131 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. 2024 hat Deutschland die Nationalen, aber nicht die europäischen Klimaziele erreicht. Es wurden 18 Millionen Ton weniger CO2 ausgestoßen als im Vorjahr. Damit sind die Emission drei Jahre hintereinander zurückgegangen. Komma, sie liegen auf der halben Höhe von 1999. Hauptgründe sind die Abschaltung von Kohlekraftwerken und ihr Ersatz vor allem durch erneuerbare Energien sowie die schlechte Konjunkturlage. https://taz.de/Klimaziel-fuer-2024/!6057130/

    1. Der deutsche Expertenrad für Klimafragen hat sein zwei Jahresgutachten zur Entwicklung der Treibhausgas-Emissionen vorgelegt. Er stellt fest, dass sich die Dekaponisierung im Energiebereich 2021 bis 2023 schneller als geplant vorgesehen entwickelt hat. Das aber Gebäude und vor allem der Verkehr weit zurückgeblieben sind. In den kommenden Jahren seien jährlich etwa 100 Milliarden Euro öffentlicher Investitionen nötignötignötnötß, kommer um die deutschen Klimaziele zu erreichen. Der Expertenradlin rett davon ab, vor allem auf den CO Preis zu setzen, der dieser vor allem die ärmere Bevölkerung trifft.


      Gutachten: https://bscw.bund.de/pub/bscw.cgi/d315529602/ERK2025_Zweijahresgutachten-2024.pdf

  2. Feb 2025
    1. https://taz.de/Profite-aus-hohen-Oel--und-Gas-Preisen/!6063476/Die US-amerikanischen Öl- und Gasunternehmen machten aufgrund der Energiekrise 1902, siebenmal so hohe Gewinne wie vorher im Durchschnitt, nämlich über 288 Milliarden Dollar. Die Hälfte dieser Gewinne flossen das reiste Prozent der OS Bevölkerungyou Die reichsten 10% erhielten 84% , wie eine neue Koma noch nicht peer Review-De-Studie zeigt. Die hohen Gewinne machen Investitionen in Öl und Gas noch attraktiver als zuvor und bremsend damit Investitionen in erneuerbare Energien. Aufgrund der geopolitischen Unsicherheiten ist mit gefühlten Krisen ähnlicher Art öfter zu rechnen, kommen was die Energie, Wände und die Dekarbonisierung weiter verzögert.

  3. Jan 2025
  4. Nov 2024
    1. 2023 wurde mit 55,5 Milliarden Fass Öläquivalent so viel Öl und Gas gefördert wie nie zuvor. 578 Unternehmen arbeiten daran, durch zusätzliche Förderstätten weitere 240 Milliarden Fass zu produzieren, obwohl zur Einhaltung des 1,5 Grad-Ziels keine Förderkapazitäten mehr aufgebaut werden dürfen. Zu den Unternehmen mit den größten Expansionsplänen gehört die an der OMV beteiligte Adnoc. Die Zahlen sind - neben vielen weiteren z.B. zur LNG-Expansion - in der aktualisierten Global Oil & Gas Exit List (Gogel) der NGO Urgewald enthalten https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000244513/weltweite-oel-und-gasfoerderung-erreichte-2023-ein-allzeithoch

  5. Oct 2024
  6. Sep 2024
    1. Die Fossilindustrie finanziert seit Jahrzehten Universitäten und fördert damit Publikationen in ihrem Interesse, z.B. zu false solutions wie #CCS. Hintergrundbericht anlässlich einer neuen Studie: https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/sep/05/universities-fossil-fuel-funding-green-energy

      Studie: https://doi.org/10.1002/wcc.904

  7. Aug 2024
    1. Reparar un calentador de gas requiere conocer los pasos específicos. Este contenido detalla los procedimientos necesarios para diagnosticar averías.

      Descubre más información sobre el servicio especializado de calentadores de gas en la web de serviciotecnicosvalencia.com

    1. But the climate impact of data centres could be significantly worse than this. Because of the huge strain data centres are placing on power grids, EirGrid placed a de facto moratorium on new connections around Dublin, causing many to seek a connection to the natural gas network to generate electricity on-site.

      Wow, it's in Ireland too?!

  8. Jul 2024
    1. Net-zero corporate pledges are voluntary, which means they can be reeled back in as quickly as they are announced.Shell scrapped its emission reduction target for 2035 when it sought to grow its gas business, for example, and BP walked back on some of its climate commitments when profits hit a record high. An Oil Change International assessment of the climate plans of eight oil majors—Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, TotalEnergies, BP, Eni, Equinor, and ConocoPhillips—released this year found that all eight continue to drive fossil fuel expansion and six have explicit goals to grow their total production volume this decade
  9. May 2024
    1. economic tsunami is just that Russian gas and oil that's the 00:33:08 foundation of Russian economy the bread makers and you take those away and then what is left Russia doesn't produce anything

      for - adjacency - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine war - oil and gas industry destruction leading to economic collapse

      adjacency - between - geopolitics - Russia Ukraine War - Oil & Gas industry - Economic collapse - drone attacks on oil refineries - adjacency relationship - Konstantin' insider news is that the economic collapse is beginning due to the significant damage that the oil & gas refinery infrastructure has been damaged by effective Ukrainian drone attacks and the Western sanctions

    1. The Guardian: Donald Trump hat Big-Oil Managern angeboten, klimapolitische Maßnahmen der Biden-Administration rückgängig zu machen, wenn sie seinen Wahlkampf mit einer Milliarde Dollar unterstützen. Einer Studie des Guardian zufolge können die Ölkonzerne von Trump vor allem 110 Milliaren Dollar Subventionen (u.a. Steuererleichterungen für neue fossile Projekte) erwarten, die die Biden-Regierung abschaffen will. Hintergrundartikel zu Lobbyisten im US-Ölgeschäft und aktuellen Konflikten<br /> https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/16/donald-trump-big-oil-executives-alleged-deal-explainedlog

    1. Meanwhile, gas does not play a significant role in the power sector in our scenarios, as solar and wind can provide cheaper electricity while existing coal power plants

      This is a surprise. I had assumed China might shoot for gas in as a stop gap too, but it looks like they're skipping it

    1. Dichter und sehr gut dokumentierter Überblicksratikel über die Expansionspläne der Öl- und Gasindustrie. Aus unerschlossenen Feldern sollen 230 Milliarden Barrel Öläquivalent gefördert werden - im klaren Widerspruch zum Pariser Abkommen. Durch Ausbeutung neuer Lager werden bis 2025 voraussichtlich 70 Gt CO<sub>2</sub> und damit 17% des Budgets für das 1,5° Ziel ausgestoßen. Eingegangen wird auch auf den Ausstiegsplan des Tyndall Centre. https://taz.de/Run-auf-fossile-Brennstoffe/!5973686/

    1. Der Artikel im Guardian stellt eine neue Studie dar, aus der hervorgeht, wie viel von der bereits existierenden Infrastruktur zur Förderung fossiler Brennstoff stillgelegt werden muss, um das 1,5° Ziel zu erreichen. Dabei geht die Autoren davon aus, dass man CO2 nicht realistisch wieder aus der Atmosphäre entfernen kann, und dass das 1,5° Ziel also nur zu erreichen ist, wenn nicht zu viel emittiert wird. Diese Studie fordert das Gegenteil der Planungen der fossilen Industrien, über der über die der Guardian gerade berichtet hatte. Der Artikel ist auch bemerkenswert, weil er auf eine Reihe weiterer wichtiger Studien zu fossilen Lagerstätten verweist.

    1. Neuer Bericht des Global Energy Monitor zur fossilen Expansion. 45 Öl- und Gasprojekte sind vollständig in Gang gesetzt worden seit die IEA 2021 festgestellt hat, dass weitere Öl- und Gasprojekte die Einhaltung des 1,5°-Ziels unmöglich machen. Sie werden zu 16 Milliarden Barrel Öl-Äquivalent Förderung führen. Bis 2030 will die Ölindustrie die Förederung aus insgesamt 64 neuentdeckten Lagern auf 31 Mrd, Barrel steigern. Die USA ist bei der Entwicklung führend, gefolgt von Guyana. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/mar/28/oil-and-gas-fossil-fuels-report

      Bericht: https://globalenergymonitor.org/report/drilling-deeper-2024-global-oil-gas-extraction-tracker/

  10. Apr 2024
    1. for - deep geothermal - Quaise Energy - Paul Woskov - adjacency - deep geothermal - gyrotron - microwave energy - drilling - use oil & gas industry drilling expertise - rehabilitate old mines

      summary - see adjacency statement below

      adjacency - between - deep geothermal - gyrotron - microwave energy - drilling - use oil & gas industry drilling expertise - rehabilitate old mines - adjacency statement - gyrotrons pulse high energy microwave energy in nuclear fusion experiments - Woskov thought of applying to vaporing rocks - Quaise was incorporated to explore the possiblity of using gyrotrons to drill up to 20 miles down to tap into the earths heat energy to heat water and drive steam turbines in existing coal-fired and gas power plants - oil and gas industry drilling expertise can be repurposed for this job - as well as all the abandoned resource wells around the globe - Such heat can provide a stable 24/7 base load energy for most of humanity's energy needs.

      implications for energy transition - This is a viable option for replacing the dirty fossil fuel system - It has the scale and engineering timelines to be feasible - It is a supply side change but can affect our demand side strategy - The strategy that may become the most palatable is one of a "temporary energy diet"

  11. Mar 2024
    1. Iran’s Shahini gas field is the largest discovery of the past two years. Little has been reported about the field, but it is supposedly the largest dry gas field ever found in Iran, potentially “containing” 623 billion
    1. Die Abhängigkeit Europas von russischem Pipelinegas ist in zwei Jahren von 40% auf 10% gesunken. Die Importe von LNG haben um 40% zugenommen, wobei auch da ein erheblicher Anteil aus Russland stammt. Die USA sind der weltgrößte LNG-Exporteur. Mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit werden bei LNG Überkapazitäten aufgebaut. In Österreich ist die Abhängigkeit von russischem Gas noch immer hoch, weil rein betriebswirtschaftlich entscheiden wird. Die OMV war 2023 verpflichtet, Gas für gut 60 TWh aus Russland zu beziehen und jedenfalls zu bezahlen. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000206989/warum-der-abschied-von-russischem-gas-noch-immer-so-schwer-faellt

    1. Österreich könnte auf russisches Gas verzichten, allerdings sind dazu u.a. Ausbaumaßnahmen (West-Austria Gaspipeline) nötig. Über Deutschland transportiertes Gas verteuert sich durch die Speicherumlage. Die Hauptalternative zu russischem Gas ist LNG aus den USA. Der Artikel, der viele Detailinformationen enthält, erwähnt, dass die Probleme mit der Definition von Erdgas als „Übergangsenergie“ zusammenhängen. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000209552/abkehr-von-russischem-gas-erfordert-investitionen-in-vorgelagertes-netz

    1. Die weltwetterorganisation WMO fast in ihrem Bericht über 2023 die Daten verschiedener Services zusammen und kommt zu dramatischen Aussagen über die Entwicklung der Temperatur auf der Erdoberfläche insbesondere insgesamt und besonders an der Oberfläche der Meere. Gleichzeitig ergibt eine Studie der BU Wien dass die Prognosen vieler, darunter großer starken über die Entwicklung der Emissionen deutlich zu optimistisch sind. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000212370/weltwetterorganisation-zeichnet-duesteres-bild-vom-klima-des-letzten-jahres

  12. Feb 2024
  13. Jan 2024
    1. Guter Überblick über das Lobbying-Netzwerk der deutschen Gasindustrie. Der Verbraucht an Erdgas hat sich in Deutschland seit 1990 verdoppelt, obwohl Erdgas insgesamt etwa so viel Emissionen verursacht wie Kohle. Die LNG-Infrastruktur, die die deutsche Bundesregierung gerade aufbaut, ist auf um ein Drittel höhere Kapazitäten angelegt, als aus Russland importiert wurden. https://taz.de/Fossile-Politik/!5983492/

  14. Dec 2023
  15. Nov 2023
    1. A second MoU on gas export partnership was agreed between Riverside LNG of Nigeria and Germany's Johannes Schuetze Energy Import AG. Under the accord, Nigeria will supply 850,000 tons of natural gas to Germany annually which is expected to rise to 1.2 million. The first deliveries will be in 2026, Ngelale said.The deal will help process about 50 million cubic feet per day of natural gas that otherwise would have flared.

      ok, so instead of being flared for no money, it's being bought by German to burn instead.

    1. Economies that are heavily reliant on oil and gas revenues face some stark choices and pressures in energy transitions.
      • for: stats - oil and gas - steep drop in revenues of fossil fuel producer economies

      • stats: oil and gas - steep drop in revenues of fossil fuel reliant economies

        • per capita net income from oil and natural gas among producer economies will be 60% lower in 2030 in a 1.5 °C scenario.relative to revenues between 2010 and 2022.
      • question

        • many producer economies are not diversifying into clean energy fast enough to compensate for these steep revenue drops
    2. A productive debate about the oil and gas industry in transitions needs to avoid two common misconceptions. The first is that transitions can only be led by changes in demand.
      • for: double bind - oil and gas industry committing to clean energy, oil and gas industry - Mexican standoff - SIMPOL

      • comment

        • The oil and gas industry faces the dilemma of the first mover. Nobody wants to take the risk to commit
        • It's a Mexican standoff but maybe SIMPOL is the solution
      • reference

    3. For producers that choose to diversify and are looking to align with the aims of the Paris Agreement, our bottom-up analysis of cash flows in a 1.5 °C scenario suggests that a reasonable ambition is for 50% of capital expenditures to go towards clean energy projects by 2030, on top of the investment needed to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry - required investments in clean energy

      • stats: oil and gas industry - required investments in clean energy

        • 50 % of capital expenditure by 2030 and reduction in scope 1 and 2 emissions
      • comment

        • Wow, is it really possible for the industry to spend 50 % of their budget on clean energy in 7 years? This would be unprecedented, given that greenwashing is all we've ever seen in the past.
    4. Some 30% of the energy consumed in a net zero energy system in 2050 comes from low-emissions fuels and technologies that could benefit from the skills and resources of the oil and gas industry.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy

      • stats: oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy

        • only 30 % of the energy consumed in a clean energy future within 1.5 Deg C comes from low emission fuels and technologies that benefit from oil and gas industry resources
        • this leaves a huge deficit of 70 %.
      • question

        • How will the transition account for these human and technological resources?
    5. Many producers say they will be the ones to keep producing throughout transitions and beyond. They cannot all be right.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry - fight for survival

      • stats: oil and gas industry - fight for survival

        • competing oil producers will have to reach an agreement on who has the right to produce the remaining carbon budget
        • 24 million barrels a day are still produced in a 1.5 Deg C scenario but are largely uncombusted
          • 75 % of that will be used in petrochemical and other industry
          • 920 billion cubic meters of natural gas
            • 50% of this for hydrogen production
    6. In a scenario that hits global net zero emissions by 2050, declines in demand are sufficiently steep that no new long lead-time conventional oil and gas projects are required. Some existing production would even need to be shut in. In 2040, more than 7 million barrels per day of oil production is pushed out of operation before the end of its technical lifetime in a 1.5 °C scenario.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry - steep drop in production

      • stats - oil and gas industry - steep drop in production

        • no new fields can be developed to meet a 1.5 Deg C scenario
        • any new developments face the certain risk of being a stranded asset
        • by 2040, 7 million less barrels of oil are produced each day to meet a 1.5 Deg C scenario
    7. The production, transport and processing of oil and gas results in just under 15% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. This is a huge amount, equivalent to all energy-related greenhouse gas emissions from the United States.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry operational emissions

      • stats: oil and gas industry - operational emissions

        • 15% of all global emissions are from the production, transport and processing of fossil fuels
    8. Oil and gas producers account for only 1% of total clean energy investment globally.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry - clean energy investments

      • comment

        • Inclusive transformation
          • Clearly, transforming the dirty fossil fuel industry into clean energy industry requires migrating as much of those 12 million dirty energy jobs as possible. We can't alienate the fossil fuel industry.
          • the barometer to measure this paradigm shift in fossil fuel industry narrative is their investment into clean energy. Over the years, majors have acted like politicians, promising significant clean energy investment, then backsliding. There is no more time for that.
    9. This new IEA report explores what oil and gas companies can do to accelerate net zero transitions and what this might mean for an industry which currently provides more than half of global energy supply and employs nearly 12 million workers worldwide.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry - profit split, stats - oil and gas industry - reserves split

      • stats: oil and gas industry profit split

        • 50 % to governments
        • 40 % to investments
        • 10% to shareholders and debt
      • stats: oil and gas reserve splits

        • majors: 13 % production, 13 % reserves
        • National Oil Companies: 50% production, 60 % reserves
    10. Oil and gas projects currently produce slightly higher returns on investment, but those returns are less stable.
      • stats - oil and gas vs clean energy returns

      • stats: oil and gas vs clean energy returns between 2010 and 2022

        • 6 to 9 % for oil and gas
        • 6 % for clean energy
      • for: IEA 2023 report - exec summary - Fossil Fuel industry, IEA 2023 report - exec summary - Oil and Gas industry

      • summary

        • this is the IEA summary of the position of the Oil and Gas industry and what they must do in order to transition to a net zero world by 2050 and avert 1.5 Deg C global mean temperature.
        • it contains a lot of useful information and statistics
    11. To align with a 1.5 °C scenario, these emissions need to be cut by more than 60% by 2030 from today’s levels and the emissions intensity of global oil and gas operations must near zero by the early 2040s.
    12. The production, transport and processing of oil and gas results in just under 15% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.

      for: stats - oil and gas industry, stats - fossil fuel industry

      • stats: oil and gas industry
      • stats: fossil fuel industry
        • The fossil fuel industry's production, transport and processing operations accounts for 15% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.
    13. Oil and gas producers account for only 1% of total clean energy investment globally.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry, stats - fossil fuel industry

      • stats - oil and gas industry

      • stats - fossil fuel industry
        • Oil and gas producers account for approximately 1% of total clean energy investment
        • 60 % of that comes from 4 companies
    14. industry which currently provides more than half of global energy supply and employs nearly 12 million workers worldwide.
      • for: stats - oil and gas industry, stats - fossil fuel industry

      • stats - oil and gas industry

      • stats - fossil fuel industry
        • supplies approximately 50% of all total global energy
        • employs 12 million people directly
        • Since 2018, annual revenues average 13 trillion USD
        • revenue split
          • 50 % to governments
          • 40% to investment
          • 10% to shareholders and debt
        • Major oil companies account for 13 % of all reserves
        • National Oil Companies (NOC) account for
          • over 50% of all production
          • close to 60% of all reserves
    1. Auf den Öl- und Gasfeldern der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, darunter vielen, die der staatlichen Gesellschaft Adnoc gehören, wurde in den vergangenen 20 Jahren in großem Umfang routinemäßig Gas abgefackelt, was zu hohen Methanemissionen führt. Die Emirate hatten sich verpflichtet, das Abfackeln schnell zu reduzieren. Die dieser Selbstverpflichtung krass widersprechende Praxis gilt bei NGO als weiterer Beleg dafür, dass Selbstverpflichtungen der Fossilindustrie nicht getraut werden kann. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/17/cop28-host-uae-breaking-its-own-ban-on-routine-gas-flaring-data-showsactor

    1. 16:00 "our grass is a solar panel"<br /> hell yeah. fuck these "made in china" hightech bullshit solar panels.<br /> future energy is based on wood gas, and synthetic diesel made from wood gas.<br /> but the depopulation agenda has priority...

  16. Oct 2023
    1. decade ago, these plants provided “low carbon” electricity in comparison to the grid at the time, but now in many cases, emit more carbon than local grids. Countries that already have decarbonized grids, France, Sweden, and Scotland, for example, will not benefit from a continuous system that uses natural gas to begin with.

      What would the green premium be for bio methane in this scenario? As in Methane from bio genie sources. Supply issues aside, obvs.

    1. SERVICIO TECNICO VALENCIA on Medium Advantages of Hiring a Professional Technical Service

      Professional technicians offer precise diagnostics and effective solutions. Additionally, using genuine spare parts and high-quality tools provides the reassurance of professional technical services' guarantees.

    1. Comment

      I just wanted to let Columbia Gas of Ohio and Amanda DePerro know that not only is it poor etiquette to disable comments on posts (they obstruct customer feedback), but it's also pointless because people can just use tools like Hypothes.is to respond regardless.

  17. Sep 2023
    1. Die österreichische Gasbranche startet - offenbar in Kooperation mit der Industriellenvereinigung - eine PR-Initiative gegen das Erneuerbare-Wärme-Gesetz. Dabei wird das Narrativ der der Technologie-Offenheit verwendet und mit Hinweisen auf Biomethan und Wasserstoff für den Erhalt der Gasheizungen argumentiert. Unkritische Widergabe einer APA-Meldung im Standard. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000188226/erneuerbare-waerme-gesetz-laesst-gasbranche-zittern

    1. Wind and solar are, of course, intermittent, but battery costs too are plummeting, to the extent that they often underbid so-called peaking plants burning natural gas

      Where would I look to find public evidence of this?

  18. Aug 2023
  19. Jul 2023
    1. This gas in the form of cow “burps” is increasingly the subject of attention for climate activists.
      • measuring methane and showing it is a problem
        • cow farts become an enemy
      • how do we cope with a rewilded world?
        • when all the other animals will also release methane?
  20. Jun 2023
  21. May 2023
    1. The Guardian recently revealed that Turkmenistan was the worst in the world for methane “super emitting” leaks. Separate research suggests a switch from the flaring of methane to venting may be behind some of these vast outpourings.Flaring is used to burn unwanted gas, putting CO2 into the atmosphere, but is easy to detect and has been increasingly frowned upon in recent years. Venting simply releases the invisible methane into the air unburned, which, until recent developments in satellite technology, had been hard to detect. Methane traps 80 times more heat than CO2 over 20 years, making venting far worse for the climate.

      This sort of implies that if you ban flaring, then unscrupulous companies will just vent it instead, causing much worse emissions, because detecting venting has been hard before, and enforcing a bans against rich and power entitites is will not be easy

  22. Apr 2023
  23. Mar 2023
    1. Ghana is on the brink of financial distress due to “take-or-pay” contracts that require the government to pay hundreds of millions of dollars each year for unused gas.
    1. 10.1038/s41558-022-01576-2

      Der Aufsatz und die ihm zugrundeliegende Publikation kritisieren, dass die 1,5°-pathways des IPCC den Kohleausstieg vor dem Öl- und Gassausstieg fordern. Damit tragen die ärmeren Länder die Hauptlast. Gerechter und besser umzusetzen wäre ein schnellerer Ausstieg aus Öl und Gas, der vom globalen Norden eine schnellere Transformation verlangen würde.

  24. Feb 2023
  25. Jan 2023
    1. you've had problems in your area where you tried to get legislation and the oil and gas industry came in and fought you right in my state same thing every piece 00:44:08 of pro-climate legislation at the national level the regional level the local level Municipal level the oil and gas industry and the coal industry they come in and fight it tooth and nail and 00:44:21 they use their legacy network of political influence and wealth to stop progress the rest of us have to reform these International institutions so that the people of this world and including 00:44:34 the young people of this world can say we are now in charge of our own destiny we're going to stop using the sky as an open sewer we're going to save the future and give people hope we can do it 00:44:47 and remember that political will is itself a renewable resource

      !- oil and gas legislation : industry lawyers at every level

    1. Algerien profitiert vom Bedarf an Öl und Gas nach den Angriff auf die Ukraine und hat seine Einnahmen um 70% gesteigert. Die Regierung nutzt die Abhängigkeit des Westens aus, um die Repression gegen Journalist:innen und Opposition zu verschärfen. Algerien hat mir dem Bau einer zweiten Gaspipeline nach Sizilien beginnen und will in Zukunft 25 bis 35 Milliarden m<sup>3</sup> nach Italien und darüber an den Rest Europas liefern.

  26. Dec 2022
  27. Aug 2022
  28. Jun 2022
    1. The world's demand for noble gases will likely concentrate on China, Sundqvist added, and the county will "get a good price for [its] product."

      ...and if the West sides with Taiwan if China decides to invade it, we will see a repeat of Putin's strategy of limiting export of vital noble gases. Team human doesn't work well when we cannot collaborate

    2. Moscow began restricting exports of inert, or "noble" gases, including neon, argon and helium to "unfriendly" countries at the end of May, according to a report by Russian state news agency TASS. All three gases are used to produce the tiny electronic chips found in a raft of consumer products, from smartphones to washing machines to cars, and which have been in critically short supply for months.

      Russia supplies 30% of the global chip industry with neon, argon and helium, necessary for chip manufacturing.

    1. Baby, I'm cookin' with gas

      A lyric from "I Can Cook Too" written by Leonard Bernstein which appears in the 1944 Broadway musical "On the Town" sung by Nancy Walker and later in the 1949 film.


      I heard it last night at the end of the final episode of Julia S1, E8 Chocolate Souffle (May 5, 2022).


    1. The phrase "now you're coking with gas" was coined by American Gas Association publicist Carroll Everard "Deke" Houlgate. Deke's son indicated that his father "planted it with Bob Hope's writers" and it was ultimately used in one of his radio shows. From there it turned into one of his catchphrases and it was adopted by others including The Jack Benny Program and Maxwell House Coffee Time.

      Incidentally, Houlgate was also a football journalist who devised the first college football rankings methodology that determined the national champions from 1929 to 1958.

      Is this the same Houlgate, or perhaps his son who played for USC Trojans in the 1931 and 1932 Rose Bowl games?

      References: (see also and check...) - A Way With Words co-host Martha Barnette https://soundcloud.com/waywordradio/now-youre-cooking-with-gas

    1. https://www.b98.tv/video/wise-quacking-duck/

      "Say. Now you're cooking with gas." Daffy Duck in an oven bathing himself in gravy.

      The Wise Quacking Duck Warner Bros. (1943)<br /> Looney Tunes cartoon directed by Bob Clampett. <br /> Released on May 1, 1943

  29. Mar 2022
    1. i 00:05:49 will tell you i mean you've got eighty percent german approval right now for spending two percent of gdp on defense that's astonishing i mean the anger of the german people at what the russians 00:06:01 have done is so far beyond the imagination of where you could have been a couple weeks ago five months ago two years ago and i do think there's a greater willingness to take hardship

      This could be a key moment in time to launch a global Bottom-up, rapid whole system change initiative.

    1. Russia has said it may close its main gas pipeline to Germany if the West goes ahead with a ban on Russian oil.

      This could be a blessing and a boon to climate change transition to a fossil fuel free world.

    2. Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said a "rejection of Russian oil would lead to catastrophic consequences for the global market", causing prices to more than double to $300 a barrel.

      Could the world be convinced to payfor this price?

    3. Germany and the Netherlands

      What would convince them? We need rapid sensemaking!