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  1. Aug 2024
    1. whichecosystem services are most relevant for the re/insurance industry – for risk assessment,underwriting and investment allocation? Figure 1 shows those services we identified as mostrelevant to re/insurance

      for - biodiversity ecosystem services - most relevant for insurance industry

      biodiversity ecosystem services - most relevant for insurance industry - Intact habitat - respiratory disease claims are one of the key driver of insurance claims worldwide. Intact forests are a key air purifier - Pollination - stats - global annual economic cost of insect pollinators - 235 to 577 billion USD - OECD 2019 - Air quality and local climate - (see above) - Water security - Water quality - Soil fertility - Erosion control - coastal / river-bordering forests / mangroves provide key erosion protection. - roots build a natural bulwark against waves and can store water during heavy rainfall - where forests (and mangroves) have disappeared, landslides and storm surges are more common and can move further inland, causing property losses covered by insurance - Coastal protection - (see above) - Food provision - Timber provision

      question - valuable ecosystem services identified for insurance industry - what about minerals?