagogy rather than didactics
pedagogy, makes use of resources.
Herm. What do we mean by resources?
As educators, we intend to help students to have some kind of particular experience: learn something, change perspectives, grow, mature, create, collaborate, etc.
Perhaps opportunities. Hmm this seems to closed to me.
a method of creating a desired outcome.
didactics? is it really a desired outcome? desired for who?
It’s a process.
Not sure that it is a process. Is parenting a process?
Thus the definition of “openness”, according to Wiley, has OER and its property use permissions as prerequisite. If there’s not explicitly CC licensed OER involved, it’s not open.
Er the battle over "open". so is "Open" Licensed?
“open pedagogy”
We need to start by deciding what we mean by pedagogy...http://infed.org/mobi/what-is-pedagogy/
Open Education Resources, seems relatively clear and agreed. David Wiley has defined Open Content and OER
When is "open content" and "open education resource".?
- Mar 2017
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
They then went and did a marvellous job, networking for themselves.
Some of the students were busy working out how to extend our CLAVIER networking to all students on the campus.
Café des langues.
Déjeuner des relations internationales.
It was lovely to smell the toast in a university classroom.
learning space
Today we were having synchronised breakfast with our partners in Warwick University.
colleagues connection collaboration
before they stuck a concrete university here.
boxes natural movement learning freedom
I wandered out of the classroom into the nature on the campus. I felt the warmth of the Indian Summer on my back, I sat down on the grass.
nature ecosystem
I was able to take time, to chill out. I read Tania Sheko's post 'The art of slowing down.'
students with developing information literacy.
competences digital literacies
I arrived in class to find our partner librarians ready to teach our students.
Colleagues. connection. mutualisation.
Rather than learning from #ccourses to develop #clavier, I am beginning to understand that #clavier and #ccourses and #ds106 and the whole caboosh is actually the same thing.
Personal learning network. Overlapping communities/networks
Rather than feeling under pressure, I felt rejuvenated.
Rather than blogging, (I was tired with blogging), I spent my time doing drawing.
Time Fallow Rejuvenation Learning Rest
I joined #clmooc for fun.
Emotion Motivation
Rather than slowing down my learning, my learning accelerated. Rather than having less time to do things, I was finding I had more time to do things.
Motivation Energy Time
I was loving teaching as never before. I was experiencing less and less frustration doing what I loved.
Identity Self-directed learning. Emotion
Meeting new colleagues with whom I could have fun teaching was high up on my 'would love to' list.
Network colleagues
Search before death all means to eliminate all aspects of my life which I hated. Search before death all means to amplify all aspects of my life which I loved.
Teacher roles.
The teacher in front of me was also clearly in a hurry "Do you have many more copies to make? I have a class in five minutes?"
teacher conflict teacher stress teacher panic
With every second passed, my stress level went up. With every minute passed, my anger level went up.
I might have spent my time learning a new song, practising origami, watching a Humphrey Bogart movie, going for a walk with the kids...
I stood in the queue for the photocopier, looking at my watch. As time goes by.
Time. Preparation.
I stood in the queue in front of the photocopier.
teacher roles. transmission technology
- natural
- network
- people
- rejuvenation
- learning spaces
- teacher roles
- nature
- identity
- stress
- competences
- collaboration
- time
- learning
- social networks
- identification
- ecosystem
- clavier
- colleagues
- fallow
- freedom
- motivation
- open
- boxes
- learning space
- digital
- connection
- emotion
- rest
- literacies
- conflict
rhetcompnow.com rhetcompnow.com
I bid them well with their renovation work of their crumbling edifice. I am on the beach listening to the waves
Bring the sea/nature back to the boxes
I have been accused of being hyperbolic and of wildly inflating conditions on the ground. I really do call them like I see them
Call them like I feel them.
How can we see without feeling?
On my farm I see the hope of a rainy August. I see all kinds of forbs for my sheep to eat. Deep rooted docks and Queen Anne’s lace, plaintain weed and hop clover and red clover and white clover. Fescue and chicory. It is a meadow fit for a ruminant. Usually it is pith dry. Sometimes the fallen and broken branches get trampled further by our sheep and as they walk through they sound like marimbas being janked around by a hyperactive eight year old. Yes, this August is rare. I hope that #ccourses is a rainy August.
This is a rainy April.
I am taking the time to read closely.
Thanks for letting me take this feldgang. A feldgang is what farmers do all the time. Fieldwalks
Fortunately you did.
This is enabling me to continue my feldgang here.
Retracing steps and seeing things from a different perpective
He continues to fight against the architectural forces that value the modular over the adaptive, the global over the local. His project, the Eishin School, continues to be under fire by the powers-that-be in Japan. He continues to fight back. He is still the consummate outside. He believes in design from the folk up. I will use that yardstick to measure everything I will be trying from this course and in my courses. Is everything I do designed from the folk up? Is everything you do designed from the folk up? Is it humane and regenerative and sustaining, and alive? Or does it just serve the status quo ante bellum?
This is a pretty good yard-stick.
This is a pretty good starting point for research and production.
Very good question concerning Sensemaker.
Start with lenses which are local and sustainable immediately.
I am older than most of you. I don’t have time for this if it’s just another System B in disguise.
Feeling of limited time
CF. https://via.hypothes.is/http://tachesdesens.blogspot.com/2014/10/reaching-out_3.html
Is it even possible to have a System A that arises from our own or other’s codings? How will we know that we have not deluded ourselves, that we are so invested in the time and energy and pride of creation that we fall into the sinkhole of bias and blindspot?
Yer pays yer money and you takes yer choice.
There is no certainty. Even a well meant action can turn into horror - NB Robespierre.
So…will the tools we are using and advocating generate System A or System B spaces?
This paranoia has some pretty deep roots
Mistrust. Paranoia
I am still an outsider running an underground railway and I am needing folks to guide me: is this connectedcourses System A or a well-disguised System B.
Both. These are not railway tracks they are intermingled and confusing networks - undergrowth and cash crops
I am an outsider who thought that perhaps I could lay a set of parallel sidetracks next to the well-worn ones of System B, an underground railway designed to lift up, carry forward, and sustain those fleeing the plight of System B.
the crank and the zealot. Whatever. I am an iconoclast in a job that values lockstep
I started teaching at age 39 in a rural setting of intense poverty and dying culture. The culture that was dying was agri-culture
Did agriculture depend on industry?
I am an outsider as many of you are. I came to teaching late after fifteen years of farming and running a couple of businesses (taxes and chimney sweeping). I came to teaching through substitute teaching. WTF.
Wandering Rhizomatic Chaotic Organic
What I do know is that I get the very distinct feeling that certain systems I use are not convivial. Google+, Facebook, WordPress, Twitter while full of humans, feel closed, feel like templates to be filled in not spaces to be lived in. Hence, the need for outsiders more than ever to raise the question especially in this week of connected courses where we are talking about the why of why.
Very much depends from which perspective we are looking.
This is absolutely key.
I have a lot of questions about whether any of the web-based tools we are using actually fit the mold of System A. I don’t often feel those spaces as convivial and natural. Behind the artifice of interface lay the reality of code. Is that structure humane? Is it open, sustainable, and regenerative? Does it feel good? Does the whole idea behind code generate System A or System B? I really don’t know.
This is a really good key question..
System A is all about integrity and health and the folk not as nodes in a machine, but as a growing, adapting, distributed and living whole. It is the difference between a neighborhood and a housing development.
System B is oppressive, closed, degenerative, and exhausting.
Order Box Capitalism
System A and System B. System B is all about efficiency and hierarchy. It is about power and control and productivity. All of which is well and good within its proper context. I want the centralized control systems built into the flying and landing and taking off of airplanes. I don’t want it nearly so much in the ‘ergonomic’ fascism of bathroom design or of learning management systems.
Cynefin framework
Complexity, Complicated, Simple,
Yet I have to ask: are they (including Mike Wesch, Cathy Davidson, and Randy Bass) enough outside to pull the center to the margin?
Are these individuals enough to pull the centre to the margin?
Alone clearly not - there has to be a movement in which suddenly leaders appear - one could say the same about Gandhi, Churchill, Hitler, Trump, Beyoncé, et al
At a key moment they become iconic
Perhaps Jim Groom’s abandonment of edupunk and Alan Levine’s disdain for the word “lurker” are part of a growing outsider movement. Perhaps Howard Rhinegold has always been on the outside looking in.
Complicit with system?
I feel the same issues with the materials of modern university life, online and face-to-face. They (the insiders) are killing the good that universities do for learners.
Let us identify what we mean by "insiders"
Those who are close to power.
Outsiders in Academe
feeling of being outsider? made to feel an outsider?
I was born an outsider come to think of it.
Youngest/unbeliever/middle class/outsider at schools/foreign/not careerist/etc
his emphasis has been upon local, humane, sustainable, and intelligent design. In his latest book he really takes on the role of outsider, pariah even, when he blames those in his own profession for the death march that is modern architecture and design.
Humane sustainable local
a gadfly
My idea of the consummate outsider is architect
If he is an architect he is not really an outsider but he can be an outsider within a group - a possible point of connection to other groups....
Question: are the facilitators and leaders and participants here outsiders or are they ‘rearrangers’? Are we cozy web makers or are we punks? Fuse lit.
Can we separate the two extremes ever?
Unless we are victims or perpetrators...
the best chance for legitimate change comes from outside the discipline
Or from outside context - for better or for worse.
What one introduces from the outside is always risky...
Feel free to check your various personal learning networks, but …wander back please.
I am wandering back
I freely admit that this is a mess of post
- innovation
- frame
- academia
- link
- politics
- nature
- paranoia
- identity
- mistrust
- prison
- order
- creative
- change
- tracing
- choices
- capitalism
- reflection
- leadership
- social networks
- complicity
- values
- power
- responsibility
- context
- open
- emotion
- movement
- moral responsibility
- resistance
- complexity
- ideology
- story
- node
- personal
- icon
- sustainable
- computers
- nonlinear
- escape
- exploration
- time
- window
- research
- learning
- box
- perspective
- mapping
- agriculture
- rhizomatic
- ecosystem
- clavier
- cynefin
- rescue
- mess
- machine
- freedom
- meaning
- boxes
- modernity
- internet
- connection
- life
- organic
- local
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
Pulling here, pulling there and giving a broad grin to a band of fellow urchins.
seeing the absurdity
I want to us to have all sorts of biographies, all sorts of photos of unknown urchins with whom we may connect.
personal research local
difficulty of frame - of readability - of length
The Academy won't save us.
academia capitalism status quo
I am terribly uncomfortable with badges, labels, official sort of stuff...
As we are talking about TRUST this week here in Connected Courses, I feel the need to come clean.
I wasn't too sure about the BMW.
Capitalism Values
"We shall miss Simon's way of... er making his position...er his disagreement...clear."
identity values
"No, I think it is ridiculous that older boys have power over younger ones, I think the idea that monitors are the only ones who are allowed to wear brown shoes is...ridiculous."
Artful...as in Dodger
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
One minute left. Terry, Keith, Kevin, Susan, Maha, Mia, Jim, Maritta, Marcin, Paul, Teresa, Maxime, Alexis, Camille, Clarissa, Blaise, Leena, Jurgen, Jose, Alan, Howard, Alec, Laura, Christine, Marie Christine, Dave, Bonnie et al -
time people connection
two minute video which gave him hope.
He chose to live, to believe in himself after watching a short video on Youtube which somehow connected with him in his moment of despair.
connection storyteller witness youtube
Survival my friends is a pitiful option.
emotion life values