183 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. n Media activists in holding cultural giants accountable for thei

      Here is where you can start to break down text with annotations

      We can also do the same for videos, the transcript is products and then you can host a conversation on top of it.

  2. Nov 2024
    1. No matter how many times Kennedy says that vaccines are unsafe, or the polio vaccine kills people, or that the measles vaccine kills people, he's wrong, and time will continue to show he's wrong

      Science is about asking questions and answering them. And re-asking them as new information emerges.

      Time will tell if introducing a shock to the system makes it stronger and more resilient or causes harm.

    2. I think people generally trust their doctors and health care professionals.

      They also respond to seeing evidence of success or failure. When you see measles, you are very motivated to prevent it.

    3. It's a hard question to answer.

      You can't win power if you can't answer it.

      That's why the agencies are on the receiving end of the incoming administration.

    4. Right is anti-vaccine so much as they are anti being told they have to get a vaccine.

      That side wants to choose based on overwhelming proof vs take it as an edict from power.

    5. unless you showed that vaccine card.

      Yet you can cast a vote without an ID. (Doesn't mean it is counted of course)

    6. That Kennedy could actually be considered for this position is because there's distrust. The reason that we see this increase in vaccine exemption is because of distrust.

      That is the fact that mush be addressed.

      At the moment the distrust is winning.

    7. That is the highest it's ever been.

      This is driven by the covid vaccine IMO. The resolution is to establish trust in the vaccine and the process.

      Has anyone gotten up and vigorously defended the role of the vaccine, taken the victory lap for how it saved the world?

      Or, is the answer much more nuanced?

    8. eventually retracted the article after other people complained about its many misstatements to fact

      A risk for all of a music magazine publishing on health.

    9. No live attenuated viral vaccines contain preservatives.

      Why didn't he say thimerisol/mercury since this is the question here?

    10. Western Europe had taken thimerosal out of vaccines in the early 1990s, so you could compare before and after that moment. Studies were undertaken involving some Canadian provinces that had used vaccines that contained thimerosal that were right next to other provinces that used similar vaccines that didn't contain thimerosal. By around 2001, drugmakers had also essentially taken thimerosal out of vaccines given to young children.

      So had there not been some agent of chaos, this would have continued? Is that the takeaway?

      Would we all be better off had no one pursued this question?

    11. outrageous civil litigation, which almost drove vaccines out of

      While court can be a lowest common denominator forum, why is the argument so winnable if they are efficacious?

      Why do we remove commercial risk her but not from hotels with swimming pools and diving boards?

    12. gut the drug advisory committees,

      Could be bad, could be good. Depends on the people and the process they run.

    13. a drug or a vaccine, he could say, I don't think enough studies have been done.

      Why rush it through absent some compelling crisis?

      Post crisis- why not do deep on testing?

      We require seatbelts, airbags, bike helmets, safeties on guns, parental advisory on music etc.

      Should we accept an argument of lesser safety faster without compelling reasons?

    14. Do you think he could pull this policy lever or others to limit vaccine access

      The headline of this article speaks, "compelled by ourr fears.

    15. profoundly untrue

      Hyperbole, leaves no room for discussion of the actual arguments being made.

      George Bush level, with us or against us talk.

    16. He said that the virus was designed to target Blacks and Whites, but spares Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people, which is obviously nonsense.

      It is at this point that I do not trust the author.

      You need to listen to the actual tape. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHyHQiKS3f0

      He was not careful enough in his language to prevent this type of headline.

      The point was 1.) We need to pay attention to bioweapons. 2.) Countries (US and China) have spent money on bioweapoons. 3.) Covid- Either via Man mad or god mad outcomes impacts different races differently. 4.) If three is true, then bio weapons that impact different DNA differently is a likely reality.


      He was pointing out that bio weapons that can target people based on DNA are a real threat and that covid as an example impacts different races/dna differently.

    17. was essentially created in a laboratory, which isn't true.

      This is an area where there will always be dispute.

      But, it is not disputed that we were funding research in Wuhan on novel corona viruses and "gain" of function. aka hacking the viruses to make them "better/worse".

      So what are the odds......

    18. "there's no vaccine that's safe and effective."

      I think people are talking past eachother here, e.g. In the cited article, they say "After authorization or approval, vaccine safety continues to be monitored, as no medical product is 100% safe, and even very large trials may not be able to detect rare side effects. This ensures the benefits of a vaccine outweigh the risks."


    19. The notion is that anyone can just declare their own truths, including scientific truths.

      A legitimate concern for every topic on earth right now.

    20. supplements in drinking water, even though the practice

      When fluoride was added to the water 1940's, it wasn't in our toothpaste and mouthwashes for the most part (mid 1950s). Now it is in all three so we're getting more fluoride.

      You rinse with fluoride when using toothpaste and mouthwash.

      You consume it when it is in water.

      Why not be pro-choice when it comes to what you put in your body and how much?

      Some might argue equality of access.

    21. responsible for oversight on nutrition to address health concerns about processed foods.

      Are you satisfied with the current approach to nutrition in the US or do you think we could be doing things differently?

    22. anti-vaccine activist,

      Calling him anti-vaccine isn't accurate. Why must everything be presented in binary terms?

      If you are anti-lima beans, are you therefore anti-vegetables?

    1. After authorization or approval, vaccine safety continues to be monitored, as no medical product is 100% safe, and even very large trials may not be able to detect rare side effects. This ensures the benefits of a vaccine outweigh the risks.


  3. Sep 2024
    1. One of them was the eighth best bull rider in the world. He called me up a month later. He was in town in San Francisco at the Cow Palace for a rodeo. He said I needed to take him to a rave.

      This sums up so many encounters at BurningMan.

  4. Jul 2024
  5. Feb 2024
    1. model could lose Aspen School District millions State task force recommendations would change school district's total program funding limit News News | Feb 15, 2024 Lucy Peterson   lpeterson@aspentimes.com The Aspen School District could lose $5.4 million per year under a state task force’s recommended overhaul of the state’s public school funding model. A legislature-appointed Public School Finance Task Force released a 60-page report in early February, making recommendations that would change the way the state funds public schools and taking into account student need-based funding and district profile adjustments. The report came after the task force was charged with updating the current school finance formula to be more equitable.  The initial recommendation is far from reaching any formal passage through the legislature, but it could make a significant cut into the school district’s annual budget if it is adopted. /*global ad styles*/ .adbox { width:100%; margin:0 auto; overflow-y:hidden; overflow-x:hidden; } a.nomouse { position: relative; display: block; } div.adbox, div.adbox div { padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; } a.nomouse:after { content: ""; top: 0px; bottom: 0px; right: 0px; left: 0px; display: block; position: absolute; } .adcontainer { overflow-y:hidden; overflow-x: hidden; margin-top:-50%; } .adcontainer div.parallax { perspective: 1px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; width:100%; padding-right:24px; padding-left:24px; position: relative; left: -24px; box-sizing: content-box; } .object-wrapper { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; background: none; justify-content: center; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); } .speed-1 { transform: translateZ(-1px) scale(2); -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); } .speed-null { transform: translateZ(0px); -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); } .speed-2 { transform: translateZ(-2px) scale(3); -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); } a:link.adbox { border:none; } /*-- ADJUSTABLE --*/ .adcontainer { height:200vh; } .adbox { max-width:920px; /*resize me!*/ height:250px; /*resize me!*/ -webkit-transition: all 1s; -moz-transition: all 1s; -ms-transition: all 1s; -o-transition: all 1s; transition: all 1s; } .parallax { height:250px; margin-top:50%; } .adbox.unique-134 { max-width:970px; /*resize me!*/ height:250px; /*resize me!*/ } .adbox.unique-134 .parallax { height:250px; } .adbox.unique-640x160 { max-width:640px; /*resize me!*/ height:160px; /*resize me!*/ } .adbox.mobilev.unique-097 { height: 600px; } .mobilev.unique-097 .para-background, .unique-134 .para-background { background-image: url("cta-bg-test.jpg"); background-repeat: no-repeat; -webkit-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; width:100%; min-height:800px; /*Higher number faster scrolling. */ } .mobilev.unique-097 .para-foreground, .unique-134 .para-foreground, .unique-640x160 .para-foreground { width: 100%; min-width: 320px; min-height: 1200px; /*High number = faster scrolling. */ background-image: url("test-cta.png"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom center; -webkit-background-size: contain; background-size: contain; } .unique-023 .para-background, .unique-640x160 .para-background { background-image: url("https://picsum.photos/1200/800/?image=82"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position: bottom center; width:100%; min-height:500px; } .mobilev .adcontainer { margin-top: 0%; } .mobilev .parallax { margin-top: 0%; height: 600px; } .unique-023 .para-foreground { width: 100%; min-width: 360px; min-height: 800px; background-image: url("apoples2.png"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom center; background-size: contain; } /*.adbox.unique-035.expander*/ .adbox.unique-035.expander { max-width:1008px; /*resize me!*/ height:125px; /*resize me!*/ -webkit-transition: height 1s; -moz-transition: height 1s; -ms-transition: height 1s; -o-transition: height 1s; transition: height 1s; } .adbox.unique-035.expander:hover { height:575px; /*resize me!*/ } .adbox.unique-035.expander .parallax { height:575px; /*resize me!*/ } .adbox.unique-035.expander .para-foreground { width: 100%; min-width: 360px; min-height: 800px; background-image: url("apoples3.png"); background-repeat: repeat-y; background-position: bottom center; background-size: auto; } .unique-035.expander .para-background { background-image: url("https://picsum.photos/1200/800/?image=82"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; width:100%; min-height:575px; } .adbox.unique-097 .para-foreground { -webkit-background-position: center bottom; background-position: center bottom; background-image: url(https://tpc.googlesyndication.com/simgad/4909324726728493116?); } .adbox.unique-097 .para-background { -webkit-background-position: center bottom; background-position: center bottom; background-image: url(https://tpc.googlesyndication.com/simgad/15606607954717856983?); } /*----MS Edge Browser CSS Start----*/ @supports (display:-ms-grid) { .object-wrapper {border: 1px solid transparent;} } /*----MS Edge Browser CSS End----*/ “It’s significant enough that we would have a really hard time figuring out how to operate without $5.4 million,” Aspen School District Assistant Superintendent of Business Mary Rodino said.  The current formula, which was last updated in 1994, is based on the amount of students and the state’s set cost of per-pupil funding. But the new model would add several need-based allocations, adding extra weight to a district’s amount of English language learners, special education students, and at-risk students. It would also add district adjustments based on cost of living, size, and remoteness.  .at-donation { background: #643695; max-width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; margin-bottom: 1em !important; } .at-donation .logo { width: 50%; margin: 1rem 0 1rem; } .at-donation h1 { font-size: 2rem; text-transform: none; color: #fff; } .at-donation p { color: #fff; font-weight: 300; } .at-donation hr { width: 20%; border-top: 4px solid #000; } .at-donation .btn { padding: .5rem 2rem; background-color: #fff !important; border-radius: 0; } .at-donation .btn { color: #643695; } .at-donation .btn:hover { background-color: #643695 !important; } .at-donation .btn:hover { color: #fff !important; } .at-donation .col-xl-5.p-0 { background-image: url('https://swiftmedia.s3.amazonaws.com/mountain.swiftcom.com/images/sites/5/2020/03/10092513/AT-donate-cta-bg.jpg'); background-size: cover; min-height: 330px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { .at-donation .logo { width: 35%; } } @media (min-width: 1440px) { .at-donation { text-align: left; } .at-donation-mobile { display: none; } .at-donation hr { margin-left: 0; } } AdBridg.cmd.push(function() { AdBridg.display('ad-parallax3'); }) Recommended changes to the state public school funding formula would allocate money for specific students’ needs. Public School Finance Task Force The formula would give 93% of districts in the state a boost of funding. Aspen is one of only 13 districts that would lose money — and it stands to lose the most of all of them. The proposed funding model prioritizes higher-needs students, lower property wealth districts, and small rural districts. Aspen could collect an additional $1.3 million for remoteness, $936,000 for special education students, $259,000 for English-language learners, and $43,000 for at-risk students, according to an analysis of the task force’s final recommendations, which The Aspen Times reviewed. But according to the task force’s findings, Aspen would lose the bulk of its funding (about $6.8 million) due to the cost-of-living factor, where it ranks first out of 189 districts in the state. Roaring Fork School District ranks second in cost of living, but it will get about a 7% funding increase. Although Roaring Fork will lose about $12 million due to size and cost of living, it will get a $5 million increase, largely due to its percentage of special-education students, English-language learners, and at-risk students. Summit School District ranks third in cost of living, Steamboat Springs School District ranks fourth, and Eagle County School District ranks fifth. Basing funding on Aspen’s cost of living could impact the district’s ability to build and acquire affordable housing for its staff, many of whom rely on the district’s affordable housing options to live in Aspen, Rodino said.  A majority of the 13 districts set to lose funding would also lose the lion’s share of it based on the district’s cost of living. While some districts would lose much larger dollar amounts — Douglas County School District would lose $26 million and Academy District 20 would lose $11 million per year — Aspen would lose the largest percentage by far. Of the districts on pace to lose funding, 12 of them would lose between less than 1% and 9%. Aspen stands to lose 24%. Local funding In 2023, the Aspen School District switched to 100% local funding, meaning it no longer receives any money from the state. School districts in Colorado switch to 100% local funding when local sources of school funding — including higher property taxes and funding partners like the Aspen Education Foundation, in Aspen’s case — exceed the state’s allocation for the district. But the state still determines the maximum amount of funding districts can receive by setting total program costs for districts. It’s why the district could not increase its mill levy by 58% even though assessed values increased by 58% in 2023. The district’s total program costs make up a majority of the total budget, Rodino said.  Aspen is one of only about 15 other districts in the state that are fully locally-funded. Other locally-funded districts, most of which depend on the oil and gas industry, will see an increase in funding under the new model. If the state adopts the task force’s recommendations, the district would likely need to lean on its funding partners and look into cutting expenses in the budget. “I don’t know that our partners in education funding would have the capacity to help us in that respect. That would be my first hope, but I would never want to put that all on those organizations specifically,” Rodino said. “To be honest, I think then you start looking at having to cut expenses, and that ($5 million) is a huge amount for us.” It’s unclear where the district would have to make cuts because the details of the formula implementation at the state level are still in early stages. But if the formula was adopted by the state, district leaders would have to determine how business, curriculum, and staff funding cuts would affect the overall operation of the district. “You can’t just figure out how to do without $5 million,” she said. The school board would need to approve any budget adjustments when they approve the district budget, typically in June. Hold harmless The task force recommended using a hold harmless provision to ensure no districts are negatively impacted by the formula changes. The hold harmless provision would allow districts to receive the amount of money it is set to lose under the formula change each year. But the hold harmless amount, $5.4 million for Aspen, would be a set amount that would not increase year over year to account for inflation. “If there was a hold harmless provision forever, that $5 million would be great, it would put us back to where we would be if the legislation hadn’t been in effect,” Rodino said. “But eventually, that $5 million is worth a lot less, and it doesn’t grow like the rest of the total program funding calculation as costs increase. “Hold harmless is better than nothing, but it’s an expensive provision for the state to agree to,” she added. The task force estimated the implementation of the new formula would cost the state $474 million. Implementing a hold harmless provision would cost an additional $64.1 million. It would be up to lawmakers to determine how to get the money to fund it. It is unclear when the report will be presented to the legislature. try { _402_Show(); } catch (e) {} Education Proposed changes to state school funding model could lose Aspen School District millions Feb 15, 2024 The Aspen School District could lose $5.4 million per year under a state task force’s recommended overhaul of the state’s public school funding model. Aspen School District bond funds nearly 100% spent Feb 9, 2024 Longtime Roaring Fork Schools educator, leader named Basalt High School principal Feb 7, 2024 Aspen School District to occasionally charge for community use in parking lots on weekends Feb 7, 2024 Shaun White surprises AVSC students with new snowboards Jan 29, 2024 See more div#tax-ded { margin-top: 20px; color: white; font-size: 0.8em; } div#tax-ded a { color: white; font-weight: 800; } .at-donation { background: #643695; max-width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; } .at-donation .logo { width: 50%; margin: 1rem 0 1rem; } .at-donation h1 { font-size: 2rem; text-transform: none; color: #fff; } .at-donation p { color: #fff; font-weight: 300; } .at-donation hr { width: 20%; border-top: 4px solid #000; } .at-donation .btn { padding: .5rem 2rem; background-color: #fff !important; border-radius: 0; } .at-donation .btn { color: #643695; } .at-donation .btn:hover { background-color: #492470 !important; } .at-donation .btn:hover { color: #fff !important; } .at-donation .col-xl-5.p-0 { background-image: url('https://swiftmedia.s3.amazonaws.com/mountain.swiftcom.com/images/sites/5/2020/03/10092513/AT-donate-cta-bg.jpg'); background-size: cover; min-height:330px; } @media ( min-width: 768px ) { .at-donation .logo { width: 35%; } } @media ( min-width: 1440px ) { .at-donation { text-align: left; } .at-donation hr { margin-left: 0; } } .mobile-flex-fix { display:none !important; } .desk-flex-fix { display:flex !important; } @media ( max-width: 768px ) { .mobile-flex-fix { display:block !important; } .desk-flex-fix { display:none !important; } } YOUR AD HERE » Top Jobs R & H MechanicalService & Construction Technicians - Eagle, CO (81631) Service & Construction Technicians Be part of a growing and FUN team! 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What’s the best way to maintain bus etiquette amid these crowded periods? Wait for riders to offload first before entering the bus. If you’re sitting, always offer your seat if a senior boards the bus. Speak quietly with fellow riders if you need to talk. Place your skis or snowboard on the outside bus racks instead of carrying them with you. Always thank your bus driver as you exit the bus. 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      @Suzanne check this out,

    1. the dotcom crash

      Do you see a distinction between those who got ricc off the boom vs the crash?

      Did e.g. Andreessen get rich off the Boom or Crash in your opinion?

      Are you talking about short sellers?

  6. Jan 2024
    1. The Times’s journalis

      Hi Zach- This is Hypothes.is, a fairly new open standard for the web. I'm excited about your new job and the potential impact not just on the newsroom but ALSO for how people consume the news. We believe that there's a pressing need for a revolution in how we consume and engage with digital content. Traditional methods of media and content consumption are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information, leading to a crisis of trust and understanding. The emergence of AI and an impending election cycle create a unique opportunity to leverage timing, relevance and the cultural zeitgeist.

    2. begins

      How we solve it:

      :check_mark: We’ve created a browser experience in use with 2m users that overlays conversation with content today.

      :check_mark: We’ve created a multiplayer prompt builder to power the AI pre-annotation backend.

      Combine the annotation layer with pre-annotation for the top X articles daily.

      Ship a freemium experience gated at X number of articles, accelerated with a referral model (Dropbox Style) to drive distribution and social engagement to drive distribution, mention, upvote, downvote, share, comment, and link (X style).

      Partner with 2 well-known opinion leaders adding private commentary layers to their subscription offerings. e.g. Read the News with Tucker or Rachel or Taibbi

      Ship a Paywall Fastlane: Kicking off a new model for media outlets to generate revenue driven by our services and a single-click paywall Fastlane.

      Extend our services to subscription opinion leaders to bring their ideas out of the toxic “Smoking Lounges” of Reddit and Twitter and into the public discourse everywhere.

    3. media

      Vision (Ivy): Ivy is a new way to browse, read, and consume news content with context, insight, and commentary anywhere you read. Ivy combines the reach of the New York Times, the engagement of Reddit and Twitter, and the knowledge that only AI can bring to bear at scale. Ivy allows you to read between the lines, seeing commentary, point/counterpoint, and source materials where they live.

    4. social media team

      Like Social was a big precipitating technology: AI will be the trigger that compels this new experience into reality. (You’ve heard Altman, Ive, etc. signaling a related direction). The current implementation of “side-car” AI by app vendors like Notion, Atlassian, Figma etc. is a temporary state. Soon users and companies will demand fewer AIs that are more enabled to work across apps, data, and identities. The browser is where that experience will evolve.

    5. evolves

      Vision (Macro): A new web-scale UX will emerge a level above apps enabling people, teams, and AI to collaborate on anything in the browser. We believe Ivy is to Hypothes.is as Starlink is to SpaceX in the way it advances toward the larger vision.

    6. shifting landscape

      Our Mission: Make it make sense! Our mission is to balance the explosion of digital content with powerful tools for understanding, collaborating, and learning so that every individual can make informed decisions, and harness the collective knowledge of humanity for personal and societal growth. We will create economic incentives for media and expert opinion leaders to bring context and understanding to content anywhere, not just in the smoking lounge.

    7. digital products

      We have 300 customers, $2m in revenue, 2m active users, and 60M instantiations of our technology deployed today in an ancillary use case with zero viral or PLG tactics employed currently.

      We're excited about a deployment of our product focused on the news cycle that makes this new way of engaging content accessible to consumers for the first time. (An AI can play a role)

    8. build a small team

      Out Team: Dan Whaley built the world's 1st online travel reservation application and later IPO’d, the 1st of 3 Unicorns he’s been a part of.

      Sean Regan started his career working at a startup that turned AOL IM into Slack and Slack apps, a decade too early (IMLogic). After 8 years at Atlassian leading product marketing where his teams were responsible for 100% of new customer acquisition and the PLG GTM strategy for the portfolio, he left to work on this problem and opportunity.

    9. journalism will always be reported, written and edited by our expert journalists

      This will remain true. What natters just as much is how the public engaged and understands the content.

    10. establish principles for how we do and do not use generative A.I.

      My former employer did similar here, https://www.atlassian.com/trust/responsible-tech-principles

      Happy to connect you with the founders if helpful

    11. A.I. explorations

      The way we all consume content will never be the same. Human and AI contexts should always be attached to the source content, not dragged into a toxic smoking lounge. Commentary and commenters will become as important as the original content and the author, and we will have collectively taken a large step toward a new AI & UX layer that sits above any app and across all content.

    12. chief product officer

      We envision a new web-scale UX a level above apps enabling people, teams, and AI to collaborate on anything in the browser. Your experiencing a tiny glimpse of what is possible tight now. It is a new way of reading that combines context, collaboration, and understanding from consumer to enterprise.

    13. built for the digital age

      A new approach to how content is consumed that benefits consumers, producers, and society is needed. AI must contribute to the solution, **not as a generator of new content but as a facilitator of knowledge and voices where the content is published. **

    14. Artificial Intelligence Initiatives.

      This overabundance of content and media unbundling breeds confusion, erodes trust, and fuels a counterproductive cycle that dampens productivity, fosters polarization and opens the door to manipulation. If society doesn’t have a path for getting to the truth, understanding opinions, and seeing the journey, people will suffer in real-world ways.

      Truth is a commodity and it is hard to build a business by telling the truth. You have two choices:

      One is to opine on the truth but struggle to be heard.

      The other is to sensationalize, cherry-pick, or twist the truth to get engagement.

      Both of these become the path to destruction for the business and society around them. Elections, wars, and even your children’s educations are being manipulated by content without context. We’re seeing it play out with mass layoffs in traditional journalism, the shift to expert opinion subscriptions, and mass polarization and mass apathy. We’re seeing thrash at Twitter as it lurches from left to right and back with good intentions but a struggling brand.

      What if you could combine truth and knowledge with the distribution power of the sensationalized media and traditional to produce a new way of understanding for 5b internet users?

    15. Where should we draw the red lines

      Even before AI, the digital content storm exceeded our collective capacity to process, verify, and contextualize. Traditional media, in a fight for existence largely appears to optimized for sensationalized engagement above most else in the face of digital competition while digital platforms pulled users away to new town squares. Now, high-profile expert opinion makers (Carlson, Taibbi, etc) have ejected from traditional media into subscription models and the only places where discourse happens are the toxic “smoking lounges” of X and Reddit as they are perceived by the majority.

    1. economics are just hugely broken except for subscription businesses and there's a

      Subscription opinion leaders can add a whole new surface areas and distribution path to their business.

    2. salespeople that means each story is costing about a thousand bucks if you were to do a $10 CPM or RPM on that that

      We can get this cost much lower, especially if we leverage the plg tactics we've explored.

    3. Google and Facebook all the gains and advertising have gone to those

      There will be a new layer for advertising that emerges when we bring context and collaboration to the source content.

    4. dvertisers running away

      Interesting to explore what advertisers would run toward a more reasoned approach to the debate and knowledge?

      I bet some really powerful brands would want to support that.

    5. Bill Amman is loving it Business Insider is a sleazy unethical defer of some of our greatest heroes it's a worthless P rag run by the lowest of the low in journalism it is a

      Could you imagine if we applied the Harvard Academic Citation policy to the work of the likes of Business Insider? Their pages would glow so yellow you could see it from space.

      And in doing so the truth rides shotgun with the original content, not in the smoking lounges of twitter and reddit.

    6. out just how brutal this has been for media companies recently in 2023 20,000 job Cuts that's on top of 30,000 during

      @Dan, This indirect discussion of our work starts here.

    7. is this a real picture is this help you come on stop last

      @Dan I was at a dinner last night describing the thing we are building and this real estate guy whith no tech background at ALL guy says, stop, what you just described is what the all in guys were talking about today. I hadn't had time to catch the latest All In Pod so I was curious. Take a read, I ripped through this fast but we could use this as a demo of the tools we are building. Scroll down to the highlights.

    8. a boring version of the truth would sell better than what they're doing right now this is why I think subscriptions are

      I think we'd agree with a caveat that we're able to bring both facts, logic and color commentary together.

    9. build like an AP News which which is just basically like there's no by line and they just write the truth and they

      Sorta but there is a need here.

    10. of Back to the Future but you can lower your overhead have one person doing real journalism and there you could actually thread the needle you could get a thousand people to give you a 100 bucks you can get two 3,000 people to give you

      We have a more scaleable way to achieve this.

    11. xperts are able to go to direct for every section of the paper now

      The problem is wider distribution beyond the faithful. There leaders will need to break a silo of faithful to reach the masses. We can help.

    12. s that Outlets like Business Insider have an incentive to be Sensational and to either lie or to cherry pick in the

      If they are going to continue this way, our app can continue on the back of their distribution incentive but bring the real news.

      In effect their continued bad behaviour drives our success.

    13. people but the Rachel madow and the Ben Shapiro of the world Tucker Tucker they're just extremely eloquent

      We can bring their expertise to the full breadth of content online. NOT just in the smoking lounges of Twitter and Reddit.

    14. there and you can't build the business by telling the truth you have two choices one is to opine on the truth

      Today this is true.

    15. truth which is basically a commodity it's weird but it actually is a commodity it's just there the truth

      are there guys listening to our conversations? We're taking about the same things! :)

    16. unfortunately is evolved into this like untrustworthy biased and opinionated source to keep the business alive so

      The problem.

    17. basketball you can watch them talk about it yeah I did a tweet on this the other day or if you want this is you know just

      Because traditional media turned into clickbait the real experts have ejected to run their own. Now we have an opportunity to recombine expertise with mass distribution.

    18. they don't just get pure analysis and pure data

      We can solve this @Dan

    19. means every story to break even in today's market we need 100,000 people 150,000 people to read it obviously


    1. no additional infrastructure

      This is slightly under thinking the process change but I think you are closer to right than wrong. Most of this is a software layer and api connection process.

      Some scanner, lift maze infa will be needed.

    2. we create incentive for individuals to choose public transpor

      Some locals who don't need transpo will be pissed.

      But, perhaps they are getting less traffic rather than line cuts as their benefit.

    3. implementation of a “Fast Pass” lane

      Technologically speaking this isn't rocket science.

      Real world, yes some lift corral changes would be needed and some basic infra/tech upgrades.

    4. This dedicated line would be exclusively accessible to verified users of the ski bus, prioritizing those who contribute to traffic relief through public transport.

      One solution would be that you don't get an all day line cut but you do get X number for the day or for the season.

    5. all skiers and riders,

      Locals can't get kids to school, hospital, jobs. etc.

    6. Big Cottonwood Canyon and Little Cottonwood Canyon

      CTRL-F BCC and LCC with 89 or 267 in Tahoe. Same issue.

    7. Would you take the ski bus if it meant you could skip the lift line on a powder day?

      Generally yes.

      How this would work is very location dependent however and that might be one of the biggest flaws.

      E.g. I live 1.5 miles from KT 22 but I have no bus options.

      Meanwhile, someone in Aspen who lives in the central core walks to the hill.

    1. DVCS (hence Distributed Version Control System

      hey @atlassian, can I migrate my subversion repo to BitBucket?

    1. 4. All product evaluations start with deep product exploration work. But sometimes a market is already well known, or there is an expert in organization who’s been in the battle field - then invest less in upfront validation (and get away with a lower CoV)

      This is a key part of trust in your talent.

      The "Silicon Valley FU" is an example of companies that don't have this. How many times have you been asked to prove the sky is blue? (figuratively)

      1:) We should do X- Here is my reasoning.... 2:) Run an experiment 1:) Here are our results, 2:) More Data! 1:) Here are our results!

      I've seen this happen for proven tactics and techniques where the effort into experimentation would have been better served by commitment.

    2. I call this a ‘internal pipeline of opportunities’ that individuals want to push for their own success.

      Local optima vs what is right for the customer and market and message.

      Product Marketing Leaders can probably tell you instantly which PM's are pushing for their own promotion vs those who grok the customer, market and competitive macro and how it fits together,

    3. Apple also was a big propagator of this idea. Apple even till date publicizes and story-tells all the big stuff they did in last one year rather than all the small fixes.

      Put your hand up if this is the STRUGGLE!

      So many PMs, feature teams, eng leaders, execs...spend time, cycles, energy, influence telling marketing to promote all the things but lack a vision for how it fits together.

      This is especially pernicious for more junior product marketers who are eager to please the PM, Exec etc.

      It results in noise that customers fail to understand and appreciate.

      it is especially pernicious when those things don't have any relevance to bringing in new customers or revenue. These features should impact in domain of the owned product experience, not a press release and stage presentation at an event. If they don't show up and stand out in the product experience itself, they won't in the press or WWW either.

      BEFORE you ask marketing to spend calories on promoting your bits, have uou made them discoverable in the product experience? Release notes? Modals? Workflows? It is working? What does it unlock?

    4. All product teams want to get something done

      Just Ship Something! I often hear this and cringe.

      Imagine you are lost in the desert with half a tank of gas.

      You can just step on it and go.

      Or, you can do some brief exploring, gain confidence and make your best big bet on a direction of travel and use 100% of your remaining fuel capacity to get you there.

      Too many products/companies die from trying to experiment their way to success and running out of time/gas than die from a very bad idea pursued too long.

    5. Few big product changes matter more than many many small ones

      Yes! **Big Hits over Big Lists ** is a mantra I've tried to build into my organizations. The customer is too busy and distracted to care about all the things you ship if they don't ladder up to something big, important and clear that matters to them. This is how you cut through the noise.

      I often see teems so motivated to just ship something that they are solving for the fringe, not the problem.

      I'm an analogy guy who grew up on the coast so here we go: A Hurricane "wobbles" up the coast shifting course based on the warm water it can use as fuel. This is a bit like an iterative test and learn product strategy. But, the"wobble" path is longer and slower than a straight line and that hurricane or product takes longer to get landfall or PMF.

      Test and learn iteration is important to get momentum and confidence but there is also a point where boldness is required, where we say, I know enough, we are going to go hard in this direction in a fairly straight line.

    6. But he did not stop here

      There is a lot we need to consider about Product Marketing in this context too. Let's go!

    7. C) Other ways

      Depends on a lot of context around the company, market etc.

      But, you can't over index on one or the other. You need to make some bets or you will be left behind.

      Are you a coal miner or an asteroid miner? Ideally a mix of both. Brilliant at the basics, with the vision to unlock new value.

    8. hat the Designer + Product-marketing duo is the new force to reckon with compared to traditional Product Manager-Engineer duo when you want to roll out amazing products to your customers

      25 years ago the 1st round of funding was spent building our servers, racks and data centers plus some foundational code.

      Then you could get to work building a product. I call this "showing up"

      Today you can build a product before you even raise any money and get distribution globally in an instant. Now you need to not just show up, but STAND OUT

      Given this shift, the hardest challenge has moved from building the technical foundations to build a product to getting attention and adoption on the market.

    9. introduce Product Marketing Roles to replace Product Manager

      I never see these as replacements. They are the same thing but with diversified focus in many orgs.

      Together as 2 roles or as 1 they help make sure we build things we can sell and that we can sell the things we build.

    10. products

      Product is the key word here.

      If no one knows about the feature we need to look at

      • Product experience 1st
      • Marketing 2nd

      Great PM and PMMs work together on this.

      Some features rise above the noise, others are lost in the noise. Knowing which is which and what channels are appropriate when is key.

    11. team effort to release that feature.

      then typically will hammer marketing leaders for more resources for their "feature" so their "OKRS" go up missing the way it all fits together.

    12. sends out an email

      A tragedy of the commons (marketing, customer attention, email channels, in product channels)

    13. If you continue to focus your role on releasing features, your role should soon become obsolete as no scaled organisation can afford a feature factory where PMs celebrate launches but not the success in the market.

      Preach! Every product marketer will understand the conflict that this speaks to.

    14. I’m going to be the chief editor

      Bless you Brian Chesky!

      Software is like writing a book but each developer owns a different chapter and it all gets written at the same time.

      SOMEONE had to make sure the pieces (Microservices, UX, Apps, Features) make more sense together than they do independently.

    15. Top-down product leadership culture is good for faster decision making

      I bet this triggered a lot of people in the room.

      But, it is so critical and it is how you get the most value out of a finite resource (time and talent)

      Stop wobbling and define the future you are creating. Continually test your assumptions as you go and build confidence, double down.

      When your insights and instinct meet challenges on your journey, pause and assess.

    16. Nothing moves because everything moves.

      When everything is a variable, nothing can be solved.

      Great leaders will define some variables and take them off the table.

      Preserving endless optionality is a recipe for complete stagnation. That "hurricane" will wobble around the ocean until winter kills it.

      That roadmap and product leader who prizes optionality over convicted commitment will typically run out of time. Maybe not in 2010 or 2020 but in 2023 and 24 we're seeing it.

    17. So I said ‘We’re only going to do a few really big things.’

      What a force multiplier for communicating the value! For accelerating the GTM process, the Press, and the realization of value.

  7. Dec 2023
    1. Think of the SEO market

      Search fro a recipe and you will find pure enshittificaton.

  8. Nov 2023
    1. Altman’s practice of filling the board with allies to gain control is not just common, it’s start-up gospel from Altman’s longtime mentor, venture capitalist Peter Thiel.

      This seems a little out of place. At OpenAI, he didn't have this, gave them the power to fire him, got fired.

    1. So what if I want to let Sam know that I have to leave early?


    2. amples. Our partners at Code.org are working hard to expand comput

      EDU example

    3. GPTs are tailored versions of ChatGPT for a specific purpose. You can build a GPT, a customized version of ChatGPT, for almost anything, with instructions, expanded knowledge, and actions, and then you can publish it for others to

      that was fast!

    4. process, doing additional domain-specific pre-training, a post-training process tailored to a specific domain. We won't be able to do this with many companies to start, it will take a lot of work and in the interest of expectations, at least initially it won't be cheap, but if you're excited to push things as far as they can currently go, please get in

      Perhaps one in edu.

    5. I'm a 4.0 student but I also have four children. When I started using ChatGPT, I realized I could ask ChatGPT that question, and not only does it give me an answer, but it gives me an explanation. Didn't need computer go as much. It gave me a life back. I gave me time for my family and time for me.

      tutor not computer

  9. Oct 2023
    1. But the other problem is, I think, my primary weakness as a social scientist. It’s the downside of letting my research agenda be set by curiousity about things-I’m-wrong-about. One I arrive at answers that seem good-enough-to-me, my interest in the topic seriously wanes.The best social scientists are meticulous in designing research that actively tests competing hypotheses and provides convincing proof to skeptical peers.

      I only read this after our email exchange but it sums up the perspective I arrived at quickly after reading your Andreesen takedown and then some of the Wired work.

      I quickly arrived at a POV that you were an unserious, emotional critic chasing someone in the arena rather than a thoughtful student of the topic.

      Digging deeper, I see more exists there, I'm glad I spent the time reading your work. Most wouldn't I suspect. I think it comes down to your messaging. Are you interested in the future and the role of future prediction as an input to progress? Or, are you interested in quickly written takedowns of those who are?

      The latter is good for building an audience who agree with you but selling books works better when both sides want to engage .

    1. A chatbot in December encouraged a 21-year-old British man to kill the Queen. He is now facing nine years in prison. A Belgian man in March committed suicide after encouragement from a different chatbot.

      Seems hard to believe that this outcome was due to the messenger vs the actor.

    2. AI has already displaced workers and impacted fields

      it has also create jobs.

      Impacted fields...... Ok.

    1. But Trust and safety professionals are not technological pessimists. They are technological pragmatist

      Well said. Though these roles clearly need more transparency.

    2. Let me remind you that Marc Andreessen is an exceptionally rich guy in his 50s. He’s about the same age as Elon Musk. And, like Elon Musk’s antics, this whole exercise reeks of a tech billionaire mid-life crisis. I mean…“We believe in the Hero’s Journey?!?”

      What was he when we was 20? Would his opinions be more relevant if he were still that?

    3. It’s because retail investors lost their life savings just last year by throwing cash at the Ponzi schemes that a16z was actively hawking

      The vast majority of a16z money (perhaps all?) comes from accredited investors.

      The SBF Crypto debacle would stand to be the best example of consumers losing money. But,

      If you put it all in Crypto and expected FDIC level protection that's a buyer problem and the market itself regulated that behaviour intensely.

    4. And this is especially galling coming from a16z, the VC firm most responsible for inflating the Web3 hype balloon.

      This is a solid and well landed critique which A16 must own short term if they want to claim victory someday way down the line.

    5. “The market naturally disciplines (…) Markets prevent monopolies and cartels.

      If there were no market, what then would regulate seems to be the point here.

      The governments of the world. Is that a better option, clearly the view of his piece is no.

    6. Economic inequality does not solve itself. Markets are not perfect, self-correcting mechanisms

      I'd suggest this is an article about inequality rather than a critique of the role of optimism in technological progress.

    7. People could still afford to buy homes back then.)

      So the impacts of quantitative easing over a span of decades and a pandemic with ZIRP is the fault of the the founders of Etsy, Ebay, and AirBnB? At least AirBnB can credibly claim to have some role in housing prices but they didn't do this at the macro.

    8. Let us all enjoy the bounty of deregulation. What we’ve been left with is the largest wealth gap since the 1920s

      Your assessing the claimed improvement in society by the measure of a tiny group of bank accounts? This is an analytical shortcut of the highest form.

    9. there is no material problem – whether created by nature or by technology – that cannot be solved with more technology”

      I'd agree that this is an exceptionally bold statement to make, likely drawn from the Peter Diamandis school of abundance.

      However, there are plenty of examples where something previously rare, esoteric and unavailable has been made ubiquitous at much lower cost and resource demands than prior iterations. Knowledge being the best example which I assume you credit to the Internet rather than the subjects of your article but you have to give a nod to Netscape and them MS for breaking open what was mostly only available to the elite of the university system prior with the browser.

    10. They promised that technology would solve our environmental problems. And there has, just recently, been some real progress in clean tech.

      You are disappointed that in 20 years a small group of billionaires have not fully solved the pollution issues of 6 billion people?

    11. Their optimism has not helped matters much

      I cannot understand how the optimism of ambition * To build and fly a plane. * To make this dialog possible * To cure disease * To make knowledge more available for everyone * To .....as not helped matters much.

      Sure, everything has problems, we are trading old problems for new ones as he points out.

      I guess you can argue that we didn't need digital cameras and social networking or electric cars etc. but that's a dead end position.

    12. Even amidst the techlash years, public criticism of the tech platforms ultimately amounted to very little

      This is a regular topic on the news, in Congress etc.

    13. We assumed that the tech barons ultimately had our best interests at heart.

      I'd agree that there was great optimism. More than you would have for a the coal industry or insurance.

    14. We trusted that they had some keen insight into what the oncoming future would look like.

      We we wrong? Did you predict the tools you are using right now in 1993 while listening to Blind Melon?

    15. We stopped regulating tech monopolies

      I'm not sure the legal departments of these groups would agree we've stopped.

      Look at Adobe and Figma trying to close their deal.

      Look at Twitter with government essentially inside their organization.

    16. who ought to be held responsible for such a change in the public mood

      I'd agree that there is shared responsibility here. Does the public Mood Andreesen references represent the majority. I don't think it does.

    17. hat old WIRED ideology hasn’t aged well.

      Opinion: Specifically you can make this argument but broadly, I 'd suggest that it has actually aged pretty well. "WIRED is about the most powerful people on the planet today—the Digital Generation. These are the people who not only foresaw how the merger of computers, telecommunications, and the media is transforming life at the cusp of the new millennium, they are making it happen.”)"

    18. Here’s the question I most wish I could ask him

      He has offered this opportunity on X/Twitter.


    19. A few others have chosen to bankrupt media companies that write mean things about them

      I believe this is a reference to Thiel and Gawker. Are there others I should know?

    20. boards of trillion-dollar companies

      Which beyond Meta is he on the BOD? AFAIK there are less than 10 such companies.

    21. Rossetto insisted that the media and the government were clinging to power by trying to scare people away from the liberatory power of the internet.

      I don't think this POV has aged poorly.

    1. Our enemy is the Precautionary Principle,

      From HypothesisAI

      The idea of the Precautionary Principle has its origins in the field of environmental ethics and policy. It emerged in the late 20th century as a response to the perceived risks associated with technological advancements, particularly in the context of environmental harm and public health. The Precautionary Principle suggests that if an action or technology has the potential to cause harm, precautionary measures should be taken, even in the absence of scientific certainty, to prevent that harm from occurring. It prioritizes the avoidance of potential risks over the pursuit of potential benefits.

    2. Our enemy is Thomas Sowell’s Unconstrained Vision, Alexander Kojeve’s Universal and Homogeneous State, Thomas More’s Utopia.

      Summary from Hypothesis AI Thomas Sowell's Unconstrained Vision represents a perspective that emphasizes the limitations of human knowledge and the need for decentralized decision-making. It suggests that individuals and communities are best equipped to make their own choices rather than relying on centralized authority.

      Alexander Kojeve's Universal and Homogeneous State refers to the concept of a society in which all differences and diversity have been eliminated, resulting in a homogeneous and uniform state. This idea envisions a society where everyone shares the same values, beliefs, and interests.

      Thomas More's Utopia, originally described in his book of the same name, presents an idealized society that is free from poverty, inequality, and other social problems. It depicts a vision of a perfect, harmonious world where everyone lives in peace and prosperity. All three ideas mentioned in the text are juxtaposed with techno-optimism, which embraces the belief that technology can bring progress, solve societal challenges, and improve human life.

    3. A common critique of technology is that it removes choice from our lives as machines make decisions for us. This is undoubtedly true, yet more than offset by the freedom to create our lives that flows from the material abundance created by our use of machines.

      Some examples from HypothesisAI. One example of machines removing choice from our lives is automated systems replacing human decision-making in certain industries. For instance, self-checkout machines in grocery stores eliminate the choice of interacting with a cashier. This can be seen as a loss of human interaction and personal connection. However, the text argues that the benefits of technology outweigh this negative aspect. One example of the freedom to create our lives that flows from the material abundance created by machines is the ability to pursue creative endeavors. With the convenience provided by technology, individuals can access tools, resources, and platforms to express their artistic talents or entrepreneurial ideas. This empowers people to shape their own paths and pursue their passions with greater ease. Another example is the automation of repetitive tasks in the workplace. Machines and software can efficiently handle mundane and repetitive tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on more complex and innovative work. This allows individuals to spend their time and energy on activities that require creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking, ultimately enhancing their job satisfaction and personal growth. In summary, although technology may remove certain choices from our lives, it also enables us to unlock new possibilities, achieve material abundance, engage in creative pursuits, and focus on higher-value activities.

    4. “What’s great about this country is America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you can know that the President drinks Coke, Liz Taylor drinks Coke, and just think, you can drink Coke, too. A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking. All the Cokes are the same and all the Cokes are good.” Same for the browser, the smartphone, the chatbot.

      This might not hold up to argument as strongly as you would hope. One effect of social media is the awareness of things you would have never imagined desiring 50 years ago.

    5. drives wages up, not down

      deflationary force = greater buying power

    6. Technological innovation in a market system is inherently philanthropic, by a 50:1 ratio. Who gets more value from a new technology, the single company that makes it, or the millions or billions of people who use it to improve their lives? QED.

      In this context, "QED" stands for "quod erat demonstrandum," which is a Latin phrase that translates to "which was to be demonstrated." It is often used at the end of a mathematical or logical proof to indicate that the statement or argument has been successfully demonstrated or proven. In the given text, it suggests that the previous statement about technological innovation being philanthropic and beneficial to billions of people has been substantiated or proven true.

    7. “We don’t care, because we don’t have to.” Markets prevent monopolies and cartels

      @WOHanley- I think you are fair to register some critique here in terms of how some of the largest technology platforms have avoided accountability either through too much power or regulatory capture/closeness with the government.

    8. Hayek’s Knowledge Problem

      Such a great example of where Hypothesis AI Beta is an amazing tool. Summarize this.... results in.

      The text titled "Hayek's Knowledge Problem" is from the document "The Techno-Optimist Manifesto" by Andreessen Horowitz, available at "https://a16z.com/the-techno-optimist-manifesto/". The text discusses the concept of Hayek's Knowledge Problem. In summary, the text addresses the economic insights of Friedrich Hayek, a renowned economist. Hayek's Knowledge Problem refers to the difficulty of a central authority in acquiring and processing all the necessary information to efficiently allocate resources in a complex economy. The text explains that technological advancements can help overcome Hayek's Knowledge Problem by enabling greater decentralization and empowering individuals. Through technologies such as the internet, artificial intelligence, and decentralized systems, more people can access and share information, leading to better decision-making and resource allocation. The author further argues that these technologies can enhance market efficiency, innovation, and economic growth. They can also address societal challenges by enabling greater inclusivity and allowing individuals to participate in the economy regardless of traditional barriers. Overall, the text presents a techno-optimistic perspective, suggesting that embracing and leveraging technology can help overcome Hayek's Knowledge Problem and lead to positive societal and economic outcomes.

    9. Willing buyer meets willing seller, a price is struck, both sides benefit from the exchange or it doesn’t happen.

      I think this is one place where @wohanleys call of "fascist" just doesn't stand up. Marc Andreesen just can't force progress because he demands it. But, he and others can foster it and if they find a willing populace, they can thrive. Look at the number of AAA maps people have mailed to their home today before they travel? Look at at all the yellow pages being delivered to you home, encyclopedias, etc. Everyone everywhere has access to these materials at no personal cost.

    10. real and political.

      and enironmental

    1. Joe Thomas, co-founder and CEO of Loom tried to put a positive spin on the acquisition,

      This is a ridiculous statement for an almost $1b outcome in a market where all valuations have been massively reset.

      @yoyo_thomas , co-founder and CEO of #LOOM tried to put a positive spin on the acquisition,"

      Celebrate Joe and team! This next stage is going to be good. 🎉

      I love this move for both @loom & @Atlassian . I cannot imagine working without Loom, especially if everyone doesn't work in the same tiny room. I can imagine the ways this GTM partnership will thrive. https://techcrunch.com/2023/10/12/atlassian-to-acquire-former-unicorn-loom-for-975m/#:~:text=Joe%20Thomas%2C%20co%2Dfounder%20and%20CEO%20of%20Loom%20tried%20to%20put%20a%20positive%20spin%20on%20the%20acquisition%2C

    1. et leader at teaching machines to u

      @rob this is crap

  10. Nov 2022
  11. Oct 2022
  12. www.aspentimes.com www.aspentimes.com
    1. Passion for farms starts young; at least that’s the idea locally as farmers nationwide age News | 15h ago The Farm Collaborative is a non-prof

      @ian this is crazy, check it out.

  13. Jul 2021
    1. By providing signed river access in this location,

      Will there be signage directing the public away from the residential areas near silver Creek and away from silver creek Campground?

    2. A minimum width of 10 feet where terrain allows,

      What is maximum width?

    3. mprove eroding river banks.

      where has work been proposed to "improve" eroding banks?

    4. Private property conficts were not addressed,

      I previously lived at bridge one for 8 years and the only bicycle conflicts we saw were from mountain bike riders coming down from Mt. Watson/Westerns states across our lawn, driveway and bridge..

    5. Truckee River Corridor Access Plan.

      Where can I see this plan?

  14. Mar 2019
  15. Aug 2016
    1. ThinkLets.

      Basically a riff on Team Patterns

    2. For the most part, collaboration happens by sheer force of will and actions by individual planners to meet a regularly scheduled battle rhythm.

      "Collaboration by sheer force of will" is a hard way to collaborate.

    3. Achieve situational awareness: specific, focused, and inclusive knowledge of anything affecting the plan; continuous and collaborative flows of information for planning.

      This is where the ecosystem/monitoring and automation tools of DevOps play in IT. These sensors will be everywhere in everything in the future, especially as IOT comes online.

    4. To do this, multiple procedures must be performed simultaneously with current and relevant information derived from an extensive data-rich environment, in a real-time collaborative network of people and tools that drives the schedule that defines an agile virtual battle rhythm

      The reads like a devops article here,

    5. cyclical, collaborative exchange that emphasizes the planning process as being a real-time capability.


    1. y automating this process, tool builders can lowerthe entry barrier for developers who are unfamiliar with CI

      Interesting to note. Related to Atlassian's decision to build CI/CD via Pipelines inside of the Bitbucket repository.

    2. Thus, projects that aim to diversify their pool ofcontributors should consider using CI.

      Interesting to consider this impact when it comes to large organizations and team, especially in professional settings.

    3. Similarly with how GitHub has become the main gate-way for researchers who study software

      Interesting to note the way in which this may inadvertently exclude the professional developer private repo community.

      Hypothesis- The professional dev community has a higher adoption rate then open source projects.

    4. Flickr deploy to production morethan 10 times per day

      "Before CI, it took SuperChoice entire day to perform a single build and deploy. Today, the same build takes just 15 minutes. Without CI, we would need three to four times the staff we have now just to support half as many builds" Atlassian Customer SuperChoice.

    5. For example, such automation has

      Additional Examples: NASA is a powering a continuous deployment pipeline that delivers software updates to JPL’s private cloud as fast as the Ensemble engineers can crank them out. Code from six active branches is built using custom scripts that sit on top of Eclipse and SVN, and invoked by Atlassian Bamboo. Each successful build is then deployed to, and rigorously tested on, two preliminary environments before going into operation.

      Ensemble’s engineers have what may be the best bragging rights in the world (or universe): The code they write on Monday is driving rovers on Mars come Tuesday.

  16. May 2015
    1. bias or unfairness

      How does the NFL explain the endless leaks by NFL insiders? How is it that all NFL news is leaked before it goes live? Who is the deflator? err leaker.

    2. 21 Similarly, a lthough Tom Brady appeared for a requested interview and answered questions voluntarily , he declined to make available any documents or electronic information ( including text messages and emails) that we requested, even though those requests were limited to the subject matter of our investigation ( such as messages concerning the preparation of game balls, air pressure of balls, inflat i on of balls or deflat ion of balls ) and we offered to allow Brady ‟ s counsel to screen and control the production so that it would be limited strictly to responsive materials and would not involve our taking possession of Brady‟s telephone or other electroni c devices .

      In an adversarial investigation complete with massive and recurring leaks of innacurate inside information from NFL sources should Brady comply?

    3. despite our offer to meet at any time and location that would be convenient for McNally.

      At what point in an adversarial investigation is it appropriate to stop repeated investigations?

    4. that allowed visiting teams to prepare game balls in accordance with the preferences of their quarterbacks

      If ball management was a sacrosanct element of the competitive balance, the league would not allow this to happen.

    5. balls were inflated at an undesirable leve

      a 16 PSI ball is a violation of league rules as well. Where is the investigation and punishment of a team or official who moved the QB's preference to the opposite end of the spectrum?

    6. without Brady‟ s knowledge and approval

      Brady needed no knowledge of this activity. Safe to assume he told them that he likes 12.5 and that he is upset when they are inflated higher e.g. 16 psi.

    7. “You good Jonny boy? ”; “You doing good?

      Again, this is another negative inference that can easily be considered normal behavior in this situation.

    8. Exponent

      Exponent has been challenged as a pseudoscience firm that find the results that clients pay for them to find.

      In fact, Exponent once argued for Big Tobacco that secondhand smoke does not lead to cancer, which we now know is false.

      “Stanton Glantz, [is] a cardiologist at UC San Francisco who runs a database on the tobacco industry that contains thousands of pages of Exponent research arguing, among other things, that secondhand smoke does not cause cancer.”


    9. were properly inflat ed

      Using which needle? Why did the NFL not rely on his best recollection about which needle was used and how does that impact the application of the ideal gas law? http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/05/10/pressure-gauge-discrepancies-undermine-wells-report/

    10. tested the air pressure of footballs

      There is uncertainty about which needles were used as there were two different needles with different measures.

    11. a possible attempt by the Patriots to i ntroduce to the playing field a n on - approved kicking ball during the AFC Championship Game.

      On the contrary, an NFL representative was found to have removed kicking balls in a non-approved manner. See Scott Miller/NFL Auctions. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/02/19/patriots-alerted-nfl-to-issue-with-special-teams-ball/

    12. Exponent determined that the air pressure in thirteen footballs could be readily released using a needle in well under one minute and forty seconds.

      However, a crew of NFL officials could not complete testing of the balls at halftime due to time constraints while the Blue Shark dances slightly off beat?

    13. According to our scientific consultants, h owever, the reduction in pressure of the Patriots game balls cannot be explained completely by basic scientific principles, such as the Ideal Gas Law , based on the circumstances and conditions likely to have been present on the day of the AFC Championship Game

      How does the deviation between both needles impact results here?

    14. speaking by telephone three times in the hours after the game for a total of 37 minutes and 11 seconds

      Seemingly normal whether guilty or innocent.

    15. possible assumptions regarding the gauges

      there was a .30-.45 variation between needles.

      If the balls were inflated to 12.5 on one needle that same ball could register as 12.05 on the other. After being moved outside the ideal gas law mathematics can then be applied but only after accounting for this discrepancy.

    16. there was no plausible basis on which to believe there had been tampering with the Colts bal ls

      It is plausible that they were testing pressure on the sidelines and added air given that they were ready on the sidelines with needles testing the patriots ball.

    17. cannot be entirely explained by the Ideal Gas Law (or variations thereof) when applied to the most likely game conditions and circumstances

      How about when introducing a needle that registers .3-.45 below accurate. Start the ideal gas law tests at 12.05.

    18. McNally‟s knowledg e that Brady prefers footballs inflat ed at the low end of the permissible range and his express request that the referee set the balls at a 12.5 psi level

      If there have been instances of balls being inflated by referees to 16, it is plausible that Brady would instruct the guy who gives the balls to the officials to make sure they stay at 12.5.

    19. Brady and Jastremski shortly after suspicions of ball tampering became public on January 1

      This is another inference to the negative. If you are implicated in something with someone who works with/for you is it a natural reaction to stop communicating? Is it more natural to speak with that person? How does behavior change when the entire global media is involved?

    20. vigorous rubbing

      Surely the investigation went deeper into this "rubbing" Perhaps the balls were placed in a drier and battered with a belt sander. Was this confirmed?

    21. tested eleven Patriots game balls and four Colts game balls.

      If the ball boy can test 12 balls in 140 seconds while use the the "Urinal" how can it take an entire dancing shark/Katie Perry halftime show to test some of the balls?

    22. On the sideline, Colts equipment personnel used a pressure gauge to measure the inflat ion level of the ball, determined that it was below the minimum 12.5 psi leve l and informed a game official and other NFL personnel.

      Which NFL official? What was the chain of custody here? How much air did the Colts release while testing. Is it common practice for another team to retain possession of another team's ball?

    23. The four Colts balls tested each measured w ithin the 12.5 to 13.5 psi range permitted under the Playing Rules on at least one of th e gauges used for the tests .

      Why test only four and use only one needle? Time?

    24. During the first half of the game, a question was raised by the Colts con cerning the inflat ion level of the footballs being used by the Patriots.

      This has proven to be inaccurate. The Colts informed the NFL prior to the game. http://www.businessinsider.com/new-england-patriots-deflategate-balls-indianapolis-colts-2015-5

      Further, the Colts players have denied they raised concerns. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/12213533/dqwell-jackson-indianapolis-colts-says-one-noticed-ball-was-inflated

      Who then raised the issue during the first half of the game?

      Also, Goodell has claimed he was "personally" unaware of the Colts complaint before the game.