- Jan 2022
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Krueger, P., Callaway, F., Gul, S., Griffiths, T., & Lieder, F. (2022). Discovering Rational Heuristics for Risky Choice. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/mg7dn
- Dec 2020
www.joyofsvelte.com www.joyofsvelte.com
- Oct 2020
masteringjs.io masteringjs.io
- Sep 2020
- Jul 2020
Shah, C., Dehmamy, N., Perra, N., Chinazzi, M., Barabási, A.-L., Vespignani, A., & Yu, R. (2020). Finding Patient Zero: Learning Contagion Source with Graph Neural Networks. ArXiv:2006.11913 [Cs]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.11913
- Nov 2019
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Aug 2019
teamtreehouse.com teamtreehouse.com
- Dec 2017
www.scienceintheclassroom.org www.scienceintheclassroom.org
climate protection
HS-LS2-7 Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
This paper investigates a means to optimize carbon storage potential through knowledge of biodiversity mechanics and the idea of sinking carbon into plant life in order to lower atmospheric CO2.
MS-LS1-7 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
It is important to understand the nature of the carbon cycle, and how carbon is utilized within organisms as biomass.
Teacher's Resource:
The removal of atmospheric CO2 reduces pollution, but it comes at the cost of creating plant conservation sites to store the carbon from CO2.
This paper focuses upon the utilization of biodiversity in order to to increase carbon storage for economic purposes. By increasing the amount of carbon that can be stored in a hectacre of grassland, it will become much cheaper to reduce pollution via carbon sinks.
Hungate et. al performed their investigations through past experiments that compared the carbon uptakes of grasslands of varying biodiversity over a period of 50 years.
Findings support a positive correlation between biodiversity and carbon uptake levels. Therefore, increasing biodiversity in carbon sinks will increase efficiency and will make carbon sequestration more affordable as a result.
While this paper shows a 'soft cap' (decreasing marginal effects) on these carbon uptake gains from biodiversity, this effect might be proven to have synergy with other efforts to improve carbon sequestration in the future.
Discussion Questions:
Why does adding to the biodiversity not linearly add to the carbon uptake rates?
Is the resource competition (resulting from biodiversity) limiting or benefiting the flora in carbon sequestration?
What is the 'sweet spot' of biodiversity that optimizes highest carbon storage per dollar spent?
Do the results of this study have qualities that could be generalized to a other grasslands or possibly even other types of habitat? SC
- Nov 2017
www.educause.edu www.educause.edu
an environment unlike anything they will encounter outside of school
Hm? Aren’t they likely to encounter Content Management Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Intranets, etc.? Granted, these aren’t precisely the same think as LMS. But there’s quite a bit of continuity between Drupal, Oracle, Moodle, Sharepoint, and Salesforce.
institutional demands for enterprise services such as e-mail, student information systems, and the branded website become mission-critical
In context, these other dimensions of “online presence” in Higher Education take a special meaning. Reminds me of WPcampus. One might have thought that it was about using WordPress to enhance learning. While there are some presentations on leveraging WP as a kind of “Learning Management System”, much of it is about Higher Education as a sector for webwork (-development, -design, etc.).
- ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
- Corporate Identity
- #LearnerData
- Business Models for Higher Education
- SIS (Student Information System)
- #WordPress
- LMS (Learning Management System)
- Intranet
- University Websites
- CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
- Content Management Systems (CMS)
- #WPcampus
- Aug 2017
analytics.jiscinvolve.org analytics.jiscinvolve.org
This has much in common with a customer relationship management system and facilitates the workflow around interventions as well as various visualisations. It’s unclear how the at risk metric is calculated but a more sophisticated predictive analytics engine might help in this regard.
Have yet to notice much discussion of the relationships between SIS (Student Information Systems), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), and LMS (Learning Management Systems).
- Nov 2015
www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Resource Repository Network will create a resource graph of learning/training resources data from multiple sources and formats including live and dynamic data
Sounds pretty close to Comète.
- Nov 2014
git-scm.com git-scm.com
Git Basics So, what is Git in a nutshell?
Getting started with Git