10 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
  2. Mar 2022
    1. A major advance in user interfaces that supports creative exploration would the capacity to go back in time, to review and manipulate the history of actions taken during an entire session. Users will be able to see all the steps in designing an engine and change an early design decision. They will be able to extract sections of the history to replay them or to convert into permanent macros that can be applied in similar situations. Extracting and replaying sections of history is a form of direct man ipulation programming. It enables users to explore every alternative in a decision-making situation, and then chose the one with the most favorable outcomes.

      While being able to view the history of a problem space from the perspective of a creation process is interesting, in reverse, it is also an interesting way to view a potential learning experience.

      I can't help but think about the branching tree networks of knowledge in some math texts providing potential alternate paths through the text to allow learners to go from novice to expert in areas in which they're interested. We need more user interfaces like this.

  3. Mar 2017
    1. It was lovely to smell the toast in a university classroom.  

      learning space

    2. before they stuck a concrete university here.

      boxes natural movement learning freedom

    3. I wandered out of the classroom into the nature on the campus.  I felt the warmth of the Indian Summer on my back, I sat down on the grass.  

      nature ecosystem

    4. Rather than blogging, (I was tired with blogging), I spent my time doing drawing. 

      Time Fallow Rejuvenation Learning Rest

    1. I was in the room with him from my learning space in Clermont Ferrand. I could hear the bad acoustics of the room in which he was/we were?. We were sharing the slides on the screen in Krakow inside the slide share of our hangout on air.

      Social presence.


      Room, space. confusion

  4. Jan 2017
    1. Paulo: “But we can also create space inside of the subsystem or the schooling system in order to occupy the space.” (p.203)

      In terms of music space, I think of rehearsal, but rehearsal is made possible by the discipline of practice. They are same coin.

      I live in the composition classroom both online and face-to-face. Are they rehearsal spaces? Yes. What other kinds of space can they be likened to?

      improv? studio? prompt? daily exercises?