- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:04:44 Debt mirrors in NATURE as the seeds, plants, trees, flowers, roots, soil, water, nutrients, pollinators, worms, rock and minerals - WE ARE IN DEBT TO NATURE - NATURE GIVES US SURPLUS
- Aug 2024
www.swissre.com www.swissre.com
whichecosystem services are most relevant for the re/insurance industry – for risk assessment,underwriting and investment allocation? Figure 1 shows those services we identified as mostrelevant to re/insurance
for - biodiversity ecosystem services - most relevant for insurance industry
biodiversity ecosystem services - most relevant for insurance industry - Intact habitat - respiratory disease claims are one of the key driver of insurance claims worldwide. Intact forests are a key air purifier - Pollination - stats - global annual economic cost of insect pollinators - 235 to 577 billion USD - OECD 2019 - Air quality and local climate - (see above) - Water security - Water quality - Soil fertility - Erosion control - coastal / river-bordering forests / mangroves provide key erosion protection. - roots build a natural bulwark against waves and can store water during heavy rainfall - where forests (and mangroves) have disappeared, landslides and storm surges are more common and can move further inland, causing property losses covered by insurance - Coastal protection - (see above) - Food provision - Timber provision
question - valuable ecosystem services identified for insurance industry - what about minerals?
- Apr 2024
www.handelsblatt.com www.handelsblatt.com
Die EU hat nicht erreicht, dass Mittel aus dem Inflation Reduction Act auch zur Subventionierung des Kaufs von aus der EU gelieferten privaten E-Autos verwendet werden. Bei der Entscheidung der USA, die in der EU-Wirtschaft vielfach als protektionistisch bewertet wird, spielt die Herkunft von Mineralien eine große Rolle. Die Verhandlungen über das Critical Minerals Agreement (CMA) führten nicht zu einer Einigung. Der Handelsblatt-Artikel stellt den komplexen Hintergrund ausführlich dar und berichtet auch über weitere Verhandlungen.
- industry: automotive
- country: USA
- expert: Jack Conness
- law: EU Forced Labor Regulation
- 2024-04-05
- event: TTC meeting April 2024
- treaty: Critical Minerals Agreement (CMA)
- country: EU
- actor: Biden Administration
- law: Inflation Reduction Act
- law: EU Supply Chain Law
- institution: Trade and Technology Council“ (TTC)
- Feb 2024
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Complementing their disclosures
- Aug 2023
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
In Grönland ist die Bevölkerung gezwungen, sich extrem schnell an die globale Erhitzung anzupassen, die am Polarkreis viermal so schnell verläuft wie im globalen Durchschnitt. Manche Verantwortliche verstehen sich als Pioniere der Klima-Anpssung. Dazu gehören intensive Forschung, Umstellung und Entwicklung von Branchen. Traditionelle Lebensformen wie jahreszeitliches Nomadentum können Vorbildcharakter für andere Regionen haben. Reportage in der Libération.
- May 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Australien strebt an die Industrie für die gesamte Supply Chain für Lithium auf dem eigenen Territorium aufzubauen. Australien liefert 50% des weltweit für Batterien verwendeten lithiums exportiert aber bisher nur das Rohmaterial nach China, dass die Lithium raffinierung kontrolliert. Die Abhängigkeit von China bei der lithium-produktion zu beenden, ist eine Priorität der australischen und der amerikanischen Regierung. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/23/business/australia-lithium-refining.html
- Feb 2023
therevelator.org therevelator.org
cobalt mine in Idaho’s Salmon River Mountains,
- = example tradeoff
- cobalt mine in Idaho’s Salmon River Mountains
- = example tradeoff
Coosa County, Alabama, express similar concerns over plans to mine graphite,
- = example tradeoff
- graphite mine Alabama
- = example tradeoff
northern Nevada, where his group has joined a lawsuit against a proposed open-pit lithium mine in Thacker Pass
- = example tradeoff
- open pit Lithium mine in Nevada
- = example tradeoff
70% of cobalt comes from the Democratic Republic of Congo, where an estimated 40,000 children as young as 6 work in dangerous mines.
- = energy transition
- = quotable
Tribes, landowners and communities find themselves wrestling with the not-so-green side of green energy.
- = energy transition
- = quotable
The IEA says meeting the Paris Climate Accord goals for decarbonization will require even more — far more — minerals: as much as four to six times present amounts.
- = energy transition
- = quotable
while EVs are cleaner than gas cars in the long run, they still carry environmental and human-rights baggage, especially associated with mining.
= energy transitions
double global mineral demand over the next two decades, according to the International Energy Agency
- = energy transition
- = quotable
manufacturing EVs requires about six times more minerals than traditional cars.
- = energy transition
- = quotable
- Dec 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Well, we're first going to have a frank discussion of what minerals we think we need versus what we've got. And then we're going to realize what we've got won't work with the existing plan. And we'll start doing things like making batteries out of sodium, or sand, silica, or fluoride, or zinc, or lead. Nate Hagens: Lower tech, scalable things that don't give us the dopamine return on investment, but they are cheap and functional. 01:07:52 Simon Michaux: And can be recycled. So we're going to first scale back our expectations and our requirements for complex technology. We'll develop a technology that is simpler, more robust, and can deal with poorer quality material inputs, and require less energy to produce. Nate Hagens: How much of this is happening now in this domain? Simon Michaux: So there's a lot of talk at the moment that 01:08:18 the current mining industry is driven by demand and it's driven by money and by profit. So at the moment, there is just a bit of talk. And we're starting to talk about alternatives, like batteries made of fluoride for example. But at the moment, it's not taken seriously. And the future is seen as lithium iron based chemistry, like LFP batteries for example. And that is the focus, 100% of the time. 01:08:44 And so they're giving it lip service now, whereas five, 10 years ago, they wouldn't concede it existed at all. So it is progress. So first of all, we're going to change what we are going think we're going to do. Then we're going to start sourcing our minerals from our waste products because it's all around us.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Minerals - need frank discussion about what we need for which futures trajectory, how much actually exists - from that, the truth will emerge that our current plans are unrealistic and we will have to change trajectories to adapt
One of the things that concern me is copper. So we need about 4.3 billion tons of copper for the first generation of electrical, non-renewable technology systems. Including everything's stitched together. So 4.3 billion tons. 01:04:25 Nate Hagens: And if we relax your assumption of four weeks of buffer and that we have some hybrid system of depleting fossil fuels with some renewables, that 4.3 billion tons could be relaxed to 3.3 or 2.2 billion tons? Simon Michaux: I think it's 2.2 billion tons. It substantially does reduce. However, we are producing for copper say 24 million tons a year now. 01:04:53 So we've got to run at 180 years to hit that point. So existing at- Nate Hagens: It's not going to happen. It's not going to happen. And here's the other thing, and I'm sorry to interrupt. But Olivia Lazard is going to be on this show in a few weeks and her work is the countries where this stuff comes from. 01:05:17 And not only are they war-torn and have inequality issues, but there are also many of the countries that are going to be influenced dramatically in the near term from higher wet bulb risk to humans climate impacts. And we won't even be able to extract in these countries because of social and environmental 01:05:45 reasons. I can send you some info on that. Simon Michaux: Yes, please. But these are the things we need to get our arms around. So our copper reserves at the moment are at 880 million tons. Now existing growth, that's according to the USGS, US Geological Survey. So prior to 2020, humanity mined 700 million tons of copper back to 4,000 BC. 01:06:10 And that sounds like a lot. But to keep up with copper growth, copper demand growth, just the way we are now without electrifying, we will do the same in the next 22 years. So the last 4,000 years will be compressed into 22 years to keep up with the economic growth as it's increasing. And so the first generation, let's say the 4.3 billion tons is correct. 01:06:33 That is 6.2 times the historical mining rate back to 4,000 BC. So if we are right and we can shrink that buffer down, we are still three times the historical rate. Nate Hagens: Not the historical rate. The historical total cumulative
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Minerals - There just isn't enough copper to meet the target of full electrification - We would need 6.2x the copper we've mined since 4000 BC. - At current mining extraction rates, it would take 180 years to mine all this material, if it existed in the first place!
this is part of the problem that we're having at the moment, where one part of society is not connected to other parts of society, and they just don't actually know what they're missing. So first of all, most of the non fossil fuel system has not been constructed yet. Less than 1% of vehicles are EV now, for example. 01:03:11 As as it has to be constructed, we can't recycle it. So the first generation at least must come from mining. But if it was all manufactured tomorrow or next year say, it's not for about 10 years that we've actually, when they all wear out the first generation of materials to come in, that's enough for recycling. And so recycling, if it is going to work... And I believe it will, but that's many years into the future.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Minerals - Effective recycling won't have impact until many years into the future because most of the non-fossil fuel systems have not yet been built. There will be a 10 year lag time before we have major amounts to recycle
Minerals are a thing at the moment where they're sort of seen as a side issue. And in fact in Europe in particular, we don't like the idea of mining at all. It's seen as dirty. And what's interesting is if the environmental movement not make friends with the mining industry, then its green transition will not happen. Right? That's the brutal truth. So I can see a situation where the environmental movement and the mining industry will join 01:01:21 hands, and both groups will evolve their practice to meet the other side halfway. And for example, every mine site will be rehabilitated when it's finished to the point where it can now be a natural biodiversity hub. All toxins are removed completely from the environment. That is possible.
!- Futures Thinking : Maslow's Hierarchy framing for Minerals - environmentalists and mining industry will need to work together
- Sep 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
let's put the electrical power systems together these electrical power 00:22:29 systems that this is actually on the low side because most industrial action happens with the consumption of coal and gas on site and then it's converted to energy on site this is what's just been drawn off the power grid 00:22:42 so there's a vast amount of energy associated with manufacturing that is not included here and that is actually a huge piece of work to include that so these numbers i'm showing you are very much on the low side 00:22:55 so we're going to put it all together we need 36 000 terawatt hours all there abouts that's a that's a very low estimate
!- key insight : minimum power of energy transition, excluding the large amount of energy for industrial processes ! - for : energy transition, degrowth, green growth
- Nov 2021
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
- Jun 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Despite their name, rare-earth elements are – with the exception of the radioactive promethium – relatively plentiful in Earth's crust, with cerium being the 25th most abundant element at 68 parts per million, more abundant than copper. However, because of their geochemical properties, rare-earth elements are typically dispersed and not often found concentrated in rare-earth minerals; as a result economically exploitable ore deposits are less common.[4] The first rare-earth mineral discovered (1787) was gadolinite, a mineral composed of cerium, yttrium, iron, silicon, and other elements. This mineral was extracted from a mine in the village of Ytterby in Sweden; four of the rare-earth elements bear names derived from this single location.
The 17 rare-earth elements are cerium (Ce), dysprosium (Dy), erbium (Er), europium (Eu), gadolinium (Gd), holmium (Ho), lanthanum (La), lutetium (Lu), neodymium (Nd), praseodymium (Pr), promethium (Pm), samarium (Sm), scandium (Sc), terbium (Tb), thulium (Tm), ytterbium (Yb), and yttrium (Y).
- Apr 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Fort Chipewyan
Fort Chipewyan is located on the northwest shore of Lake Athabasca. Fort Chipewyan was founded in 1788 by the Northwest Trading Company and is the oldest settlement in Alberta (Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo). The North West Company and Hudson Bay companies established the first fur trading post at Fort Chipewyan because of its proximity to three rivers (Alberta Museum Association). These rivers provided easy opportunity for trade. Today, Fort Chipewyan has 1,261 residents made up of Mikisew Cree First Nation, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, and Metis ethnic groups. Trapping and fishing are popular resident activities, which continue Fort Chipewyan’s longstanding tradition that was established by the original trading post. Lake Chipewyan is a tourist destination that gives opportunity for visitors to enjoy the outdoors and visit a professional sized synthetic ice rink (Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo). Fort Chipewyan is isolated by water and can only be reached by visitors in a plane or boat during the summer months. In the winter, an ice road can be used to access Fort Chipewyan. In 2009, a recreation center was created with an ice rink, fitness center, youth center, playground, and office space, which led to increased community involvement (Fort Chipewyan Aquatic Centre). In 2016, an aquatic center, including pools and a water park, was opened for community use. Since it’s original establishment, Fort Chipewyan has created community development and fostered tradition.
"Fort Chipewyan." Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. Accessed April 06, 2017. http://www.rmwb.ca/living/Communities/Fort-Chipewyan.htm.
"Fort Chipewyan Aquatic Centre." Fort Chipewyan Aquatic Centre | Regional Recreation Corporation of Wood Buffalo. Accessed April 06, 2017. http://www.rrcwb.ca/fort-chip-aquatic.
"Fort Chipewyan Bicentennial Museum." Alberta Museum Association - Museums. Accessed April 06, 2017. http://public.museums.ab.ca/museums.cfm?ItemID=46
- Mar 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
oil and gas and mineral wealth,
The Arctic is home to a plethora of resources; it currently produces one tenth of the world’s oil and one fourth of its natural gas. Commercial extraction of oil started in the 1920s in Canada’s northwest territories. In the 1960s, large hydrocarbon fields were found in Russia, Alaska, and the Mackenzie Delta in Canada. The last several decades have produced billions of cubic meters of gas and oil in these countries in addition to Norway. The Canadian Arctic holds 49 gas and oil fields in the Mackenzie River Delta and 15 are located on the Canadian Arctic archipelago. There are also 11 offshore fossil fuel fields that were discovered in Barents Sea between Russia and Norway. North of the Arctic Circle, mostly in western Siberia, more than 400 onshore oil and gas fields have been found; roughly 60 of these fields are notably vast while a quarter of them are currently inoperable.
In addition to fuel sources, there are also extensive deposits of minerals in the Arctic, predominantly in the most developed part of the region, the Russian Arctic. It contains copper, silver, zinc, molybdenum, gold, uranium, tungsten, tin, platinum, palladium, apatite, cobalt, titanium, rare metals, ceramic raw materials, mica, precious stones, and some of the largest known deposits of coal, gypsum, and diamonds. The North American Arctic, on the other hand, holds iron, nickel, copper, and uranium. It is important to note, however, that many of the known mineral reserves have not been extracted due to the high cost and their inaccessibility.
"Natural Resources / Arctic." / Arctic. February 21, 2017. Accessed March 08, 2017. http://arctic.ru/resources/.