- Sep 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Fossilindustrie finanziert seit Jahrzehten Universitäten und fördert damit Publikationen in ihrem Interesse, z.B. zu false solutions wie #CCS. Hintergrundbericht anlässlich einer neuen Studie: https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/sep/05/universities-fossil-fuel-funding-green-energy
Studie: https://doi.org/10.1002/wcc.904
- Princeton University’s Carbon Mitigation Initiative
- Emily Eaton
- Favourability towards natural gas relates to funding source of university energy centres
- Jake Lowe
- by: Dharma Noor
- negative emission technologies
- Geoffrey Supran
- Fossil fuel industry influence in higher education: A review and a research agenda
- Data for Progress
- Jennie Stephens
- BP
- Fossilindustrie
- MIT Energy Initiative
- American Petroleum Institute
- disinformation
- Accountable Allies: The Undue Influence of Fossil Fuel Money in Academia
- Exxon
- climate obstructionism in.higher education
- Campus Climate Network
- Aug 2024
www.irishtimes.com www.irishtimes.com
But the climate impact of data centres could be significantly worse than this. Because of the huge strain data centres are placing on power grids, EirGrid placed a de facto moratorium on new connections around Dublin, causing many to seek a connection to the natural gas network to generate electricity on-site.
Wow, it's in Ireland too?!
- Jul 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- fossil fuel nonproliferation treaty
- Centre for International Climate Research in Oslo (Cicero)
- Oslo
- Erlend Hermansen
- The case for a supply-side climate treaty
- by: Ajit Niranjan
- Norges Bank Investment Management
- Norwegen
- Greenpeace
- Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance
- Anne Karin Sæther
- Fossile Expansion
- Norwegian Climate Foundation
- Frode Pleym
- May 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The Guardian: Donald Trump hat Big-Oil Managern angeboten, klimapolitische Maßnahmen der Biden-Administration rückgängig zu machen, wenn sie seinen Wahlkampf mit einer Milliarde Dollar unterstützen. Einer Studie des Guardian zufolge können die Ölkonzerne von Trump vor allem 110 Milliaren Dollar Subventionen (u.a. Steuererleichterungen für neue fossile Projekte) erwarten, die die Biden-Regierung abschaffen will. Hintergrundartikel zu Lobbyisten im US-Ölgeschäft und aktuellen Konflikten<br /> https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/16/donald-trump-big-oil-executives-alleged-deal-explainedlog
- Friends of the Earth
- Joe Craft
- Lukas Ross
- Cheniere
- Venture Global
- Kert Davies
- Donald Trump
- logseq: true
- Oil and Gas Climate Initiative
- United Refining Company
- by: Dharna Noor
- by: Oliver Milman
- Fossil lobbying
- Chevron
- Occidental Petroleum
- Chesapeake Energy
- ConocoPhillips
- American Petroleum Institute (API)
- JD Vance
- Exxon
- fossil expansion
- Climate Power
- Korruption
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
rhg.com rhg.com
Dichter und sehr gut dokumentierter Überblicksratikel über die Expansionspläne der Öl- und Gasindustrie. Aus unerschlossenen Feldern sollen 230 Milliarden Barrel Öläquivalent gefördert werden - im klaren Widerspruch zum Pariser Abkommen. Durch Ausbeutung neuer Lager werden bis 2025 voraussichtlich 70 Gt CO<sub>2</sub> und damit 17% des Budgets für das 1,5° Ziel ausgestoßen. Eingegangen wird auch auf den Ausstiegsplan des Tyndall Centre. https://taz.de/Run-auf-fossile-Brennstoffe/!5973686/
- Equinor
- Bay-du-Nord
- Urgewald
- South Africa
- Norway
- legal action
- Shell
- by: Malina Dittrich
- Total
- Gazprom
- Planet Wreckers
- Willlow
- ExxonMobil
- Nabu
- Adnoc
- Uk
- TotalEnergies
- Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance
- 2023-12-02
- The Dirty Dozen
- Rosebank
- Mozambique
- Canada
- BP
- Global Oil & Gas Exit List
- Russia
- Wintershall Dea
- by: Christian Jakob
- Namibia
- Saber Hossain Chowdhury
- Oilchange International
- Tyndall Centre
- Australia
- fossil expansion
- Energy Comment
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Ausführlicher Bericht über die Konflikte um das neue LNG-Terminal CP2 an der Küste von Louisiana. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/26/climate/cp2-natural-gas-export-louisiana.html
- Manish Bapna
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- Cheniere
- Michael Sabel
- Calcasieu Pass 2
- natural gas
- Venture Global LNG
- Bill McKibben
- CP2
- Naomi Yoder
- Louisiana
- Healthy Gulf
- Fossil lobbying
- Jane Fonda
- LNG expansion
- 2023-12-26
- CO2
- Greenpeace
- project: Willow
- Charif Souki
- Biden Administration
- fossil expansion
ecopolitic.com.ua ecopolitic.com.ua
Die steigende europäische Nachfrage nach Erdgas wird einer Studie von Global witness zufolge bis 2033 Investitionen von 223 Milliarden Dollar hervorrufen. Die von Europa ausgelösten Gesamtinvestitionen in Erdgas werden bis dahin eine Billion Dollar ausmachen. https://ecopolitic.com.ua/en/news/popit-na-gaz-v-ies-sprichinit-novi-investicii-u-vikopne-palivo-na-223-milyardiv-doslidzhennya-2/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der Artikel im Guardian stellt eine neue Studie dar, aus der hervorgeht, wie viel von der bereits existierenden Infrastruktur zur Förderung fossiler Brennstoff stillgelegt werden muss, um das 1,5° Ziel zu erreichen. Dabei geht die Autoren davon aus, dass man CO2 nicht realistisch wieder aus der Atmosphäre entfernen kann, und dass das 1,5° Ziel also nur zu erreichen ist, wenn nicht zu viel emittiert wird. Diese Studie fordert das Gegenteil der Planungen der fossilen Industrien, über der über die der Guardian gerade berichtet hatte. Der Artikel ist auch bemerkenswert, weil er auf eine Reihe weiterer wichtiger Studien zu fossilen Lagerstätten verweist.
- expert: Kelly Trout
- institution: Carbon Tracker
- institution: Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance
- variable: emissions of developed reserves
- Climate emergency
- expert: Daniel Welsby
- 2022-05-17
- fossil fuels
- treaty: energy charter treaty
- variable: emissions of known reserves
- fossil expansion
- expert: Greg Muttitt
- expert: Maeve O'Connor
- topic: carbon removal
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Zu den Motiven für das europäische Engagement in Niger gehört außer den Uran-Vorräten des Landes die geplante Trans-Sahara-Gaspipeline, die Gas von Nigeria zum Mittelmeer transportieren soll.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Neuer Bericht des Global Energy Monitor zur fossilen Expansion. 45 Öl- und Gasprojekte sind vollständig in Gang gesetzt worden seit die IEA 2021 festgestellt hat, dass weitere Öl- und Gasprojekte die Einhaltung des 1,5°-Ziels unmöglich machen. Sie werden zu 16 Milliarden Barrel Öl-Äquivalent Förderung führen. Bis 2030 will die Ölindustrie die Förederung aus insgesamt 64 neuentdeckten Lagern auf 31 Mrd, Barrel steigern. Die USA ist bei der Entwicklung führend, gefolgt von Guyana. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/mar/28/oil-and-gas-fossil-fuels-report
Bericht: https://globalenergymonitor.org/report/drilling-deeper-2024-global-oil-gas-extraction-tracker/
- Mar 2024
- Jan 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die großen Firmen der Fossilindustrie haben 2023 Selbstverpflichtungen zur Dekarbonisierung zurückgenommen. Im wärmsten Jahr der aufgezeichneten Geschichte haben sie an der Perfektionierung ihrer fossilen Geschäftsmodelle und an an einer weiteren Steigerung der Förderung von Öl und Gas gearbeitet. Überblicksartikel im Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/03/2023-hottest-year-on-record-fossil-fuel-climate-crisis
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die amerikanische fossilindustrie finanziert mit einem achtstelligen Millionenbetrag eine Kampagne deren Ziel eine weitere Ausweitung der Produktion ist, wobei man auch die Gaza-Krise ausnutzt. Dabei werden vor allem Desinformationsstrategien der sogenannten climate delayers verwendet.
- Nov 2023
Economies that are heavily reliant on oil and gas revenues face some stark choices and pressures in energy transitions.
for: stats - oil and gas - steep drop in revenues of fossil fuel producer economies
stats: oil and gas - steep drop in revenues of fossil fuel reliant economies
- per capita net income from oil and natural gas among producer economies will be 60% lower in 2030 in a 1.5 °C scenario.relative to revenues between 2010 and 2022.
- many producer economies are not diversifying into clean energy fast enough to compensate for these steep revenue drops
Some 30% of the energy consumed in a net zero energy system in 2050 comes from low-emissions fuels and technologies that could benefit from the skills and resources of the oil and gas industry.
for: stats - oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy
stats: oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy
- only 30 % of the energy consumed in a clean energy future within 1.5 Deg C comes from low emission fuels and technologies that benefit from oil and gas industry resources
- this leaves a huge deficit of 70 %.
- How will the transition account for these human and technological resources?
Oil and gas producers account for only 1% of total clean energy investment globally.
for: stats - oil and gas industry - clean energy investments
- Inclusive transformation
- Clearly, transforming the dirty fossil fuel industry into clean energy industry requires migrating as much of those 12 million dirty energy jobs as possible. We can't alienate the fossil fuel industry.
- the barometer to measure this paradigm shift in fossil fuel industry narrative is their investment into clean energy. Over the years, majors have acted like politicians, promising significant clean energy investment, then backsliding. There is no more time for that.
- Inclusive transformation
for: IEA 2023 report - exec summary - Fossil Fuel industry, IEA 2023 report - exec summary - Oil and Gas industry
- this is the IEA summary of the position of the Oil and Gas industry and what they must do in order to transition to a net zero world by 2050 and avert 1.5 Deg C global mean temperature.
- it contains a lot of useful information and statistics
To align with a 1.5 °C scenario, these emissions need to be cut by more than 60% by 2030 from today’s levels and the emissions intensity of global oil and gas operations must near zero by the early 2040s.
The production, transport and processing of oil and gas results in just under 15% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.
for: stats - oil and gas industry, stats - fossil fuel industry
- stats: oil and gas industry
- stats: fossil fuel industry
- The fossil fuel industry's production, transport and processing operations accounts for 15% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.
Oil and gas producers account for only 1% of total clean energy investment globally.
for: stats - oil and gas industry, stats - fossil fuel industry
stats - oil and gas industry
- stats - fossil fuel industry
- Oil and gas producers account for approximately 1% of total clean energy investment
- 60 % of that comes from 4 companies
industry which currently provides more than half of global energy supply and employs nearly 12 million workers worldwide.
for: stats - oil and gas industry, stats - fossil fuel industry
stats - oil and gas industry
- stats - fossil fuel industry
- supplies approximately 50% of all total global energy
- employs 12 million people directly
- Since 2018, annual revenues average 13 trillion USD
- revenue split
- 50 % to governments
- 40% to investment
- 10% to shareholders and debt
- Major oil companies account for 13 % of all reserves
- National Oil Companies (NOC) account for
- over 50% of all production
- close to 60% of all reserves
- stats - fossil fuel industry
- IEA 2023 report - exec summary - Oil and Gas industry
- fossil fuel to clean energy migration shortfall
- stats - oil and gas - steep drop in revenues of fossil fuel producer economies
- IEA 2023 report - exec summary - Fossil Fuel industry
- migration - fossil fuel to clean energy
- stats - oil and gas industry
- stats - oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy
- stats - oil and gas industry - clean energy investment
- May 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The Guardian recently revealed that Turkmenistan was the worst in the world for methane “super emitting” leaks. Separate research suggests a switch from the flaring of methane to venting may be behind some of these vast outpourings.Flaring is used to burn unwanted gas, putting CO2 into the atmosphere, but is easy to detect and has been increasingly frowned upon in recent years. Venting simply releases the invisible methane into the air unburned, which, until recent developments in satellite technology, had been hard to detect. Methane traps 80 times more heat than CO2 over 20 years, making venting far worse for the climate.
This sort of implies that if you ban flaring, then unscrupulous companies will just vent it instead, causing much worse emissions, because detecting venting has been hard before, and enforcing a bans against rich and power entitites is will not be easy
- Mar 2023
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
Der Aufsatz und die ihm zugrundeliegende Publikation kritisieren, dass die 1,5°-pathways des IPCC den Kohleausstieg vor dem Öl- und Gassausstieg fordern. Damit tragen die ärmeren Länder die Hauptlast. Gerechter und besser umzusetzen wäre ein schnellerer Ausstieg aus Öl und Gas, der vom globalen Norden eine schnellere Transformation verlangen würde.
- Jan 2023
grist.org grist.org
Around 40 million homes (or roughly 35 percent of all U.S. houses) use a gas stove to make food.
This is less than I thought it would be.