- Aug 2024
www.foreignaffairs.com www.foreignaffairs.com
the term “rare-earth minerals” is a misnomer: these elements are abundant and geographically dispersed. Eighty percent of the world’s lithium reserves, 66 percent of its nickel reserves, and 50 percent of its copper reserves are in democracies. Eighty percent of oil reserves, by contrast, are in OPEC countries, nearly all of which are autocracies
Useful stat
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
even if we were successful in phasing out fossil fuels, we would still fail. on the climate boundary. We would still breach the 1. 5 degree Celsius boundary if we do not come back into the safe space on the biosphere boundaries. Because biodiversity, freshwater, land, and nutrients will determine the ability of the planet to buffer
for - quote - Johan Rockstrom - successful phase of of fossil fuels - is a necessary but not sufficient condition for station under 1.5 degree Celsius
- Jul 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
another example would be um the internal combustion engine
for - progress trap - example - internal combustion engine / fossil fuels
progress trap - example - internal combustion engine / fossil fuels - This is one of my favorite examples. - Nobody could foresee that the ICE burning fossil fuels could lead us to destabilize Earth's entire climate system
- Jun 2024
thehonestsorcerer.substack.com thehonestsorcerer.substack.com
Despite all the hand-waving, there are still no viable, scalable, truly renewable energy sources waiting in the wings
for - question - no viable replacement for fossil fuels? - energy futures - deep geothermal
question - no viable replacement for fossil fuels? - That may not be true - Deep geothermal may be the viable answer in the short-to-medium term and - nuclear fusion may be the solution on the medium term - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=Deep+geothermal
- May 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Weltbank hat 2022 3,7 Milliarden Dollar für fossile Investitionen zur Verfügung gestellt, obwohl sie offiziell eine Dekarbonisierungs-Politik vertritt. Das Geld floss als sogenannte „trade finance“, wie ein neuer Bericht von Urgewald zeigt. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/12/world-bank-spent-billions-of-dollars-backing-fossil-fuels-in-2022-study-finds
Urgewald-Studie: https://www.urgewald.org/node/1773
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die COP28 mit dem Emissions Peak für Treibhausgase zusammenfallen könnte. Um das 1,5°-Ziel zu erreichen, müssten allerdings die Emissionen bis 2030 um die Hälfte sinken. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2023/nov/29/cop28-what-could-climate-conference-achieve
- Paul Bledsoe
- Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development
- Climate Action Network International
- 2023-11-29
- Jeanne d’Arc Mujawamariya
- Mia Mottley
- China
- actor: Sultan Al Jaber
- Council on Energy, Environment and Water
- climate finance
- Romain Ioualalen
- Durwood Zaelke
- Jenny Chase
- Arunabha Ghosh
- fossil fuels phase-out
- coal phase-out
- Simon Stiell
- Christiana Figueres
- Climate Analytics
- Greenpeace
- Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air
- Vera Singer
- Joeri Rogelj
- Harjeet Singh
- COP28
- Patrick Verkooijen
- Saudi-Arabia
- Shady Khalil
- Eamon Ryan
- Avinash Persaud
- Macky Small
- Mariana Mazzucato
- Lauri Myllyvirta
- COP28 global methane summit
- NOCs
- Global Optimism
- Global Centre on Adaptation
- Nicholas Stern
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der Artikel im Guardian stellt eine neue Studie dar, aus der hervorgeht, wie viel von der bereits existierenden Infrastruktur zur Förderung fossiler Brennstoff stillgelegt werden muss, um das 1,5° Ziel zu erreichen. Dabei geht die Autoren davon aus, dass man CO2 nicht realistisch wieder aus der Atmosphäre entfernen kann, und dass das 1,5° Ziel also nur zu erreichen ist, wenn nicht zu viel emittiert wird. Diese Studie fordert das Gegenteil der Planungen der fossilen Industrien, über der über die der Guardian gerade berichtet hatte. Der Artikel ist auch bemerkenswert, weil er auf eine Reihe weiterer wichtiger Studien zu fossilen Lagerstätten verweist.
- fossil expansion
- treaty: energy charter treaty
- expert: Maeve O'Connor
- expert: Greg Muttitt
- topic: carbon removal
- institution: Carbon Tracker
- expert: Kelly Trout
- fossil fuels
- variable: emissions of developed reserves
- institution: Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance
- variable: emissions of known reserves
- 2022-05-17
- expert: Daniel Welsby
- Climate emergency
- Dec 2023
two tablespoons of crude oil contain as much free energy as would be expended by an adult male laborer in a day you every time you fill up your gas tank if you still have a gas tank uh 00:59:48 you're putting is you're putting two years of manual labor in that in that gas tank
for: fossil fuel energy density - example
example : energy density of fossil fuel
- 2 tablespoons of fossil fuel containsv the energy equivalent of one full day of human
- one full average gasoline tank is equivalent to 2 years of human labour
- Sep 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
I'm Vorfeld des UN Climate Ambition Summit am Mittwoch nahmen zwischen 50.000 und 75.000 Menschen (nach Angaben der Organisierenden) in New York am "March to end fossil fuels" teil. Damit war er die größte Klimakundgebung in den USA seit dem Beginn der Pandemie. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez forderte in einer Rede das Ende aller fossilen Projekte in den USA und eine demokratische Emergie-Wirtschaft. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/17/march-to-end-fossil-fuels-new-york-city
- Aug 2023
- for: fossil capitalism, progress trap, intersectionality, social norms, social norms - waste, externalization, capitalism
- Waves of Abandonment
- The Permian Basin is ground zero for a billion-dollar surge of zombie oil wells
- Waves of Abandonment
- a story that illustrates the intersectionality of fossil capitalism
- progress trap
- exploitation
- tragedy of the commons
- fossil fuel industry
- gold rush
- externalization
- fossil capitalism
- a story that illustrates the intersectionality of fossil capitalism
- Yet another example of capitalism's tendency to externalize manifests at the most basic level.
- The tendency to treat nature as an inexhaustable garbage dumping ground seems to be built into our culture's economic norms taught to us by most parents and society at large.
- There are not enough parents that teach their children to love, respect and feel that they are an intrinsic part of nature.
- The externalization our society teaches us in the form of destructive, widely-accepted social norms of waste such as::
- having the concept of waste and garbage
- garbage taken out once a week
- waste bins everywhere
- keep our backyard clean, but at the expense of trucking out our garbage to some unknown place
- has been enculturated into us from early age
- May 2023
insideclimatenews.org insideclimatenews.org
The Inflation Reduction Act’s first-ever methane fee for large emitters will also start in 2024 at $900 per ton of methane and increase to $1,500 per ton by 2026.
I'm guessing this might addresses some of the enforcement and incentive problem.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The Guardian recently revealed that Turkmenistan was the worst in the world for methane “super emitting” leaks. Separate research suggests a switch from the flaring of methane to venting may be behind some of these vast outpourings.Flaring is used to burn unwanted gas, putting CO2 into the atmosphere, but is easy to detect and has been increasingly frowned upon in recent years. Venting simply releases the invisible methane into the air unburned, which, until recent developments in satellite technology, had been hard to detect. Methane traps 80 times more heat than CO2 over 20 years, making venting far worse for the climate.
This sort of implies that if you ban flaring, then unscrupulous companies will just vent it instead, causing much worse emissions, because detecting venting has been hard before, and enforcing a bans against rich and power entitites is will not be easy
- Jan 2023
grist.org grist.org
Around 40 million homes (or roughly 35 percent of all U.S. houses) use a gas stove to make food.
This is less than I thought it would be.
- Jul 2022
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Die Wagner-Privatarmee sorgt dafür, dass mehr Migranten aus Libyen nach Italien kommen und damit die Wahlchancen der Rechten vergrößern.. Der Artikel geht aber auch auf die Öl-Interessen in Libyen ein, wo sich die Bürgerkriegs Parteien zum ersten Mal annähern und die Produktion steigern.
- Oct 2020
www.al-monitor.com www.al-monitor.com
Folgen der Covid-Krise in Kuwait. Interessant sind die Sätze über das Ende der Öl-Wirtschaft.
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Verwicklungen zwischen OMV, ÖVP und Russland - ein Mosaikstein zur Fossil fuel-Branche in Österreich
- Aug 2020
www.oekonews.at www.oekonews.at
Greenpeace-Stellungnahme zur Borealis-Übernahme durch die OMV
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Über den Kampf der fossilen Brennstoff-Industrie gegen die Begrenzung von Plastik-Importen in Kenia.
- Jul 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
COVID-19 and the Future of Energy Markets: Will Coal Remain Dominant? (2020, May 24). FSI Stanford. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDglurSkTWc
- Mar 2019
www.climaterealityproject.org www.climaterealityproject.org
It’s clear that we need to make the switch to clean, reliable sources of renewable energy like solar and wind. Unlike fossil fuels, renewables don’t add greenhouse gases to our atmosphere.
We need to change to renewable energy
Humans started harnessing fossil fuels on a massive scale during the Industrial Revolution.
Where fossil fuels started out
When we burn these fossil fuels, the carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This extra carbon dioxide (and other GHGs like methane) traps more and more heat in our atmosphere.
How we end up making carbon dioxide
- Jan 2017
www.whitehouse.gov www.whitehouse.gov
shale oil and gas revolution
Fossil fuel-fired power plants are by far the largest source of U.S. CO2 emissions, making up 31 percent of U.S. total greenhouse gas emissions. Find this fact and others on the EPA site: https://www.epa.gov/cleanpowerplan/fact-sheet-overview-clean-power-plan.